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[/] [core_arm/] [trunk/] [vhdl/] [mem/] [cache/] [kecs_wbfifo.vhd] - Rev 6
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-- $(lic) -- $(help_generic) -- $(help_local) library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use work.config.all; use work.iface.all; use work.target.all; use work.kecs_config.all; use work.kecs_libiface.all; use work.kecs_libwb.all; use work.kehl_libint.all; use work.tech_map.all; entity kecs_wbfifo is generic ( WBBUF_SZ : integer := 2 ); port ( rst : in std_logic; clk : in clk_type; wbfifoi : in kcif_ketyp_wbfifo_in; wbfifoo : out kcif_ketyp_wbfifo_out ); end kecs_wbfifo; architecture rtl of kecs_wbfifo is type kecswbfifo_tmp_type is record wbfifoo : kcif_ketyp_wbfifo_out; readint, writeint : std_logic; end record; type kecswbfifo_reg_type is record buf : kclw_ketyp_entry_a((WBBUF_SZ)-1 downto 0); cur, set : std_logic_vector((log2(WBBUF_SZ))-1 downto 0); empty : std_logic; end record; type kecswbfifo_dbg_type is record dummy : std_logic; -- pragma translate_off wbaddr : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); dbg : kecswbfifo_tmp_type; -- pragma translate_on end record; signal r, c : kecswbfifo_reg_type; signal rdbg, cdbg : kecswbfifo_dbg_type; begin p0: process (clk, rst, r, wbfifoi ) variable v : kecswbfifo_reg_type; variable t : kecswbfifo_tmp_type; variable vdbg : kecswbfifo_dbg_type; begin -- $(init(t:kecswb_tmp_type)) v := r; --$(del) wbfifoo.entry_r -- +-------+ <-cur /\ -- | xxxxx | -------+ -- +-------+ -- | xxxxx | -- +-------+ <-set -- | | -- . . -- . . -- +-------+ -- | | -- +-------+ --$(/del) t.wbfifoo.fifo_entry := r.buf(khin_convint(r.cur)); t.wbfifoo.fifo_empty_r := r.empty; t.readint := wbfifoi.fifo_read; t.writeint := wbfifoi.fifo_write; t.wbfifoo.fifo_stored_v := wbfifoi.fifo_write; if t.writeint = '1' then if r.cur = r.set then if (r.empty = '0') then if (wbfifoi.fifo_read = '0') then t.writeint := '0'; t.wbfifoo.fifo_stored_v := '0'; end if; end if; end if; if t.writeint = '1' then v.buf(khin_convint(r.set)) := wbfifoi.fifo_entry; khin_incdec(r.set,v.set,'1','1'); v.empty := '0'; end if; end if; if t.readint = '1' then khin_incdec(r.cur,v.cur,'1','1'); if v.cur = v.set then if t.wbfifoo.fifo_stored_v = '0' then v.empty := '1'; end if; end if; end if; -- reset if ( rst = '0' ) then v.empty := '1'; v.cur := (others => '0'); v.set := (others => '0'); end if; c <= v; wbfifoo <= t.wbfifoo; -- pragma translate_off vdbg := rdbg; vdbg.dbg := t; cdbg <= vdbg; -- pragma translate_on end process p0; end process p0; pregs : process (clk, c) begin if rising_edge(clk) then r <= c; -- pragma translate_off rdbg <= cdbg; -- pragma translate_on end if; end process; -- pragma translate_off check0 : process (clk) begin if falling_edge(clk) then if wbfifoi.fifo_read = '1' then assert (r.empty = '0') report "Read on empty fifo" severity failure; end if; end if; end process; -- pragma translate_on end process p0; end rtl;
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