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---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- This file is a part of the LEON VHDL model -- Copyright (C) 1999 European Space Agency (ESA) -- -- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or -- modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public -- License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either -- version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. -- -- See the file COPYING.LGPL for the full details of the license. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Entity: tech_proasic -- File: tech_proasic.vhd -- Author: Jiri Gaisler - Gaisler Research -- Description: Ram generators for Actel ProAsic/ProAsicPlus ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LIBRARY ieee; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use work.leon_iface.all; package tech_proasic is -- generic sync ram component proasic_syncram generic ( abits : integer := 10; dbits : integer := 8 ); port ( address : in std_logic_vector((abits -1) downto 0); clk : in std_logic; datain : in std_logic_vector((dbits -1) downto 0); dataout : out std_logic_vector((dbits -1) downto 0); enable : in std_logic; write : in std_logic ); end component; -- regfile generator component proasic_regfile_iu generic ( rftype : integer := 1; abits : integer := 8; dbits : integer := 32; words : integer := 128 ); port ( rst : in std_logic; clk : in std_logic; clkn : in std_logic; rfi : in rf_in_type; rfo : out rf_out_type); end component; component proasic_regfile_cp generic ( abits : integer := 4; dbits : integer := 32; words : integer := 16 ); port ( rst : in std_logic; clk : in std_logic; rfi : in rf_cp_in_type; rfo : out rf_cp_out_type); end component; end; ------------------------------------------------------------------ -- behavioural ram models -------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ -- pragma translate_off library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use work.tech_generic.all; entity RAM256x9SST is port( DO8, DO7, DO6, DO5, DO4, DO3, DO2, DO1, DO0 : out std_logic; WPE, RPE, DOS : out std_logic; WADDR7, WADDR6, WADDR5, WADDR4, WADDR3, WADDR2, WADDR1, WADDR0 : in std_logic; RADDR7, RADDR6, RADDR5, RADDR4, RADDR3, RADDR2, RADDR1, RADDR0 : in std_logic; WCLKS, RCLKS : in std_logic; DI8, DI7, DI6, DI5, DI4, DI3, DI2, DI1, DI0 : in std_logic; WRB, RDB, WBLKB, RBLKB, PARODD, DIS : in std_logic); end; architecture rtl of RAM256x9SST is signal d, q : std_logic_vector(8 downto 0); signal wa, ra : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal wen : std_logic; begin wen <= not (WBLKB or WRB); wa <= WADDR7 & WADDR6 & WADDR5 & WADDR4 & WADDR3 & WADDR2 & WADDR1 & WADDR0; ra <= RADDR7 & RADDR6 & RADDR5 & RADDR4 & RADDR3 & RADDR2 & RADDR1 & RADDR0; d <= DI8 & DI7 & DI6 & DI5 & DI4 & DI3 & DI2 & DI1 & DI0; u0 : generic_dpram_ss generic map (abits => 8, dbits => 9, words => 256) port map (clk => WCLKS, rdaddress => ra, wraddress => wa, data => d, wren => wen, q => q); DO8 <= q(8); DO7 <= q(7); DO6 <= q(6); DO5 <= q(5); DO4 <= q(4); DO3 <= q(3); DO2 <= q(2); DO1 <= q(1); DO0 <= q(0); end; library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use work.tech_generic.all; entity RAM256x9SA is port( DO0, DO1, DO2, DO3, DO4, DO5, DO6, DO7, DO8 : out std_logic; DOS, RPE, WPE : out std_logic; WADDR0, WADDR1, WADDR2, WADDR3, WADDR4, WADDR5, WADDR6, WADDR7 : in std_logic; RADDR0, RADDR1, RADDR2, RADDR3, RADDR4, RADDR5, RADDR6, RADDR7 : in std_logic; WCLKS : in std_logic; DI0, DI1, DI2, DI3, DI4, DI5, DI6, DI7, DI8 : in std_logic; RDB, WRB, RBLKB, WBLKB, PARODD, DIS : in std_logic); end; architecture rtl of RAM256x9SA is signal d, q : std_logic_vector(8 downto 0); signal wa, ra : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal wen : std_logic; begin wen <= not (WBLKB or WRB); wa <= WADDR7 & WADDR6 & WADDR5 & WADDR4 & WADDR3 & WADDR2 & WADDR1 & WADDR0; ra <= RADDR7 & RADDR6 & RADDR5 & RADDR4 & RADDR3 & RADDR2 & RADDR1 & RADDR0; d <= DI8 & DI7 & DI6 & DI5 & DI4 & DI3 & DI2 & DI1 & DI0; u0 : generic_dpram_as generic map (abits => 8, dbits => 9, words => 256) port map (clk => WCLKS, rdaddress => ra, wraddress => wa, data => d, wren => wen, q => q); DO8 <= q(8); DO7 <= q(7); DO6 <= q(6); DO5 <= q(5); DO4 <= q(4); DO3 <= q(3); DO2 <= q(2); DO1 <= q(1); DO0 <= q(0); end; -- pragma translate_on -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- regfile generators -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- integer unit regfile LIBRARY ieee; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use work.leon_config.all; use work.leon_iface.all; entity proasic_regfile_iu is generic ( rftype : integer := 1; abits : integer := 8; dbits : integer := 32; words : integer := 128 ); port ( rst : in std_logic; clk : in std_logic; clkn : in std_logic; rfi : in rf_in_type; rfo : out rf_out_type); end; architecture rtl of proasic_regfile_iu is component RAM256x9SA port( DO0, DO1, DO2, DO3, DO4, DO5, DO6, DO7, DO8 : out std_logic; DOS, RPE, WPE : out std_logic; WADDR0, WADDR1, WADDR2, WADDR3, WADDR4, WADDR5, WADDR6, WADDR7 : in std_logic; RADDR0, RADDR1, RADDR2, RADDR3, RADDR4, RADDR5, RADDR6, RADDR7 : in std_logic; WCLKS : in std_logic; DI0, DI1, DI2, DI3, DI4, DI5, DI6, DI7, DI8 : in std_logic; RDB, WRB, RBLKB, WBLKB, PARODD, DIS : in std_logic); end component; signal wen, gnd : std_logic; signal wa, ra1, ra2 : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); begin wen <= not rfi.wren; gnd <= '0'; wa(15 downto abits) <= (others => '0'); wa(abits-1 downto 0) <= rfi.wraddr(abits-1 downto 0); ra1(15 downto abits) <= (others => '0'); ra1(abits-1 downto 0) <= rfi.rd1addr(abits-1 downto 0); ra2(15 downto abits) <= (others => '0'); ra2(abits-1 downto 0) <= rfi.rd2addr(abits-1 downto 0); g0 : for i in 0 to 3 generate u0 : RAM256x9SA port map ( DO0 => rfo.data1(i*8 + 0), DO1 => rfo.data1(i*8 + 1), DO2 => rfo.data1(i*8 + 2), DO3 => rfo.data1(i*8 + 3), DO4 => rfo.data1(i*8 + 4), DO5 => rfo.data1(i*8 + 5), DO6 => rfo.data1(i*8 + 6), DO7 => rfo.data1(i*8 + 7), DO8 => open, DOS => open, RPE => open, WPE => open, WADDR0 => wa(0), WADDR1 => wa(1), WADDR2 => wa(2), WADDR3 => wa(3), WADDR4 => wa(4), WADDR5 => wa(5), WADDR6 => wa(6), WADDR7 => wa(7), RADDR0 => ra1(0), RADDR1 => ra1(1), RADDR2 => ra1(2), RADDR3 => ra1(3), RADDR4 => ra1(4), RADDR5 => ra1(5), RADDR6 => ra1(6), RADDR7 => ra1(7), WCLKS => clk, DI0 => rfi.wrdata(i*8 + 0), DI1 => rfi.wrdata(i*8 + 1), DI2 => rfi.wrdata(i*8 + 2), DI3 => rfi.wrdata(i*8 + 3), DI4 => rfi.wrdata(i*8 + 4), DI5 => rfi.wrdata(i*8 + 5), DI6 => rfi.wrdata(i*8 + 6), DI7 => rfi.wrdata(i*8 + 7), DI8 => gnd, RDB => gnd, WRB => wen, RBLKB => gnd, WBLKB => wen, PARODD => gnd, DIS => gnd); u1 : RAM256x9SA port map ( DO0 => rfo.data2(i*8 + 0), DO1 => rfo.data2(i*8 + 1), DO2 => rfo.data2(i*8 + 2), DO3 => rfo.data2(i*8 + 3), DO4 => rfo.data2(i*8 + 4), DO5 => rfo.data2(i*8 + 5), DO6 => rfo.data2(i*8 + 6), DO7 => rfo.data2(i*8 + 7), DO8 => open, DOS => open, RPE => open, WPE => open, WADDR0 => wa(0), WADDR1 => wa(1), WADDR2 => wa(2), WADDR3 => wa(3), WADDR4 => wa(4), WADDR5 => wa(5), WADDR6 => wa(6), WADDR7 => wa(7), RADDR0 => ra2(0), RADDR1 => ra2(1), RADDR2 => ra2(2), RADDR3 => ra2(3), RADDR4 => ra2(4), RADDR5 => ra2(5), RADDR6 => ra2(6), RADDR7 => ra2(7), WCLKS => clk, DI0 => rfi.wrdata(i*8 + 0), DI1 => rfi.wrdata(i*8 + 1), DI2 => rfi.wrdata(i*8 + 2), DI3 => rfi.wrdata(i*8 + 3), DI4 => rfi.wrdata(i*8 + 4), DI5 => rfi.wrdata(i*8 + 5), DI6 => rfi.wrdata(i*8 + 6), DI7 => rfi.wrdata(i*8 + 7), DI8 => gnd, RDB => gnd, WRB => wen, RBLKB => gnd, WBLKB => wen, PARODD => gnd, DIS => gnd); end generate; end; -- co-processor regfile -- synchronous operation without write-through support LIBRARY ieee; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use work.leon_config.all; use work.leon_iface.all; entity proasic_regfile_cp is generic ( abits : integer := 4; dbits : integer := 32; words : integer := 16 ); port ( rst : in std_logic; clk : in std_logic; rfi : in rf_cp_in_type; rfo : out rf_cp_out_type); end; architecture rtl of proasic_regfile_cp is component RAM256x9SST port( DO8, DO7, DO6, DO5, DO4, DO3, DO2, DO1, DO0 : out std_logic; WPE, RPE, DOS : out std_logic; WADDR7, WADDR6, WADDR5, WADDR4, WADDR3, WADDR2, WADDR1, WADDR0 : in std_logic; RADDR7, RADDR6, RADDR5, RADDR4, RADDR3, RADDR2, RADDR1, RADDR0 : in std_logic; WCLKS, RCLKS : in std_logic; DI8, DI7, DI6, DI5, DI4, DI3, DI2, DI1, DI0 : in std_logic; WRB, RDB, WBLKB, RBLKB, PARODD, DIS : in std_logic); end component; signal wen, gnd : std_logic; begin wen <= not rfi.wren; gnd <= '0'; g0 : for i in 0 to 3 generate u0 : RAM256x9SST port map ( DO0 => rfo.data1(i*8 + 0), DO1 => rfo.data1(i*8 + 1), DO2 => rfo.data1(i*8 + 2), DO3 => rfo.data1(i*8 + 3), DO4 => rfo.data1(i*8 + 4), DO5 => rfo.data1(i*8 + 5), DO6 => rfo.data1(i*8 + 6), DO7 => rfo.data1(i*8 + 7), DO8 => open, DOS => open, RPE => open, WPE => open, WADDR0 => rfi.wraddr(0), WADDR1 => rfi.wraddr(1), WADDR2 => rfi.wraddr(2), WADDR3 => rfi.wraddr(3), WADDR4 => gnd, WADDR5 => gnd, WADDR6 => gnd, WADDR7 => gnd, RADDR0 => rfi.rd1addr(0), RADDR1 => rfi.rd1addr(1), RADDR2 => rfi.rd1addr(2), RADDR3 => rfi.rd1addr(3), RADDR4 => gnd, RADDR5 => gnd, RADDR6 => gnd, RADDR7 => gnd, WCLKS => clk, RCLKS => clk, DI0 => rfi.wrdata(i*8 + 0), DI1 => rfi.wrdata(i*8 + 1), DI2 => rfi.wrdata(i*8 + 2), DI3 => rfi.wrdata(i*8 + 3), DI4 => rfi.wrdata(i*8 + 4), DI5 => rfi.wrdata(i*8 + 5), DI6 => rfi.wrdata(i*8 + 6), DI7 => rfi.wrdata(i*8 + 7), DI8 => gnd, RDB => gnd, WRB => wen, RBLKB => gnd, WBLKB => wen, PARODD => gnd, DIS => gnd); u1 : RAM256x9SST port map ( DO0 => rfo.data2(i*8 + 0), DO1 => rfo.data2(i*8 + 1), DO2 => rfo.data2(i*8 + 2), DO3 => rfo.data2(i*8 + 3), DO4 => rfo.data2(i*8 + 4), DO5 => rfo.data2(i*8 + 5), DO6 => rfo.data2(i*8 + 6), DO7 => rfo.data2(i*8 + 7), DO8 => open, DOS => open, RPE => open, WPE => open, WADDR0 => rfi.wraddr(0), WADDR1 => rfi.wraddr(1), WADDR2 => rfi.wraddr(2), WADDR3 => gnd, WADDR4 => gnd, WADDR5 => gnd, WADDR6 => gnd, WADDR7 => gnd, RADDR0 => rfi.rd2addr(0), RADDR1 => rfi.rd2addr(1), RADDR2 => rfi.rd2addr(2), RADDR3 => rfi.rd2addr(3), RADDR4 => gnd, RADDR5 => gnd, RADDR6 => gnd, RADDR7 => gnd, WCLKS => clk, RCLKS => clk, DI0 => rfi.wrdata(i*8 + 0), DI1 => rfi.wrdata(i*8 + 1), DI2 => rfi.wrdata(i*8 + 2), DI3 => rfi.wrdata(i*8 + 3), DI4 => rfi.wrdata(i*8 + 4), DI5 => rfi.wrdata(i*8 + 5), DI6 => rfi.wrdata(i*8 + 6), DI7 => rfi.wrdata(i*8 + 7), DI8 => gnd, RDB => gnd, WRB => wen, RBLKB => gnd, WBLKB => wen, PARODD => gnd, DIS => gnd); end generate; end; LIBRARY ieee; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all; use work.leon_config.all; use work.leon_iface.all; entity proasic_syncram is generic ( abits : integer := 10; dbits : integer := 8 ); port ( address : in std_logic_vector((abits -1) downto 0); clk : in std_logic; datain : in std_logic_vector((dbits -1) downto 0); dataout : out std_logic_vector((dbits -1) downto 0); enable : in std_logic; write : in std_logic ); end; architecture rtl of proasic_syncram is component RAM256x9SST port( DO8, DO7, DO6, DO5, DO4, DO3, DO2, DO1, DO0 : out std_logic; WPE, RPE, DOS : out std_logic; WADDR7, WADDR6, WADDR5, WADDR4, WADDR3, WADDR2, WADDR1, WADDR0 : in std_logic; RADDR7, RADDR6, RADDR5, RADDR4, RADDR3, RADDR2, RADDR1, RADDR0 : in std_logic; WCLKS, RCLKS : in std_logic; DI8, DI7, DI6, DI5, DI4, DI3, DI2, DI1, DI0 : in std_logic; WRB, RDB, WBLKB, RBLKB, PARODD, DIS : in std_logic); end component; type powarr is array (0 to 6) of integer; constant powtbl : powarr := (0, 1, 3, 7, 15, 31, 63); subtype word is std_logic_vector(63 downto 0); type qarr is array (0 to 63) of word; signal gnd : std_logic; signal q : qarr; signal d : word; signal a, rra : word; signal wen : std_logic_vector (63 downto 0); begin gnd <= '0'; a(63 downto abits) <= (others => '0'); a(abits-1 downto 0) <= address; d(63 downto dbits) <= (others => '0'); d(dbits-1 downto 0) <= datain; x0 : if abits > 8 generate b0 : for j in 0 to powtbl(abits-8) generate g0 : for i in 0 to (dbits-1)/9 generate u0 : RAM256x9SST port map ( DO0 => q(j)(i*9+0), DO1 => q(j)(i*9+1), DO2 => q(j)(i*9+2), DO3 => q(j)(i*9+3), DO4 => q(j)(i*9+4), DO5 => q(j)(i*9+5), DO6 => q(j)(i*9+6), DO7 => q(j)(i*9+7), DO8 => q(j)(i*9+8), DOS => open, RPE => open, WPE => open, WADDR0 => a(0), WADDR1 => a(1), WADDR2 => a(2), WADDR3 => a(3), WADDR4 => a(4), WADDR5 => a(5), WADDR6 => a(6), WADDR7 => a(7), RADDR0 => a(0), RADDR1 => a(1), RADDR2 => a(2), RADDR3 => a(3), RADDR4 => a(4), RADDR5 => a(5), RADDR6 => a(6), RADDR7 => a(7), WCLKS => clk, RCLKS => clk, DI0 => d(i*9+0), DI1 => d(i*9+1), DI2 => d(i*9+2), DI3 => d(i*9+3), DI4 => d(i*9+4), DI5 => d(i*9+5), DI6 => d(i*9+6), DI7 => d(i*9+7), DI8 => d(i*9+8), RDB => gnd, WRB => wen(j), RBLKB => gnd, WBLKB => wen(j), PARODD => gnd, DIS => gnd); end generate; end generate; reg : process(clk) begin if rising_edge(clk) then rra(abits-9 downto 0) <= address(abits-1 downto 8); end if; end process; ctrl : process(write, address, q, rra) variable we,z : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0); begin we := (others => '0'); z := (others => '0'); -- pragma translate_off if not is_x(rra(abits-9 downto 0)) then -- pragma translate_on z(dbits-1 downto 0) := q(conv_integer(unsigned(rra(abits-9 downto 0))))(dbits-1 downto 0); -- pragma translate_off end if; if not is_x(address(abits-1 downto 8)) then -- pragma translate_on we (conv_integer(unsigned(address(abits-1 downto 8)))) := write; -- pragma translate_off end if; -- pragma translate_on wen <= not we; dataout <= z(dbits-1 downto 0); end process; end generate; asz8 : if abits <= 8 generate g0 : for i in 0 to (dbits-1)/9 generate u0 : RAM256x9SST port map ( DO0 => q(0)(i*9+0), DO1 => q(0)(i*9+1), DO2 => q(0)(i*9+2), DO3 => q(0)(i*9+3), DO4 => q(0)(i*9+4), DO5 => q(0)(i*9+5), DO6 => q(0)(i*9+6), DO7 => q(0)(i*9+7), DO8 => q(0)(i*9+8), DOS => open, RPE => open, WPE => open, WADDR0 => a(0), WADDR1 => a(1), WADDR2 => a(2), WADDR3 => a(3), WADDR4 => a(4), WADDR5 => a(5), WADDR6 => a(6), WADDR7 => a(7), RADDR0 => a(0), RADDR1 => a(1), RADDR2 => a(2), RADDR3 => a(3), RADDR4 => a(4), RADDR5 => a(5), RADDR6 => a(6), RADDR7 => a(7), WCLKS => clk, RCLKS => clk, DI0 => d(i*9+0), DI1 => d(i*9+1), DI2 => d(i*9+2), DI3 => d(i*9+3), DI4 => d(i*9+4), DI5 => d(i*9+5), DI6 => d(i*9+6), DI7 => d(i*9+7), DI8 => d(i*9+8), RDB => gnd, WRB => wen(0), RBLKB => gnd, WBLKB => wen(0), PARODD => gnd, DIS => gnd); end generate; wen(0) <= not write; dataout <= q(0)(dbits-1 downto 0); end generate; end;