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[/] [btc_dsha256/] [trunk/] [rtl/] [vhdl/] [misc/] [sync_fifo_fwft_infer.vhd] - Rev 7
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------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- -- Copyright (C) 2013 Author and VariStream Studio -- -- Author : Yu Peng -- -- -- -- This source file may be used and distributed without -- -- restriction provided that this copyright statement is not -- -- removed from the file and that any derivative work contains -- -- the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. -- -- -- -- This source file is free software; you can redistribute it -- -- and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General -- -- Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; -- -- either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any -- -- later version. -- -- -- -- This source is distributed in the hope that it will be -- -- useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied -- -- warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR -- -- PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more -- -- details. -- -- -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General -- -- Public License along with this source; if not, download it -- -- from http://www.opencores.org/lgpl.shtml -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Description: -- Implement BRAM according to gADDRESS_WIDTH and gDATA_WIDTH -- Maxim number of data word is (2**gADDRESS_WIDTH - 1) ------------------------------------------------------------------- LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all; USE ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; USE ieee.std_logic_arith.all; --use synplify.attributes.all; entity sync_fifo_fwft_infer is generic ( gADDRESS_WIDTH : integer range 4 to (integer'HIGH) := 8; gDATA_WIDTH : integer := 32; gDYNAMIC_PROG_FULL_TH : boolean := false; gDYNAMIC_PROG_EMPTY_TH : boolean := false ); port( iClk : in std_logic := '0'; iReset_sync : in std_logic := '0'; ivProgFullTh : in std_logic_vector(gADDRESS_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := conv_std_logic_vector(2**gADDRESS_WIDTH-3, gADDRESS_WIDTH); ivProgEmptyTh : in std_logic_vector(gADDRESS_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := conv_std_logic_vector(2, gADDRESS_WIDTH); iWrEn : in std_logic := '0'; iRdEn : in std_logic := '0'; ivDataIn : in std_logic_vector(gDATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others=>'0'); ovDataOut : out std_logic_vector(gDATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others=>'0'); oDataOutValid : out std_logic := '0'; oFull : out std_logic := '0'; oEmpty : out std_logic := '1'; oAlmostFull : out std_logic := '0'; oAlmostEmpty : out std_logic := '1'; oProgFull : out std_logic := '0'; oProgEmpty : out std_logic := '1'; oOverflow : out std_logic := '0'; oUnderflow : out std_logic := '0' ); end sync_fifo_fwft_infer; ARCHITECTURE behavioral OF sync_fifo_fwft_infer IS component sdpram_infer_read_first is generic ( gADDRESS_WIDTH : integer := 5; gDATA_WIDTH : integer := 24 ); port ( iClk : in std_logic; iReset_sync : in std_logic; iWe : in std_logic; ivWrAddr : in std_logic_vector(gADDRESS_WIDTH-1 downto 0); ivRdAddr : in std_logic_vector(gADDRESS_WIDTH-1 downto 0); ivDataIn : in std_logic_vector(gDATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); ovDataOut : out std_logic_vector(gDATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0) ); end component; component pipelines_without_reset IS GENERIC (gBUS_WIDTH : integer := 1; gNB_PIPELINES: integer range 1 to 255 := 2); PORT( iClk : IN STD_LOGIC; iInput : IN STD_LOGIC; ivInput : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(gBUS_WIDTH-1 downto 0); oDelayed_output : OUT STD_LOGIC; ovDelayed_output : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(gBUS_WIDTH-1 downto 0) ); END component; signal svWriteAddr : std_logic_vector(gADDRESS_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others=>'0'); signal svReadAddr : std_logic_vector(gADDRESS_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others=>'0'); signal sEffectiveWrEn : std_logic := '0'; signal sEffectiveRdEn : std_logic := '0'; signal svFifoCount : std_logic_vector(gADDRESS_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others=>'0'); signal svProgFullThM1 : std_logic_vector(gADDRESS_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := conv_std_logic_vector(2**gADDRESS_WIDTH-4, gADDRESS_WIDTH); signal svProgEmptyThP1 : std_logic_vector(gADDRESS_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := conv_std_logic_vector(3, gADDRESS_WIDTH); signal sFifoFull : std_logic := '0'; signal sFifoEmpty : std_logic := '1'; signal sAlmostFull : std_logic := '0'; signal sAlmostEmpty : std_logic := '1'; signal sProgFull : std_logic := '0'; signal sProgEmpty : std_logic := '1'; signal sFifoOverflow : std_logic := '0'; signal sFifoUnderflow : std_logic := '0'; signal svMemDataOut : std_logic_vector(gDATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others=>'0'); signal sMemDataOutValid : std_logic := '0'; signal svPipeDataOut : std_logic_vector(gDATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others=>'0'); signal sPipeDataOutValid: std_logic := '0'; BEGIN sdpram_inst: sdpram_infer_read_first generic map( gADDRESS_WIDTH => gADDRESS_WIDTH, gDATA_WIDTH => gDATA_WIDTH ) port map( iClk => iClk, iReset_sync => iReset_sync, iWe => iWrEn, ivWrAddr => svWriteAddr, ivRdAddr => svReadAddr, ivDataIn => ivDataIn, ovDataOut => svMemDataOut ); sMemDataOutValid <= iRdEn; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate the write and read pointers ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- process(iClk) begin if rising_edge(iClk) then if iReset_sync = '1' then svWriteAddr <= (others=>'0'); elsif sEffectiveWrEn = '1' then svWriteAddr <= svWriteAddr + '1'; end if; end if; end process; process(iClk) begin if rising_edge(iClk) then if iReset_sync = '1' then svReadAddr <= (others=>'0'); elsif sEffectiveRdEn = '1' then svReadAddr <= svReadAddr + '1'; end if; end if; end process; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generate Fifo Flags ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sEffectiveWrEn <= iWrEn and (not sFifoFull); sEffectiveRdEn <= iRdEn and (not sFifoEmpty); ProgFullThM1_gen_dynamic : if gDYNAMIC_PROG_FULL_TH = true generate process (iClk) begin if rising_edge(iClk) then svProgFullThM1 <= ivProgFullTh - '1'; end if; end process; end generate; ProgFullThM1_gen_static : if gDYNAMIC_PROG_FULL_TH = false generate svProgFullThM1 <= ivProgFullTh - '1'; end generate; ProgEmptyThM1_gen_dynamic : if gDYNAMIC_PROG_EMPTY_TH = true generate process (iClk) begin if rising_edge(iClk) then svProgEmptyThP1 <= ivProgEmptyTh + '1'; end if; end process; end generate; ProgEmptyThM1_gen_static : if gDYNAMIC_PROG_EMPTY_TH = false generate svProgEmptyThP1 <= ivProgEmptyTh + '1'; end generate; process (iClk) begin if rising_edge(iClk) then if (iReset_sync = '1') then svFifoCount <= (others => '0'); sFifoFull <= '0'; sFifoEmpty <= '1'; sAlmostFull <= '0'; sAlmostEmpty <= '1'; sProgFull <= '0'; sProgEmpty <= '1'; sFifoOverflow <= '0'; sFifoUnderflow <= '0'; else -- Fifo count when it is read or written if (sEffectiveWrEn = '1') and (sEffectiveRdEn = '0') then svFifoCount <= svFifoCount + '1'; elsif (sEffectiveWrEn = '0') and (sEffectiveRdEn = '1') then svFifoCount <= svFifoCount - '1'; end if; if svFifoCount = conv_std_logic_vector((2**gADDRESS_WIDTH)-2, gADDRESS_WIDTH) then if (iWrEn = '1') and (iRdEn = '0') then sFifoFull <= '1'; else sFifoFull <= '0'; end if; elsif svFifoCount = conv_std_logic_vector((2**gADDRESS_WIDTH)-1, gADDRESS_WIDTH) then if iRdEn = '1' then sFifoFull <= '0'; else sFifoFull <= '1'; end if; else sFifoFull <= '0'; end if; if svFifoCount = conv_std_logic_vector(1, gADDRESS_WIDTH) then if (iWrEn = '0') and (iRdEn = '1') then sFifoEmpty <= '1'; else sFifoEmpty <= '0'; end if; elsif svFifoCount = conv_std_logic_vector(0, gADDRESS_WIDTH) then if (iWrEn = '1') then sFifoEmpty <= '0'; else sFifoEmpty <= '1'; end if; else sFifoEmpty <= '0'; end if; if svFifoCount = conv_std_logic_vector((2**gADDRESS_WIDTH)-3, gADDRESS_WIDTH) then if (iWrEn = '1') and (iRdEn = '0') then sAlmostFull <= '1'; else sAlmostFull <= '0'; end if; elsif svFifoCount = conv_std_logic_vector((2**gADDRESS_WIDTH)-2, gADDRESS_WIDTH) then if (iWrEn = '0') and (iRdEn = '1') then sAlmostFull <= '0'; else sAlmostFull <= '1'; end if; elsif svFifoCount = conv_std_logic_vector((2**gADDRESS_WIDTH)-1, gADDRESS_WIDTH) then sAlmostFull <= '1'; else sAlmostFull <= '0'; end if; if svFifoCount = conv_std_logic_vector(2, gADDRESS_WIDTH) then if (iWrEn = '0') and (iRdEn = '1') then sAlmostEmpty <= '1'; else sAlmostEmpty <= '0'; end if; elsif svFifoCount = conv_std_logic_vector(1, gADDRESS_WIDTH) then if (iWrEn = '1') and (iRdEn = '0') then sAlmostEmpty <= '0'; else sAlmostEmpty <= '1'; end if; elsif svFifoCount = conv_std_logic_vector(0, gADDRESS_WIDTH) then sAlmostEmpty <= '1'; else sAlmostEmpty <= '0'; end if; if svFifoCount = svProgFullThM1 then if (iWrEn = '1') and (iRdEn = '0') then sProgFull <= '1'; else sProgFull <= '0'; end if; elsif svFifoCount = ivProgFullTh then if (iWrEn = '0') and (iRdEn = '1') then sProgFull <= '0'; else sProgFull <= '1'; end if; elsif svFifoCount > ivProgFullTh then sProgFull <= '1'; else sProgFull <= '0'; end if; if svFifoCount = svProgEmptyThP1 then if (iWrEn = '0') and (iRdEn = '1') then sProgEmpty <= '1'; else sProgEmpty <= '0'; end if; elsif svFifoCount = ivProgEmptyTh then if (iWrEn = '1') and (iRdEn = '0') then sProgEmpty <= '0'; else sProgEmpty <= '1'; end if; elsif svFifoCount < ivProgEmptyTh then sProgEmpty <= '1'; else sProgEmpty <= '0'; end if; -------------------------------- -- Generate the error flag ------------------------------- if sFifoFull = '1' and iWrEn = '1' then sFifoOverflow <= '1'; end if; if sFifoEmpty = '1' and iRdEn = '1' then sFifoUnderflow <= '1'; end if; end if; end if; end process; oFull <= sFifoFull; oEmpty <= sFifoEmpty; oAlmostFull <= sAlmostFull; oAlmostEmpty <= sAlmostEmpty; oProgFull <= sProgFull; oProgEmpty <= sProgEmpty; oOverflow <= sFifoOverflow; oUnderflow <= sFifoUnderflow; ovDataOut <= svMemDataOut; oDataOutValid <= sMemDataOutValid; END behavioral;