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[/] [core_arm/] [trunk/] [vhdl/] [sparc/] [leon_config.vhd] - Rev 4
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---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- This file is a part of the LEON VHDL model -- Copyright (C) 1999 European Space Agency (ESA) -- -- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or -- modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public -- License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either -- version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. -- -- See the file COPYING.LGPL for the full details of the license. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Entity: config -- File: config.vhd -- Author: Jiri Gaisler - ESA/ESTEC -- Description: LEON configuration package. Do NOT edit, all constants are -- set from the target/device packages. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all; use work.leon_target.all; use work.leon_device.all; --pragma translate_off use std.textio.all; --pragma translate_on package leon_config is ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- log2 tables ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- type log2arr is array(1 to 64) of integer; constant log2 : log2arr := (0,1,2,2,3,3,3,3,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4, 5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,others => 6); constant log2x : log2arr := (1,1,2,2,3,3,3,3,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4, 5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,others => 6); ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- IU, FPU and CP implementation and version numbers ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- constant IMPL : unsigned(3 downto 0) := conv_unsigned(iu_config.impl,4); constant VER : unsigned(3 downto 0) := conv_unsigned(iu_config.version,4); constant FPUVER : unsigned(2 downto 0) := conv_unsigned(fpu_config.version,3); constant CPVER : unsigned(2 downto 0) := (others => '0');--conv_unsigned(conf.cp.version,3); --pragma translate_off constant LEON_VERSION : string := "1.0.21-xst"; --pragma translate_on ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- debugging ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- constant DEBUGPORT : boolean := debug_config.enable; -- enable iu debug port constant DEBUGUART : boolean := debug_config.uart; -- enable UART output to console constant DEBUGIURF : boolean := debug_config.iureg; -- write IU results to console constant DEBUGFPU : boolean := debug_config.fpureg; -- write FPU results to console constant DEBUG_UNIT: boolean := debug_config.dsuenable; constant TBUFABITS : integer := log2(debug_config.tracelines/64) + 6; -- buffer address bits constant DSUTRACE : boolean := debug_config.dsutrace; constant DSUMIXED : boolean := debug_config.dsumixed; constant DSUDPRAM : boolean := debug_config.dsudpram; constant NOHALT : boolean := debug_config.nohalt; -- dont halt on error constant PCLOW : integer := debug_config.pclow; constant XTARGET_TECH: targettechs := syn_config.targettech; constant TARGET_TECH: targettechs := XTARGET_TECH; constant TARGET_CLK : targettechs := syn_config.targetclk; constant PLL_CLK_MUL: integer := syn_config.clk_mul; constant PLL_CLK_DIV: integer := syn_config.clk_div; constant INFER_RAM : boolean := syn_config.infer_ram; constant INFER_REGF : boolean := syn_config.infer_regf; constant INFER_ROM : boolean := syn_config.infer_rom; constant INFER_PADS : boolean := syn_config.infer_pads; constant INFER_PCI_PADS : boolean := syn_config.infer_pci; constant INFER_MULT : boolean := syn_config.infer_mult; constant RFIMPTYPE : integer := syn_config.rftype; constant XNWINDOWS : integer range 2 to 32 := iu_config.nwindows; constant NWINDOWS : integer range 2 to 32 := XNWINDOWS; constant NWINLOG2 : integer range 1 to 5 := log2(NWINDOWS); constant RABITS : integer := log2(NWINDOWS+1) + 4; -- # regfile address bits constant RDBITS : integer := 32; -- data width constant MULTIPLIER : multypes := iu_config.multiplier; constant MULPIPE : boolean := iu_config.mulpipe and (MULTIPLIER = m16x16) and not INFER_MULT; constant DIVIDER : divtypes := iu_config.divider; constant MACEN : boolean := iu_config.mac and (MULTIPLIER = m16x16) and not MULPIPE; constant FPEN : boolean := (fpu_config.interface /= none); constant FPCORE : fpucoretype := fpu_config.core; constant FPIFTYPE : fpuiftype := fpu_config.interface; constant FPREG : integer := fpu_config.fregs; constant CPEN : boolean := iu_config.cpen; constant CWPOPT : boolean := (NWINDOWS = (2**NWINLOG2)); constant IREGNUM : integer := NWINDOWS * 16 + FPREG + 8;-- number of registers in regfile type cache_replalgbits_type is array (cache_replace_type range lru to rnd) of integer; type lru_bits_type is array(1 to 4) of integer; constant lru_table : lru_bits_type := (1,1,3,5); constant CREPLALG_TBL : cache_replalgbits_type := (lru => 0, lrr => 1, rnd => 0); -- # of extra bits in --constant ISETS : integer range 1 to 4 := cache_config.isets; -- # of icache sets constant XISETS : integer range 1 to 4 := cache_config.isets; -- # of icache sets constant ISETS : integer range 1 to 4 := XISETS; -- # of icache sets constant XILINE_SIZE : integer range 2 to 8 := cache_config.ilinesize; constant ILINE_SIZE : integer range 2 to 8 := XILINE_SIZE; constant ILINE_BITS : integer := log2(ILINE_SIZE); constant XISET_SIZE : integer range 1 to 64 := cache_config.isetsize; constant ISET_SIZE : integer range 1 to 64 := XISET_SIZE; constant IOFFSET_BITS : integer := 8 +log2(ISET_SIZE) - ILINE_BITS; constant ITAG_HIGH : integer := 31; constant ITAG_BITS : integer := ITAG_HIGH - IOFFSET_BITS - ILINE_BITS - 2 + ILINE_SIZE + 1; constant ICREPLACE : cache_replace_type := cache_config.ireplace; -- replacement algorithm constant ILRUBITS : integer := lru_table(ISETS); constant ILRR_BIT : integer := CREPLALG_TBL(ICREPLACE); constant ICTAG_LRRPOS : integer := 9; constant ICTAG_LOCKPOS : integer := 8; constant ICLOCK_BIT : integer := cache_config.ilock; --constant DSETS : integer range 1 to 4 := cache_config.dsets; -- # of dcache sets constant XDSETS : integer range 1 to 4 := cache_config.dsets; -- # of dcache sets constant DSETS : integer range 1 to 4 := XDSETS; -- synopsys bug !!! constant XDLINE_SIZE : integer range 2 to 8 := cache_config.dlinesize; constant DLINE_SIZE : integer range 2 to 8 := XDLINE_SIZE; constant DLINE_BITS : integer := log2(DLINE_SIZE); constant XDSET_SIZE : integer range 1 to 64 := cache_config.dsetsize; constant DSET_SIZE : integer range 1 to 64 := XDSET_SIZE; constant DOFFSET_BITS : integer := 8 +log2(DSET_SIZE) - DLINE_BITS; constant DTAG_HIGH : integer := 31; constant DTAG_BITS : integer := DTAG_HIGH - DOFFSET_BITS - DLINE_BITS - 2 + DLINE_SIZE + 1; constant LOCAL_RAM : boolean := cache_config.dlram; constant LOCAL_RAM_BITS : integer := log2(cache_config.dlramsize) + 8; constant LOCAL_RAM_START : std_logic_vector(31 downto 24) := std_logic_vector(conv_unsigned(cache_config.dlramaddr, 8)); constant DCREPLACE : cache_replace_type := cache_config.dreplace; -- replacement algorithm constant DLRUBITS : integer := lru_table(DSETS); constant DLRR_BIT : integer := CREPLALG_TBL(DCREPLACE); constant DCTAG_LRRPOS : integer := 9; constant DCTAG_LOCKPOS : integer := 8; constant DCLOCK_BIT : integer := cache_config.dlock; constant DSNOOP : boolean := cache_config.dsnoop /= none; constant DSNOOP_FAST : boolean := cache_config.dsnoop = fast; constant DREAD_FAST : boolean := cache_config.drfast; constant DWRITE_FAST : boolean := cache_config.dwfast; --constant PROC_CACHETABLE : proc_cache_config_vector(0 to PROC_CACHE_MAX-1) := cachetbl_std;-- conf.cache.cachetable(0 to PROC_CACHE_MAX-1); constant BUS8EN : boolean := mctrl_config.bus8en; constant BUS16EN : boolean := mctrl_config.bus16en; constant WENDFB : boolean := mctrl_config.wendfb; constant RAMSEL5 : boolean := mctrl_config.ramsel5; constant SDRAMEN : boolean := mctrl_config.sdramen; constant SDINVCLK : boolean := mctrl_config.sdinvclk; constant BOOTOPT : boottype := boot_config.boot; constant ITPRESC : integer := boot_config.sysclk/1000000 -1; constant TPRESC : unsigned(15 downto 0) := conv_unsigned(ITPRESC, 16); constant IUPRESC : integer := ((boot_config.sysclk*10)/(boot_config.baud*8)-5)/10; constant UPRESC : unsigned(15 downto 0) := conv_unsigned(IUPRESC, 16); constant BRAMRWS : unsigned(3 downto 0) := conv_unsigned(boot_config.ramrws, 4); constant BRAMWWS : unsigned(3 downto 0) := conv_unsigned(boot_config.ramwws, 4); constant EXTBAUD : boolean := boot_config.extbaud; constant PABITS : integer := boot_config.pabits; constant PCIEN : boolean := (pci_config.pcicore /= none); constant PCICORE : pcitype := pci_config.pcicore; constant PCIPMEEN : boolean := pci_config.pmepads; constant PCI66PADEN : boolean := pci_config.p66pad; constant PCIRSTALL : boolean := pci_config.pcirstall; constant PCIMASTERS : integer := pci_config.ahbmasters; constant PCI_CLKDLL : boolean := syn_config.pci_dll and PCIEN; constant PCI_SYSCLK : boolean := syn_config.pci_sysclk and PCIEN; constant ETHEN : boolean := peri_config.ethen; constant WPROTEN : boolean := peri_config.wprot; constant AHBSTATEN : boolean := peri_config.ahbstat; constant AHBRAMEN : boolean := peri_config.ahbram; constant AHBRAM_BITS : integer := peri_config.ahbrambits; constant CFGREG : boolean := peri_config.cfgreg; constant WDOGEN : boolean := peri_config.wdog; constant IRQ2EN : boolean := peri_config.irq2en; constant IRQ2CHAN : integer range 1 to 32 := 1;--rq2cfg.channels; constant IRQ2TBL : irq_filter_vec := irq2none.filter;--conf.peri_config.irq2cfg.filter; constant FASTJUMP : boolean := iu_config.fastjump; constant ICC_HOLD : boolean := iu_config.icchold; constant LDDELAY : integer range 1 to 2 := iu_config.lddelay; constant FASTDECODE : boolean := iu_config.fastdecode; constant RF_LOWPOW : boolean := iu_config.rflowpow; constant XWATCHPOINTS : integer range 0 to 4 := iu_config.watchpoints; constant WATCHPOINTS : integer range 0 to 4 := XWATCHPOINTS; type ahbslv_split_type is array (0 to AHB_SLV_MAX-1) of integer range 0 to 1; constant AHBSLVADDR : ahbslv_addr_type := ahbrange_config; constant AHBSLVSPLIT : ahbslv_split_type := (0,0,0,0,0,0,0); constant XAHB_MASTERS : integer := ahb_config.masters; constant AHB_MASTERS : integer := XAHB_MASTERS; constant AHB_SPLIT : boolean := ahb_config.split; constant AHB_DEFMST : integer := ahb_config.defmst; constant AHBTST : boolean := ahb_config.testmod; constant PCIARBEN : boolean := pci_config.arbiter; constant XNB_AGENTS : natural range 3 to 32 := pci_config.pcimasters; constant NB_AGENTS : natural range 3 to 32 := XNB_AGENTS; constant ARB_LEVELS : positive range 1 to 4 := pci_config.prilevels; constant APB_PRIOS : boolean := pci_config.fixpri; constant ARB_SIZE : natural range 2 to 5 := log2(NB_AGENTS); constant PCI_DEVICE_ID : integer := pci_config.deviceid; constant PCI_VENDOR_ID : integer := pci_config.vendorid; constant PCI_SUBSYS_ID : integer := pci_config.subsysid; constant PCI_REVISION_ID : integer := pci_config.revisionid; constant PCI_CLASS_CODE : integer := pci_config.classcode; end;