Subversion Repositories bluespec-h264
[/] [bluespec-h264/] [trunk/] [src_fpga/] [build/] [SRAM.v] - Rev 100
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/* Notes -> We target a ZTB SRAM. It data is presented 2 cycles after the address data is presented. cyc action 1 assign addr. 2 latch addr. 3 assign data. 4 latch data. */ //`include "FIFOL2.v" `define NOP 0 `define RD_REQ 1 `define WR_REQ 2 module SRAM(CLK, RST_N, // Bluespec method wires RD_ADDR, RD_RDY, RD_EN, DOUT, DOUT_RDY, DOUT_EN, WR_ADDR, WR_VAL, WR_EN, // Physical SRAM wires DATA_BUS_O, DATA_BUS_I, DATA_BUS_T, ADDR_O, WE_BYTES_N_O, WE_N_O, CE_N_O, OE_N_O, CEN_N_O, ADV_LD_N_O, DUMMY_EN ); // synopsys template parameter addr_width = 1; parameter data_width = 1; parameter lo = 0; parameter hi = 1; input CLK; input RST_N; // Read Port // req input [addr_width - 1 : 0] RD_ADDR; input RD_EN; output RD_RDY; // resp output [data_width - 1 : 0] DOUT; output DOUT_RDY; input DOUT_EN; // Write Port // req input [addr_width - 1 : 0] WR_ADDR; input [data_width - 1 : 0] WR_VAL; input WR_EN; //Physical SRAM Wires output [31 : 0] DATA_BUS_O; input [31 : 0] DATA_BUS_I; output DATA_BUS_T; output [18 : 0] ADDR_O; output [3 : 0] WE_BYTES_N_O; output WE_N_O; output CE_N_O; output OE_N_O; output CEN_N_O; output ADV_LD_N_O; input DUMMY_EN; // this signal is a dummy enable to // make bluespec happy. wire RD_REQ_MADE; //reg [1:0] CTR; reg [2:0] CTR; // Regs to pipeline incoming commands reg [1:0] op_command_pipelined; reg [1:0] op_command_active; reg [data_width - 1:0] write_data_pipelined; reg [data_width - 1:0] write_data_active; SizedFIFO #(.p1width(32), .p2depth(4), .p3cntr_width(2), .guarded(1)) q(.RST_N(RST_N), .CLK(CLK), .D_IN(DATA_BUS_I[data_width-1:0]), .ENQ(RD_REQ_MADE), .DEQ(DOUT_EN), .CLR(1'b0), .D_OUT(DOUT), .FULL_N(), .EMPTY_N(DOUT_RDY)); /* FIFOL2#(.width(data_width)) q(.RST_N(RST_N), .CLK(CLK), .D_IN(DATA_BUS_I[data_width-1:0]), .ENQ(RD_REQ_MADE), .DEQ(DOUT_EN), .CLR(1'b0), .D_OUT(DOUT), .FULL_N(), .EMPTY_N(DOUT_RDY));*/ assign RD_RDY = (CTR > 0) || DOUT_EN; // Some lines that enable the SRAM. assign ADV_LD_N_O = 0; assign CE_N_O = 0; assign OE_N_O = 0; assign CEN_N_O = 0; // Tie the WE_N lines to the WR_EN. assign WE_N_O = ~WR_EN; assign WE_BYTES_N_O = {~WR_EN, ~WR_EN, ~WR_EN, ~WR_EN}; assign ADDR_O = (WR_EN)?(19'h0 | WR_ADDR): (19'h0 | RD_ADDR); assign DATA_BUS_O = (op_command_active != `WR_REQ)?32'bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz: (32'h0 | write_data_active); assign DATA_BUS_T = (op_command_active != `WR_REQ); // deasserting data_bus_T will allow // data_bus_O to drive the bus, which // need only occur if write requests // have been made. // This line enqueues data into the data fifo. assign RD_REQ_MADE = (op_command_active == `RD_REQ); always@(posedge CLK) begin if(RD_REQ_MADE) begin $display("SRAM.v: Enqueuing %d", DATA_BUS_I); end if (!RST_N) begin //Make simulation behavior consistent with Xilinx synthesis op_command_pipelined <= `NOP; op_command_active <= `NOP; write_data_pipelined <= 0; write_data_active <= 0; CTR <= 4; end else begin write_data_pipelined <= WR_VAL; write_data_active <= write_data_pipelined; op_command_active <= op_command_pipelined; if(RD_EN) begin op_command_pipelined <= `RD_REQ; end else if(WR_EN) begin op_command_pipelined <= `WR_REQ; end else begin op_command_pipelined <= `NOP; end CTR <= (RD_EN) ? (DOUT_EN) ? CTR : CTR - 1 : (DOUT_EN) ? CTR + 1 : CTR; end end // always@ (posedge CLK) endmodule