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[/] [ccsds_rxtxsoc/] [trunk/] [ccsds_tx_manager.vhd] - Rev 2
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------------------------------- ---- Project: EurySPACE CCSDS RX/TX with wishbone interface ---- Design Name: ccsds_tx_manager ---- Version: 1.0.0 ---- Description: ---- In charge of internal clocks generation + forwarding to reduce power draw + select TX input data ------------------------------- ---- Author(s): ---- Guillaume REMBERT ------------------------------- ---- Licence: ---- MIT ------------------------------- ---- Changes list: ---- 2016/10/16: initial release ---- 2016/10/31: add serdes sub-component ---- 2016/11/05: add clock generator sub-component ------------------------------- -- libraries used library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; --============================================================================= -- Entity declaration for ccsds_tx / unitary tx manager inputs and outputs --============================================================================= entity ccsds_tx_manager is generic( constant CCSDS_TX_MANAGER_BITS_PER_SYMBOL: integer; constant CCSDS_TX_MANAGER_MODULATION_TYPE: integer; constant CCSDS_TX_MANAGER_DATALINK_OVERHEAD_RATIO: integer := 2; constant CCSDS_TX_MANAGER_PARALLELISM_MAX_RATIO: integer := 16; constant CCSDS_TX_MANAGER_OVERSAMPLING_RATIO: integer; constant CCSDS_TX_MANAGER_DATA_BUS_SIZE : integer ); port( -- inputs clk_i: in std_logic; dat_par_i: in std_logic_vector(CCSDS_TX_MANAGER_DATA_BUS_SIZE-1 downto 0); dat_ser_i: in std_logic; dat_val_i: in std_logic; ena_i: in std_logic; in_sel_i: in std_logic; -- 0 = parallel data / 1 = external serial data rst_i: in std_logic; -- outputs clk_bit_o: out std_logic; clk_dat_o: out std_logic; clk_sam_o: out std_logic; clk_sym_o: out std_logic; dat_o: out std_logic_vector(CCSDS_TX_MANAGER_DATA_BUS_SIZE-1 downto 0); dat_val_o: out std_logic; ena_o: out std_logic ); end ccsds_tx_manager; --============================================================================= -- architecture declaration / internal connections --============================================================================= architecture structure of ccsds_tx_manager is component ccsds_rxtx_serdes is generic ( constant CCSDS_RXTX_SERDES_DEPTH : integer ); port( clk_i: in std_logic; dat_par_i: in std_logic_vector(CCSDS_RXTX_SERDES_DEPTH-1 downto 0); dat_par_val_i: in std_logic; dat_ser_i: in std_logic; dat_ser_val_i: in std_logic; rst_i: in std_logic; bus_o: out std_logic; dat_par_o: out std_logic_vector(CCSDS_RXTX_SERDES_DEPTH-1 downto 0); dat_par_val_o: out std_logic; dat_ser_o: out std_logic; dat_ser_val_o: out std_logic ); end component; component ccsds_rxtx_clock_divider is generic( CCSDS_RXTX_CLOCK_DIVIDER: integer ); port( clk_i: in std_logic; rst_i: in std_logic; clk_o: out std_logic ); end component; -- internal constants -- for simulation only / cannot be used when synthesizing constant CCSDS_TX_MANAGER_DEBUG: std_logic := '0'; -------------------------------- -- Clocks ratios computations -- -------------------------------- -- clk_dat ---- clk_bit = clk_dat / parallelism * data_link_overhead_ratio ------ clk_sym = clk_bit * data_bus_size / (2 * bits_per_symbol) -------- clk_sam = clk_sym * oversampling_ratio constant CCSDS_TX_MANAGER_SAMPLES_TO_SYMBOLS_RATIO: integer := CCSDS_TX_MANAGER_OVERSAMPLING_RATIO; constant CCSDS_TX_MANAGER_SAMPLES_TO_BITS_RATIO: integer := CCSDS_TX_MANAGER_MODULATION_TYPE*CCSDS_TX_MANAGER_SAMPLES_TO_SYMBOLS_RATIO*CCSDS_TX_MANAGER_DATA_BUS_SIZE/(CCSDS_TX_MANAGER_BITS_PER_SYMBOL*2); constant CCSDS_TX_MANAGER_SAMPLES_TO_DATA_RATIO: integer := CCSDS_TX_MANAGER_SAMPLES_TO_BITS_RATIO*CCSDS_TX_MANAGER_DATALINK_OVERHEAD_RATIO/CCSDS_TX_MANAGER_PARALLELISM_MAX_RATIO; -- interconnection signals signal wire_serdes_dat_par_o: std_logic_vector(CCSDS_TX_MANAGER_DATA_BUS_SIZE-1 downto 0); signal wire_serdes_dat_par_val_o: std_logic; signal wire_serdes_dat_ser_val_i: std_logic; signal wire_clk_dat: std_logic; signal wire_rst_clk: std_logic; begin -- presynthesis checks CHKMANAGERP0: if (CCSDS_TX_MANAGER_DEBUG = '1') generate process begin report "INFO: TX CLOCK FREQUENCY HAS TO BE " & integer'image(CCSDS_TX_MANAGER_SAMPLES_TO_DATA_RATIO) & " x WB DATA CLOCK" severity note; wait; end process; end generate CHKMANAGERP0; -- components instanciation and mapping clock_divider_bits_001: ccsds_rxtx_clock_divider generic map( CCSDS_RXTX_CLOCK_DIVIDER => CCSDS_TX_MANAGER_SAMPLES_TO_BITS_RATIO ) port map( clk_i => clk_i, rst_i => wire_rst_clk, clk_o => clk_bit_o ); clock_divider_dat_001: ccsds_rxtx_clock_divider generic map( CCSDS_RXTX_CLOCK_DIVIDER => CCSDS_TX_MANAGER_SAMPLES_TO_DATA_RATIO ) port map( clk_i => clk_i, rst_i => wire_rst_clk, clk_o => wire_clk_dat ); clock_divider_sam_001: ccsds_rxtx_clock_divider generic map( CCSDS_RXTX_CLOCK_DIVIDER => 1 ) port map( clk_i => clk_i, rst_i => wire_rst_clk, clk_o => clk_sam_o ); clock_divider_sym_001: ccsds_rxtx_clock_divider generic map( CCSDS_RXTX_CLOCK_DIVIDER => CCSDS_TX_MANAGER_SAMPLES_TO_SYMBOLS_RATIO ) port map( clk_i => clk_i, rst_i => wire_rst_clk, clk_o => clk_sym_o ); serdes_001: ccsds_rxtx_serdes generic map( CCSDS_RXTX_SERDES_DEPTH => CCSDS_TX_MANAGER_DATA_BUS_SIZE ) port map( clk_i => wire_clk_dat, dat_par_i => (others => '0'), dat_par_val_i => '0', dat_ser_i => dat_ser_i, dat_ser_val_i => wire_serdes_dat_ser_val_i, rst_i => rst_i, dat_par_o => wire_serdes_dat_par_o, dat_par_val_o => wire_serdes_dat_par_val_o ); ena_o <= ena_i; wire_rst_clk <= not(ena_i); clk_dat_o <= wire_clk_dat; --============================================================================= -- Begin of selectp -- Input selection --============================================================================= -- read: rst_i, ena_i, in_sel_i, dat_val_i -- write: dat_o, dat_val_o, wire_serdes_dat_ser_val_i -- r/w: SELECTP : process (wire_clk_dat, ena_i) -- variables instantiation begin -- on each clock rising edge if rising_edge(wire_clk_dat) and (ena_i = '1') then if (rst_i = '1') then dat_o <= (others => '0'); dat_val_o <= '0'; wire_serdes_dat_ser_val_i <= '0'; else if (in_sel_i = '1') then wire_serdes_dat_ser_val_i <= '1'; dat_o <= wire_serdes_dat_par_o; dat_val_o <= wire_serdes_dat_par_val_o; else wire_serdes_dat_ser_val_i <= '0'; dat_val_o <= dat_val_i; dat_o <= dat_par_i; end if; end if; end if; end process; end structure;