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[/] [core_arm/] [trunk/] [vhdl/] [tbench/] [mem/] [iram.vhd] - Rev 2
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- This file is a part of the LEON VHDL model -- Copyright (C) 1999 European Space Agency (ESA) -- -- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- See the file COPYING for the full details of the license. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- File name : iram.vhd -- Title : Ram -- project : LEON -- Library : IEEE -- Author(s) : Jiri Gaisler -- Purpose : Ram model which reads data from file -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Modification history : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Version No : | Author | Mod. Date : | Changes made : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- v 1.0 | JG | 97-05-17 | first version --............................................................................. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Copyright ESA/ESTEC ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------|---------|---------|---------|---------|---------|---------|--------| library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.std_logic_arith.all; use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.conv_integer; use std.textio.all; use work.leon_iface.all; use work.macro.all; entity IRAM is generic (index : integer := 0; -- Byte lane (0 - 3) Abits: Positive := 10; -- Default 10 address bits (1 Kbyte) Echk : integer := 0; -- Generate EDAC checksum tacc : integer := 10; -- access time (ns) fname : string := "soft/tbenchsoft/ram.dat"); -- File to read from port ( A : in std_logic_vector; D : inout std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); CE1 : in std_logic; WE : in std_logic; OE : in std_logic ); end IRAM; architecture BEHAVIORAL of IRAM is subtype BYTE is std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); type MEM is array(0 to ((2**Abits)-1)) of BYTE; signal DINT,DI,DO : BYTE; constant ahigh : integer := abits - 1; signal wrpre : std_logic; function Vpar(vec : std_logic_vector) return std_logic is variable par : std_logic := '1'; begin for i in vec'range loop --' par := par xor vec(i); end loop; return par; end; procedure CHAR2QUADBITS(C: character; RESULT: out bit_vector(3 downto 0); GOOD: out boolean; ISSUE_ERROR: in boolean) is begin case C is when '0' => RESULT := x"0"; GOOD := true; when '1' => RESULT := x"1"; GOOD := true; when '2' => RESULT := X"2"; GOOD := true; when '3' => RESULT := X"3"; GOOD := true; when '4' => RESULT := X"4"; GOOD := true; when '5' => RESULT := X"5"; GOOD := true; when '6' => RESULT := X"6"; GOOD := true; when '7' => RESULT := X"7"; GOOD := true; when '8' => RESULT := X"8"; GOOD := true; when '9' => RESULT := X"9"; GOOD := true; when 'A' => RESULT := X"A"; GOOD := true; when 'B' => RESULT := X"B"; GOOD := true; when 'C' => RESULT := X"C"; GOOD := true; when 'D' => RESULT := X"D"; GOOD := true; when 'E' => RESULT := X"E"; GOOD := true; when 'F' => RESULT := X"F"; GOOD := true; when 'a' => RESULT := X"A"; GOOD := true; when 'b' => RESULT := X"B"; GOOD := true; when 'c' => RESULT := X"C"; GOOD := true; when 'd' => RESULT := X"D"; GOOD := true; when 'e' => RESULT := X"E"; GOOD := true; when 'f' => RESULT := X"F"; GOOD := true; when others => if ISSUE_ERROR then assert false report "HREAD Error: Read a '" & C & "', expected a Hex character (0-F)."; end if; GOOD := false; end case; end; procedure HREAD(L:inout line; VALUE:out bit_vector) is variable OK: boolean; variable C: character; constant NE: integer := VALUE'length/4; --' variable BV: bit_vector(0 to VALUE'length-1); --' variable S: string(1 to NE-1); begin if VALUE'length mod 4 /= 0 then --' assert false report "HREAD Error: Trying to read vector " & "with an odd (non multiple of 4) length"; return; end if; loop -- skip white space read(L,C); exit when ((C /= ' ') and (C /= CR) and (C /= HT)); end loop; CHAR2QUADBITS(C, BV(0 to 3), OK, false); if not OK then return; end if; read(L, S, OK); -- if not OK then -- assert false report "HREAD Error: Failed to read the STRING"; -- return; -- end if; for I in 1 to NE-1 loop CHAR2QUADBITS(S(I), BV(4*I to 4*I+3), OK, false); if not OK then return; end if; end loop; VALUE := BV; end HREAD; procedure HREAD(L:inout line; VALUE:out std_ulogic_vector) is variable TMP: bit_vector(VALUE'length-1 downto 0); --' begin HREAD(L, TMP); VALUE := TO_X01(TMP); end HREAD; procedure HREAD(L:inout line; VALUE:out std_logic_vector) is variable TMP: std_ulogic_vector(VALUE'length-1 downto 0); --' begin HREAD(L, TMP); VALUE := std_logic_vector(TMP); end HREAD; function ishex(c:character) return boolean is variable tmp : bit_vector(3 downto 0); variable OK : boolean; begin CHAR2QUADBITS(C, tmp, OK, false); return OK; end ishex; begin RAM : process(CE1,WE,DI,A,OE,D) variable MEMA : MEM; variable L1,L2 : line; variable FIRST : boolean := true; variable LEN : integer := 0; variable LEN2 : integer := 0; variable ADR : std_logic_vector(19 downto 0); variable ADR2 : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); variable ADR3 : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); variable BUF : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); variable CH : character; variable ai : integer; file TCF : text is in fname; begin if FIRST then L1:= new string'(""); --' while not endfile(TCF) loop readline(TCF,L1); if (L1'length /= 0) then --' while (not (L1'length=0)) and (L1(L1'left) = ' ') loop std.textio.read(L1,CH); end loop; if L1'length > 0 then --' if not (L1'length=0)and ishex(L1(L1'left)) and ishex(L1(L1'left+1)) --' then if (L1(L1'left+8) = ' ') then --' HREAD(L1,ADR3); -- read address adr := adr3(19 downto 0); elsif (L1(L1'left+4) = ' ') then --' HREAD(L1,ADR2); -- read address adr := "0000" & adr2; else HREAD(L1,ADR); -- read address end if; if Echk = 4 then len := conv_integer(adr(ahigh+1 downto 1)); elsif Echk > 1 then len := conv_integer(adr(ahigh downto 0)); adr := "000000" & adr(15 downto 2); adr(ahigh downto ahigh-1) := "11"; len2 := conv_integer(adr(ahigh downto 0)); else len := conv_integer(adr(ahigh+2 downto 2)); end if; for i in 0 to 3 loop HREAD(L1,BUF); case Echk is when 0 => MEMA(LEN+i) := BUF((31-index*8) downto (24-index*8)); when 2 => MEMA(LEN+(i*4)) := BUF(31 downto 24); MEMA(LEN+(i*4)+1) := BUF(23 downto 16); MEMA(LEN+(i*4)+2) := BUF(15 downto 8); MEMA(LEN+(i*4)+3) := BUF(7 downto 0); when 4 => MEMA(LEN+i*2) := BUF((31-index*8) downto (24-index*8)); MEMA(LEN+i*2+1) := BUF((15-index*8) downto (8-index*8)); when others => null; end case; end loop; end if; end if; end if; end loop; FIRST := false; else if (TO_X01(not CE1) = '1') then if not is_x(a) then ai := conv_integer(A); else ai := 0; end if; dint <= mema(ai); end if; if (TO_X01(CE1 or WE) = '1') then if wrpre = '1' then mema(ai) := std_logic_vector(DI); end if; end if; end if; wrpre <= TO_X01((not CE1) and (not WE)); DI <= D; end process; BUFS : process(CE1,WE,DINT,OE) variable DRIVEB : std_logic; begin DRIVEB := TO_X01((not CE1) and (not OE) and WE); case DRIVEB is when '1' => D <= DINT after tacc * 1 ns; when '0' => D <= "ZZZZZZZZ" after 5 ns; when others => D <= "XXXXXXXX"; end case; end process; end BEHAVIORAL;
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