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[/] [core_arm/] [trunk/] [vhdl/] [sparc/] [pci_gr.vhd] - Rev 5
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---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- This file is a part of the LEON VHDL model -- Copyright (C) Gaisler Research 2003 -- -- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or -- modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public -- License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either -- version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. -- -- See the file COPYING.LGPL for the full details of the license. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Entity: pci_gr -- File: pci_gr.vhd -- Author: Jiri Gaisler - Gaisler Research -- Description: Simple PCI target interface ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.std_logic_arith.all; use work.amba.all; use work.ambacomp.all; use work.macro.all; use work.leon_iface.all; entity pci_gr is generic ( device_id : integer := 0; -- PCI device ID vendor_id : integer := 0; -- PCI vendor ID nsync : integer range 1 to 2 := 1 -- 1 or 2 sync regs between clocks ); port( rst : in std_logic; pcirst : in std_logic; clk : in std_logic; pciclk : in std_logic; pcii : in pci_in_type; pcio : out pci_out_type; ahbmi : in ahb_mst_in_type; ahbmo : out ahb_mst_out_type; ahbsi : in ahb_slv_in_type; ahbso : out ahb_slv_out_type ); end; architecture rtl of pci_gr is constant CSYNC : integer := nsync-1; constant MADDR_WIDTH : integer := 21; constant zero : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := (others => '0'); subtype word4 is std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); subtype word32 is std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); constant pci_memory_read : word4 := "0110"; constant pci_memory_write : word4 := "0111"; constant pci_config_read : word4 := "1010"; constant pci_config_write : word4 := "1011"; type pci_input_type is record ad : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); cbe : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); frame : std_logic; devsel : std_logic; idsel : std_logic; trdy : std_logic; irdy : std_logic; par : std_logic; stop : std_logic; rst : std_logic; end record; type pci_target_state_type is (idle, b_busy, s_data, backoff, turn_ar); type pci_reg_type is record addr : std_logic_vector(MADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); data : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); cmd : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); state : pci_target_state_type; csel : std_logic; msel : std_logic; read : std_logic; devsel : std_logic; trdy : std_logic; stop : std_logic; par : std_logic; oe_par : std_logic; oe_ad : std_logic; oe_ctrl : std_logic; bar0 : std_logic_vector(31 downto MADDR_WIDTH); page : std_logic_vector(31 downto MADDR_WIDTH-1); men : std_logic; laddr : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); ldata : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); lwrite : std_logic; start : std_logic; rready : std_logic_vector(csync downto 0); wready : std_logic_vector(csync downto 0); sync : std_logic_vector(csync downto 0); end record; type cpu_state_type is (idle, sync1, busy, sync2); type cpu_reg_type is record data : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); state : cpu_state_type; start : std_logic_vector(csync downto 0); sync : std_logic; rready : std_logic; wready : std_logic; end record; signal clk_int : std_logic; signal pr : pci_input_type; signal r, rin : pci_reg_type; signal r2, r2in : cpu_reg_type; signal dmai : ahb_dma_in_type; signal dmao : ahb_dma_out_type; begin -- Back-end state machine (AHB clock domain) comb : process (rst, r2, r, dmao) variable vdmai : ahb_dma_in_type; variable v : cpu_reg_type; begin v := r2; vdmai.start := '0'; vdmai.burst := '0'; vdmai.size := "10"; vdmai.address := r.laddr(31 downto 2) & "00"; v.sync := '1'; vdmai.wdata := r.ldata; vdmai.write := r.lwrite; v.start(0) := r2.start(csync); v.start(csync) := r.start; case r2.state is when idle => v.sync := '0'; if r2.start(0) = '1' then if r.lwrite = '1' then v.state := sync1; v.wready := '0'; else v.state := busy; vdmai.start := '1'; end if; end if; when sync1 => if r2.start(0) = '0' then v.state := busy; vdmai.start := '1'; end if; when busy => if dmao.active = '1' then if dmao.ready = '1' then v.rready := not r.lwrite; v.data := dmao.rdata; v.state := sync2; end if; else vdmai.start := '1'; end if; when sync2 => if r2.start(0) = '0' then v.state := idle; v.wready := '1'; v.rready := '0'; end if; end case; if rst = '0' then v.state := idle; v.rready := '0'; v.wready := '1'; end if; r2in <= v; dmai <= vdmai; end process; -- PCI target core (PCI clock domain) pcicomb : process(pcirst, pr, pcii, r, r2) variable v : pci_reg_type; variable chit, mhit, hit, ready, cwrite, mwrite : std_logic; variable cdata, cwdata : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); begin v := r; v.trdy := '1'; v.stop := '1'; v.oe_ad := '1'; v.devsel := '1'; mwrite := '0'; v.rready(0) := r.rready(csync); v.rready(csync) := r2.rready; v.wready(0) := r.wready(csync); v.wready(csync) := r2.wready; v.sync(0) := r.sync(csync); v.sync(csync) := r2.sync; -- address decoding if (r.state = s_data) and ((pr.irdy or r.trdy or r.read) = '0') then cwrite := r.csel; if ((r.msel and r.addr(MADDR_WIDTH-1)) = '1') and (pr.cbe = "0000") then v.page := pr.ad(31 downto MADDR_WIDTH-1); end if; if (pr.cbe = "0000") and (r.addr(MADDR_WIDTH-1) = '1') then mwrite := r.msel; end if; else cwrite := '0'; end if; cdata := (others => '0'); case r.addr(7 downto 2) is when "000000" => -- 0x00, device & vendor id cdata := std_logic_vector(conv_unsigned(DEVICE_ID, 16)) & std_logic_vector(conv_unsigned(VENDOR_ID, 16)); when "000001" => -- 0x04, status & command cdata(1) := r.men; cdata(25) := '1'; when "000010" => -- 0x08, class code & revision when "000011" => -- 0x0c, latency & cacheline size when "000100" => -- 0x10, BAR0 cdata(31 downto MADDR_WIDTH) := r.bar0; when others => end case; cwdata := pr.ad; if pr.cbe(3) = '1' then cwdata(31 downto 24) := cdata(31 downto 24); end if; if pr.cbe(2) = '1' then cwdata(23 downto 16) := cdata(23 downto 16); end if; if pr.cbe(1) = '1' then cwdata(15 downto 8) := cdata(15 downto 8); end if; if pr.cbe(0) = '1' then cwdata( 7 downto 0) := cdata( 7 downto 0); end if; if cwrite = '1' then case r.addr(7 downto 2) is when "000001" => -- 0x04, status & command v.men := cwdata(1); when "000100" => -- 0x10, BAR0 v.bar0 := cwdata(31 downto MADDR_WIDTH); when others => end case; end if; if (((pr.cbe = pci_config_read) or (pr.cbe = pci_config_write)) and (pr.ad(1 downto 0) = "00")) then chit := '1'; else chit := '0'; end if; if ((pr.cbe = pci_memory_read) or (pr.cbe = pci_memory_write)) and (r.bar0 = pr.ad(31 downto MADDR_WIDTH)) and (r.bar0 /= zero(31 downto MADDR_WIDTH)) then mhit := '1'; else mhit := '0'; end if; hit := r.csel or r.msel; ready := r.csel or (r.rready(0) and r.read) or (r.wready(0) and not r.read and not r.start) or r.addr(MADDR_WIDTH-1); -- target state machine case r.state is when idle => if pr.frame = '0' then v.state := b_busy; end if; -- !HIT ? v.addr := pr.ad(MADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); v.cmd := pr.cbe; v.csel := pr.idsel and chit; v.msel := r.men and mhit; v.read := not pr.cbe(0); if (r.sync(0) and r.start and r.lwrite) = '1' then v.start := '0'; end if; when turn_ar => if pr.frame = '1' then v.state := idle; end if; if pr.frame = '0' then v.state := b_busy; end if; -- !HIT ? v.addr := pr.ad(MADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); v.cmd := pr.cbe; v.csel := pr.idsel and chit; v.msel := r.men and mhit; v.read := not pr.cbe(0); if (r.sync(0) and r.start and r.lwrite) = '1' then v.start := '0'; end if; when b_busy => if hit = '1' then v.state := s_data; v.trdy := not ready; v.stop := pr.frame and ready; v.devsel := '0'; else v.state := backoff; end if; when s_data => v.stop := r.stop; v.devsel := '0'; v.trdy := r.trdy or not pcii.pci_irdy_in_n; if (pcii.pci_frame_in_n and not pcii.pci_irdy_in_n) = '1' then v.state := turn_ar; v.stop := '1'; v.trdy := '1'; v.devsel := '1'; end if; when backoff => if pr.frame = '1' then v.state := idle; end if; end case; if ((r.state = s_data) or (r.state = turn_ar)) and (((pr.irdy or pr.trdy) = '0') or ((not pr.irdy and not pr.stop and pr.trdy and not r.start and r.wready(0)) = '1')) then if (pr.trdy and r.read)= '0' then v.start := '0'; end if; if (r.start = '0') and ((r.msel and not r.addr(MADDR_WIDTH-1)) = '1') and (((pr.trdy and r.read) or (not pr.trdy and not r.read)) = '1') then v.laddr := r.page & r.addr(MADDR_WIDTH-2 downto 0); v.ldata := pr.ad; v.lwrite := not r.read; v.start := '1'; end if; end if; if (v.state = s_data) and (r.read = '1') then v.oe_ad := '0'; end if; v.oe_par := r.oe_ad; if r.csel = '1' then v.data := cdata; elsif r.addr(MADDR_WIDTH-1) = '1' then v.data(31 downto MADDR_WIDTH-1) := r.page; v.data(MADDR_WIDTH-2 downto 0) := (others => '0'); else v.data := r2.data; end if; v.par := xorv(r.data & pcii.pci_cbein_n); if (v.state = s_data) or (r.state = s_data) then v.oe_ctrl := '0'; else v.oe_ctrl := '1'; end if; if pr.rst = '0' then v.state := idle; v.men := '0'; v.start := '0'; v.bar0 := (others => '0'); v.msel := '0'; v.csel := '0'; v.page := ('0', '1', others => '0'); end if; rin <= v; end process; pcir : process (pciclk, pcirst, r2) begin if rising_edge (pciclk) then pr.ad <= to_x01(pcii.pci_adin); pr.cbe <= to_x01(pcii.pci_cbein_n); pr.devsel <= to_x01(pcii.pci_devsel_in_n); pr.frame <= to_x01(pcii.pci_frame_in_n); pr.idsel <= to_x01(pcii.pci_idsel_in); pr.irdy <= to_x01(pcii.pci_irdy_in_n); pr.trdy <= to_x01(pcii.pci_trdy_in_n); pr.par <= to_x01(pcii.pci_par_in); pr.stop <= to_x01(pcii.pci_stop_in_n); pr.rst <= to_x01(pcii.pci_rst_in_n); r <= rin; end if; if pcirst = '0' then -- asynch reset required r.oe_ad <= '1'; r.oe_ctrl <= '1'; r.oe_par <= '1'; end if; end process; cpur : process (clk) begin if rising_edge (clk) then r2 <= r2in; end if; end process; pcio.pci_cbe0_en_n <= '1'; pcio.pci_cbe1_en_n <= '1'; pcio.pci_cbe2_en_n <= '1'; pcio.pci_cbe3_en_n <= '1'; pcio.pci_cbeout_n <= "1111"; pcio.pci_aden_n <= (others => r.oe_ad); pcio.pci_adout <= r.data; pcio.pci_trdy_out_n <= r.trdy; pcio.pci_ctrl_en_n <= r.oe_ctrl; pcio.pci_stop_out_n <= r.stop; pcio.pci_devsel_out_n <= r.devsel; pcio.pci_par_out <= r.par; pcio.pci_par_en_n <= r.oe_par; pcio.pci_perr_out_n <= '1'; pcio.pci_perr_en_n <= '1'; pcio.pci_serr_out_n <= '1'; pcio.pci_serr_en_n <= '1'; pcio.pci_int_out_n <= '1'; pcio.pci_int_en_n <= '1'; pcio.pci_req_en_n <= '1'; pcio.pci_req_out_n <= '1'; pcio.pci_frame_en_n <= '1'; pcio.pci_frame_out_n <= '1'; pcio.pci_irdy_en_n <= '1'; pcio.pci_irdy_out_n <= '1'; pcio.pci_lock_en_n <= '1'; ahbso.hready <= '1'; ahbso.hresp <= HRESP_OKAY; ahbmst0 : ahbmst port map (rst, clk, dmai, dmao, ahbmi, ahbmo); end;
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