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// Copyright (c) 2011 Synopsys, Inc. All rights reserved. // // // $Revision: 1.8 $ `timescale 1ns / 1ps `ifdef PICO_CLOCK_EDGE `else `define PICO_CLOCK_EDGE posedge `endif `ifdef PICO_CLOCK_SENSITIVITY `else `define PICO_CLOCK_SENSITIVITY clk `endif `ifdef PICO_RESET_SENSITIVITY `else `define PICO_RESET_SENSITIVITY `endif `ifdef PICO_RESET_SENSITIVITY2 `else `define PICO_RESET_SENSITIVITY2 reset `endif `timescale 1 ns / 10 ps module bram_based_stream_buffer (clk, indata, outdata, store_ready, load_ready, reset, flush, load_req, store_req ); parameter width = 48; parameter depth = 800; parameter awidth = clogb2(depth); input clk, load_ready, store_ready, reset, flush; wire clk, load_ready, store_ready, reset, flush; input [width-1:0] indata; wire [width-1:0] indata; output load_req, store_req; wire load_req, store_req; output [width-1:0] outdata; wire [width-1:0] outdata; function integer clogb2(input integer depth); begin for (clogb2=0; depth>0; clogb2=clogb2+1) depth= depth>>1; end endfunction // 0in assert -var (depth >= 1) // coverage off // pragma coverage off // VCS coverage off // synopsys translate_off initial begin if ( depth < 1 ) begin $display ("ERROR::::"); $display ("mc_log: ERROR: bram_based_stream_buffer of depth %0d in %m. This is unsupported.Stopping simulation",depth); $display ("END ERROR"); $finish; end end // synopsys translate_on // VCS coverage on // pragma coverage on // coverage on reg [awidth-1:0] read_addr_ff, next_read_addr_ff, write_addr_ff; reg [awidth-1:0] count_ff ; reg full_ff, not_empty_ff, onefull_ff, init_ff; reg [width-1:0] bypass_reg_ff; reg bypass_reg_valid_ff; wire [width-1:0] bram_outdata; wire addq_only, shiftq_only, shiftq_addq, mem_is_empty; wire addq = load_ready; wire shiftq = store_ready; wire full_mem = full_ff; assign mem_is_empty = ~not_empty_ff; assign addq_only = (addq & !full_ff & (!shiftq |(shiftq & mem_is_empty))); assign shiftq_only = (shiftq & !mem_is_empty & (!addq | (addq & full_mem)) ); assign shiftq_addq = (shiftq & addq & not_empty_ff & !full_mem); wire rreq, wreq; assign rreq = not_empty_ff; assign wreq = addq & !full_mem; assign load_req = !full_mem; assign store_req = !mem_is_empty; always @ (`PICO_CLOCK_EDGE `PICO_CLOCK_SENSITIVITY `PICO_RESET_SENSITIVITY ) begin if (`PICO_RESET_SENSITIVITY2) begin not_empty_ff <= 1'b0; full_ff <= 1'b0; init_ff <= 1'b0; end else if (flush) begin not_empty_ff <= 1'b0; full_ff <= 1'b0; init_ff <= 1'b0; end else begin init_ff <= 1'b1; if (addq & mem_is_empty) begin not_empty_ff <= 1'b1; end else if (shiftq & !addq & onefull_ff) begin not_empty_ff <= 1'b0; end if (addq_only & (count_ff == depth-1)) full_ff <= 1'b1; else if (shiftq_only) full_ff <= 1'b0; end end always @ (`PICO_CLOCK_EDGE `PICO_CLOCK_SENSITIVITY `PICO_RESET_SENSITIVITY ) begin if (`PICO_RESET_SENSITIVITY2) begin onefull_ff <= 1'b0; end else if (flush) begin onefull_ff <= 1'b0; end else begin if (addq_only) begin if (mem_is_empty) begin onefull_ff <= 1'b1; end else begin onefull_ff <= 1'b0; end end else if (shiftq_only) begin if (onefull_ff) begin onefull_ff <= 1'b0; end else if (count_ff == 2'b10) begin onefull_ff <= 1'b1; end end end end always @ (`PICO_CLOCK_EDGE `PICO_CLOCK_SENSITIVITY `PICO_RESET_SENSITIVITY ) begin if (`PICO_RESET_SENSITIVITY2) begin read_addr_ff <= {awidth{1'b0}}; next_read_addr_ff <= {awidth{1'b0}}; end else if (flush) begin read_addr_ff <= {awidth{1'b0}}; next_read_addr_ff <= {awidth{1'b0}}; end else begin if ( (shiftq & not_empty_ff) | ~init_ff ) begin read_addr_ff <= next_read_addr_ff; if (next_read_addr_ff == depth-1) begin next_read_addr_ff <= {awidth{1'b0}}; end else begin next_read_addr_ff <= next_read_addr_ff + 1'b1; end end end end always @ (`PICO_CLOCK_EDGE `PICO_CLOCK_SENSITIVITY `PICO_RESET_SENSITIVITY ) begin if (`PICO_RESET_SENSITIVITY2) begin write_addr_ff <= {awidth{1'b0}}; end else if (flush) begin write_addr_ff <= {awidth{1'b0}}; end else begin if (wreq) begin if (write_addr_ff == depth-1) write_addr_ff <= {awidth{1'b0}}; else write_addr_ff <= write_addr_ff + 1'b1; end end end always @ (`PICO_CLOCK_EDGE `PICO_CLOCK_SENSITIVITY `PICO_RESET_SENSITIVITY ) begin if (`PICO_RESET_SENSITIVITY2) begin count_ff <= {awidth{1'b0}}; end else if (flush) begin count_ff <= {awidth{1'b0}}; end else begin if (addq_only) begin count_ff <= count_ff + 1'b1; end else if (shiftq_only) begin count_ff <= count_ff - 1'b1; end end end always @ (`PICO_CLOCK_EDGE `PICO_CLOCK_SENSITIVITY `PICO_RESET_SENSITIVITY) begin if (`PICO_RESET_SENSITIVITY2) begin bypass_reg_valid_ff <= 1'b0; bypass_reg_ff <= {(width){1'b0}}; end else if (flush) begin bypass_reg_valid_ff <= 1'b0; end else begin bypass_reg_valid_ff <= addq & ( mem_is_empty | (shiftq & onefull_ff) ); bypass_reg_ff <= indata; end end assign outdata = bypass_reg_valid_ff ? bypass_reg_ff[width-1:0] : bram_outdata[width-1:0]; wire [awidth-1:0] speculative_read_addr = (shiftq & not_empty_ff) ? next_read_addr_ff : read_addr_ff; RA2SH #(.dwidth(width), .depth(depth), .awidth(awidth) ) fifo_storage( .QA(), .CLKA(clk), .CENA(~wreq), .WENA(1'b0), .AA(write_addr_ff[awidth-1:0]), .DA(indata[width-1:0]), .QB(bram_outdata[width-1:0]), .CLKB(clk), .CENB(~rreq), .WENB(1'b1), .AB(speculative_read_addr), .DB({width{1'b0}})); endmodule