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[/] [core_arm/] [trunk/] [vhdl/] [sparc/] [dcache.vhd] - Rev 4
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---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- This file is a part of the LEON VHDL model -- Copyright (C) 1999 European Space Agency (ESA) -- -- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or -- modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public -- License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either -- version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. -- -- See the file COPYING.LGPL for the full details of the license. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Entity: dcache -- File: dcache.vhd -- Author: Jiri Gaisler - Gaisler Research -- Description: This unit implements the data cache controller. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use IEEE.std_logic_unsigned."+"; use IEEE.std_logic_unsigned.conv_integer; use IEEE.std_logic_arith.conv_unsigned; use work.amba.all; use work.leon_target.all; use work.leon_config.all; use work.sparcv8.all; -- ASI declarations use work.leon_iface.all; use work.macro.all; -- xorv() entity dcache is port ( rst : in std_logic; clk : in clk_type; dci : in dcache_in_type; dco : out dcache_out_type; ico : in icache_out_type; mcdi : out memory_dc_in_type; mcdo : in memory_dc_out_type; ahbsi : in ahb_slv_in_type; dcrami : out dcram_in_type; dcramo : in dcram_out_type; fpuholdn : in std_logic ); end; architecture rtl of dcache is constant TAG_HIGH : integer := DTAG_HIGH; constant TAG_LOW : integer := DOFFSET_BITS + DLINE_BITS + 2; constant OFFSET_HIGH: integer := TAG_LOW - 1; constant OFFSET_LOW : integer := DLINE_BITS + 2; constant LINE_HIGH : integer := OFFSET_LOW - 1; constant LINE_LOW : integer := 2; constant LINE_ZERO : std_logic_vector(DLINE_BITS-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); constant SETBITS : integer := log2x(DSETS); type rdatatype is (dtag, ddata, dddata, icache, memory); -- sources during cache read type vmasktype is (clearone, clearall, merge, tnew); -- valid bits operation type write_buffer_type is record -- write buffer addr, data1, data2 : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); size : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); asi : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); read : std_logic; lock : std_logic; end record; type dcache_control_type is record -- all registers read : std_logic; -- access direction signed : std_logic; -- signed/unsigned read size : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); -- access size req, burst, holdn, nomds, stpend : std_logic; xaddress : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); -- common address buffer faddr : std_logic_vector(DOFFSET_BITS - 1 downto 0); -- flush address valid : std_logic_vector(DLINE_SIZE - 1 downto 0); -- registered valid bits dstate : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); -- FSM vector hit : std_logic; flush : std_logic; -- flush in progress mexc : std_logic; -- latched mexc wb : write_buffer_type; -- write buffer asi : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); icenable : std_logic; -- icache diag access rndcnt : std_logic_vector(log2x(DSETS)-1 downto 0); -- replace counter setrepl : std_logic_vector(log2x(DSETS)-1 downto 0); -- set to replace lrr : std_logic; dsuset : std_logic_vector(log2x(DSETS)-1 downto 0); lock : std_logic; lramrd : std_logic; end record; type snoop_reg_type is record -- snoop control registers snoop : std_logic; -- snoop access to tags writebp : std_logic_vector(0 to DSETS-1); -- snoop write bypass addr : std_logic_vector(TAG_HIGH downto OFFSET_LOW);-- snoop tag end record; type snoop_hit_bits_type is array (0 to 2**DOFFSET_BITS-1) of std_logic_vector(0 to DSETS-1); type snoop_hit_reg_type is record hit : snoop_hit_bits_type; -- snoop hit bits taddr : std_logic_vector(OFFSET_HIGH downto OFFSET_LOW); -- saved tag address set : std_logic_vector(log2x(DSETS)-1 downto 0); -- saved set end record; subtype lru_type is std_logic_vector(DLRUBITS-1 downto 0); type lru_array is array (0 to 2**DOFFSET_BITS-1) of lru_type; -- lru registers type par_type is array (0 to DSETS-1) of std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); type lru_reg_type is record write : std_logic; waddr : std_logic_vector(DOFFSET_BITS-1 downto 0); set : std_logic_vector(SETBITS-1 downto 0); --integer range 0 to DSETS-1; lru : lru_array; end record; subtype lock_type is std_logic_vector(0 to DSETS-1); function lru_set (lru : lru_type; lock : lock_type) return std_logic_vector is variable xlru : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0); variable set : std_logic_vector(SETBITS-1 downto 0); variable xset : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); variable unlocked : integer range 0 to DSETS-1; begin set := (others => '0'); xlru := (others => '0'); xlru(DLRUBITS-1 downto 0) := lru; if DCLOCK_BIT = 1 then unlocked := DSETS-1; for i in DSETS-1 downto 0 loop if lock(i) = '0' then unlocked := i; end if; end loop; end if; case DSETS is when 2 => if DCLOCK_BIT = 1 then if lock(0) = '1' then xset(0) := '1'; else xset(0) := xlru(0); end if; else xset(0) := xlru(0); end if; when 3 => if DCLOCK_BIT = 1 then xset := std_logic_vector(conv_unsigned(lru3_repl_table(conv_integer(xlru)) (unlocked), 2)); else xset := std_logic_vector(conv_unsigned(lru3_repl_table(conv_integer(xlru)) (0), 2)); end if; when 4 => if DCLOCK_BIT = 1 then xset := std_logic_vector(conv_unsigned(lru4_repl_table(conv_integer(xlru)) (unlocked), 2)); else xset := std_logic_vector(conv_unsigned(lru4_repl_table(conv_integer(xlru)) (0), 2)); end if; when others => end case; set := xset(SETBITS-1 downto 0); return(set); end; function lru_calc (lru : lru_type; set : integer) return lru_type is variable new_lru : lru_type; variable xnew_lru: std_logic_vector(4 downto 0); variable xlru : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0); begin new_lru := (others => '0'); xnew_lru := (others => '0'); xlru := (others => '0'); xlru(DLRUBITS-1 downto 0) := lru; case DSETS is when 2 => if set = 0 then xnew_lru(0) := '1'; else xnew_lru(0) := '0'; end if; when 3 => xnew_lru(2 downto 0) := lru_3set_table(conv_integer(lru))(set); when 4 => xnew_lru(4 downto 0) := lru_4set_table(conv_integer(lru))(set); when others => end case; new_lru := xnew_lru(DLRUBITS-1 downto 0); return(new_lru); end; subtype word is std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); signal r, c : dcache_control_type; -- r is registers, c is combinational signal rs, cs : snoop_reg_type; -- rs is registers, cs is combinational signal rh, ch : snoop_hit_reg_type; -- rs is registers, cs is combinational signal rl, cl : lru_reg_type; -- rl is registers, cl is combinational begin dctrl : process(rst, r, rs, rh, rl, dci, mcdo, ico, dcramo, ahbsi, fpuholdn) type ddtype is array (0 to DSETS-1) of word; variable dcramov : dcram_out_type; variable rdatasel : rdatatype; variable maddress : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); variable maddrlow : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); variable edata : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); variable size : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); variable read : std_logic; variable twrite, tdiagwrite, ddiagwrite, dwrite : std_logic; variable taddr : std_logic_vector(OFFSET_HIGH downto LINE_LOW); -- tag address variable newtag : std_logic_vector(TAG_HIGH downto TAG_LOW); -- new tag variable align_data : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); -- aligned data variable ddatain : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); variable ddatainv, rdatav, align_datav : ddtype; variable rdata : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); variable vmaskraw, vmask : std_logic_vector((DLINE_SIZE -1) downto 0); variable ivalid : std_logic_vector((DLINE_SIZE -1) downto 0); variable vmaskdbl : std_logic_vector((DLINE_SIZE/2 -1) downto 0); variable enable : std_logic; variable mds : std_logic; variable mexc : std_logic; variable hit, valid, validraw, forcemiss : std_logic; variable signed : std_logic; variable flush : std_logic; variable iflush : std_logic; variable v : dcache_control_type; variable eholdn : std_logic; -- external hold variable snoopwe : std_logic; variable hcache : std_logic; variable lramcs, lramen, lramrd, lramwr : std_logic; variable snoopaddr: std_logic_vector(OFFSET_HIGH downto OFFSET_LOW); variable vs : snoop_reg_type; variable vh : snoop_hit_reg_type; variable dsudata : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); variable set : integer range 0 to DSETS-1; variable ddset : integer range 0 to MAXSETS-1; variable snoopset : integer range 0 to DSETS-1; variable validv, hitv, validrawv : std_logic_vector(0 to MAXSETS-1); variable csnoopwe : std_logic_vector(0 to MAXSETS-1); variable ctwrite, cdwrite : std_logic_vector(0 to MAXSETS-1); variable vset, setrepl : std_logic_vector(log2x(DSETS)-1 downto 0); variable wlrr : std_logic_vector(0 to MAXSETS-1); variable vl : lru_reg_type; variable diagset : std_logic_vector(TAG_LOW + SETBITS -1 downto TAG_LOW); variable lock : std_logic_vector(0 to DSETS-1); variable wlock : std_logic_vector(0 to MAXSETS-1); variable snoophit : std_logic_vector(0 to DSETS-1); variable snoopval : std_logic; variable snoopset2, rdsuset : integer range 0 to DSETS-1; variable laddr : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); -- local ram addr begin -- init local variables v := r; vs := rs; vh := rh; dcramov := dcramo; vl := rl; vl.write := '0'; lramen := '0'; lramrd := '0'; lramwr := '0'; lramcs := '0'; laddr := (others => '0'); v.lramrd := '0'; mds := '1'; dwrite := '0'; twrite := '0'; ddiagwrite := '0'; tdiagwrite := '0'; v.holdn := '1'; mexc := '0'; flush := '0'; v.icenable := '0'; iflush := '0'; eholdn := ico.hold and fpuholdn; ddset := 0; vset := (others => '0'); vs.snoop := '0'; vs.writebp := (others => '0'); snoopwe := '0'; snoopaddr := ahbsi.haddr(OFFSET_HIGH downto OFFSET_LOW); hcache := '0'; rdsuset := 0; enable := '1'; validv := (others => '0'); validrawv := (others => '0'); hitv := (others => '0'); ivalid := (others => '0'); rdatasel := ddata; -- read data from cache as default set := 0; snoopset := 0; csnoopwe := (others => '0'); ctwrite := (others => '0'); cdwrite := (others => '0'); wlock := (others => '0'); for i in 0 to DSETS-1 loop wlock(i) := dcramov.dtramout(i).lock; end loop; wlrr := (others => '0'); for i in 0 to 1 loop wlrr(i) := dcramov.dtramout(i).lrr; end loop; if (DSETS > 1) then setrepl := r.setrepl; else setrepl := (others => '0'); end if; -- random replacement counter if DSETS > 1 then -- pragma translate_off if not is_x(r.rndcnt) then -- pragma translate_on if conv_integer(r.rndcnt) = (DSETS - 1) then v.rndcnt := (others => '0'); else v.rndcnt := r.rndcnt + 1; end if; -- pragma translate_off end if; -- pragma translate_on end if; -- generate lock bits lock := (others => '0'); if DCLOCK_BIT = 1 then for i in 0 to DSETS-1 loop lock(i) := dcramov.dtramout(i).lock; end loop; end if; -- AHB snoop handling if DSNOOP then -- snoop only in cacheable areas -- for i in PROC_CACHETABLE'range loop --' -- if (ahbsi.haddr(31 downto 32-PROC_CACHE_ADDR_MSB) >= PROC_CACHETABLE(i).firstaddr) and -- (ahbsi.haddr(31 downto 32-PROC_CACHE_ADDR_MSB) < PROC_CACHETABLE(i).lastaddr) -- then hcache := '1'; end if; -- end loop; hcache := is_cacheable(ahbsi.haddr(31 downto 24)); -- snoop on NONSEQ or SEQ and first word in cache line -- do not snoop during own transfers or during cache flush if (ahbsi.hready and ahbsi.hwrite and not mcdo.bg) = '1' and ((ahbsi.htrans = HTRANS_NONSEQ) or ((ahbsi.htrans = HTRANS_SEQ) and (ahbsi.haddr(LINE_HIGH downto LINE_LOW) = LINE_ZERO))) then vs.snoop := mcdo.dsnoop and hcache; vs.addr := ahbsi.haddr(TAG_HIGH downto OFFSET_LOW); end if; -- clear valid bits on snoop hit (or set hit bits) for i in DSETS-1 downto 0 loop if ((rs.snoop and (not mcdo.ba) and not r.flush) = '1') and (dcramov.dtramoutsn(i).tag = rs.addr(TAG_HIGH downto TAG_LOW)) then if DSNOOP_FAST then -- pragma translate_off if not is_x(rs.addr(OFFSET_HIGH downto OFFSET_LOW)) then -- pragma translate_on vh.hit(conv_integer(rs.addr(OFFSET_HIGH downto OFFSET_LOW)))(i) := '1'; -- vh.set := std_logic_vector(conv_unsigned(i, SETBITS)); -- pragma translate_off end if; -- pragma translate_on else snoopaddr := rs.addr(OFFSET_HIGH downto OFFSET_LOW); snoopwe := '1'; snoopset := i; end if; end if; -- bypass tag data on read/write contention if (not DSNOOP_FAST) and (rs.writebp(i) = '1') then dcramov.dtramout(i).tag := rs.addr(TAG_HIGH downto TAG_LOW); dcramov.dtramout(i).valid := (others => '0'); end if; end loop; end if; -- generate access parameters during pipeline stall if ((r.holdn) = '0') or (DEBUG_UNIT and (dci.dsuen = '1')) then taddr := r.xaddress(OFFSET_HIGH downto LINE_LOW); --if r.dsuwren = '0' then v.dsuwren := '1'; end if; elsif ((dci.enaddr and not dci.read) = '1') or (eholdn = '0') then taddr := dci.maddress(OFFSET_HIGH downto LINE_LOW); else taddr := dci.eaddress(OFFSET_HIGH downto LINE_LOW); end if; if (dci.write or not r.holdn) = '1' then maddress := r.xaddress(31 downto 0); signed := r.signed; read := r.read; size := r.size; edata := dci.maddress; else maddress := dci.maddress(31 downto 0); signed := dci.signed; read := dci.read; size := dci.size; edata := dci.edata; end if; newtag := dci.maddress(TAG_HIGH downto TAG_LOW); vl.waddr := maddress(OFFSET_HIGH downto OFFSET_LOW); -- lru write address -- generate cache hit and valid bits forcemiss := not dci.asi(3); hit := '0'; set := 0; snoophit := (others => '0'); snoopval := '1'; for i in DSETS-1 downto 0 loop if DSNOOP and DSNOOP_FAST then -- pragma translate_off if not is_x(rh.taddr) then -- pragma translate_on snoophit(i) := rh.hit(conv_integer(rh.taddr))(i); -- pragma translate_off end if; -- pragma translate_on end if; if (dcramov.dtramout(i).tag = dci.maddress(TAG_HIGH downto TAG_LOW)) then hitv(i) := '1'; end if; -- not r.flush; set := i; end if; validrawv(i) := hitv(i) and (not r.flush) and (not snoophit(i)) and genmux(dci.maddress(LINE_HIGH downto LINE_LOW), dcramov.dtramout(i).valid); validv(i) := validrawv(i); if (hitv(i) and not snoophit(i)) = '1' then ivalid := ivalid or dcramov.dtramout(i).valid; end if; snoopval := snoopval and not snoophit(i); end loop; hit := orv(hitv) and not r.flush; validraw := orv(validrawv); valid := orv(validv); if DSETS > 1 then for i in DSETS-1 downto 0 loop if (hitv(i) = '1') then vset := vset or std_logic_vector(conv_unsigned(i, SETBITS)); end if; end loop; set := conv_integer(vset); else set := 0; end if; if (dci.dsuen and (not r.holdn)) = '1' then diagset := r.xaddress(TAG_LOW+SETBITS-1 downto TAG_LOW); else diagset := maddress(TAG_LOW + SETBITS - 1 downto TAG_LOW); end if; -- pragma translate_off if not is_x(diagset) then -- pragma translate_on case DSETS is when 1 => ddset := 0; when 3 => if conv_integer(diagset) < 3 then ddset := conv_integer(diagset); end if; when others => ddset := conv_integer(diagset); end case; -- pragma translate_off end if; --pragma translate_on if ((r.holdn and dci.enaddr) = '1') and (r.dstate = "000") then v.hit := hit; v.xaddress := dci.maddress; v.read := dci.read; v.size := dci.size; v.asi := dci.asi(3 downto 0); v.signed := dci.signed; end if; -- Store buffer -- wdata := r.wb.data1; if mcdo.ready = '1' then v.wb.addr(2) := r.wb.addr(2) or (r.wb.size(0) and r.wb.size(1)); if r.stpend = '1' then v.stpend := r.req; v.wb.data1 := r.wb.data2; v.wb.lock := r.wb.lock and r.req; end if; end if; if mcdo.grant = '1' then v.req := r.burst; v.burst := '0'; end if; if (LOCAL_RAM) then if ((r.holdn) = '0') or (DEBUG_UNIT and (dci.dsuen = '1')) then laddr := r.xaddress; elsif ((dci.enaddr and not dci.read) = '1') or (eholdn = '0') then laddr := dci.maddress; else laddr := dci.eaddress; end if; if (dci.enaddr = '1') and (dci.maddress(31 downto 24) = LOCAL_RAM_START) then lramen := '1'; end if; if ((dci.eenaddr or dci.enaddr) = '1') and (laddr(31 downto 24) = LOCAL_RAM_START) then lramcs := '1'; end if; end if; -- main Dcache state machine case r.dstate is when "000" => -- Idle state v.nomds := r.nomds and not eholdn; if (snoopval = '1') then v.valid := dcramov.dtramout(set).valid; else v.valid := (others => '0'); end if; if (r.stpend = '0') or ((mcdo.ready and not r.req)= '1') then -- wait for store queue v.wb.addr := dci.maddress; v.wb.size := dci.size; v.wb.read := dci.read; v.wb.data1 := dci.edata; v.wb.lock := dci.lock; v.wb.asi := dci.asi(3 downto 0); end if; if (eholdn and (not r.nomds)) = '1' then -- avoid false path through nullify if dci.asi(3 downto 0) = LASI_DTAG then rdatasel := dtag; end if; if dci.asi(3 downto 0) = LASI_DDATA then rdatasel := dddata; end if; end if; if (dci.enaddr and eholdn and (not r.nomds) and not dci.nullify) = '1' then case dci.asi(3 downto 0) is when LASI_ITAG | LASI_IDATA => -- Read/write Icache tags if ico.flush = '1' then mexc := '1'; else v.dstate := "101"; v.holdn := '0'; end if; when LASI_IFLUSH => -- flush instruction cache if dci.read = '0' then iflush := '1'; end if; when LASI_DFLUSH => -- flush data cache if dci.read = '0' then flush := '1'; end if; when LASI_DDATA => -- Read/write Dcache data if (dci.size /= "10") or (r.flush = '1') then -- only word access is allowed mexc := '1'; elsif (dci.read = '0') then dwrite := '1'; ddiagwrite := '1'; end if; when LASI_DTAG => -- Read/write Dcache tags if (dci.size /= "10") or (r.flush = '1') then -- allow only word access mexc := '1'; elsif (dci.read = '0') then twrite := '1'; tdiagwrite := '1'; end if; when others => -- setrepl := std_logic_vector(conv_unsigned(set, SETBITS)); if dci.read = '1' then -- read access if LOCAL_RAM and (lramen = '1') then lramrd := '1'; elsif (not ((mcdo.dcs(0) = '1') and ((hit and valid and not forcemiss) = '1'))) then -- read miss v.holdn := '0'; v.dstate := "001"; if ((r.stpend = '0') or ((mcdo.ready and not r.req) = '1')) then -- wait for store queue v.req := '1'; v.burst := dci.size(1) and dci.size(0) and not dci.maddress(2); end if; else -- read hit if (DSETS > 1) and (DCREPLACE = lru) then vl.write := '1'; end if; end if; else -- write access if LOCAL_RAM and (lramen = '1') then lramwr := '1'; lramrd := '1'; if (dci.size = "11") then v.dstate := "100"; end if; -- double store elsif (r.stpend = '0') or ((mcdo.ready and not r.req)= '1') then -- wait for store queue v.req := '1'; v.stpend := '1'; v.burst := dci.size(1) and dci.size(0); if (dci.size = "11") then v.dstate := "100"; end if; -- double store else -- wait for store queue v.dstate := "110"; v.holdn := '0'; end if; if (mcdo.dcs(0) = '1') and ((hit and (dci.size(1) or validraw)) = '1') then -- write hit twrite := '1'; dwrite := '1'; if (DSETS > 1) and (DCREPLACE = lru) then vl.write := '1'; end if; setrepl := std_logic_vector(conv_unsigned(set, SETBITS)); end if; if (dci.size = "11") then v.xaddress(2) := '1'; end if; end if; if (DSETS > 1) then vl.set := std_logic_vector(conv_unsigned(set, SETBITS)); v.setrepl := std_logic_vector(conv_unsigned(set, SETBITS)); if ((not hit) and (not r.flush)) = '1' then case DCREPLACE is when rnd => if DCLOCK_BIT = 1 then if lock(conv_integer(r.rndcnt)) = '0' then v.setrepl := r.rndcnt; else v.setrepl := std_logic_vector(conv_unsigned(DSETS-1, SETBITS)); for i in DSETS-1 downto 0 loop if (lock(i) = '0') and (i>conv_integer(r.rndcnt)) then v.setrepl := std_logic_vector(conv_unsigned(i, SETBITS)); end if; end loop; end if; else v.setrepl := r.rndcnt; end if; when lru => -- pragma translate_off if not is_x(dci.maddress(OFFSET_HIGH downto OFFSET_LOW)) then -- pragma translate_on v.setrepl := lru_set(rl.lru(conv_integer(dci.maddress(OFFSET_HIGH downto OFFSET_LOW))), lock(0 to DSETS-1)); -- pragma translate_off end if; -- pragma translate_on when lrr => v.setrepl := (others => '0'); if DCLOCK_BIT = 1 then if lock(0) = '1' then v.setrepl(0) := '1'; else v.setrepl(0) := dcramov.dtramout(0).lrr xor dcramov.dtramout(1).lrr; end if; else v.setrepl(0) := dcramov.dtramout(0).lrr xor dcramov.dtramout(1).lrr; end if; if v.setrepl(0) = '0' then v.lrr := not dcramov.dtramout(0).lrr; else v.lrr := dcramov.dtramout(0).lrr; end if; end case; end if; if (DCLOCK_BIT = 1) then if (hit and lock(set)) = '1' then v.lock := '1'; else v.lock := '0'; end if; end if; end if; end case; end if; when "001" => -- read miss, wait for memory data taddr := r.xaddress(OFFSET_HIGH downto LINE_LOW); newtag := r.xaddress(TAG_HIGH downto TAG_LOW); v.nomds := r.nomds and not eholdn; v.holdn := v.nomds; rdatasel := memory; for i in 0 to DSETS-1 loop wlock(i) := r.lock; end loop; for i in 0 to 1 loop wlrr(i) := r.lrr; end loop; if r.stpend = '0' then if mcdo.ready = '1' then mds := r.holdn or r.nomds; v.xaddress(2) := '1'; v.holdn := '1'; if (mcdo.dcs = "01") then v.hit := mcdo.cache and r.hit; twrite := v.hit; elsif (mcdo.dcs(1) = '1') then v.hit := mcdo.cache and (r.hit or not r.asi(2)); twrite := v.hit; end if; dwrite := twrite; rdatasel := memory; mexc := mcdo.mexc; if r.req = '0' then if (((dci.enaddr and not mds) = '1') or ((dci.eenaddr and mds and eholdn) = '1')) and (mcdo.dcs(0) = '1') then v.dstate := "011"; v.holdn := '0'; else v.dstate := "000"; end if; else v.nomds := '1'; end if; end if; v.mexc := mcdo.mexc; v.wb.data2 := mcdo.data; else if ((mcdo.ready and not r.req) = '1') then -- wait for store queue v.burst := r.size(1) and r.size(0) and not r.xaddress(2); v.wb.addr := r.xaddress; v.wb.size := r.size; v.wb.read := r.read; v.wb.data1 := dci.maddress; v.req := '1'; v.wb.lock := dci.lock; v.wb.asi := r.asi; end if; end if; when "011" => -- return from read miss with load pending taddr := dci.maddress(OFFSET_HIGH downto LINE_LOW); v.dstate := "000"; when "100" => -- second part of double store cycle v.dstate := "000"; edata := dci.edata; -- needed for STD store hit taddr := r.xaddress(OFFSET_HIGH downto LINE_LOW); if LOCAL_RAM then laddr := r.xaddress; end if; if LOCAL_RAM and (r.xaddress(31 downto 24) = LOCAL_RAM_START) then lramwr := '1'; else if (mcdo.dcs(0) = '1') and (r.hit = '1') then dwrite := '1'; end if; v.wb.data2 := dci.edata; end if; when "101" => -- icache diag access rdatasel := icache; v.icenable := '1'; v.holdn := '0'; if ico.diagrdy = '1' then v.dstate := "011"; v.icenable := '0'; mds := not r.read; end if; when "110" => -- wait for store buffer to empty (store access) edata := dci.edata; -- needed for STD store hit if ((mcdo.ready and not r.req) = '1') then -- store queue emptied if (mcdo.dcs(0) = '1') and (r.hit = '1') and (r.size = "11") then -- write hit taddr := r.xaddress(OFFSET_HIGH downto LINE_LOW); dwrite := '1'; end if; v.dstate := "000"; v.req := '1'; v.burst := r.size(1) and r.size(0); v.stpend := '1'; v.wb.addr := r.xaddress; v.wb.size := r.size; v.wb.read := r.read; v.wb.data1 := dci.maddress; v.wb.lock := dci.lock; v.wb.data2 := dci.edata; v.wb.asi := r.asi; if r.size = "11" then v.wb.addr(2) := '0'; end if; else -- hold cpu until buffer empty v.holdn := '0'; end if; when others => v.dstate := "000"; end case; dsudata := (others => '0'); if DEBUG_UNIT and dci.dsuen = '1' then if (DSETS > 1) then -- pragma translate_off if not is_x(r.xaddress) then -- pragma translate_on v.dsuset := r.xaddress(TAG_LOW+SETBITS-1 downto TAG_LOW); -- pragma translate_off end if; if not is_x(r.dsuset) then -- pragma translate_on rdsuset := conv_integer(r.dsuset); -- pragma translate_off end if; -- pragma translate_on end if; case dci.asi(3 downto 0) is when LASI_ITAG | LASI_IDATA => -- Read/write Icache tags v.icenable := not ico.diagrdy; dsudata := ico.diagdata; when LASI_DTAG => if dci.write = '1' then twrite := not dci.eenaddr; tdiagwrite := '1'; end if; dsudata(TAG_HIGH downto TAG_LOW) := dcramov.dtramout(rdsuset).tag; dsudata(DLINE_SIZE -1 downto 0) := dcramov.dtramout(rdsuset).valid; dsudata(DCTAG_LRRPOS) := dcramov.dtramout(rdsuset).lrr; dsudata(DCTAG_LOCKPOS) := dcramov.dtramout(rdsuset).lock; when LASI_DDATA => --if (dci.write and r.dsuwren) = '1' then dwrite := '1'; ddiagwrite := '1'; end if; if (LOCAL_RAM) and (laddr(19 downto 16) = "1111") then lramwr := dci.write and not dci.eenaddr; v.lramrd := not lramwr; lramcs := '1'; elsif dci.write = '1' then dwrite := not dci.eenaddr; ddiagwrite := '1'; end if; dsudata := dcramov.ddramout(rdsuset).data; when others => end case; end if; -- select data to return on read access -- align if byte/half word read from cache or memory. rdata := (others => '0'); rdatav := (others => (others => '0')); align_data := (others => '0'); align_datav := (others => (others => '0')); maddrlow := maddress(1 downto 0); -- stupid Synopsys VSS bug ... case rdatasel is when dddata => rdata := dcramov.ddramout(ddset).data; when dtag => rdata(TAG_HIGH downto TAG_LOW) := dcramov.dtramout(ddset).tag; rdata(DLINE_SIZE -1 downto 0) := dcramov.dtramout(ddset).valid; rdata(DCTAG_LRRPOS) := dcramov.dtramout(ddset).lrr; rdata(DCTAG_LOCKPOS) := dcramov.dtramout(ddset).lock; when icache => rdata := ico.diagdata; when ddata | memory => if DREAD_FAST then if rdatasel = memory then case size is when "00" => -- byte read case maddrlow is when "00" => rdata(7 downto 0) := mcdo.data(31 downto 24); if signed = '1' then rdata(31 downto 8) := (others => mcdo.data(31)); end if; when "01" => rdata(7 downto 0) := mcdo.data(23 downto 16); if signed = '1' then rdata(31 downto 8) := (others => mcdo.data(23)); end if; when "10" => rdata(7 downto 0) := mcdo.data(15 downto 8); if signed = '1' then rdata(31 downto 8) := (others => mcdo.data(15)); end if; when others => rdata(7 downto 0) := mcdo.data(7 downto 0); if signed = '1' then rdata(31 downto 8) := (others => mcdo.data(7)); end if; end case; when "01" => -- half-word read if maddress(1) = '1' then rdata(15 downto 0) := mcdo.data(15 downto 0); if signed = '1' then rdata(31 downto 15) := (others => mcdo.data(15)); end if; else rdata(15 downto 0) := mcdo.data(31 downto 16); if signed = '1' then rdata(31 downto 15) := (others => mcdo.data(31)); end if; end if; when others => -- single and double word read rdata := mcdo.data; end case; else rdata := (others => '0'); for i in 0 to DSETS-1 loop case size is when "00" => -- byte read case maddrlow is when "00" => rdatav(i)(7 downto 0) := dcramov.ddramout(i).data(31 downto 24); if signed = '1' then rdatav(i)(31 downto 8) := (others => dcramov.ddramout(i).data(31)); end if; when "01" => rdatav(i)(7 downto 0) := dcramov.ddramout(i).data(23 downto 16); if signed = '1' then rdatav(i)(31 downto 8) := (others => dcramov.ddramout(i).data(23)); end if; when "10" => rdatav(i)(7 downto 0) := dcramov.ddramout(i).data(15 downto 8); if signed = '1' then rdatav(i)(31 downto 8) := (others => dcramov.ddramout(i).data(15)); end if; when others => rdatav(i)(7 downto 0) := dcramov.ddramout(i).data(7 downto 0); if signed = '1' then rdatav(i)(31 downto 8) := (others => dcramov.ddramout(i).data(7)); end if; end case; when "01" => -- half-word read if maddress(1) = '1' then rdatav(i)(15 downto 0) := dcramov.ddramout(i).data(15 downto 0); if signed = '1' then rdatav(i)(31 downto 15) := (others => dcramov.ddramout(i).data(15)); end if; else rdatav(i)(15 downto 0) := dcramov.ddramout(i).data(31 downto 16); if signed = '1' then rdatav(i)(31 downto 15) := (others => dcramov.ddramout(i).data(31)); end if; end if; when others => -- single and double word read rdatav(i) := dcramov.ddramout(i).data; end case; if validrawv(i) = '1' then rdata := rdata or rdatav(i); end if; end loop; end if; else if rdatasel = ddata then align_data := dcramov.ddramout(set).data; else align_data := mcdo.data; end if; case size is when "00" => -- byte read case maddrlow is when "00" => rdata(7 downto 0) := align_data(31 downto 24); if signed = '1' then rdata(31 downto 8) := (others => align_data(31)); end if; when "01" => rdata(7 downto 0) := align_data(23 downto 16); if signed = '1' then rdata(31 downto 8) := (others => align_data(23)); end if; when "10" => rdata(7 downto 0) := align_data(15 downto 8); if signed = '1' then rdata(31 downto 8) := (others => align_data(15)); end if; when others => rdata(7 downto 0) := align_data(7 downto 0); if signed = '1' then rdata(31 downto 8) := (others => align_data(7)); end if; end case; when "01" => -- half-word read if maddress(1) = '1' then rdata(15 downto 0) := align_data(15 downto 0); if signed = '1' then rdata(31 downto 15) := (others => align_data(15)); end if; else rdata(15 downto 0) := align_data(31 downto 16); if signed = '1' then rdata(31 downto 15) := (others => align_data(31)); end if; end if; when others => -- single and double word read rdata := align_data; end case; end if; end case; -- select which data to update the data cache with if DWRITE_FAST then for i in 0 to DSETS-1 loop case size is -- merge data during partial write when "00" => case maddrlow is when "00" => ddatainv(i) := edata(7 downto 0) & dcramov.ddramout(i).data(23 downto 0); when "01" => ddatainv(i) := dcramov.ddramout(i).data(31 downto 24) & edata(7 downto 0) & dcramov.ddramout(i).data(15 downto 0); when "10" => ddatainv(i) := dcramov.ddramout(i).data(31 downto 16) & edata(7 downto 0) & dcramov.ddramout(i).data(7 downto 0); when others => ddatainv(i) := dcramov.ddramout(i).data(31 downto 8) & edata(7 downto 0); end case; when "01" => if maddress(1) = '0' then ddatainv(i) := edata(15 downto 0) & dcramov.ddramout(i).data(15 downto 0); else ddatainv(i) := dcramov.ddramout(i).data(31 downto 16) & edata(15 downto 0); end if; when others => ddatainv(i) := edata; end case; end loop; ddatain := ddatainv(set); else case size is -- merge data during partial write when "00" => case maddrlow is when "00" => ddatain := edata(7 downto 0) & dcramov.ddramout(set).data(23 downto 0); when "01" => ddatain := dcramov.ddramout(set).data(31 downto 24) & edata(7 downto 0) & dcramov.ddramout(set).data(15 downto 0); when "10" => ddatain := dcramov.ddramout(set).data(31 downto 16) & edata(7 downto 0) & dcramov.ddramout(set).data(7 downto 0); when others => ddatain := dcramov.ddramout(set).data(31 downto 8) & edata(7 downto 0); end case; when "01" => if maddress(1) = '0' then ddatain := edata(15 downto 0) & dcramov.ddramout(set).data(15 downto 0); else ddatain := dcramov.ddramout(set).data(31 downto 16) & edata(15 downto 0); end if; when others => ddatain := edata; end case; end if; -- handle double load with pipeline hold if (r.dstate = "000") and (r.nomds = '1') then rdata := r.wb.data2; mexc := r.mexc; end if; -- Handle AHB retry. Re-generate bus request and burst if mcdo.retry = '1' then v.req := '1'; v.burst := r.wb.size(0) and r.wb.size(1) and not r.wb.addr(2); end if; -- Generate new valid bits vmaskdbl := decode(maddress(LINE_HIGH downto LINE_LOW+1)); if (size = "11") and (read = '0') then for i in 0 to (DLINE_SIZE - 1) loop vmaskraw(i) := vmaskdbl(i/2); end loop; else vmaskraw := decode(maddress(LINE_HIGH downto LINE_LOW)); end if; vmask := vmaskraw; if r.hit = '1' then vmask := r.valid or vmaskraw; end if; if r.dstate = "000" then -- vmask := dcramov.dtramout(set).valid or vmaskraw; vmask := ivalid or vmaskraw; end if; if (mcdo.mexc or r.flush) = '1' then twrite := '0'; dwrite := '0'; end if; if twrite = '1' then v.valid := vmask; if (DSETS>1) and (DCREPLACE = lru) and (tdiagwrite = '0') then vl.write := '1'; vl.set := setrepl; end if; end if; if (DSETS>1) and (DCREPLACE = lru) and (rl.write = '1') then vl.lru(conv_integer(rl.waddr)) := lru_calc(rl.lru(conv_integer(rl.waddr)), conv_integer(rl.set)); end if; if tdiagwrite = '1' then -- diagnostic tag write if DEBUG_UNIT and (dci.dsuen = '1') then vmask := dci.maddress(DLINE_SIZE - 1 downto 0); else vmask := dci.edata(DLINE_SIZE - 1 downto 0); newtag(TAG_HIGH downto TAG_LOW) := dci.edata(TAG_HIGH downto TAG_LOW); for i in 0 to 1 loop wlrr(i) := dci.edata(DCTAG_LRRPOS); end loop; for i in 0 to DSETS-1 loop wlock(i) := dci.edata(DCTAG_LOCKPOS); end loop; end if; end if; -- cache flush if (dci.flush or flush or mcdo.dflush) = '1' then v.flush := '1'; v.faddr := (others => '0'); end if; if r.flush = '1' then twrite := '1'; vmask := (others => '0'); v.faddr := r.faddr +1; newtag(TAG_HIGH downto TAG_LOW) := (others => '0'); taddr(OFFSET_HIGH downto OFFSET_LOW) := r.faddr; wlrr := (others => '0'); if (r.faddr(DOFFSET_BITS -1) and not v.faddr(DOFFSET_BITS -1)) = '1' then v.flush := '0'; end if; end if; -- AHB snoop handling (2), bypass write data on read/write contention if DSNOOP then -- pragma translate_off if not is_x(setrepl) then -- pragma translate_on if tdiagwrite = '1' then snoopset2 := ddset; else snoopset2 := conv_integer(setrepl); end if; -- pragma translate_off end if; -- pragma translate_on if DSNOOP_FAST then vh.taddr := taddr(OFFSET_HIGH downto OFFSET_LOW); vh.set := std_logic_vector(conv_unsigned(set, SETBITS)); if twrite = '1' then -- pragma translate_off if not is_x(taddr(OFFSET_HIGH downto OFFSET_LOW)) then -- pragma translate_on vh.hit(conv_integer(taddr(OFFSET_HIGH downto OFFSET_LOW)))(snoopset2) := '0'; -- pragma translate_off end if; -- pragma translate_on end if; else if rs.addr(OFFSET_HIGH downto OFFSET_LOW) = taddr(OFFSET_HIGH downto OFFSET_LOW) then if twrite = '0' then if snoopwe = '1' then vs.writebp(snoopset) := '1'; end if; else if (snoopwe = '1') and (conv_integer(setrepl) = snoopset) then twrite := '0'; end if; -- avoid write/write contention end if; end if; end if; end if; -- update cache with memory data during read miss if read = '1' then ddatain := mcdo.data; end if; -- cache write signals if twrite = '1' then if tdiagwrite = '1' then ctwrite(ddset) := '1'; else ctwrite(conv_integer(setrepl)) := '1'; end if; end if; if dwrite = '1' then if ddiagwrite = '1' then cdwrite(ddset) := '1'; else cdwrite(conv_integer(setrepl)) := '1'; end if; end if; csnoopwe := (others => '0'); if (snoopwe = '1') then csnoopwe(snoopset) := '1'; end if; if (r.flush and twrite) = '1' then -- flush ctwrite := (others => '1'); wlrr := (others => '0'); wlock := (others => '0'); end if; if (r.flush or (not rst)) = '1' then vl.lru := (others => (others => '0')); end if; -- reset if rst = '0' then v.dstate := "000"; v.stpend := '0'; v.req := '0'; v.burst := '0'; v.read := '0'; v.flush := '0'; v.nomds := '0'; v.rndcnt := (others => '0'); v.setrepl := (others => '0'); v.dsuset := (others => '0'); v.lrr := '0'; v.lock := '0'; end if; -- Drive signals c <= v; cs <= vs; ch <= vh; -- register inputs cl <= vl; -- tag ram inputs dcrami.dtramin.valid <= vmask; dcrami.dtramin.tag <= newtag(TAG_HIGH downto TAG_LOW); dcrami.dtramin.lrr <= wlrr; dcrami.dtramin.lock <= wlock; dcrami.dtramin.enable <= enable; dcrami.dtramin.write <= ctwrite; dcrami.dtramin.flush <= r.flush; dcrami.dtraminsn.enable <= vs.snoop or rs.snoop; dcrami.dtraminsn.write <= csnoopwe; dcrami.dtraminsn.address<= snoopaddr; dcrami.dtraminsn.tag <= rs.addr(TAG_HIGH downto TAG_LOW); -- data ram inputs dcrami.ddramin.enable <= enable; dcrami.ddramin.address <= taddr; dcrami.ddramin.data <= ddatain; dcrami.ddramin.write <= cdwrite; dcrami.ldramin.address <= laddr(LOCAL_RAM_BITS+1 downto 2); dcrami.ldramin.enable <= lramcs or lramwr; dcrami.ldramin.read <= r.lramrd or lramrd; dcrami.ldramin.write <= lramwr; -- memory controller inputs mcdi.address <= r.wb.addr; mcdi.data <= r.wb.data1; mcdi.burst <= r.burst; mcdi.size <= r.wb.size; mcdi.read <= r.wb.read; mcdi.asi <= r.wb.asi; mcdi.lock <= r.wb.lock or dci.lock; mcdi.req <= r.req; mcdi.flush <= r.flush; -- diagnostic instruction cache access dco.icdiag.flush <= iflush or mcdo.iflush; dco.icdiag.read <= read; dco.icdiag.tag <= not r.asi(0); dco.icdiag.addr <= r.xaddress; dco.icdiag.enable <= r.icenable; dco.dsudata <= dsudata; -- debug unit -- IU data cache inputs dco.data <= rdata; dco.mexc <= mexc; dco.hold <= r.holdn; dco.mds <= mds; dco.werr <= mcdo.werr; end process; -- Local registers reg1 : process(clk) begin if rising_edge(clk ) then r <= c; end if; end process; sn2 : if DSNOOP generate reg2 : process(clk) begin if rising_edge(clk ) then rs <= cs; end if; end process; end generate; sn3 : if DSNOOP_FAST generate reg3 : process(clk) begin if rising_edge(clk ) then rh <= ch; end if; end process; end generate; reg2 : if (DSETS>1) and (DCREPLACE = lru) generate reg2 : process(clk) begin if rising_edge(clk ) then rl <= cl; end if; end process; end generate; -- pragma translate_off chk : process begin assert not ((DSETS > 2) and (DCREPLACE = lrr)) report "Wrong data cache configuration detected: LRR replacement requires 2 sets" severity failure; wait; end process; -- pragma translate_on end ;