Subversion Repositories axi4_tlm_bfm
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/* This file is part of the AXI4 Transactor and Bus Functional Model (axi4_tlm_bfm) project: http://www.opencores.org/project,axi4_tlm_bfm Description Synthesisable use case for AXI4 on-chip messaging. To Do: Author(s): - Daniel C.K. Kho, daniel.kho@opencores.org | daniel.kho@tauhop.com Copyright (C) 2012-2013 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG This source file may be used and distributed without restriction provided that this copyright statement is not removed from the file and that any derivative work contains the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. This source file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This source is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this source; if not, download it from http://www.opencores.org/lgpl.shtml. */ library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all, ieee.numeric_std.all; use ieee.math_real.all; --library tauhop; use tauhop.transactor.all, tauhop.axiTransactor.all; --TODO just use axiTransactor here as transactor should already be wrapped up. /* TODO remove once generic packages are supported. */ library tauhop; use tauhop.tlm.all, tauhop.axiTLM.all; /* synthesis translate_off */ library osvvm; use osvvm.RandomPkg.all; use osvvm.CoveragePkg.all; /* synthesis translate_on */ library altera; use altera.stp; entity user is port( /* Comment-out for simulation. */ clk,nReset:in std_ulogic; /* AXI Master interface */ -- axiMaster_in:in t_axi4StreamTransactor_s2m; axiMaster_out:buffer t_axi4StreamTransactor_m2s /* Debug ports. */ ); end entity user; architecture rtl of user is /* Global counters. */ constant maxSymbols:positive:=2048; --maximum number of symbols allowed to be transmitted in a frame. Each symbol's width equals tData's width. signal symbolsPerTransfer:t_cnt; signal outstandingTransactions:t_cnt; /* BFM signalling. */ signal readRequest:t_bfm:=((others=>'0'),(others=>'0'),false); signal writeRequest:t_bfm:=((others=>'0'),(others=>'0'),false); signal readResponse:t_bfm; signal writeResponse:t_bfm; type txStates is (idle,transmitting); signal txFSM,i_txFSM:txStates; /* Tester signals. */ /* synthesis translate_off */ signal clk,reset:std_ulogic:='0'; /* synthesis translate_on */ signal cnt:unsigned(3 downto 0); signal reset:std_ulogic:='0'; signal testerClk:std_ulogic; --signal trigger:boolean; signal dbg_axiTxFSM:axiBfmStatesTx; signal anlysr_dataIn:std_logic_vector(127 downto 0); signal anlysr_trigger:std_ulogic; signal axiMaster_in:t_axi4StreamTransactor_s2m; signal irq_write:std_ulogic; -- clock gating. begin /* Bus functional models. */ axiMaster: entity tauhop.axiBfmMaster(rtl) port map( aclk=>irq_write, n_areset=>not reset, readRequest=>readRequest, writeRequest=>writeRequest, readResponse=>readResponse, writeResponse=>writeResponse, axiMaster_in=>axiMaster_in, axiMaster_out=>axiMaster_out, symbolsPerTransfer=>symbolsPerTransfer, outstandingTransactions=>outstandingTransactions, dbg_axiTxFSM=>dbg_axiTxFSM ); /* Interrupt-request generator. */ irq_write<=clk when not reset else '0'; /* Simulation Tester. */ /* PLL to generate tester's clock. */ f100MHz: entity altera.pll(syn) port map( areset=>'0', --not nReset, inclk0=>clk, c0=>testerClk, locked=>open ); /* synthesis translate_off */ clk<=not clk after 10 ps; process is begin nReset<='1'; wait for 1 ps; nReset<='0'; wait for 500 ps; nReset<='1'; wait; end process; /* synthesis translate_on */ /* Hardware tester. */ por: process(nReset,clk) is --variable cnt:unsigned(7 downto 0):=(others=>'1'); begin if not nReset then cnt<=(others=>'1'); elsif rising_edge(clk) then reset<='0'; if cnt>0 then reset<='1'; cnt<=cnt-1; end if; end if; end process por; /* SignalTap II embedded logic analyser. Included as part of BiST architecture. */ --anlysr_trigger<='1' when writeRequest.trigger else '0'; anlysr_trigger<='1' when reset else '0'; /* Disable this for synthesis as this is not currently synthesisable. Pull the framerFSM statemachine signal from lower down the hierarchy to this level instead. */ /* synthesis translate_off */ --framerFSM<=to_unsigned(<<signal framers_txs(0).i_framer.framerFSM: framerFsmStates>>,framerFSM'length); /* synthesis translate_on */ anlysr_dataIn(7 downto 0)<=std_logic_vector(symbolsPerTransfer(7 downto 0)); anlysr_dataIn(15 downto 8)<=std_logic_vector(outstandingTransactions(7 downto 0)); --anlysr_dataIn(2 downto 0) <= <<signal axiMaster.axiTxState:axiBfmStatesTx>>; anlysr_dataIn(17 downto 16)<=to_std_logic_vector(dbg_axiTxFSM); anlysr_dataIn(18)<='1' when clk else '0'; anlysr_dataIn(19)<='1' when reset else '0'; anlysr_dataIn(20)<='1' when irq_write else '0'; anlysr_dataIn(21)<='1' when axiMaster_in.tReady else '0'; anlysr_dataIn(22)<='1' when axiMaster_out.tValid else '0'; anlysr_dataIn(86 downto 23)<=std_logic_vector(axiMaster_out.tData); anlysr_dataIn(90 downto 87)<=std_logic_vector(axiMaster_out.tStrb); anlysr_dataIn(94 downto 91)<=std_logic_vector(axiMaster_out.tKeep); anlysr_dataIn(95)<='1' when axiMaster_out.tLast else '0'; anlysr_dataIn(96)<='1' when writeRequest.trigger else '0'; anlysr_dataIn(97)<='1' when writeResponse.trigger else '0'; --anlysr_dataIn(99 downto 98)<=to_std_logic_vector(txFSM); anlysr_dataIn(101 downto 98)<=std_logic_vector(cnt); anlysr_dataIn(anlysr_dataIn'high downto 106)<=(others=>'0'); /* Simulate only if you have compiled Altera's simulation libraries. */ i_bist_logicAnalyser: entity altera.stp(syn) port map( acq_clk=>testerClk, acq_data_in=>anlysr_dataIn, acq_trigger_in=>"1", trigger_in=>anlysr_trigger ); /* Stimuli sequencer. TODO move to tester/stimuli. This emulates the AXI4-Stream Slave. */ /* Simulation-only stimuli sequencer. */ /* synthesis translate_off */ process is begin /* Fast read. */ while not axiMaster_out.tLast loop /* Wait for tValid to assert. */ while not axiMaster_out.tValid loop wait until falling_edge(clk); end loop; axiMaster_in.tReady<=true; wait until falling_edge(clk); axiMaster_in.tReady<=false; end loop; wait until falling_edge(clk); /* Normal read. */ while not axiMaster_out.tLast loop /* Wait for tValid to assert. */ while not axiMaster_out.tValid loop wait until falling_edge(clk); end loop; wait until falling_edge(clk); axiMaster_in.tReady<=true; wait until falling_edge(clk); axiMaster_in.tReady<=false; end loop; for i in 0 to 10 loop wait until falling_edge(clk); end loop; /* One-shot read. */ axiMaster_in.tReady<=true; wait until falling_edge(clk); axiMaster_in.tReady<=false; wait; end process; /* synthesis translate_on */ /* Synthesisable stimuli sequencer. */ process(clk) is begin if falling_edge(clk) then axiMaster_in.tReady<=false; --if axiMaster_out.tValid and not axiMaster_out.tLast then if not axiMaster_in.tReady and axiMaster_out.tValid and not axiMaster_out.tLast then axiMaster_in.tReady<=true; end if; end if; end process; /* Data transmitter. */ sequencer_ns: process(all) is begin txFSM<=i_txFSM; if reset then txFSM<=idle; else case i_txFSM is when idle=> if outstandingTransactions>0 then txFSM<=transmitting; end if; when transmitting=> if axiMaster_out.tLast then txFSM<=idle; end if; when others=> null; end case; end if; end process sequencer_ns; /* Data transmitter. */ sequencer_op: process(reset,irq_write) is /* Local procedures to map BFM signals with the package procedure. */ procedure read(address:in t_addr) is begin read(readRequest,address); end procedure read; procedure write(data:in t_msg) is begin write(request=>writeRequest, address=>(others=>'-'), data=>data); end procedure write; variable isPktError:boolean; /* Tester variables. */ /* Synthesis-only randomisation. */ variable rand0:signed(63 downto 0); /* Simulation-only randomisation. */ /* synthesis translate_off */ variable rv0:RandomPType; /* synthesis translate_on */ begin if reset then /* synthesis only. */ rand0:=(others=>'0'); /* simulation only. */ /* synthesis translate_off */ rv0.InitSeed(rv0'instance_name); /* synthesis translate_on */ --txFSM<=idle; elsif falling_edge(irq_write) then case txFSM is when transmitting=> if txFSM/=i_txFSM or writeResponse.trigger then /* synthesis translate_off */ write(rv0.RandSigned(axiMaster_out.tData'length)); /* synthesis translate_on */ write(rand0); rand0:=rand0+1; end if; when others=>null; end case; end if; end process sequencer_op; sequencer_regs: process(irq_write) is begin if falling_edge(irq_write) then i_txFSM<=txFSM; end if; end process sequencer_regs; /* Reset symbolsPerTransfer to new value (prepare for new transfer) after current transfer has been completed. */ process(reset,irq_write) is /* synthesis translate_off */ variable rv0:RandomPType; /* synthesis translate_on */ begin if reset then /* synthesis translate_off */ rv0.InitSeed(rv0'instance_name); symbolsPerTransfer<=120x"0" & rv0.RandUnsigned(8); report "symbols per transfer = 0x" & ieee.numeric_std.to_hstring(rv0.RandUnsigned(axiMaster_out.tData'length)); /* synthesis translate_on */ symbolsPerTransfer<=128x"8"; elsif rising_edge(irq_write) then if axiMaster_out.tLast then /* synthesis only. */ /* Testcase 1: number of symbols per transfer becomes 0 after first stream transfer. */ --symbolsPerTransfer<=(others=>'0'); /* Testcase 2: number of symbols per transfer is randomised. */ --uniform(seed0,seed1,rand0); --symbolsPerTransfer<=120x"0" & to_unsigned(integer(rand0 * 2.0**8),8); --symbolsPerTransfer'length --report "symbols per transfer = " & ieee.numeric_std.to_hstring(to_unsigned(integer(rand0 * 2.0**8),8)); --axiMaster_out.tData'length)); /* synthesis translate_off */ symbolsPerTransfer<=120x"0" & rv0.RandUnsigned(8); report "symbols per transfer = 0x" & ieee.numeric_std.to_hstring(rv0.RandUnsigned(axiMaster_out.tData'length)); /* synthesis translate_on */ symbolsPerTransfer<=128x"0f"; --128x"ffffffff_ffffffff_ffffffff_ffffffff"; end if; end if; end process; end architecture rtl;
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