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[/] [core_arm/] [trunk/] [vhdl/] [mem/] [cache/] [genic.vhd] - Rev 6
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-- $(lic) -- $(help_generic) -- $(help_local) library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use IEEE.std_logic_unsigned.conv_integer; use IEEE.std_logic_arith.conv_unsigned; use work.config.all; use work.int.all; use work.memdef.all; use work.corelib.all; use work.cache_comp.all; use work.cache_config.all; use work.genic_lib.all; use work.gencmem_lib.all; use work.bus_comp.all; entity genic is port ( rst : in std_logic; clk : in std_logic; hold : in cli_hold; i : in genic_type_in; o : out genic_type_out; ctrl : in gicl_ctrl; icmo : in gencmem_type_ic_out; icmi : out gencmem_type_ic_in; mcio : in ahbmst_mp_out; mcii : out ahbmst_mp_in ); end genic; architecture rtl of genic is type genic_datasrc is (genic_mem,genic_cmem); type genic_tmp_type is record hit ,valid : std_logic; set : integer; pos : integer; setrep : integer; sethit : std_logic_vector(CFG_IC_SETS-1 downto 0); setvalid : std_logic_vector(CFG_IC_SETS-1 downto 0); icmi : gencmem_type_ic_in; o : genic_type_out; datasrc : genic_datasrc; ehold, reqinsn, branch : std_logic; twrite, dwrite : std_logic; newvalid : std_logic_vector(CFG_IC_TLINE_SZ-1 downto 0); mcii : ahbmst_mp_in; end record; type genic_state is (genic_hit,genic_pempty,genic_stream,genic_pfull,genic_waitwrite); type genic_reg_type is record setrep : std_logic_vector(lin_log2x(CFG_IC_SETS)-1 downto 0); state : genic_state; hold : std_logic; hit : std_logic; mcii : ahbmst_mp_in; faddr : std_logic_vector(GCML_IC_TADDR_BSZ-1 downto 0); ready_addr : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); --flush, fluship : std_logic; end record; type genic_dbg_type is record dummy : std_logic; -- pragma translate_off dbg : genic_tmp_type; -- pragma translate_on end record; signal r, c : genic_reg_type; signal rdbg, cdbg : genic_dbg_type; begin p0: process (clk, rst, r, hold, i, icmo, mcio, ctrl ) variable v : genic_reg_type; variable t : genic_tmp_type; variable vdbg : genic_dbg_type; begin -- $(init(t:genic_tmp_type)) v := r; -- todo: use part of with mcii.address -- lin_incdec(t.ahbo.haddr(4 downto 2),t.ahbo.haddr(4 downto 2),'1','1'); t.icmi.addr := r.ready_addr; t.datasrc := genic_mem; t.ehold := hold.dhold; t.reqinsn := not (t.ehold or i.annul); t.branch := i.bra_v; t.twrite := '0'; t.dwrite := '0'; t.o.mstrobe := '0'; -- cmp t.hit := '0'; t.set := 0; for j in CFG_IC_SETS-1 downto 0 loop if gicl_is_taghit(i.pc_r,icmo.tag_line(j)) then t.hit := '1'; t.sethit(j) := '1'; t.set := j; end if; end loop; t.valid := '0'; if gicl_is_linevalid(i.pc_r,icmo.tag_line(t.set)) then t.valid := '1'; end if; -- next addr if mcio.ready = '1' then v.ready_addr := r.mcii.address; end if; -- state case r.state is when genic_hit => t.icmi.addr := i.pc_v; t.datasrc := genic_cmem; v.hold := '0'; -- remove: v.mcii.burst := ctrl.burst; if gicl_is_onetogo(i.pc_r) then v.mcii.burst := '0'; end if; v.hit := t.hit; if t.reqinsn = '1' then if (not (t.hit and t.valid)) = '1' then v.hold := '1'; v.state := genic_pempty; v.mcii.req := '1'; end if; v.mcii.address := i.pc_r; -- todo: use part of with mcii.address v.ready_addr := i.pc_r; end if; v.setrep := std_logic_vector(conv_unsigned(t.set, lin_log2x(CFG_IC_SETS))); when genic_pempty => if mcio.ready = '1' then t.o.mstrobe := '1'; if i.bra_r = '1' then v.state := genic_pfull; else v.state := genic_stream; v.hold := '0'; end if; end if; t.branch := i.bra_r; when genic_stream => if t.reqinsn = '1' then if mcio.ready = '0' then v.hold := '1'; v.state := genic_pempty; else if i.bra_v = '1' then v.hold := '1'; v.state := genic_pfull; end if; end if; else if mcio.ready = '1' then v.hold := '1'; v.state := genic_pfull; end if; end if; when genic_pfull => when genic_waitwrite => v.state := genic_hit; t.icmi.addr := i.pc_r; v.hold := '0'; when others => end case; -- next req if mcio.grant = '1' then v.mcii.burst := ctrl.burst; v.mcii.req := r.mcii.burst; lin_incdec(r.mcii.address(31 downto 2), v.mcii.address(31 downto 2),'1','1'); if gicl_is_onetogo(r.mcii.address) then v.mcii.burst := '0'; if mcio.ready = '1' then v.mcii.req := '0'; end if; end if; if (t.branch = '1') then v.mcii.burst := '0'; v.mcii.req := '0'; end if; end if; -- finish if (mcio.ready = '1') and (r.mcii.req = '0') then --v.flush := r.fluship; v.state := genic_waitwrite; v.hold := '1'; end if; -- memdata returned if mcio.ready = '1' then t.twrite := '1'; t.dwrite := '1'; end if; -- retry if mcio.retry = '1' then v.mcii.req := '1'; v.mcii.address := r.ready_addr; end if; -- mexc if (mcio.mexc or not mcio.cache) = '1' then t.twrite := '0'; t.dwrite := '0'; else t.dwrite := t.twrite; end if; -- return data t.o.dat_line_v := icmo.dat_line(t.set); if CFG_IC_DLINE_SZ = 1 then t.pos := 0; else t.pos := lin_convint(r.ready_addr(GICL_TLINE_U downto GICL_TLINE_D)); end if; case t.datasrc is when genic_mem => t.o.dat_line_v.data(t.pos) := mcio.data; when genic_cmem => t.o.dat_line_v := icmo.dat_line(t.set); when others => end case; -- assemble input tag line t.setrep := lin_convint(r.setrep); t.icmi.tag_line := icmo.tag_line(t.setrep); t.newvalid := lin_decode(r.ready_addr(GICL_TLINE_U downto GICL_TLINE_D)); if r.hit = '1' then t.icmi.tag_line.valid := t.icmi.tag_line.valid or t.newvalid; else t.icmi.tag_line.valid := t.newvalid; end if; t.icmi.tag_line.tag := r.ready_addr(GICL_TTAG_U downto GICL_TTAG_D); t.icmi.tag_write(t.setrep) := t.twrite; -- assemble input data line t.icmi.dat_line := icmo.dat_line(t.setrep); t.icmi.dat_line.data(t.pos) := mcio.data; t.icmi.dat_write(t.setrep) := t.dwrite; -- flush --if r.fluship = '1' then -- t.icmi.tag_write := (others => '1'); -- t.icmi.addr(GICL_TADDR_U downto GICL_TADDR_D) := r.faddr; -- t.icmi.tag_line.tag := (others => '0'); -- t.icmi.tag_line.valid := (others => '0'); -- lin_incdec(r.faddr, v.faddr,'1','1'); -- if (r.faddr(GICL_TADDR_U) and not v.faddr(GICL_TADDR_U)) = '1' then -- v.fluship := '0'; -- end if; --end if; -- reset if ( rst = '0' ) then v.state := genic_hit; v.hold := '0'; v.mcii.req := '0'; --v.flush := '0'; --v.fluship := '0'; end if; t.o.hold := r.hold; t.mcii := r.mcii; t.mcii.read := '1'; t.mcii.lock := '0'; v.mcii.size := lmd_word; t.mcii.data := (others => '0'); c <= v; icmi <= t.icmi; o <= t.o; mcii <= t.mcii; -- pragma translate_off vdbg := rdbg; vdbg.dbg := t; cdbg <= vdbg; -- pragma translate_on end process p0; end process p0; pregs : process (clk, c) begin if rising_edge(clk) then r <= c; -- pragma translate_off rdbg <= cdbg; -- pragma translate_on end if; end process; end rtl;
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