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/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bilinear Demosaic Author: David Kronstein Copyright 2011, David Kronstein, and individual contributors as indicated by the @authors tag. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this software; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site: http://www.fsf.org. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Provides demosaicing of a streamign video source. Bayer pattern codes for input bayerPattern: 0=R G G B 1=B G G R 2=G R B G 3=G B R G ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Revisions V1.0.0 Nov 16 2012 Initial Release David Kronstein */ `default_nettype none module bilinearDemosaic #( //---------------------------Parameters---------------------------------------- parameter DATA_WIDTH = 8, //Width of input/output data parameter X_RES_WIDTH = 11, //Widths of input/output resolution control signals parameter Y_RES_WIDTH = 11, parameter BUFFER_SIZE = 4, //Depth of RFIFO //---------------------Non-user-definable parameters---------------------------- parameter BUFFER_SIZE_WIDTH = ((BUFFER_SIZE+1) <= 2) ? 1 : //wide enough to hold value BUFFER_SIZE + 1 ((BUFFER_SIZE+1) <= 4) ? 2 : ((BUFFER_SIZE+1) <= 8) ? 3 : ((BUFFER_SIZE+1) <= 16) ? 4 : ((BUFFER_SIZE+1) <= 32) ? 5 : ((BUFFER_SIZE+1) <= 64) ? 6 : 7 )( //---------------------------Module IO----------------------------------------- //Clock and reset input wire clk, input wire rst, //User interface //Video Input input wire [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] dIn, input wire dInValid, output wire nextDin, input wire start, //Video Output output reg [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] rOut, output reg [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] gOut, output reg [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] bOut, output reg dOutValid, //latency of 1 clock cycle after nextDout is asserted input wire nextDout, //Control input wire [1:0] bayerPattern, //Controls which of four bayer pixel patterns is used input wire [X_RES_WIDTH-1:0] xRes, //Resolution of input data minus 1 input wire [Y_RES_WIDTH-1:0] yRes ); //-----------------------Internal signals and registers------------------------ reg advanceRead; wire [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] readData0; wire [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] readData1; wire [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] readData2; wire [X_RES_WIDTH-1:0] readAddress; reg readyForRead; //Indicates two full lines have been put into the buffer reg [Y_RES_WIDTH-1:0] outputLine; //which output video line we're on reg [X_RES_WIDTH-1:0] outputColumn; //which output video column we're on wire [BUFFER_SIZE_WIDTH-1:0] fillCount; //Numbers used rams in the ram fifo reg dOutValidInt; reg fillPipeline; reg fillPipeline_1; reg [2:0] fillPipelineCount; wire allDataWritten; //Indicates that all data from input has been read in reg readState; //States for read state machine parameter RS_START = 1'b0; parameter RS_READ_LINE = 1'b1; //Read state machine //Controls the RFIFO(ram FIFO) readout and generates output data valid signals always @ (posedge clk or posedge rst or posedge start) begin if(rst | start) begin outputLine <= 0; outputColumn <= 0; readState <= RS_START; dOutValidInt <= 0; advanceRead <= 0; fillPipeline <= 0; fillPipeline_1 <= 0; fillPipelineCount <= 0; end else begin case (readState) RS_START: begin if(readyForRead) begin readState <= RS_READ_LINE; dOutValidInt <= 1; fillPipeline <= 1; fillPipelineCount <= 4; end end RS_READ_LINE: begin if(nextDout && dOutValidInt || fillPipeline) begin if(outputColumn == xRes) begin //On the last input pixel of the line advanceRead <= 1; if(fillCount < (3 + 1)) //If the RFIFO doesn't have enough data, stop reading it out (+1 to account for fill level after advancing the RRB) dOutValidInt <= 0; outputColumn <= 0; outputLine <= outputLine + 1; end else begin //Advance the output pixel selection values outputColumn <= outputColumn + 1; advanceRead <= 0; end end else //else from if(nextDout && dOutValidInt || fillPipeline) begin advanceRead <= 0; end //Once the RFIFO has enough data, let data be read from it. if(fillCount >= 3 && dOutValidInt == 0 || allDataWritten) begin if(!advanceRead) begin dOutValidInt <= 1; end end //Counter for pipeline fill time if(fillPipelineCount > 0) begin fillPipelineCount <= fillPipelineCount - 1; end else begin fillPipeline <= 0; end fillPipeline_1 <= fillPipeline; end//state RS_READ_LINE: endcase end end assign readAddress = outputColumn; //Generate dOutValid signal, delayed to account for delays in data path always @(posedge clk or posedge rst) begin if(rst) begin dOutValid <= 0; end else begin dOutValid <= nextDout && dOutValidInt; end end wire advanceWrite; reg [1:0] writeState; reg [X_RES_WIDTH-1:0] writeColCount; reg [Y_RES_WIDTH-1:0] writeRowCount; reg enableNextDin; reg forceRead; //Write state machine //Controls writing scaler input data into the RFIFO parameter WS_START = 0; parameter WS_DISCARD = 1; parameter WS_READ = 2; parameter WS_DONE = 3; //Control write and address signals to write data into ram FIFO always @ (posedge clk or posedge rst or posedge start) begin if(rst | start) begin writeState <= WS_START; enableNextDin <= 0; readyForRead <= 0; writeRowCount <= 0; writeColCount <= 0; forceRead <= 0; end else begin case (writeState) WS_START: begin enableNextDin <= 1; writeState <= WS_READ; end WS_READ: begin if(dInValid & nextDin) begin if(writeColCount == xRes) begin //Occurs on the last pixel in the line //Once writeRowCount is >= 3, data is ready to start being output. if(writeRowCount[1:0] == 2'h2) readyForRead <= 1; if(writeRowCount == yRes) //When all data has been read in, stop reading from input. begin writeState <= WS_DONE; enableNextDin <= 0; forceRead <= 1; end writeColCount <= 0; writeRowCount <= writeRowCount + 1; end else begin writeColCount <= writeColCount + 1; end end end WS_DONE: begin //do nothing, wait for reset end endcase end end //Masks to disable blending of invalid data (when at edges of image and no data is available for some pixels) wire leftMask, rightMask, topMask, bottomMask; wire leftMask_1 = ~(outputColumn == 0); wire rightMask_1 = ~(outputColumn == xRes); wire topMask_1 = ~(outputLine == 0); wire bottomMask_1 = ~(outputLine == yRes); //delay mask signals as required registerDelay #( .DATA_WIDTH( 4 ), .STAGES( 3 ) ) rd_edgeMask ( .clk( clk ), .rst( rst | start ), .enable( dOutValid || fillPipeline ), .d( {leftMask_1, rightMask_1, topMask_1, bottomMask_1} ), .q( {leftMask, rightMask, topMask, bottomMask} ) ); reg [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] pixel [2:0][2:0]; //[y, x] pixel da wire [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] pixelMasked [2:0][2:0]; //[y, x] /* Pixel data format pixel[0][0] pixel[0][1] pixel[0][2] pixel[1][0] pixel[1][1] pixel[1][2] pixel[2][0] pixel[2][1] pixel[2][2] */ always @ (posedge clk or posedge rst or posedge start) begin if(rst | start) begin pixel[0][0] <= 0; pixel[0][1] <= 0; pixel[0][2] <= 0; pixel[1][0] <= 0; pixel[1][1] <= 0; pixel[1][2] <= 0; pixel[2][0] <= 0; pixel[2][1] <= 0; pixel[2][2] <= 0; end else begin if( dOutValid || fillPipeline_1 ) begin pixel[0][2] <= readData0; //Upper line pixel[0][1] <= pixel[0][2]; pixel[0][0] <= pixel[0][1]; pixel[1][2] <= readData1; //Middle line pixel[1][1] <= pixel[1][2]; pixel[1][0] <= pixel[1][1]; pixel[2][2] <= readData2; //Lower line pixel[2][1] <= pixel[2][2]; pixel[2][0] <= pixel[2][1]; end end end //Apply masking so invalid data at the edge of the image is not used assign pixelMasked[0][0] = pixel[0][0] & {DATA_WIDTH{leftMask}} & {DATA_WIDTH{topMask}}; assign pixelMasked[0][1] = pixel[0][1] & {DATA_WIDTH{topMask}}; assign pixelMasked[0][2] = pixel[0][2] & {DATA_WIDTH{rightMask}} & {DATA_WIDTH{topMask}}; assign pixelMasked[1][0] = pixel[1][0] & {DATA_WIDTH{leftMask}}; assign pixelMasked[1][1] = pixel[1][1]; assign pixelMasked[1][2] = pixel[1][2] & {DATA_WIDTH{rightMask}}; assign pixelMasked[2][0] = pixel[2][0] & {DATA_WIDTH{leftMask}} & {DATA_WIDTH{bottomMask}}; assign pixelMasked[2][1] = pixel[2][1] & {DATA_WIDTH{bottomMask}}; assign pixelMasked[2][2] = pixel[2][2] & {DATA_WIDTH{rightMask}} & {DATA_WIDTH{bottomMask}}; wire [2:0] sidesMasked = ~leftMask + ~rightMask + ~topMask + ~bottomMask; //Number of sides masked, either 0, 1 or 2. Used for selecting how to divide during averaging reg [2:0] sidesMaskedReg; /* Perform demosaic blending All possible blend modes are computed simultaneously, and the proper ones are selected based on which color filter is being worked on Blend modes: blend1 = + (average of four pixels N S E and W) blend2 = X (average of four pixels NE SE SW and NW) blend3 = -- (average of pixels E and W) blend4 = | (average of pixels N and S) blend5 = straight through */ wire [DATA_WIDTH+1:0] blend1Sum_1 = pixelMasked[1][0] + pixelMasked[1][2] + pixelMasked[0][1] + pixelMasked[2][1]; reg [DATA_WIDTH+1:0] blend1SumOver3, blend1Sum; reg [DATA_WIDTH+1:0] blend1, blend2, blend3, blend4, blend5, blend2_1, blend3_1, blend4_1, blend5_1; always @ (posedge clk or posedge rst or posedge start) begin if(rst | start) begin blend1SumOver3 <= 0; blend1Sum <= 0; blend1 <= 0; blend2 <= 0; blend3 <= 0; blend4 <= 0; sidesMaskedReg <= 0; end else begin if( dOutValid || fillPipeline_1 ) begin blend1SumOver3 <= (blend1Sum_1 >> 2) + (blend1Sum_1 >> 4) + (blend1Sum_1 >> 6) + (blend1Sum_1 >> 10); //Constant multiply by 1/3 (approximate, but close enough) blend1Sum <= blend1Sum_1; blend1 <= ((sidesMaskedReg == 0) ? blend1Sum >> 2 : (sidesMaskedReg == 1) ? blend1SumOver3 : blend1Sum >> 1); // divide by 4, 3, 2 blend2_1 <= (pixelMasked[0][0] + pixelMasked[2][2] + pixelMasked[0][2] + pixelMasked[2][0]) >> ((sidesMasked == 0) ? 2 : (sidesMasked == 1) ? 1 : 0); // divide by 4, 2, 1 blend3_1 <= (pixelMasked[1][0] + pixelMasked[1][2]) >> ((!leftMask || !rightMask) ? 0 : 1); //divide by 2, 1 blend4_1 <= (pixelMasked[0][1] + pixelMasked[2][1]) >> ((!topMask || !bottomMask) ? 0 : 1); //divide by 2, 1 blend5_1 <= pixelMasked[1][1]; //Straight through blend2 <= blend2_1; blend3 <= blend3_1; blend4 <= blend4_1; blend5 <= blend5_1; sidesMaskedReg <= sidesMasked; end end end /* Bayer pattern codes: 0=R G G B 1=B G G R 2=G R B G 3=G B R G Pixel codes 0 = R, 1 = G with B above, 2 = G with R above, 3 = B */ reg [1:0] pixel0; reg [1:0] pixel1; reg [1:0] pixel2; reg [1:0] pixel3; always @(*) begin case(bayerPattern) 0: begin pixel0 = 0; pixel1 = 1; pixel2 = 2; pixel3 = 3; end 1: begin pixel0 = 3; pixel1 = 2; pixel2 = 1; pixel3 = 0; end 2: begin pixel0 = 1; pixel1 = 0; pixel2 = 3; pixel3 = 2; end 3: begin pixel0 = 2; pixel1 = 3; pixel2 = 0; pixel3 = 1; end endcase end wire [1:0] quadPosition = {outputLine[0], outputColumn[0]}; wire [1:0] blendModeSelect_1 = quadPosition == 0 ? pixel0 : quadPosition == 1 ? pixel1 : quadPosition == 2 ? pixel2 : pixel3; wire [1:0] blendModeSelect; //Delay blend mode registerDelay #( .DATA_WIDTH( 2 ), .STAGES( 5 ) ) rd_blendMode ( .clk( clk ), .rst( rst | start ), .enable( dOutValid || fillPipeline_1 ), .d( blendModeSelect_1 ), .q( blendModeSelect ) ); //Select proper blend mode for each R G and B output always @ (posedge clk or posedge rst or posedge start) begin if(rst | start) begin rOut <= 0; gOut <= 0; bOut <= 0; end else begin if( dOutValid || fillPipeline_1 ) begin case(blendModeSelect) 0: //Red filter begin rOut <= blend5; // Straight through gOut <= blend1; // + bOut <= blend2; // X end 1: //Green filter with blue above/below begin rOut <= blend3; // -- gOut <= blend5; // Straight through bOut <= blend4; // | end 2: //Green filter with red above/below begin rOut <= blend4; // | gOut <= blend5; // Straight through bOut <= blend3; // -- end 3: //Blue filter begin rOut <= blend2; // X gOut <= blend1; // + bOut <= blend5; // Straight through end endcase end end end //Advance write whenever we have just written a valid line (discardInput == 0) //Generate this signal one earlier than discardInput above that uses the same conditions, to advance the buffer at the right time. assign advanceWrite = (writeColCount == xRes) & dInValid & nextDin; assign allDataWritten = writeState == WS_DONE; assign nextDin = (fillCount < BUFFER_SIZE) & enableNextDin; ramFifo #( .DATA_WIDTH( DATA_WIDTH ), .ADDRESS_WIDTH( X_RES_WIDTH ), //Controls width of RAMs .BUFFER_SIZE( BUFFER_SIZE ) //Number of RAMs ) ramRB ( .clk( clk ), .rst( rst | start ), .advanceRead( advanceRead ), .advanceWrite( advanceWrite ), .writeData( dIn ), .writeAddress( writeColCount ), .writeEnable( dInValid & nextDin & enableNextDin ), .fillCount( fillCount ), .readData0( readData0 ), .readData1( readData1 ), .readData2( readData2 ), .readAddress( readAddress ) ); endmodule //bilinearDemosaic //---------------------------Ram FIFO (RFIFO)----------------------------- //FIFO buffer with rams as the elements, instead of data //One ram is filled, while three others are simultaneously read out. module ramFifo #( parameter DATA_WIDTH = 8, parameter ADDRESS_WIDTH = 8, parameter BUFFER_SIZE = 3, parameter BUFFER_SIZE_WIDTH = ((BUFFER_SIZE+1) <= 2) ? 1 : //wide enough to hold value BUFFER_SIZE + 1 ((BUFFER_SIZE+1) <= 4) ? 2 : ((BUFFER_SIZE+1) <= 8) ? 3 : ((BUFFER_SIZE+1) <= 16) ? 4 : ((BUFFER_SIZE+1) <= 32) ? 5 : ((BUFFER_SIZE+1) <= 64) ? 6 : 7 )( input wire clk, input wire rst, input wire advanceRead, //Advance selected read RAM by one input wire advanceWrite, //Advance selected write RAM by one input wire [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] writeData, input wire [ADDRESS_WIDTH-1:0] writeAddress, input wire writeEnable, output reg [BUFFER_SIZE_WIDTH-1:0] fillCount, output wire [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] readData0, //Read from deepest RAM (earliest data), at readAddress output wire [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] readData1, //Read from second deepest RAM (second earliest data), at readAddress output wire [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] readData2, //Read from third deepest RAM (third earliest data), at readAddress input wire [ADDRESS_WIDTH-1:0] readAddress ); reg [BUFFER_SIZE-1:0] writeSelect; reg [BUFFER_SIZE-1:0] readSelect; //Read select ring register always @(posedge clk or posedge rst) begin if(rst) readSelect <= {1'b1, {(BUFFER_SIZE-1){1'b0}}}; //Mod for demosaic, normally 1 else begin if(advanceRead) begin readSelect <= {readSelect[BUFFER_SIZE-2 : 0], readSelect[BUFFER_SIZE-1]}; end end end //Write select ring register always @(posedge clk or posedge rst) begin if(rst) writeSelect <= 1; else begin if(advanceWrite) begin writeSelect <= {writeSelect[BUFFER_SIZE-2 : 0], writeSelect[BUFFER_SIZE-1]}; end end end wire [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] ramDataOut [2**BUFFER_SIZE-1:0]; //Generate to instantiate the RAMs generate genvar i; for(i = 0; i < BUFFER_SIZE; i = i + 1) begin : ram_generate ramDualPort #( .DATA_WIDTH( DATA_WIDTH ), .ADDRESS_WIDTH( ADDRESS_WIDTH ) ) ram_inst_i( .clk( clk ), //Port A is written to, port B is read from .addrA( writeAddress ), .dataA( writeData ), .weA( (writeSelect[i] == 1'b1) ? writeEnable : 1'b0 ), .qA( ), .addrB( readAddress ), .dataB( 0 ), .weB( 1'b0 ), .qB( ramDataOut[2**i] ) ); end endgenerate //Select which ram to read from wire [BUFFER_SIZE-1:0] readSelect0 = readSelect; wire [BUFFER_SIZE-1:0] readSelect1 = (readSelect << 1) | readSelect[BUFFER_SIZE-1]; wire [BUFFER_SIZE-1:0] readSelect2 = (readSelect << 2) | readSelect[BUFFER_SIZE-1:BUFFER_SIZE-2]; //Steer the output data to the right ports assign readData0 = ramDataOut[readSelect0]; assign readData1 = ramDataOut[readSelect1]; assign readData2 = ramDataOut[readSelect2]; //Keep track of fill level always @(posedge clk or posedge rst) begin if(rst) begin fillCount <= 1; //Mod for demosaic, normally 0. The first line has to come out of readData1, the invalid data from readData0 will be masked end else begin if(advanceWrite) begin if(advanceRead) fillCount <= fillCount; else fillCount <= fillCount + 1; end else begin if(advanceRead) fillCount <= fillCount - 1; else fillCount <= fillCount; end end end endmodule //ramFifo //Dual port RAM module ramDualPort #( parameter DATA_WIDTH = 8, parameter ADDRESS_WIDTH = 8 )( input wire [(DATA_WIDTH-1):0] dataA, dataB, input wire [(ADDRESS_WIDTH-1):0] addrA, addrB, input wire weA, weB, clk, output reg [(DATA_WIDTH-1):0] qA, qB ); // Declare the RAM variable reg [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] ram[2**ADDRESS_WIDTH-1:0]; //Port A always @ (posedge clk) begin if (weA) begin ram[addrA] <= dataA; qA <= dataA; end else begin qA <= ram[addrA]; end end //Port B always @ (posedge clk) begin if (weB) begin ram[addrB] <= dataB; qB <= dataB; end else begin qB <= ram[addrB]; end end endmodule //ramDualPort `default_nettype wire