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------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- uartcomponent.vhd ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Author: Dan Pederson -- Copyright 2004 Digilent, Inc. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Description: This file defines a UART which transfers data to and -- from serial and parallel information. It requires two -- major processes: receiving and transferring. The -- receiving portion reads serially transmitted data, and -- converts it into parallel data, while the transferring -- portion reads parallel data, and transmits it as serial -- data. There are three error signals provided with this -- UART. They are frame error, parity error, and overwrite -- error signals. This UART is configured to use an ODD -- parity bit at a baud rate of 9600. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Revision History: -- 07/15/04 (DanP) Created -- 05/24/05 (DanP) Updated commenting style -- 06/06/05 (DanP) Synchronized state machines to fix timing bug ------------------------------------------------------------------------ library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.ALL; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL; ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- --Title: UARTcomponent entity -- --Inputs: 7 : RXD -- CLK -- DBIN -- RDA -- RD -- WR -- RST -- --Outputs: 7 : TXD -- DBOUT -- RDA -- TBE -- PE -- FE -- OE -- --Description: This describes the UART component entity. The inputs are -- the Pegasus 50 MHz clock, a reset button, The RXD from -- the serial cable, an 8-bit data bus from the parallel -- port, and Read Data Available (RDA)and Transfer Buffer -- Empty(TBE) handshaking signals. The outputs are the TXD -- signal for the serial port, an 8-bit data bus for the -- parallel port, RDA and TBE handshaking signals, and three -- error signals for parity, frame, and overwrite errors. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- entity UARTcomponent is Generic ( --@48MHz -- BAUD_DIVIDE_G : integer := 26; --115200 baud -- BAUD_RATE_G : integer := 417 --@26.6MHz BAUD_DIVIDE_G : integer := 14; --115200 baud BAUD_RATE_G : integer := 231 ); Port ( TXD : out std_logic := '1'; -- Transmitted serial data output RXD : in std_logic; -- Received serial data input CLK : in std_logic; -- Clock signal DBIN : in std_logic_vector (7 downto 0); -- Input parallel data to be transmitted DBOUT : out std_logic_vector (7 downto 0); -- Recevived parallel data output RDA : inout std_logic; -- Read Data Available TBE : out std_logic := '1'; -- Transfer Buffer Emty RD : in std_logic; -- Read Strobe WR : in std_logic; -- Write Strobe PE : out std_logic; -- Parity error FE : out std_logic; -- Frame error OE : out std_logic; -- Overwrite error RST : in std_logic := '0'); -- Reset signal end UARTcomponent; architecture Behavioral of UARTcomponent is ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Local Type and Signal Declarations ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- --Title: Local Type Declarations -- --Description: There are two state machines used in this entity. The -- rstate is used to synchronize the receiving portion of -- the UART, and the tstate is used to synchronize the -- sending portion of the UART. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- type rstate is ( strIdle, strEightDelay, strGetData, strWaitFor0, strWaitFor1, strCheckStop ); type tstate is ( sttIdle, sttTransfer, sttShift, sttDelay, sttWaitWrite ); ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- --Title: Local Signal Declarations -- --Description: The constants and signals used by this entity are -- described below: -- -- -baudRate : This is the Baud Rate constant used to -- synchronize the Pegasus 50 MHz clock with a -- baud rate of 9600. To get this number, divide -- 50MHz by 9600. -- -baudDivide : This is the Baud Rate divider used to safely -- read data transmitted at a baud rate of 9600. -- It is simply the above described baudRate -- constant divided by 16. -- -- -rdReg : this is the receive holding register -- -rdSReg : this is the receive shift register -- -tfReg : this is the transfer holding register -- -tfSReg : this is the transfer shifting register -- -clkDiv : counter used to get rClk -- -ctr : used for delay times -- -tfCtr : used to delay in the transfer process -- -dataCtr : counts the number of read data bits -- -parError : parity error bit -- -frameError : frame error bit -- -CE : clock enable bit for the writing latch -- -ctRst : reset for the ctr -- -load : load signal used to load the transfer shift -- register -- -shift : shift signal used to unload the transfer -- shift register -- -par : represents the parity in the transfer -- holding register -- -tClkRST : reset for the tfCtr -- -rShift : shift signal used to load the receive shift -- register -- -dataRST : reset for the dataCtr -- -dataIncr : signal to increment the dataCtr -- -tfIncr : signal to increment the tfCtr -- -tDelayCtr : counter used to delay the transfer state -- machine. -- -tDelayRst : reset signal for the tDelayCtr counter. -- -- The following signals are used by the two state machines -- for state control: -- -Receive State Machine : strCur, strNext -- -Transfer State Machine : sttCur, sttNext -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- @26.7MHz -- constant baudRate : std_logic_vector(12 downto 0) := "1 0100 0101 1000"; -- constant baudRate : std_logic_vector(12 downto 0) := conv_std_logic_vector(1406,13); -- 19200 -- constant baudRate : std_logic_vector(12 downto 0) := conv_std_logic_vector(703,13); -- 38400 -- constant baudRate : std_logic_vector(12 downto 0) := conv_std_logic_vector(469,13); -- 57600 -- constant baudRate : std_logic_vector(12 downto 0) := conv_std_logic_vector(417,13); --115200 -- @26.7MHz -- constant baudDivide : std_logic_vector(8 downto 0) := conv_std_logic_vector(1,9); -- Used for simulation -- constant baudDivide : std_logic_vector(8 downto 0) := conv_std_logic_vector(88,9); -- Used for 19 200 baud -- constant baudDivide : std_logic_vector(8 downto 0) := conv_std_logic_vector(44,9); -- Used for 38 400 baud -- constant baudDivide : std_logic_vector(8 downto 0) := conv_std_logic_vector(29,9); -- Used for 57 600 baud -- constant baudDivide : std_logic_vector(8 downto 0) := conv_std_logic_vector(26,9); -- Used for 115 200 baud constant baudRate : std_logic_vector(12 downto 0) := conv_std_logic_vector(BAUD_RATE_G,13); --115200 constant baudDivide : std_logic_vector(8 downto 0) := conv_std_logic_vector(BAUD_DIVIDE_G-1,9); -- Used for 115 200 baud signal rdReg : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := "00000000"; signal rdSReg : std_logic_vector(9 downto 0) := "1111111111"; signal tfReg : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal tfSReg : std_logic_vector(10 downto 0) := "11111111111"; signal clkDiv : std_logic_vector(9 downto 0) := "0000000000"; signal ctr : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := "0000"; signal tfCtr : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := "0000"; signal dataCtr : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := "0000"; signal parError : std_logic; signal frameError : std_logic; signal CE : std_logic; signal ctRst : std_logic := '0'; signal load : std_logic := '0'; signal shift : std_logic := '0'; signal par : std_logic; signal tClkRST : std_logic := '0'; signal rShift : std_logic := '0'; signal dataRST : std_logic := '0'; signal dataIncr : std_logic := '0'; signal tfIncr : std_logic := '0'; signal tDelayCtr : std_logic_vector (12 downto 0); signal tDelayRst : std_logic := '0'; signal strCur : rstate := strIdle; signal strNext : rstate; signal sttCur : tstate := sttIdle; signal sttNext : tstate; ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Module Implementation ------------------------------------------------------------------------- begin ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- --Title: Initial signal definitions -- --Description: The following lines of code define 4 internal and 1 -- external signal. The most significant bit of the rdSReg -- signifies the frame error bit, so frameError is tied to -- that signal. The parError is high if there is a parity -- error, so it is set equal to the inverse of rdSReg(8) -- XOR-ed with the data bits. In this manner, it can -- determine if the parity bit found in rdSReg(8) matches -- the data bits. The parallel information output is equal -- to rdReg, so DBOUT is set equal to rdReg. Likewise, the -- input parallel information is equal to DBIN, so tfReg is -- set equal to DBIN. Because the tfSReg is used to shift -- out transmitted data, the TXD port is set equal to the -- first bit of tfsReg. Finally, the par signal represents -- the parity of the data, so par is set to the inverse of -- the data bits XOR-ed together. This UART can be changed -- to use EVEN parity if the "not" is omitted from the par -- definition. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- frameError <= not rdSReg(9); parError <= not ( rdSReg(8) xor (((rdSReg(0) xor rdSReg(1)) xor (rdSReg(2) xor rdSReg(3))) xor ((rdSReg(4) xor rdSReg(5)) xor (rdSReg(6) xor rdSReg(7)))) ); DBOUT <= rdReg; tfReg <= DBIN; TXD <= tfsReg(0); par <= not ( ((tfReg(0) xor tfReg(1)) xor (tfReg(2) xor tfReg(3))) xor ((tfReg(4) xor tfReg(5)) xor (tfReg(6) xor tfReg(7))) ); ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- --Title: Clock Divide counter -- --Description: This process defines clkDiv as a signal that increments -- with the clock up until it is either reset by ctRst, or -- equals baudDivide. This signal is used to define a -- counter called ctr that increments at the rate of the -- divided baud rate. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- process (CLK, clkDiv) begin if (CLK = '1' and CLK'event) then if (clkDiv = baudDivide or ctRst = '1') then clkDiv <= "0000000000"; else clkDiv <= clkDiv +1; end if; end if; end process; ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- --Title: Transfer delay counter -- --Description: This process defines tDelayCtr as a counter that runs -- until it equals baudRate, or until it is reset by -- tDelayRst. This counter is used to measure delay times -- when sending data out on the TXD signal. When the -- counter is equal to baudRate, or is reset, it is set -- equal to 0. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- process (CLK, tDelayCtr) begin if (CLK = '1' and CLK'event) then if (tDelayCtr = baudRate or tDelayRst = '1') then tDelayCtr <= "0000000000000"; else tDelayCtr <= tDelayCtr+1; end if; end if; end process; ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- --Title: ctr set up -- --Description: This process sets up ctr, which uses clkDiv to count -- increase at a rate needed to properly receive data in -- from RXD. If ctRst is strobed, the counter is reset. If -- clkDiv is equal to baudDivide, then ctr is incremented -- once. This signal is used by the receiving state machine -- to measure delay times between RXD reads. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- process (CLK) begin if CLK = '1' and CLK'Event then if ctRst = '1' then ctr <= "0000"; elsif clkDiv = baudDivide then ctr <= ctr + 1; else ctr <= ctr; end if; end if; end process; ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- --Title: transfer counter -- --Description: This process makes tfCtr increment whenever the tfIncr -- signal is strobed high. If the tClkRst signal is strobed -- high, the tfCtr is reset to "0000." This counter is used -- to keep track of how many data bits have been -- transmitted. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- process (CLK, tClkRST) begin if (CLK = '1' and CLK'event) then if tClkRST = '1' then tfCtr <= "0000"; elsif tfIncr = '1' then tfCtr <= tfCtr +1; end if; end if; end process; ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- --Title: Error and RDA flag controller -- --Description: This process controls the error flags FE, OE, and PE, as -- well as the Read Data Available (RDA) flag. When CE goes -- high, it means that data has been read into the rdSReg. -- This process then analyzes the read data for errors, sets -- rdReg equal to the eight data bits in rdSReg, and flags -- RDA to indicate that new data is present in rdReg. FE -- and PE are simply equal to the frameError and parError -- signals. OE is flagged high if RDA is already high when -- CE is strobed. This means that unread data was still in -- the rdReg when it was written over with the new data. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- process (CLK, RST, RD, CE) begin if RD = '1' or RST = '1' then FE <= '0'; OE <= '0'; RDA <= '0'; PE <= '0'; elsif CLK = '1' and CLK'event then if CE = '1' then FE <= frameError; PE <= parError; rdReg(7 downto 0) <= rdSReg (7 downto 0); if RDA = '1' then OE <= '1'; else OE <= '0'; RDA <= '1'; end if; end if; end if; end process; ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- --Title: Receiving shift register -- --Description: This process controls the receiving shift register -- (rdSReg). Whenever rShift is high, implying that data -- needs to be shifted in, rdSReg is shifts in RXD to the -- most significant bit, while shifting its existing data -- right. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- process (CLK, rShift) begin if CLK = '1' and CLK'Event then if rShift = '1' then rdSReg <= (RXD & rdSReg(9 downto 1)); end if; end if; end process; ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- --Title: Incoming Data counter -- --Description: This process controls the dataCtr to keep track of -- shifted values into the rdSReg. The dataCtr signal is -- incremented once every time dataIncr is strobed high. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- process (CLK, dataRST) begin if (CLK = '1' and CLK'event) then if dataRST = '1' then dataCtr <= "0000"; elsif dataIncr = '1' then dataCtr <= dataCtr +1; end if; end if; end process; ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- --Title: Receiving State Machine controller -- --Description: This process takes care of the Receiving state machine -- movement. It causes the next state to be evaluated on -- each rising edge of CLK. If the RST signal is strobed, -- the state is changed to the default starting state, -- which is strIdle -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- process (CLK, RST) begin if CLK = '1' and CLK'Event then if RST = '1' then -- najj strCur <= strIdle; else strCur <= strNext; end if; end if; end process; ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- --Title: Receiving State Machine -- --Description: This process contains all of the next state logic for the -- Receiving state machine. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- process (strCur, ctr, RXD, dataCtr) begin case strCur is ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- --Title: strIdle state -- --Description: This state is the idle and startup default stage for the -- Receiving state machine. The machine stays in this state -- until the RXD signal goes low. When this occurs, the -- ctRst signal is strobed to reset ctr for the next state, -- which is strEightDelay. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- when strIdle => dataIncr <= '0'; rShift <= '0'; dataRst <= '1'; CE <= '0'; ctRst <= '1'; if RXD = '0' then strNext <= strEightDelay; else strNext <= strIdle; end if; ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- --Title: strEightDelay state -- --Description: This state simply delays the state machine for eight clock -- cycles. This is needed so that the incoming RXD data -- signal is read in the middle of each data emission. This -- ensures an accurate RXD signal reading. ctr counts from -- 0 to 8 to keep track of rClk cycles. When it equals 8 -- (1000) the next state, strWaitFor0, is loaded. During -- this state, the dataRst signal is strobed high to reset -- the shift-in data counter (dataCtr). -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- when strEightDelay => dataIncr <= '0'; rShift <= '0'; dataRst <= '1'; CE <= '0'; ctRst <= '0'; if ctr(3 downto 0) = "1000" then strNext <= strWaitFor0; else strNext <= strEightDelay; end if; ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- --Title: strGetData state -- --Description: In this state, the dataIncr and rShift signals are -- strobed high for one clock cycle. By doing this, the -- rdSReg shift register shifts in RXD once, while the -- dataCtr is incremented by one. This state simply -- captures the incoming data on RXD into the rdSReg shift -- register. The next state loaded is strWaitFor0, which -- starts the two delay states needed between data shifts. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- when strGetData => CE <= '0'; dataRst <= '0'; ctRst <= '0'; dataIncr <= '1'; rShift <= '1'; strNext <= strWaitFor0; ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- --Title: strWaitFor0 state -- --Description: This state is a delay state, which delays the receive -- state machine if not all of the incoming serial data has -- not been shifted in yet. If dataCtr does not equal 10 -- (1010), the state is stayed in until the fourth bit of -- ctr is equal to 1. When this happens, half of the delay -- has been achieved, and the second delay state is loaded, -- which is strWaitFor1. If dataCtr does equal 10 (1010), -- all of the needed data has been acquired, so the -- strCheckStop state is loaded to check for errors and -- reset the receive state machine. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- when strWaitFor0 => CE <= '0'; dataRst <= '0'; ctRst <= '0'; dataIncr <= '0'; rShift <= '0'; if dataCtr = "1010" then strNext <= strCheckStop; elsif ctr(3) = '0' then strNext <= strWaitFor1; else strNext <= strWaitFor0; end if; ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- --Title: strEightDelay state -- --Description: This state is much like strWaitFor0, except it waits for -- the fourth bit of ctr to equal 1. Once this occurs, the -- strGetData state is loaded in order to shift in the next -- data bit from RXD. Because strWaitFor0 is the only state -- that calls this state, no other signals need to be -- checked. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- when strWaitFor1 => CE <= '0'; dataRst <= '0'; ctRst <= '0'; dataIncr <= '0'; rShift <= '0'; if ctr(3) = '0' then strNext <= strWaitFor1; else strNext <= strGetData; end if; ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- --Title: strCheckStop state -- --Description: This state allows the newly acquired data to be checked -- for errors. The CE flag is strobed to start the -- previously defined error checking process. This state is -- passed straight through to the strIdle state. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- when strCheckStop => dataIncr <= '0'; rShift <= '0'; dataRst <= '0'; ctRst <= '0'; CE <= '1'; strNext <= strIdle; end case; end process; ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- --Title: Transfer shift register controller -- --Description: This process uses the load, shift, and clk signals to -- control the transfer shift register (tfSReg). Once load -- is equal to '1', the tfSReg gets a '1', the parity bit, -- the data bits found in tfReg, and a '0'. Under this -- format, the shift register can be used to shift out the -- appropriate signal to serially transfer the data. The -- data is shifted out of the tfSReg whenever shift = '1'. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- process (load, shift, CLK, tfSReg) begin if CLK = '1' and CLK'Event then if load = '1' then tfSReg (10 downto 0) <= ('1' & par & tfReg(7 downto 0) &'0'); elsif shift = '1' then tfSReg (10 downto 0) <= ('1' & tfSReg(10 downto 1)); end if; end if; end process; ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- --Title: Transfer State Machine controller -- --Description: This process takes care of the Transfer state machine -- movement. It causes the next state to be evaluated on -- each rising edge of CLK. If the RST signal is strobed, -- the state is changed to the default starting state, which -- is sttIdle. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- process (CLK, RST) begin if (CLK = '1' and CLK'Event) then if RST = '1' then sttCur <= sttIdle; else sttCur <= sttNext; end if; end if; end process; ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- --Title: Transfer State Machine -- --Description: This process controls the next state logic in the -- transfer state machine. The transfer state machine -- controls the shift and load signals that are used to load -- and transmit the parallel data in a serial form. It also -- controls the Transmit Buffer Empty (TBE) signal that -- indicates if the transmit buffer (tfSReg) is in use or -- not. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- process (sttCur, tfCtr, WR, tDelayCtr) begin case sttCur is ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- --Title: sttIdle state -- --Description: This state is the idle and startup default stage for the -- transfer state machine. The state is stayed in until -- the WR signal goes high. Once it goes high, the -- sttTransfer state is loaded. The load and shift signals -- are held low in the sttIdle state, while the TBE signal -- is held high to indicate that the transmit buffer is not -- currently in use. Once the idle state is left, the TBE -- signal is held low to indicate that the transfer state -- machine is using the transmit buffer. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- when sttIdle => TBE <= '1'; tClkRST <= '0'; tfIncr <= '0'; shift <= '0'; load <= '0'; tDelayRst <= '1'; if WR = '0' then sttNext <= sttIdle; else sttNext <= sttTransfer; end if; ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- --Title: sttTransfer state -- --Description: This state sets the load, tClkRST, and tDelayRst signals -- high, while setting the TBE signal low. The load signal -- is set high to load the transfer shift register with the -- appropriate data, while the tClkRST and tDelayRst signals -- are strobed to reset the tfCtr and tDelayCtr. The next -- state loaded is the sttDelay state. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- when sttTransfer => TBE <= '0'; shift <= '0'; load <= '1'; tClkRST <= '1'; tfIncr <= '0'; tDelayRst <= '1'; sttNext <= sttDelay; ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- --Title: sttShift state -- --Description: This state strobes the shift and tfIncr signals high, and -- checks the tfCtr to see if enough data has been -- transmitted. By strobing the shift and tfIncr signals -- high, the tfSReg is shifted, and the tfCtr is incremented -- once. If tfCtr does not equal 9 (1001), then not all of -- the bits have been transmitted, so the next state loaded -- is the sttDelay state. If tfCtr does equal 9, the final -- state, sttWaitWrite, is loaded. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- when sttShift => TBE <= '0'; shift <= '1'; load <= '0'; tfIncr <= '1'; tClkRST <= '0'; tDelayRst <= '0'; if tfCtr = "1010" then sttNext <= sttWaitWrite; else sttNext <= sttDelay; end if; ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- --Title: sttDelay state -- --Description: This state is responsible for delaying the transfer state -- machine between transmissions. All signals are held low -- while the tDelayCtr is tested. Once tDelayCtr is equal -- to baudRate, the sttShift state is loaded. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- when sttDelay => TBE <= '0'; shift <= '0'; load <= '0'; tClkRst <= '0'; tfIncr <= '0'; tDelayRst <= '0'; if tDelayCtr = baudRate then sttNext <= sttShift; else sttNext <= sttDelay; end if; ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- --Title: sttWaitWrite state -- --Description: This state checks to make sure that the initial WR signal -- that triggered the transfer state machine has been -- brought back low. Without this state, a write signal -- that is held high for a long time will result in multiple -- transmissions. Once the WR signal is low, the sttIdle -- state is loaded to reset the transfer state machine. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- when sttWaitWrite => TBE <= '0'; shift <= '0'; load <= '0'; tClkRst <= '0'; tfIncr <= '0'; tDelayRst <= '0'; if WR = '1' then sttNext <= sttWaitWrite; else sttNext <= sttIdle; end if; end case; end process; end Behavioral;
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