Subversion Repositories copyblaze
[/] [copyblaze/] [trunk/] [copyblaze/] [bench/] [vhdl/] [tb_copyBlaze_ecoSystem.vhd] - Rev 2
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-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Company: -- -- File: tb_copyBlaze_ecoSystem.vhd -- -- Description: -- projet copyblaze -- copyBlaze_ecoSystem testbench -- -- File history: -- v1.0: 21/10/11: Creation -- -- Targeted device: ProAsic A3P250 VQFP100 -- Author: AbdAllah Meziti -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.numeric_std.all; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Entity: tb_copyBlaze_ecoSystem -- -- Description: -- -- REMARQUE: -- -- -- History: -- 21/10/11 AM: Creation -- --------------------- -- xx/xx/xx AM: -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- entity tb_copyBlaze_ecoSystem is end tb_copyBlaze_ecoSystem; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Architecture: behavior -- of entity : tb_copyBlaze_ecoSystem -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- architecture behavior of tb_copyBlaze_ecoSystem is -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Définition des constantes -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Constant for testbench constant CST_RESET_LENGTH : positive := 7; constant CST_MAX_CYCLES : positive := 500; constant CST_FREQ : integer := 4; -- Mhz constant CST_PERIOD : time := 1 us/CST_FREQ; -- Constant for the cp_copyBlaze_ecoSystem generic constant CST_WIDTH_DATA : positive := 8; constant CST_WIDTH_PC : positive := 10; constant CST_WIDTH_INST : positive := 18; constant CST_DEPTH_STACK : positive := 31; constant CST_DEPTH_BANC : positive := 16; constant CST_DEPTH_SCRATCH : positive := 64; constant CST_INT_VECTOR : std_ulogic_vector(11 downto 0) := x"3FF"; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Déclaration des composants -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- component cp_copyBlaze_ecoSystem generic ( GEN_WIDTH_DATA : positive := 8; GEN_WIDTH_PC : positive := 10; GEN_WIDTH_INST : positive := 18; GEN_DEPTH_STACK : positive := 15; -- Taille (en octet) de la Stack GEN_DEPTH_BANC : positive := 16; -- Taille (en octet) du Banc Register GEN_DEPTH_SCRATCH : positive := 64; -- Taille (en octet) du Scratch Pad GEN_INT_VECTOR : std_ulogic_vector(11 downto 0) := x"3FF" ); Port ( -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Signaux Systeme -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Clk_i : in std_ulogic; --Rst_i_n : in std_ulogic; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Signaux Fonctionels -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Interrupt_i : in std_ulogic; Interrupt_Ack_o : out std_ulogic; IN_PORT_i : in std_ulogic_vector(GEN_WIDTH_DATA-1 downto 0); OUT_PORT_o : out std_ulogic_vector(GEN_WIDTH_DATA-1 downto 0); PORT_ID_o : out std_ulogic_vector(GEN_WIDTH_DATA-1 downto 0); READ_STROBE_o : out std_ulogic; WRITE_STROBE_o : out std_ulogic; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Signaux WishBone -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Freeze_i : in std_ulogic; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Signaux Wishbone Interface -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RST_I : in std_ulogic; --CLK_I : in std_ulogic; ADR_O : out std_ulogic_vector(GEN_WIDTH_DATA-1 downto 0); DAT_I : in std_ulogic_vector(GEN_WIDTH_DATA-1 downto 0); DAT_O : out std_ulogic_vector(GEN_WIDTH_DATA-1 downto 0); WE_O : out std_ulogic; SEL_O : out std_ulogic_vector(1 downto 0); STB_O : out std_ulogic; ACK_I : in std_ulogic; CYC_O : out std_ulogic; TAGN_O : out std_ulogic_vector(1 downto 0); TAGN_I : in std_ulogic_vector(1 downto 0) ); end component; component WBOPRT08 port( -- WISHBONE SLAVE interface: ACK_O : out std_ulogic; CLK_I : in std_ulogic; DAT_I : in std_ulogic_vector( 7 downto 0 ); DAT_O : out std_ulogic_vector( 7 downto 0 ); RST_I : in std_ulogic; STB_I : in std_ulogic; WE_I : in std_ulogic; -- Output port (non-WISHBONE signals): PRT_O : out std_ulogic_vector( 7 downto 0 ) ); end component; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Définition des signaux interne -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- signal iClk : std_ulogic := '0'; signal iReset : std_ulogic; signal iResetN : std_ulogic; signal iInterrupt : std_ulogic; signal iInterrupt_Ack : std_ulogic; signal iIn_port : std_ulogic_vector(CST_WIDTH_DATA-1 downto 0); signal iOut_port : std_ulogic_vector(CST_WIDTH_DATA-1 downto 0); signal iPort_id : std_ulogic_vector(CST_WIDTH_DATA-1 downto 0); signal iRead_strobe : std_ulogic; signal iWrite_strobe : std_ulogic; signal iFreeze : std_ulogic := '0'; -- Freeze the processor signal iReset_counter : natural range 0 to CST_RESET_LENGTH := CST_RESET_LENGTH; -- VERY BAD SOLUTION signal iCounter : std_ulogic_vector(CST_WIDTH_DATA-1 downto 0); signal iWaveForms : std_ulogic_vector(CST_WIDTH_DATA-1 downto 0); signal iExtIntEvent : std_ulogic := '0'; signal iWbSTB : std_ulogic; signal iWbACK : std_ulogic;-- := '0';--'0'; signal iWbWE : std_ulogic;-- := '0';--'0'; signal iWbDAT_I : std_ulogic_vector(CST_WIDTH_DATA-1 downto 0); signal iWbDAT_O : std_ulogic_vector(CST_WIDTH_DATA-1 downto 0); begin -- ***************************************** -- -- UUT : Unit Under Test : cp_copyBlaze_ecoSystem -- -- ***************************************** -- uut: cp_copyBlaze_ecoSystem generic map ( GEN_WIDTH_DATA => CST_WIDTH_DATA, GEN_WIDTH_PC => CST_WIDTH_PC, GEN_WIDTH_INST => CST_WIDTH_INST, GEN_DEPTH_STACK => CST_DEPTH_STACK, GEN_DEPTH_BANC => CST_DEPTH_BANC, GEN_DEPTH_SCRATCH => CST_DEPTH_SCRATCH, GEN_INT_VECTOR => CST_INT_VECTOR ) Port map ( -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Signaux Systeme -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Clk_i => iClk, --Rst_i_n : in std_ulogic; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Signaux Fonctionels -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Interrupt_i => iInterrupt, Interrupt_Ack_o => iInterrupt_Ack, IN_PORT_i => iIn_port, OUT_PORT_o => iOut_port, PORT_ID_o => iPort_id, READ_STROBE_o => iRead_strobe, WRITE_STROBE_o => iWrite_strobe, -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Signaux WishBone -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Freeze_i => iFreeze, -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Signaux Wishbone Interface -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RST_I => iReset, --CLK_I => Clk_i, ADR_O => open, DAT_I => iWbDAT_I,--(others => '0'), DAT_O => iWbDAT_O,--open, WE_O => iWbWE,--open, SEL_O => open, STB_O => iWbSTB, ACK_I => iWbACK, CYC_O => open, TAGN_O => open, TAGN_I => (others => '0') ); WB_port : WBOPRT08 port map ( -- WISHBONE SLAVE interface: ACK_O => iWbACK, CLK_I => iClk, DAT_I => iWbDAT_O, DAT_O => iWbDAT_I, RST_I => iResetN, STB_I => iWbSTB, WE_I => iWbWE, -- Output port (non-WISHBONE signals): PRT_O => open --: out std_ulogic_vector( 7 downto 0 ) ); -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Process : Interrupt_Proc -- Description: Interrupt Logic for cp_copyBlaze_ecoSystem -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Interrupt_Proc: process(iReset, iClk) begin if (iReset='0') then iInterrupt <= '0'; elsif ( rising_edge(iClk) ) then if (iExtIntEvent='1') then iInterrupt <= '1'; elsif (iInterrupt_Ack='1') then iInterrupt <= '0'; end if; end if; end process Interrupt_Proc; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Process : Reset_Proc -- Description: Reset Logic for cp_copyBlaze_ecoSystem -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reset_Proc: process(iClk) begin -- delayed iReset circuit if ( rising_edge(iClk) ) then if ( iReset_counter = 0 ) then iReset <= '1'; else iReset <= '0'; iReset_counter <= iReset_counter - 1; end if; end if; end process Reset_Proc; iResetN <= not(iReset); -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Process : IO_Proc -- Description: adding the output registers to the processor -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IO_Proc: process(iClk) begin -- waveform register at iAddress 02 if ( rising_edge(iClk) ) then if (iPort_id(1)='1' and iWrite_strobe='1') then iWaveForms <= iOut_port; end if; end if; -- Interrupt iCounter register at iAddress 04 if ( rising_edge(iClk) ) then if (iPort_id(2)='1' and iWrite_strobe='1') then iCounter <= iOut_port; end if; end if; end process IO_Proc; -- ********************* -- -- STIMULIS FOR THE TEST -- -- ********************* -- -- Unused inputs on processor iIn_port <= x"28"; --iClk <= not iClk after 0.5 * CST_PERIOD; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Process : INT_Proc -- Description: Nominal 100MHz clock which also defines number of cycles in simulation -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INT_Proc : process variable max_cycles : integer := CST_MAX_CYCLES; variable cycle_count : integer := 0; begin -- Define the clock cycles and the clock cycle iCounter while cycle_count < max_cycles loop -- wait until rising_edge(iClk) ; iClk <= '0'; wait for CST_PERIOD; iClk <= '1'; cycle_count := cycle_count + 1; wait for CST_PERIOD; --Now define stimulus relative to a given clock cycle case cycle_count is -- *************** -- -- INTERRUPT EVENT -- -- *************** -- --when 30 => iExtIntEvent <= '1'; --when 34 => iExtIntEvent <= '0'; -- --when 67 => iExtIntEvent <= '1'; -- Take care when the "iIE" bit is not set. In this case how to manage Interrupt_Ack_o --when 71 => iExtIntEvent <= '0'; when 300 => iExtIntEvent <= '1'; when 304 => iExtIntEvent <= '0'; -- ************ -- -- FREEZE EVENT -- -- ************ -- when 130 => iFreeze <= '1'; when 150 => iFreeze <= '0'; -- ****** -- -- WB ACK -- -- ****** -- --when 420 => iWbACK <= '1'; --when 420+1 => iWbACK <= '0'; when others => iExtIntEvent <= iExtIntEvent; -- hold last defined value end case; end loop; wait; -- end of simulation. end process INT_Proc; end behavior;
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