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[/] [ccsds_rxtxsoc/] [trunk/] [ccsds_rxtx_top.vhd] - Rev 2
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------------------------------- ---- Project: EurySPACE CCSDS RX/TX with wishbone interface ---- Design Name: ccsds_rxtx_top ---- Version: 1.0.0 ---- Description: CCSDS compliant RX/TX for space communications ---- TX Modulations: BPSK, QPSK, Offset-QPSK, QAM, Offset-QAM ---- RX Performances: QAM: min Eb/N0 = XdB, max frequency shift = X Hz (Doppler + speed), max frequency shift rate = X Hz / secs (Doppler + acceleration), synchronisation, agc / dynamic range, filters capabilities, multipaths, ... ---- This is the entry point / top level entity ---- WB slave interface, RX/TX external inputs/outputs ---- Synchronized with rising edge of clocks ------------------------------- ---- Author(s): ---- Guillaume REMBERT ------------------------------- ---- Licence: ---- MIT ------------------------------- ---- Changes list: ---- 2016/02/26: initial release - only basic RX-TX capabilities through direct R/W on WB Bus / no dynamic configuration capabilities ---- 2016/10/18: major rework / implementation of new architecture ------------------------------- -- TODO: additionnal modulations: ASK, FSK, GMSK, OFDM, CDMA -- TODO: dynamic modulation and coding -- libraries used library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; library work; use work.ccsds_rxtx_parameters.all; use work.ccsds_rxtx_functions.all; --use work.ccsds_rxtx_constants.all; --============================================================================= -- Entity declaration for ccsds_rxtx_top / overall rx-tx external physical inputs and outputs --============================================================================= entity ccsds_rxtx_top is generic ( CCSDS_RXTX_RX_AUTO_ENABLED: boolean := RX_SYSTEM_AUTO_ENABLED; CCSDS_RXTX_RX_PHYS_SIG_QUANT_DEPTH: integer := RX_PHYS_SIG_QUANT_DEPTH; CCSDS_RXTX_TX_AUTO_ENABLED: boolean := TX_SYSTEM_AUTO_ENABLED; CCSDS_RXTX_TX_AUTO_EXTERNAL: boolean := TX_SYSTEM_AUTO_EXTERNAL; CCSDS_RXTX_TX_PHYS_SIG_QUANT_DEPTH: integer := TX_PHYS_SIG_QUANT_DEPTH; CCSDS_RXTX_WB_ADDR_BUS_SIZE: integer := RXTX_SYSTEM_WB_ADDR_BUS_SIZE; CCSDS_RXTX_WB_DATA_BUS_SIZE: integer := RXTX_SYSTEM_WB_DATA_BUS_SIZE ); port( -- system wide inputs --rst_i: in std_logic; -- implement external system reset port? -- system wide outputs -- wishbone slave bus connections / to the master CPU -- wb inputs wb_adr_i: in std_logic_vector(CCSDS_RXTX_WB_ADDR_BUS_SIZE-1 downto 0); -- address input array wb_clk_i: in std_logic; -- clock input / wb operations are always on rising edge of clk wb_cyc_i: in std_logic; -- cycle input / valid bus cycle in progress wb_dat_i: in std_logic_vector(CCSDS_RXTX_WB_DATA_BUS_SIZE-1 downto 0); -- data input array --wb_lock_i: out std_logic; -- lock input / current bus cycle is uninterruptible wb_rst_i: in std_logic; -- reset input --wb_sel_i: in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); -- select input array / related to wb_dat_i + wb_dat_o / indicates where valid data is placed on the array / provide data granularity wb_stb_i: in std_logic; -- strobe input / slave is selected --wb_tga_i: in std_logic; -- address tag type / related to wb_adr_i / qualified by wb_stb_i / TBD --wb_tgc_i: in std_logic; -- cycle tag type / qualified by wb_cyc_i / TBD --wb_tgd_i: in std_logic; -- data tag type / related to wb_dat_i / ex: parity protection, ecc, timestamps wb_we_i: in std_logic; -- write enable input / indicates if cycle is of write or read type -- wb outputs wb_ack_o: out std_logic; -- acknowledge output / normal bus cycle termination wb_dat_o: out std_logic_vector(CCSDS_RXTX_WB_DATA_BUS_SIZE-1 downto 0); -- data output array wb_err_o: out std_logic; -- error output / abnormal bus cycle termination wb_rty_o: out std_logic; -- retry output / not ready - retry bus cycle --wb_tgd_o: out std_logic; -- data tag type / related to wb_dat_o / ex: parity protection, ecc, timestamps -- RX connections -- rx inputs rx_clk_i: in std_logic; -- received samples clock rx_sam_i_i: in std_logic_vector(CCSDS_RXTX_RX_PHYS_SIG_QUANT_DEPTH-1 downto 0); -- i samples rx_sam_q_i: in std_logic_vector(CCSDS_RXTX_RX_PHYS_SIG_QUANT_DEPTH-1 downto 0); -- q samples -- rx outputs rx_ena_o: out std_logic; -- rx enabled status indicator rx_irq_o: out std_logic; -- interrupt request output / data received indicator -- TX connections -- tx inputs tx_clk_i: in std_logic; -- output samples clock tx_dat_ser_i: in std_logic; -- direct data serial input -- tx outputs tx_buf_ful_o: out std_logic; -- buffer full / data overflow indicator tx_clk_o: out std_logic; -- emitted samples clock tx_ena_o: out std_logic; -- tx enabled status indicator tx_idl_o: out std_logic; -- idle status / data-padding indicator tx_sam_i_o: out std_logic_vector(CCSDS_RXTX_TX_PHYS_SIG_QUANT_DEPTH-1 downto 0); -- i samples tx_sam_q_o: out std_logic_vector(CCSDS_RXTX_TX_PHYS_SIG_QUANT_DEPTH-1 downto 0) -- q samples ); end ccsds_rxtx_top; --============================================================================= -- architecture declaration / internal connections --============================================================================= architecture structure of ccsds_rxtx_top is -- components declaration component ccsds_rx is generic ( CCSDS_RX_PHYS_SIG_QUANT_DEPTH : integer; CCSDS_RX_DATA_BUS_SIZE: integer ); port( rst_i: in std_logic; -- system reset ena_i: in std_logic; -- system enable clk_i: in std_logic; -- input samples clock sam_i_i: in std_logic_vector(CCSDS_RX_PHYS_SIG_QUANT_DEPTH-1 downto 0); -- in-phased parallel complex samples sam_q_i: in std_logic_vector(CCSDS_RX_PHYS_SIG_QUANT_DEPTH-1 downto 0); -- quadrature-phased parallel complex samples dat_nxt_i: in std_logic; -- next data irq_o: out std_logic; -- data ready to be read / IRQ signal dat_o: out std_logic_vector(CCSDS_RX_DATA_BUS_SIZE-1 downto 0); -- received data parallel output dat_val_o: out std_logic; -- data valid buf_dat_ful_o: out std_logic; -- data buffer status indicator buf_fra_ful_o: out std_logic; -- frames buffer status indicator buf_bit_ful_o: out std_logic; -- bits buffer status indicator ena_o: out std_logic -- enabled status indicator ); end component; component ccsds_tx is generic ( CCSDS_TX_PHYS_SIG_QUANT_DEPTH : integer; CCSDS_TX_DATA_BUS_SIZE: integer ); port( rst_i: in std_logic; ena_i: in std_logic; clk_i: in std_logic; in_sel_i: in std_logic; dat_val_i: in std_logic; dat_par_i: in std_logic_vector(CCSDS_TX_DATA_BUS_SIZE-1 downto 0); dat_ser_i: in std_logic; buf_ful_o: out std_logic; clk_o: out std_logic; idl_o: out std_logic; sam_i_o: out std_logic_vector(CCSDS_TX_PHYS_SIG_QUANT_DEPTH-1 downto 0); sam_q_o: out std_logic_vector(CCSDS_TX_PHYS_SIG_QUANT_DEPTH-1 downto 0); ena_o: out std_logic ); end component; signal wire_rst: std_logic; signal wire_rx_ena: std_logic := convert_boolean_to_std_logic(CCSDS_RXTX_RX_AUTO_ENABLED); signal wire_rx_data_valid: std_logic; signal wire_rx_data_next: std_logic := '0'; signal wire_rx_buffer_data_full: std_logic; signal wire_rx_buffer_frames_full: std_logic; signal wire_rx_buffer_bits_full: std_logic; signal wire_tx_clk: std_logic; signal wire_tx_ena: std_logic := convert_boolean_to_std_logic(CCSDS_RXTX_TX_AUTO_ENABLED); signal wire_tx_ext: std_logic := convert_boolean_to_std_logic(CCSDS_RXTX_TX_AUTO_EXTERNAL); signal wire_tx_data_valid: std_logic := '0'; signal wire_tx_buf_ful: std_logic; signal wire_rx_data: std_logic_vector(CCSDS_RXTX_WB_DATA_BUS_SIZE-1 downto 0); signal wire_tx_data: std_logic_vector(CCSDS_RXTX_WB_DATA_BUS_SIZE-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); --============================================================================= -- architecture begin --============================================================================= begin -- components entities instantiation rx_001: ccsds_rx generic map( CCSDS_RX_PHYS_SIG_QUANT_DEPTH => CCSDS_RXTX_RX_PHYS_SIG_QUANT_DEPTH, CCSDS_RX_DATA_BUS_SIZE => CCSDS_RXTX_WB_DATA_BUS_SIZE ) port map( rst_i => wb_rst_i, ena_i => wire_rx_ena, clk_i => rx_clk_i, sam_i_i => rx_sam_i_i, sam_q_i => rx_sam_q_i, dat_nxt_i => wire_rx_data_next, irq_o => rx_irq_o, dat_o => wire_rx_data, dat_val_o => wire_rx_data_valid, buf_dat_ful_o => wire_rx_buffer_data_full, buf_fra_ful_o => wire_rx_buffer_frames_full, buf_bit_ful_o => wire_rx_buffer_bits_full, ena_o => rx_ena_o ); tx_001: ccsds_tx generic map( CCSDS_TX_PHYS_SIG_QUANT_DEPTH => CCSDS_RXTX_TX_PHYS_SIG_QUANT_DEPTH, CCSDS_TX_DATA_BUS_SIZE => CCSDS_RXTX_WB_DATA_BUS_SIZE ) port map( clk_i => tx_clk_i, rst_i => wb_rst_i, ena_i => wire_tx_ena, in_sel_i => wire_tx_ext, dat_val_i => wire_tx_data_valid, dat_par_i => wire_tx_data, dat_ser_i => tx_dat_ser_i, buf_ful_o => wire_tx_buf_ful, clk_o => tx_clk_o, idl_o => tx_idl_o, sam_i_o => tx_sam_i_o, sam_q_o => tx_sam_q_o, ena_o => tx_ena_o ); tx_buf_ful_o <= wire_tx_buf_ful; --============================================================================= -- Begin of wbstartp -- In charge of wishbone bus interactions + rx/tx management through it --============================================================================= -- read: wb_clk_i, wb_rst_i, wb_cyc_i, wb_stb_i, wb_dat_i -- write: wb_ack_o, wb_err_o, wb_rty_o, (rx_/tx_XXX:rst_i), wb_dat_o, wire_rst, wire_irq, wire_rx_ena, wire_tx_ena -- r/w: wire_tx_ext WBSTARTP : process (wb_clk_i) variable ack_state: std_logic := '0'; -- variables instantiation begin -- on each wb clock rising edge if rising_edge(wb_clk_i) then -- wb reset signal received if (wb_rst_i = '1') then -- reinitialize all dyn elements to default value ack_state := '0'; wire_rx_ena <= convert_boolean_to_std_logic(CCSDS_RXTX_RX_AUTO_ENABLED); wire_tx_ena <= convert_boolean_to_std_logic(CCSDS_RXTX_TX_AUTO_ENABLED); -- reinitialize all outputs wire_tx_ext <= convert_boolean_to_std_logic(CCSDS_RXTX_TX_AUTO_EXTERNAL); if (CCSDS_RXTX_TX_AUTO_EXTERNAL = false) then wire_tx_data_valid <= '0'; else wire_tx_data_valid <= '1'; end if; wb_dat_o <= (others => '0'); wb_ack_o <= '0'; wb_err_o <= '0'; wb_rty_o <= '0'; else if (wb_cyc_i = '1') and (wb_stb_i = '1') then -- single classic standard read cycle if (wb_we_i = '0') then if (wb_adr_i = "0000") then -- classic rx cycle - forward data from rx to master if (ack_state = '0') then wb_dat_o <= wire_rx_data; wb_ack_o <= '0'; ack_state := '1'; else wb_dat_o <= (others => '0'); wb_ack_o <= '1'; ack_state := '0'; end if; else wb_err_o <= '1'; wb_rty_o <= '1'; end if; -- single write cycle else wb_dat_o <= (others => '0'); -- classic tx cycle - store and forward data from master to tx if (wb_adr_i = "0000") then -- check internal configuration if (wire_tx_ext = '0') then if (wire_tx_buf_ful = '0') and (ack_state = '0') then wb_ack_o <= '1'; ack_state := '1'; wire_tx_data <= wb_dat_i; wire_tx_data_valid <= '1'; else if (ack_state = '1') then wire_tx_data_valid <= '0'; wb_ack_o <= '0'; ack_state := '0'; else wb_ack_o <= '0'; wb_err_o <= '1'; wb_rty_o <= '1'; end if; end if; else wb_ack_o <= '0'; wb_err_o <= '1'; wb_rty_o <= '1'; end if; -- RX configuration cycle - set general rx parameters elsif (wb_adr_i = "0001") then if (ack_state = '0') then wire_rx_ena <= wb_dat_i(0); wb_ack_o <= '1'; ack_state := '1'; else wb_ack_o <= '0'; ack_state := '0'; end if; -- TX configuration cycle - set general tx parameters elsif (wb_adr_i = "0010") then if (ack_state = '0') then wire_tx_ena <= wb_dat_i(0); wire_tx_ext <= wb_dat_i(1); wb_ack_o <= '1'; ack_state := '1'; else wb_ack_o <= '0'; ack_state := '0'; end if; else wb_ack_o <= '0'; wb_err_o <= '1'; wb_rty_o <= '1'; end if; end if; else wb_dat_o <= (others => '0'); wb_ack_o <= '0'; wb_err_o <= '0'; wb_rty_o <= '0'; ack_state := '0'; if (wire_tx_ext = '0') then wire_tx_data_valid <= '0'; else wire_tx_data_valid <= '1'; end if; end if; end if; end if; end process; end structure; --============================================================================= -- architecture end --=============================================================================