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[/] [core_arm/] [trunk/] [vhdl/] [sparc/] [mcore.vhd] - Rev 5
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---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- This file is a part of the LEON VHDL model -- Copyright (C) 1999 European Space Agency (ESA) -- -- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or -- modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public -- License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either -- version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. -- -- See the file COPYING.LGPL for the full details of the license. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Entity: mcore -- File: mcore.vhd -- Author: Jiri Gaisler - Gaisler Reserch -- Description: Module containing the processor, caches, memory controller -- and standard peripherals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use work.leon_target.all; use work.leon_config.all; use work.leon_iface.all; use work.amba.all; use work.ambacomp.all; use work.peri_io_comp.all; use work.peri_mem_comp.all; use work.peri_serial_comp.all; -- pragma translate_off use work.debug.all; -- pragma translate_on entity mcore is port ( resetn : in std_logic; clk : in clk_type; clkn : in clk_type; pciclk : in clk_type; memi : in memory_in_type; memo : out memory_out_type; ioi : in io_in_type; ioo : out io_out_type; pcii : in pci_in_type; pcio : out pci_out_type; dsi : in dsuif_in_type; dso : out dsuif_out_type; sdo : out sdram_out_type; ethi : in eth_in_type; etho : out eth_out_type; cgo : in clkgen_out_type; test : in std_logic ); end; architecture rtl of mcore is component rstgen port ( rstin : in std_logic; pcirstin : in std_logic; clk : in clk_type; pciclk : in clk_type; rstout : out std_logic; pcirstout : out std_logic; cgo : in clkgen_out_type ); end component; component dsu_mem port ( clk : in clk_type; dmi : in dsumem_in_type; dmo : out dsumem_out_type ); end component; signal rst : std_logic; signal iui : iu_in_type; signal iuo : iu_out_type; signal ahbsto: ahbstat_out_type; signal mctrlo: mctrl_out_type; signal wpo : wprot_out_type; signal apbi : apb_slv_in_vector(0 to APB_SLV_MAX-1); signal apbo : apb_slv_out_vector(0 to APB_SLV_MAX-1); signal ahbmi : ahb_mst_in_vector(0 to AHB_MST_MAX-1); signal ahbmo : ahb_mst_out_vector(0 to AHB_MST_MAX-1); signal ahbsi : ahb_slv_in_vector(0 to AHB_SLV_MAX-1); signal ahbso : ahb_slv_out_vector(0 to AHB_SLV_MAX); signal dsuo : dsu_out_type; signal dcomo : dcom_out_type; signal irqi : irq_in_type; signal irqo : irq_out_type; signal irq2i : irq2_in_type; signal irq2o : irq2_out_type; signal timo : timers_out_type; signal pioo : pio_out_type; signal uart1i, uart2i : uart_in_type; signal uart1o, uart2o : uart_out_type; signal dmi : dsumem_in_type; signal dmo : dsumem_out_type; signal pciirq : std_logic; signal ethirq : std_logic; signal pcirst : std_logic; signal pciahb2: ahb_mst_out_type; signal mctrlo_pioh : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); begin -- reset generator reset0 : rstgen port map (resetn, pcii.pci_rst_in_n, clk, pciclk, rst, pcirst, cgo); ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AHB bus -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AHB arbiter/decoder ahb0 : ahbarb generic map (masters => AHB_MASTERS, defmast => AHB_DEFMST) port map (rst, clk, ahbmi(0 to AHB_MASTERS-1), ahbmo(0 to AHB_MASTERS-1), ahbsi, ahbso); -- AHB/APB bridge apb0 : apbmst port map (rst, clk, ahbsi(1), ahbso(1), apbi, apbo); -- processor and cache sub-system proc0 : proc port map ( rst, clk, clkn, apbi(2), apbo(2), ahbmi(0), ahbmo(0), ahbsi(0), iui, iuo); -- debug support unit dsugen : if DEBUG_UNIT generate dsu0 : dsu port map ( rst, clk, ahbmi(0), ahbsi(2), ahbso(2), dsi.dsui, dsuo, iuo.debug, iui.debug, irqo, dmi, dmo); dso.dsuo <= dsuo; dsum0 : dsu_mem port map ( clk, dmi, dmo); end generate; dcomgen : if DEBUG_UNIT generate dcom0 : dcom port map ( rst, clk, dsi.dcomi, dcomo, dsuo, apbi(11), apbo(11), ahbmi(AHB_MASTERS-1), ahbmo(AHB_MASTERS-1) ); dso.dcomo <= dcomo; end generate; -- sram/prom/sdram memory controller mctrl0 : mctrl port map ( rst => rst, clk=> clk, memi => memi, memo => memo, ahbsi => ahbsi(0), ahbso => ahbso(0), apbi => apbi(0), apbo => apbo(0), pioo => pioo, wpo => wpo, sdo => sdo, mctrlo => mctrlo); -- AHB ram aram0 : if AHBRAMEN generate aram : ahbram generic map (AHBRAM_BITS) port map (rst, clk, ahbsi(4), ahbso(4)); end generate; -- AHB write protection wp0 : if WPROTEN generate wpm : wprot port map ( rst => rst, clk => clk, wpo => wpo, ahbsi => ahbsi(0), apbi => apbi(3), apbo => apbo(3)); end generate; wp1 : if not WPROTEN generate apbo(3).prdata <= (others => '0'); end generate; -- AHB status register as0 : if AHBSTATEN generate asm : ahbstat port map ( rst => rst, clk => clk, ahbmi => ahbmi(0), ahbsi => ahbsi(0), apbi => apbi(1), apbo => apbo(1), ahbsto => ahbsto); end generate; as1 : if not AHBSTATEN generate apbo(1).prdata <= (others => '0'); ahbsto.ahberr <= '0'; end generate; -- Optional PCI core pci0 : if PCIEN generate pci0 : pci port map ( resetn => rst, clk => clk, pciclk => pciclk, pcirst => pcirst, pcii => pcii, pcio => pcio, ahbmi1 => ahbmi(1), ahbmo1 => ahbmo(1), ahbmi2 => ahbmi(2), ahbmo2 => pciahb2, ahbsi => ahbsi(3), ahbso => ahbso(3), apbi => apbi(12), apbo => apbo(12), irq => pciirq); ahbmd2 : if PCIMASTERS = 2 generate ahbmo(2) <= pciahb2; end generate; end generate; nopci : if not PCIEN generate pciirq <= '0'; end generate; eth0 : if ETHEN generate eth0 : eth_oc port map ( rst => rst, clk => clk, ahbsi => ahbsi(5), ahbso => ahbso(5), ahbmi => ahbmi(PCIMASTERS+1), ahbmo => ahbmo(PCIMASTERS+1), eneti => ethi, eneto => etho, irq => ethirq); end generate; noeth : if not ETHEN generate ethirq <= '0'; end generate; -- drive unused part of the AHB bus to stop some stupid synthesis tools -- from inserting tri-state buffers (!) DISABLED -- ahbdrv : for i in 0 to AHB_SLV_MAX-1 generate -- u0 : if not AHB_SLVTABLE(i).enable and (AHB_SLVTABLE(i).index /= 0) generate -- ahbso(AHB_SLVTABLE(i).index).hready <= '0'; -- ahbso(AHB_SLVTABLE(i).index).hresp <= "--"; -- ahbso(AHB_SLVTABLE(i).index).hrdata <= (others => '-'); -- ahbso(AHB_SLVTABLE(i).index).hsplit <= (others => '-'); -- end generate; -- end generate; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- APB bus -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- pci_arb0 : if PCIARBEN generate pciarb : pci_arb port map ( clk => pciclk, rst_n => rst, req_n => ioi.pci_arb_req_n, frame_n => pcii.pci_frame_in_n, gnt_n => ioo.pci_arb_gnt_n, pclk => clk, prst_n => pcirst, pbi => apbi(13), pbo => apbo(13) ); end generate; -- LEON configuration register lc0 : if CFGREG generate lcm : lconf port map (rst => rst, apbo => apbo(4)); end generate; -- timers (and watchdog) timers0 : timers port map (rst => rst, clk => clk, apbi => apbi(5), apbo => apbo(5), timo => timo, dsuo => dsuo); -- UARTS -- This stupidity exists because synopsys DC is not capable of -- handling record elements in port maps. Sad really ... uart1i.rxd <= pioo.rxd(0); uart1i.ctsn <= pioo.ctsn(0); uart2i.rxd <= pioo.rxd(1); uart2i.ctsn <= pioo.ctsn(1); uart1i.scaler <= pioo.io8lsb; uart2i.scaler <= pioo.io8lsb; uart1 : uart port map ( rst => rst, clk => clk, apbi => apbi(6), apbo => apbo(6), uarti => uart1i, uarto => uart1o); uart2 : uart port map ( rst => rst, clk => clk, apbi => apbi(7), apbo => apbo(7), uarti => uart2i, uarto => uart2o); -- interrupt controller irqctrl0 : irqctrl port map (rst => rst, clk => clk, apbi => apbi(8), apbo => apbo(8), irqi => irqi, irqo => irqo); irqi.intack <= iuo.intack; irqi.irl <= iuo.irqvec; iui.irl <= irqo.irl; -- optional secondary interrupt controller i2 : if IRQ2EN generate irqctrl1 : irqctrl2 port map (rst => rst, clk => clk, apbi => apbi(10), apbo => apbo(10), irqi => irq2i, irqo => irq2o); end generate; -- parallel I/O port ioport0 : ioport port map (rst => rst, clk => clk, apbi => apbi(9), apbo => apbo(9), uart1o => uart1o, uart2o => uart2o, mctrlo_pioh => mctrlo_pioh, ioi => ioi, pioo => pioo); mctrlo_pioh <= mctrlo.pioh; -- drive unused part of the APB bus to stop some stupid synthesis tools -- from inserting tri-state buffers (!) DISABLED -- apbdrv : for i in 0 to APB_SLV_MAX-1 generate -- u0 : if not APB_TABLE(i).enable and (APB_TABLE(i).index /= 0) generate -- apbo( APB_TABLE(i).index).prdata <= (others => '-'); -- end generate; -- end generate; -- IRQ assignments, add you mapping below irqi.irq(15) <= '0'; -- unmaskable irq irqi.irq(14) <= pciirq; irqi.irq(13) <= '0'; irqi.irq(12) <= ethirq; irqi.irq(11) <= dsuo.ntrace when DEBUG_UNIT else '0'; irqi.irq(10) <= irq2o.irq when IRQ2EN else '0'; irqi.irq(9) <= timo.irq(1); -- timer 2 irqi.irq(8) <= timo.irq(0); -- timer 1 irqi.irq(7 downto 4) <= pioo.irq; -- I/O port interrupts irqi.irq(3) <= uart1o.irq; -- UART 1 irqi.irq(2) <= uart2o.irq; -- UART 2 irqi.irq(1) <= ahbsto.ahberr; -- AHB error -- additional 32 interrupts for secondary interrupt controller irq2i.irq <= (others => '0'); -- drive outputs ioo.piol <= pioo.piol(15 downto 0); ioo.piodir <= pioo.piodir(15 downto 0); ioo.wdog <= timo.wdog; ioo.errorn <= iuo.error; -- disassambler -- pragma translate_off trace0 : trace(iuo.debug, (test = '1')); -- pragma translate_on end ;
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