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[/] [core_arm/] [trunk/] [vhdl/] [sparc/] [mmutlb.vhd] - Rev 6

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--  This file is a part of the LEON VHDL model
--  Copyright (C) 2003  Gaisler Research, all rights reserved
--  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
--  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
--  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
--  version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
--  See the file COPYING.LGPL for the full details of the license.
-- Konrad Eisele<> ,2002  
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all;
use IEEE.std_logic_unsigned."+";
use work.leon_iface.all;
use work.mmuconfig.all;
use work.mmulib.all;
use work.tech_map.all;
use work.leon_config.all;
use work.macro.all;
use work.leon_target.all;
entity mmutlb is
  generic ( 
    entries : integer := 8
  port (
    rst   : in  std_logic;
    clk   : in  clk_type;
    tlbi  : in  mmutlb_in_type;
    tlbo  : out mmutlb_out_type;
    two   : in  mmutw_out_type;
    twi   : out mmutw_in_type
end mmutlb;
architecture rtl of mmutlb is
  constant entries_log : integer := log2(entries);
  constant entries_max : std_logic_vector(entries_log-1 downto 0) := 
	std_logic_vector(conv_unsigned(entries-1, entries_log));
  type states  is (idle, match, walk, pack, flush, sync, diag, dofault);
  type tlb_rtype is record
      s1_valid    : std_logic;
      s2_tlbstate : states;
      s2_valid    : std_logic;
      s2_entry    : std_logic_vector(entries_log-1 downto 0);
      s2_hm       : std_logic;
      s2_needsync : std_logic;
      s2_data     : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
      s2_isid     : mmu_idcache;
      s2_su       : std_logic;
      s2_read     : std_logic;
      s2_flush    : std_logic;
      walk_use       : std_logic;
      walk_transdata : mmuidc_data_out_type;
      walk_fault     : mmutlbfault_out_type;
      nrep        : std_logic_vector(entries_log-1 downto 0);
      tpos        : std_logic_vector(entries_log-1 downto 0);
      touch       : std_logic;
      sync_isw    : std_logic;
      hold        : std_logic;
  end record;
  signal c,r   : tlb_rtype;
  -- tlb cams
  component mmutlbcam 
    port (
      rst     : in std_logic;
      clk     : in clk_type;
      tlbcami : in mmutlbcam_in_type;
      tlbcamo : out mmutlbcam_out_type
  end component;
  signal tlbcami     : mmutlbcami_a (M_ENT_MAX-1 downto 0);
  signal tlbcamo     : mmutlbcamo_a (M_ENT_MAX-1 downto 0);
  -- least recently used
  component mmulru
    generic (
      entries  : integer := 8
    port (
      clk   : in clk_type;
      rst   : in std_logic;
      lrui  : in mmulru_in_type;
      lruo  : out mmulru_out_type 
  end component;
  signal lrui  : mmulru_in_type;
  signal lruo  : mmulru_out_type;
  -- data-ram syncram signals
  signal dr1_addr         : std_logic_vector(entries_log-1 downto 0);
  signal dr1_datain       : std_logic_vector(29 downto 0);
  signal dr1_dataout      : std_logic_vector(29 downto 0);
  signal dr1_enable       : std_logic;
  signal dr1_write        : std_logic;
  p0: process (clk, rst, r, c, tlbi, two, tlbcamo, dr1_dataout, lruo)
    variable v                    : tlb_rtype;
    variable finish, selstate      : std_logic;
    variable cam_hitaddr          : std_logic_vector(M_ENT_MAX_LOG -1 downto 0);
    variable cam_hit_all          : std_logic;
    variable mtag,ftag            : tlbcam_tfp;
    -- tlb cam input
    variable tlbcam_trans_op      : std_logic;
    variable tlbcam_write_op      : std_logic_vector(entries-1 downto 0);
    variable tlbcam_flush_op      : std_logic;
    -- tw inputs
    variable twi_walk_op_ur       : std_logic;
    variable twi_data             : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
    variable twi_areq_ur          : std_logic;
    variable twi_aaddr            : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
    variable twi_adata            : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
    variable two_error            : std_logic;
    -- lru inputs
    variable lrui_touch           : std_logic;
    variable lrui_touchmin        : std_logic;
    variable lrui_pos             : std_logic_vector(entries_log-1 downto 0);
    -- syncram inputs
    variable dr1write             : std_logic;
    -- hit tlbcam's output 
    variable ACC                  : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
    variable PTE                  : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
    variable LVL                  : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
    variable CAC                  : std_logic;
    variable NEEDSYNC             : std_logic;
    variable twACC                : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
    variable tWLVL                : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
    variable twPTE                : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
    variable twNEEDSYNC           : std_logic;
    variable tlbcam_tagin         : tlbcam_tfp;
    variable tlbcam_tagwrite      : tlbcam_reg;
    variable store                : std_logic;
    variable reppos               : std_logic_vector(entries_log-1 downto 0);
    variable i_entry		  : integer range 0 to M_ENT_MAX-1;
    variable i_reppos		  : integer range 0 to M_ENT_MAX-1;
    variable fault_pro, fault_pri  : std_logic;
    variable fault_mexc, fault_trans, fault_inv, fault_access  : std_logic;
    variable transdata : mmuidc_data_out_type;
    variable fault     : mmutlbfault_out_type;
    variable savewalk  : std_logic;
    variable tlbo_s1finished : std_logic;
    v := r;
    finish := '0';
    selstate := '0';
    cam_hitaddr := (others => '0');
    cam_hit_all := '0';
    mtag.TYP := (others => '0');
    mtag.I1 := (others => '0');
    mtag.I2 := (others => '0');
    mtag.I3 := (others => '0');
    mtag.CTX := (others => '0');
    mtag.M := '0';
    ftag.TYP := (others => '0');
    ftag.I1 := (others => '0');
    ftag.I2 := (others => '0');
    ftag.I3 := (others => '0');
    ftag.CTX := (others => '0');
    ftag.M := '0';
    tlbcam_trans_op := '0';
    tlbcam_write_op := (others => '0');
    tlbcam_flush_op := '0';
    twi_walk_op_ur := '0';
    twi_data := (others => '0');
    twi_areq_ur := '0';
    twi_aaddr := (others => '0');
    twi_adata := (others => '0');
    two_error := '0';
    lrui_touch:= '0';
    lrui_touchmin:= '0';
    lrui_pos := (others => '0');
    dr1write := '0';
    ACC := (others => '0');
    PTE := (others => '0');
    LVL := (others => '0');
    CAC := '0';
    NEEDSYNC := '0';
    twACC := (others => '0');
    tWLVL := (others => '0');
    twPTE := (others => '0');
    twNEEDSYNC := '0';
    tlbcam_tagin.TYP := (others => '0');
    tlbcam_tagin.I1 := (others => '0');
    tlbcam_tagin.I2 := (others => '0');
    tlbcam_tagin.I3 := (others => '0');
    tlbcam_tagin.CTX := (others => '0');
    tlbcam_tagin.M := '0';
    tlbcam_tagwrite.ET := (others => '0');
    tlbcam_tagwrite.ACC := (others => '0');
    tlbcam_tagwrite.M := '0';
    tlbcam_tagwrite.R := '0';
    tlbcam_tagwrite.SU := '0';
    tlbcam_tagwrite.VALID := '0';
    tlbcam_tagwrite.LVL := (others => '0');
    tlbcam_tagwrite.I1 := (others => '0');
    tlbcam_tagwrite.I2 := (others => '0');
    tlbcam_tagwrite.I3 := (others => '0');
    tlbcam_tagwrite.CTX := (others => '0');
    tlbcam_tagwrite.PPN := (others => '0');
    tlbcam_tagwrite.C := '0';
    store := '0';
    reppos := (others => '0');
    fault_pro := '0';
    fault_pri := '0';
    fault_mexc := '0';
    fault_trans := '0';
    fault_inv := '0';
    fault_access := '0';
    transdata.finish := '0'; := (others => '0');
    transdata.cache := '0';
    transdata.accexc := '0';
    fault.fault_pro := '0';
    fault.fault_pri := '0';
    fault.fault_access := '0';
    fault.fault_mexc := '0';
    fault.fault_trans := '0';
    fault.fault_inv := '0';
    fault.fault_lvl := (others => '0');
    fault.fault_su := '0';
    fault.fault_read := '0';
    fault.fault_isid := id_dcache;
    fault.fault_addr := (others => '0');
    savewalk := '0';
    tlbo_s1finished := '0';
    tlbcam_trans_op := '0'; tlbcam_write_op := (others => '0'); tlbcam_flush_op := '0';
    lrui_touch := '0'; lrui_touchmin := '0'; lrui_pos := (others => '0');
    dr1write := '0';
    fault_pro := '0'; fault_pri := '0'; fault_mexc := '0'; fault_trans := '0'; fault_inv := '0'; fault_access := '0';
    twi_walk_op_ur := '0'; twi_areq_ur := '0'; twi_aaddr := dr1_dataout&"00";
    finish := '0';
    store := '0'; v.hold := '0'; savewalk := '0'; tlbo_s1finished := '0';
    selstate := '0'; 
    cam_hitaddr := (others => '0');
    cam_hit_all := '0';
    NEEDSYNC := '0';
    for i in entries-1 downto 0 loop
      NEEDSYNC := NEEDSYNC or tlbcamo(i).NEEDSYNC;
      if (tlbcamo(i).hit) = '1' then
        cam_hitaddr(entries_log-1 downto 0) := cam_hitaddr(entries_log-1 downto 0) or std_logic_vector(conv_unsigned(i, entries_log));
        cam_hit_all := '1';
      end if;
    end loop;
    -- tlbcam write operation
    tlbcam_tagwrite := TLB_CreateCamWrite(, r.s2_read, two.lvl, tlbi.mmctrl1.ctx, r.s2_data);
    -- replacement position
    reppos := (others => '0');
    if TLB_REP = replruarray then
      reppos := lruo.pos(entries_log-1 downto 0);
      v.touch := '0';
    elsif TLB_REP = repincrement then
      reppos := r.nrep;
    end if;
    -- pragma translate_off
    if not is_x(reppos) then
    -- pragma translate_on
      i_reppos := conv_integer(unsigned(reppos));
    -- pragma translate_off
    end if;
    -- pragma translate_on
    -- tw
    two_error := two.fault_mexc or two.fault_trans or two.fault_inv;
    twACC := downto PTE_ACC_D);
    twLVL := two.lvl;
    twPTE :=;
    twNEEDSYNC := (not or ((not r.s2_read) and (not; -- tw : writeback on next flush
    case r.s2_tlbstate is
      when idle =>
        if (tlbi.s2valid) = '1' then
          if r.s2_flush = '1' then
            v.s2_tlbstate := pack;
            v.s2_flush := '0';
            v.walk_fault.fault_pri := '0';
            v.walk_fault.fault_pro := '0';
            v.walk_fault.fault_access := '0';
            v.walk_fault.fault_trans := '0';
            v.walk_fault.fault_inv := '0';
            v.walk_fault.fault_mexc := '0';
            if (r.s2_hm and not tlbi.mmctrl1.tlbdis )  = '1' then
              if r.s2_needsync = '1' then
                v.s2_tlbstate := sync;
                finish := '1';
              end if;
              if TLB_REP = replruarray then  
                v.tpos := r.s2_entry; v.touch := '1';  -- touch lru
              end if;
              v.s2_tlbstate := walk;
              if TLB_REP = replruarray then
                lrui_touchmin := '1';             -- lru element consumed
              end if;
            end if;
          end if;
        end if;
      when walk =>
        if (two.finish = '1') then
          if ( two_error ) = '0' then
            tlbcam_write_op := decode(r.s2_entry);
            dr1write := '1';
            TLB_CheckFault( twACC, r.s2_isid, r.s2_su, r.s2_read, v.walk_fault.fault_pro, v.walk_fault.fault_pri );
          end if;
          TLB_MergeData( two.lvl ,, r.s2_data, );
          v.walk_transdata.cache :=;
          v.walk_fault.fault_lvl := two.fault_lvl;
          v.walk_fault.fault_access := '0';
          v.walk_fault.fault_mexc := two.fault_mexc;
          v.walk_fault.fault_trans := two.fault_trans;
          v.walk_fault.fault_inv := two.fault_inv;
          v.walk_use := '1';
          if ( twNEEDSYNC = '0' or two_error = '1') then
            v.s2_tlbstate := pack;
            v.s2_tlbstate := sync;
            v.sync_isw := '1';
          end if;
          if TLB_REP = repincrement then
            if (r.nrep = entries_max) then v.nrep := (others => '0');
            else  v.nrep := r.nrep + 1;
            end if;
          end if;
          twi_walk_op_ur := '1';
        end if;
      when pack =>
        v.walk_use := '0';
        finish := '1';
        v.s2_tlbstate := idle;
      when sync =>
        tlbcam_trans_op := '1';
        if ( v.sync_isw = '1') then
          -- pte address is currently written to syncram, wait one cycle before issuing twi_areq_ur
          v.sync_isw := '0';
          if (two.finish = '1') then
            v.s2_tlbstate := pack;
            v.walk_fault.fault_mexc := two.fault_mexc;
            if (two.fault_mexc) = '1' then
              v.walk_use := '1';
            end if;
            twi_areq_ur := '1';
          end if;
        end if;
      when others =>
        v .s2_tlbstate := idle;
    end case;
    if selstate = '1' then
      if tlbi.trans_op = '1' then
      elsif tlbi.flush_op = '1' then
      end if;
    end if;
    -- pragma translate_off
    if not is_x(r.s2_entry) then 
    -- pragma translate_on
      i_entry := conv_integer(unsigned(r.s2_entry));  
    -- pragma translate_off
    end if;
    -- pragma translate_on
    ACC := tlbcamo(i_entry).pteout(PTE_ACC_U downto PTE_ACC_D);
    PTE := tlbcamo(i_entry).pteout;
    LVL := tlbcamo(i_entry).LVL;
    CAC := tlbcamo(i_entry).pteout(PTE_C);
    transdata.cache := CAC;
    --# fault, todo: should we flush on a fault?
    TLB_CheckFault( ACC, r.s2_isid, r.s2_su, r.s2_read, fault_pro, fault_pri );
    fault.fault_pro    := '0';
    fault.fault_pri    := '0';
    fault.fault_access := '0';
    fault.fault_mexc   := '0';
    fault.fault_trans  := '0';
    fault.fault_inv    := '0';
    if finish = '1' then
      fault.fault_pro    := fault_pro;
      fault.fault_pri    := fault_pri;
      fault.fault_access := fault_access;
      fault.fault_mexc   := fault_mexc;
      fault.fault_trans  := fault_trans;
      fault.fault_inv    := fault_inv;
    end if;
    --# merge data
    TLB_MergeData( LVL, PTE, r.s2_data, );
    --# reset
    if (rst = '0') then
      v.s2_tlbstate := idle;
      if TLB_REP = repincrement then
        v.nrep := (others => '0');
      end if;
      if TLB_REP = replruarray then
        v.touch := '0';
      end if;
    end if;
    if (finish = '1') or (tlbi.s2valid = '0') then
      tlbo_s1finished := '1';
      v.s2_hm := cam_hit_all;
      v.s2_entry := cam_hitaddr(entries_log-1 downto 0);
      v.s2_needsync := NEEDSYNC;
      v.s2_data :=;
      v.s2_read :=;
      v.s2_su :=;
      v.s2_isid := tlbi.transdata.isid;
      v.s2_flush := tlbi.flush_op;
    end if;
    -- translation operation tag
    mtag := TLB_CreateCamTrans(,, tlbi.mmctrl1.ctx ); 
    tlbcam_tagin := mtag;
    -- flush/(probe) operation tag
    ftag := TLB_CreateCamFlush( r.s2_data, tlbi.mmctrl1.ctx ); 
    if (r.s2_flush = '1') then
      tlbcam_tagin := ftag;
    end if;
    if r.walk_use = '1' then
      transdata  := r.walk_transdata;
      fault      := r.walk_fault;
    end if;
    fault.fault_read   := r.s2_read;
    fault.fault_su     := r.s2_su;
    fault.fault_isid   := r.s2_isid;
    fault.fault_addr   := r.s2_data;
    transdata.finish := finish;
    transdata.accexc := '0';
    twi_adata := PTE;
    --# drive signals
    tlbo.transdata    <= transdata;
    tlbo.fault        <= fault;
    tlbo.nexttrans    <= store;
    tlbo.s1finished   <= tlbo_s1finished;
    twi.walk_op_ur    <= twi_walk_op_ur;          <= r.s2_data;
    twi.areq_ur       <= twi_areq_ur;
    twi.adata         <= twi_adata;
    twi.aaddr         <= twi_aaddr;
    if TLB_REP = replruarray then
      lrui.touch        <= r.touch;
      lrui.touchmin     <= lrui_touchmin;
      lrui.pos          <= (others => '0');
      lrui.pos(entries_log-1 downto 0)          <= r.tpos;
      lrui.mmctrl1      <= tlbi.mmctrl1;
    end if;
    dr1_addr          <= r.s2_entry;
    dr1_datain        <= two.addr(31 downto 2);
    dr1_enable        <= '1';
    dr1_write         <= dr1write;
    for i in entries-1 downto 0 loop
      tlbcami(i).tagin     <= tlbcam_tagin;
      tlbcami(i).trans_op  <= tlbi.trans_op; --tlbcam_trans_op;
      tlbcami(i).flush_op  <= r.s2_flush;
      tlbcami(i).mmuen     <= tlbi.mmctrl1.e;
      tlbcami(i).tagwrite  <= tlbcam_tagwrite;
      tlbcami(i).write_op  <= tlbcam_write_op(i);
    end loop;  -- i
    c <= v;
  end process p0;
  p1: process (clk)
  begin if rising_edge(clk) then r <= c;  end if;
  end process p1;
  -- tag-cam tlb entries
  tlbcam0: for i in entries-1 downto 0 generate
    tag0 : mmutlbcam port map (rst, clk, tlbcami(i), tlbcamo(i));
  end generate tlbcam0;
  -- data-ram syncram 
  dataram : syncram
    generic map ( dbits => 30, abits => entries_log)
    port map ( dr1_addr, clk, dr1_datain, dr1_dataout, dr1_enable, dr1_write);
  -- lru
  lru0: if TLB_REP = replruarray generate
    lru : mmulru
      generic map ( entries => entries)
      port map ( clk, rst, lrui, lruo );
  end generate lru0;
end rtl;

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