Subversion Repositories cpu65c02_true_cycle
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<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>HDL Designer Web Export</TITLE> <!-- Joust Outliner Version 2.5.4 (c) Copyright 1996-2001, MITEM (Europe) Ltd. All rights reserved. This code may be freely copied and distributed provided that it is accompanied by this header. For full details of the Joust license, as well as documentation and help, go to http://www.ivanpeters.com/. Do not modify anything between here and the "End of Joust" marker unless you know what you are doing. --> <script language="JavaScript"> <!-- function getDHTMLObj(docName, objName) { if (theBrowser.hasW3CDOM) { return eval(docName + '.getElementById("' + objName + '").style'); } else { return eval(docName + theBrowser.DHTMLRange + '.' + objName + theBrowser.DHTMLStyleObj); } } function getDHTMLObjTop(theObj) {return (theBrowser.code == "MSIE") ? theObj.pixelTop : theObj.top;} function getDHTMLObjHeight(docName, objName) { if (theBrowser.hasW3CDOM) { return parseInt(eval(docName + '.getElementById("' + objName + '").offsetHeight'),10); } else { return eval(docName + theBrowser.DHTMLRange + '.' + objName + theBrowser.DHTMLDivHeight); } } function getDHTMLImg(docName, objName, imgName) { if (document.layers) { return getDHTMLObj(docName, objName).document.images[imgName]; } else { return eval(docName + '.images.' + imgName); } } function simpleArray() {this.item = 0;} function imgStoreItem(n, s, w, h) { this.name = n; this.src = s; this.obj = null; this.w = w; this.h = h; if ((theBrowser.canCache) && (s)) { this.obj = new Image(w, h); this.obj.src = s; } } function imgStoreObject() { this.count = -1; this.img = new imgStoreItem; this.find = imgStoreFind; this.add = imgStoreAdd; this.getSrc = imgStoreGetSrc; this.getTag = imgStoreGetTag; } function imgStoreFind(theName) { var foundItem = -1; for (var i = 0; i <= this.count; i++) {if (this.img[i].name == theName) {foundItem = i;break;}} return foundItem; } function imgStoreAdd(n, s, w, h) { var i = this.find(n); if (i == -1) {i = ++this.count;} this.img[i] = new imgStoreItem(n, s, parseInt(w, 10), parseInt(h, 10)); } function imgStoreGetSrc(theName) { var i = this.find(theName); var img = this.img[i]; return (i == -1) ? '' : ((img.obj) ? img.obj.src : img.src); } function imgStoreGetTag(theName, iconID, altText) { var i = this.find(theName); if (i < 0) {return ''} with (this.img[i]) { if (src == '') {return ''} var tag = '<img src="' + src + '" width="' + w + '" height="' + h + '" border="0" align="left" hspace="0" vspace="0"'; tag += (iconID != '') ? ' name="' + iconID + '"' : ''; tag += ' alt="' + ((altText)?altText:'') + '">'; } return tag; } // The MenuItem object. This contains the data and functions for drawing each item. function MenuItem (owner, id, type, text, url, status, nItem, pItem, parent) { var t = this; this.owner = owner; this.id = id; this.type = type; this.text = text; this.url = url; this.status = status; this.target = owner.defaultTarget; this.nextItem = nItem; this.prevItem = pItem; this.FirstChild = -1; this.parent = parent; this.isopen = false; this.isSelected = false; this.draw = MIDraw; this.PMIconName = MIGetPMIconName; this.docIconName = MIGetDocIconName; this.altIconName = MIGetAltIconName; this.setImg = MISetImage; this.setIsOpen = MISetIsOpen; this.setSelected = MISetSelected; this.setIcon = MISetIcon; this.mouseOver = MIMouseOver; this.mouseOut = MIMouseOut; var i = (this.owner.imgStore) ? this.owner.imgStore.find(type) : -2; if (i == -1) {i = this.owner.imgStore.find('iconPlus');} this.height = (i > -1) ? this.owner.imgStore.img[i].h : 0; this.multiImages = 0; this.altType = ''; this.setAltType = MISetAltType; } function MISetAltType(altType) { if (altType != '') { this.altType = altType; this.multiImages = 1; } else { this.multiImages = 0; } } function MIDraw (indentStr) { var o = this.owner; var mRef = '="return ' + o.reverseRef + "." + o.name; var tmp = mRef + '.entry[' + this.id + '].'; var MOver = ' onMouseOver' + tmp + 'mouseOver(\'' var MOut = ' onMouseOut' + tmp + 'mouseOut(\'' var iconTag = o.imgStore.getTag(this.PMIconName(), 'plusMinusIcon' + this.id, ''); var aLine = '<nobr>' + indentStr; if (!this.noOutlineImg) { if (this.FirstChild != -1) { aLine += '<A HREF="#" onClick' + mRef + '.toggle(' + this.id + ');"' + MOver + 'plusMinusIcon\',this);"' + MOut + 'plusMinusIcon\');">' + iconTag + '</A>'; } else { aLine += iconTag; } } var tip = (o.tipText == 'text') ? this.text : ((o.tipText == 'status') ? this.status : ''); var theEntry = o.imgStore.getTag(this.docIconName(), 'docIcon' + this.id, tip) + this.text; var theImg = o.imgStore.getTag(this.docIconName(), 'docIcon' + this.id, tip); if (this.multiImages) { theImg = o.imgStore.getTag(this.altIconName(), 'altIcon' + this.id, tip) + theImg; } var sTxt = '<SPAN CLASS="' + ((this.CSSClass) ? this.CSSClass : ((this.FirstChild != -1) ? 'node' : 'leaf')) + '">'; var lTxt = '<A NAME="joustEntry' + this.id + '"'; var theUrl = (((this.url == '') && theBrowser.canJSVoid && o.showAllAsLinks) || o.wizardInstalled) ? 'javascript:void(0);' : this.url; if (theUrl != '') { if (this.target.charAt(1) == "_") {theUrl = "javascript:" + o.reverseRef + ".loadURLInTarget('" + theUrl + "', '" + this.target + "');";} lTxt += ' HREF="' + theUrl + '" TARGET="' + this.target + '" onClick' + mRef + '.itemClicked(' + this.id + ');"' + MOver + 'docIcon\',this);"' + MOut + 'docIcon\');"'; } lTxt += (tip) ? ' TITLE="' + tip + '">' : '>'; aLine += sTxt + lTxt + theImg; if (this.multiLine) { aLine += '</A></SPAN><TABLE BORDER="0" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0"><TR><TD>' + sTxt + lTxt + ' ' + this.text + '</A></SPAN></TD></TR></TABLE>'; } else { aLine += ' ' + this.text + '</A></SPAN>'; } aLine += '</nobr>'; if ((theBrowser.hasW3CDOM) && (theBrowser.hasDHTML) && (!this.multiLine)) { aLine += '<br>'; } return aLine } function MIGetPMIconName() { var n = 'icon' + ((this.FirstChild != -1) ? ((this.isopen == true) ? 'Minus' : 'Plus') : 'Join'); n += (this.id == this.owner.firstEntry) ? ((this.nextItem == -1) ? 'Only' : 'Top') : ((this.nextItem == -1) ? 'Bottom' : ''); return n; } function MIGetDocIconName() { var is = this.owner.imgStore; var n = this.type; n += ((this.isopen) && (is.getSrc(n + 'Expanded') != '')) ? 'Expanded' : ''; n += ((this.isSelected) && (is.getSrc(n + 'Selected') != '')) ? 'Selected' : ''; return n; } function MIGetAltIconName() { var is = this.owner.imgStore; var n = this.altType; n += ((this.isopen) && (is.getSrc(n + 'Expanded') != '')) ? 'Expanded' : ''; n += ((this.isSelected) && (is.getSrc(n + 'Selected') != '')) ? 'Selected' : ''; return n; } function MISetImage(imgID, imgName) { var o = this.owner; var s = o.imgStore.getSrc(imgName); if ((s != '') && (theBrowser.canCache) && (!o.amBusy)) { var img = (theBrowser.hasDHTML) ? getDHTMLImg(o.container + '.document', 'entryDIV' + this.id, imgID) : eval(o.container).document.images[imgID]; if (img && img.src != s) {img.src = s;} } } function MISetIsOpen (isOpen) { if ((this.isopen != isOpen) && (this.FirstChild != -1)) { this.isopen = isOpen; this.setImg('plusMinusIcon' + this.id, this.PMIconName()); this.setImg('docIcon' + this.id, this.docIconName()); return true; } else { return false; } } function MISetSelected (isSelected) { this.isSelected = isSelected; this.setImg('docIcon' + this.id, this.docIconName()); if ((this.parent >= 0) && this.owner.selectParents) {this.owner.entry[this.parent].setSelected(isSelected);} } function MISetIcon (newType) { this.type = newType; this.setImg('docIcon' + this.id, this.docIconName()); } function MIMouseOver(imgName, theURL) { eval(this.owner.container).status = ''; //Needed for setStatus to work on MSIE 3 - Go figure!? var newImg = ''; var s = ''; if (imgName == 'plusMinusIcon') { newImg = this.PMIconName(); s = 'Click to ' + ((this.isopen == true) ? 'collapse.' : 'expand.'); } else { if (imgName == 'docIcon') { newImg = this.docIconName(); s = (this.status != null) ? this.status : theURL; } } setStatus(s); if (theBrowser.canOnMouseOut) {this.setImg(imgName + this.id, newImg + 'MouseOver');} if(this.onMouseOver) {var me=this;eval(me.onMouseOver);} return true; } function MIMouseOut(imgName) { clearStatus(); var newImg = ''; if (imgName == 'plusMinusIcon') { newImg = this.PMIconName(); } else { if (imgName == 'docIcon') {newImg = this.docIconName();} } this.setImg(imgName + this.id, newImg); if(this.onMouseOut) {var me=this;eval(me.onMouseOut);} return true; } // The Menu object. This is basically an array object although the data in it is a tree. function Menu () { this.count = -1; this.version = '2.5.4'; this.firstEntry = -1; this.autoScrolling = false; this.modalFolders = false; this.linkOnExpand = false; this.toggleOnLink = false; this.showAllAsLinks = false; this.savePage = true; this.name = 'theMenu'; this.container = 'menu'; this.reverseRef = 'parent'; this.contentFrame = 'text'; this.defaultTarget = 'text'; this.tipText = 'none'; this.selectParents = false; this.lastPMClicked = -1; this.selectedEntry = -1; this.wizardInstalled = false; this.amBusy = true; this.maxHeight = 0; this.imgStore = new imgStoreObject; this.entry = new MenuItem(this, 0, '', '', '', '', -1, -1, -1); this.contentWin = MenuGetContentWin; this.getEmptyEntry = MenuGetEmptyEntry; this.addEntry = MenuAddEntry; this.addMenu = MenuAddEntry; this.addChild = MenuAddChild; this.rmvEntry = MenuRmvEntry; this.rmvChildren = MenuRmvChildren; this.draw = MenuDraw; this.drawALevel = MenuDrawALevel; this.refresh = MenuRefresh; this.reload = MenuReload; this.refreshDHTML = MenuRefreshDHTML; this.scrollTo = MenuScrollTo; this.itemClicked = MenuItemClicked; this.selectEntry = MenuSelectEntry; this.setEntry = MenuSetEntry; this.setEntryByURL = MenuSetEntryByURL; this.setAllChildren = MenuSetAllChildren; this.setAll = MenuSetAll; this.openAll = MenuOpenAll; this.closeAll = MenuCloseAll; this.findEntry = MenuFindEntry; this.toggle = MenuToggle; } function MenuGetContentWin() { return eval(((myOpener != null) ? 'myOpener.' : 'self.') + this.contentFrame); } function MenuGetEmptyEntry() { for (var i = 0; i <= this.count; i++) {if (this.entry[i] == null) {break;}} if (i > this.count) {this.count = i}; return i } function MenuAddEntry (addTo, type, text, url, status, insert) { if (!insert) {insert=false;} var theNI = -1;var theP = -1;var thePI = -1; if (addTo < 0) { var i = addTo = this.firstEntry; if (!insert) {while (i > -1) {addTo = i;i = this.entry[i].nextItem;}} } if (addTo >= 0) { var e = this.entry[addTo]; if (!e) {return -1;} thePI = (insert)?e.prevItem:addTo; theNI = (insert)?addTo:e.nextItem; theP = e.parent; } var eNum = this.getEmptyEntry(); if (thePI >= 0) { this.entry[thePI].nextItem = eNum; } else { if (theP >= 0) { this.entry[theP].FirstChild = eNum; } else { this.firstEntry = eNum; } } if (theNI >= 0) {this.entry[theNI].prevItem = eNum;} this.entry[eNum] = new MenuItem(this, eNum, type, text, url, status, theNI, thePI, theP); return eNum; } function MenuAddChild (addTo, type, text, url, status, insert) { if (!insert) {insert=false;} var eNum = -1; if ((this.count == -1) || (addTo < 0)) { eNum = this.addEntry(-1, type, text, url, status, false); } else { var e = this.entry[addTo]; if (!e) {return -1;} var cID = e.FirstChild; if (cID < 0) { e.FirstChild = eNum = this.getEmptyEntry(); this.entry[eNum] = new MenuItem(this, eNum, type, text, url, status, -1, -1, addTo); } else { while (!insert && (this.entry[cID].nextItem >= 0)) {cID = this.entry[cID].nextItem;} eNum = this.addEntry(cID, type, text, url, status, insert); } } return eNum; } function MenuRmvEntry (theEntry) { var e = this.entry[theEntry]; if (e == null) {return;} var p = e.prevItem; var n = e.nextItem; if (e.FirstChild > -1) {this.rmvChildren(theEntry);} if (this.firstEntry == theEntry) {this.firstEntry = n} if (this.selectedEntry == theEntry) {this.selectedEntry = n} if (p > -1) { this.entry[p].nextItem = n; } else { if (e.parent > -1) { this.entry[e.parent].FirstChild = n; } else { if (this.firstEntry == theEntry) {this.firstEntry = n} } } if (n > -1) {this.entry[n].prevItem = p;} this.entry[theEntry] = null; } function MenuRmvChildren (theP) { var eNum;var e;var tmp; if (theP == -1) { eNum = this.firstEntry; this.firstEntry = -1; } else { eNum = this.entry[theP].FirstChild; this.entry[theP].FirstChild = -1; } while (eNum > -1) { e = this.entry[eNum]; if (e.FirstChild > -1) {this.rmvChildren(eNum);} if (this.selectedEntry == eNum) {this.selectedEntry = e.parent;} tmp = eNum; eNum = e.nextItem; this.entry[tmp] = null; } } function MenuDraw() { this.maxHeight = 0; var theDoc = eval(this.container + ".document"); eval(this.container).document.writeln(this.drawALevel(this.firstEntry, '', true, theDoc)); if (theBrowser.hasDHTML) { for (var i = 0; i <= this.count; i++) { if (this.entry[i]) { this.maxHeight += getDHTMLObjHeight(this.container + '.document', 'entryDIV' + i); } } } else { if ((this.lastPMClicked > 0) && theBrowser.mustMoveAfterLoad && this.autoScrolling) { this.scrollTo(this.lastPMClicked); } } } function MenuDrawALevel(firstItem, indentStr, isVisible, theDoc) { var currEntry = firstItem; var padImg = ""; var aLine = ""; var theLevel = ""; var e = null; while (currEntry > -1) { e = this.entry[currEntry]; aLine = e.draw(indentStr); if (theBrowser.hasDHTML) { aLine = '<DIV ID="entryDIV' + currEntry + '" CLASS="menuItem">' + aLine + '</DIV>'; } else { aLine += '<BR CLEAR="ALL">'; } theBrowser.lineByLine = true; if (theBrowser.lineByLine) {theDoc.writeln(aLine);} else {theLevel += aLine;} if ((e.FirstChild > -1) && ((theBrowser.hasDHTML || (e.isopen && isVisible)))) { padImg = (e.noOutlineImg) ? '' : this.imgStore.getTag((e.nextItem == -1) ? 'iconBlank' : 'iconLine', '', ''); theLevel += this.drawALevel(e.FirstChild, indentStr + padImg, (e.isopen && isVisible), theDoc); } currEntry = e.nextItem; } return theLevel; } function MenuRefresh() { if (theBrowser.hasDHTML) { if (!this.amBusy) { this.refreshDHTML(); if (this.autoScrolling) {this.scrollTo(this.lastPMClicked);} } } else { this.reload(); } } function MenuReload() { if (!this.amBusy) { this.amBusy = true; var l = eval(this.container).location; var rm = theBrowser.reloadMethod; var newLoc = fixPath(l.pathname); var s = ''; if (rm == 'replace_no_pathname') { newLoc = fixPath(l.href); // href returns the whole url which may include a hash code // remove any hash code, since we may later add a new one var hashCode = l.hash; if (hashCode != '') { var p = newLoc.indexOf('#'); if (p > 0) { newLoc = newLoc.substring(0, p); } } } if (l.search) {s = l.search;} if (theBrowser.needsMenuSearch) { if (s == '') { s = '?jtoggle=1'; } else { var p = s.indexOf('jtoggle='); if (p < 0) { s += '&jtoggle=1'; } else { var t = (s.substring(p + 8, p + 9) == "1") ? "2" : "1"; s = s.substring(0, p+8) + t; } } } newLoc += s; if (this.autoScrolling && (this.lastPMClicked > 0) && !theBrowser.mustMoveAfterLoad) { newLoc += "#joustEntry" + this.lastPMClicked; } if (rm == 'replace' || rm == 'replace_no_pathname') { l.replace(newLoc); } else { if (rm == 'reload') { l.reload(); } else { if (rm == 'timeout') { setTimeout(this.container + ".location.href ='" + newLoc + "';", 100); } else { l.href = newLoc; } } } } } function MenuRefreshDHTML() { var nextItemArray = new simpleArray; var currEntry = this.firstEntry; var level = (currEntry == -1) ? 0 : 1; var isVisible = true; var lastVisibleLevel = 1; var co = eval(this.container); var yPos = co.menuStart; var d = this.container + '.document'; var e = null;var s = null; while (level > 0) { e = this.entry[currEntry]; s = getDHTMLObj(d, 'entryDIV' + currEntry); if (isVisible) { s.top = yPos; s.visibility = 'visible'; yPos += getDHTMLObjHeight(d, 'entryDIV' + currEntry); lastVisibleLevel = level; } else { s.visibility = 'hidden'; s.top = 0; } if (e.FirstChild > -1) { isVisible = (e.isopen == true) && isVisible; nextItemArray[level++] = e.nextItem; currEntry = e.FirstChild; } else { if (e.nextItem != -1) { currEntry = e.nextItem; } else { while (level > 0) { if (nextItemArray[--level] != -1) { currEntry = nextItemArray[level]; isVisible = (lastVisibleLevel >= level); break; } } } } } this.maxHeight = yPos; co.setMenuHeight(yPos); } function MenuScrollTo(entryNo) { if (theBrowser.hasDHTML) { var e = this.entry[entryNo]; if (!e) {return;} var co = eval(this.container); var d = this.container + '.document'; var srTop = getDHTMLObjTop(getDHTMLObj(d, 'entryDIV' + entryNo)); var srBot = (e.nextItem > 0) ? getDHTMLObjTop(getDHTMLObj(d, 'entryDIV' + e.nextItem)) : this.maxHeight; if (theBrowser.code == 'MSIE') { var curTop = co.document.body.scrollTop; var curBot = curTop + co.document.body.clientHeight; } else { var curTop = co.pageYOffset; var curBot = curTop + co.innerHeight; } if ((srBot > curBot) || (srTop < curTop)) { var scrBy = srBot - curBot; if (srTop < (curTop + scrBy)) {scrBy = srTop - curTop;} co.setTimeout('self.scrollBy(0, ' + scrBy + ');', 100); } } else { if (theBrowser.reloadMethod == 'replace_no_pathname') { var l = fixPath(eval(this.container).location.href); var hashCode = eval(this.container).location.hash; if (hashCode != '') { var p = l.indexOf('#'); if (p > 0) { l = l.substring(0, p); } } l += '#joustEntry' + entryNo; setTimeout(this.container + '.location.href = "' + l + '";', 100); } else { var l = fixPath(eval(this.container).location.pathname) + '#joustEntry' + entryNo; setTimeout(this.container + '.location.href = "' + l + '";', 100); } } } function MenuItemClicked(entryNo, fromToggle) { var r = true; var e = this.entry[entryNo]; var w = this.contentWin(); var b = theBrowser; this.selectEntry(entryNo); if (this.wizardInstalled) {w.menuItemClicked(entryNo);} if(e.onClickFunc) {e.onClick = e.onClickFunc;} if(e.onClick) {var me=e;if(eval(e.onClick) == false) {r = false;}} if (r) { if (((this.toggleOnLink) && (e.FirstChild != -1) && !(fromToggle)) || e.noOutlineImg) { if (b.hasDHTML) { this.toggle(entryNo, true); } else { setTimeout(this.name + '.toggle(' + entryNo + ', true);', 100); } } } return (e.url != '') ? r : false; } function MenuSelectEntry(entryNo) { var oe = this.entry[this.selectedEntry]; if (oe) {oe.setSelected(false);} var e = this.entry[entryNo]; if (e) {e.setSelected(true);} this.selectedEntry = entryNo; } function MenuSetEntry(entryNo, state) { var cl = ',' + entryNo + ','; var e = this.entry[entryNo]; this.lastPMClicked = entryNo; var mc = e.setIsOpen(state); var p = e.parent; while (p >= 0) { cl += p + ','; e = this.entry[p]; mc |= (e.setIsOpen(true)); p = e.parent; } if (this.modalFolders) { for (var i = 0; i <= this.count; i++) { e = this.entry[i]; if ((cl.indexOf(',' + i + ',') < 0) && e) {mc |= e.setIsOpen(false);} } } return mc; } function MenuSetEntryByURL(theURL, state) { var i = this.findEntry(theURL, 'url', 'right', 0); return (i != -1) ? this.setEntry(i, state) : false; } function MenuSetAllChildren(state, parentID) { var hasChanged = false; var currEntry = (parentID > -1) ? this.entry[parentID].FirstChild : this.firstEntry; while (currEntry > -1) { var e = this.entry[currEntry]; hasChanged |= e.setIsOpen(state); if (e.FirstChild > -1) {hasChanged |= this.setAllChildren(state, currEntry);} currEntry = e.nextItem; } return hasChanged; } function MenuSetAll(state, parentID) { if (theBrowser.version >= 4) { if (parentID == 'undefined') {parentID = -1;} } else { if (parentID == null) {parentID = -1;} } var hasChanged = false; if (parentID > -1) {hasChanged |= this.entry[parentID].setIsOpen(state);} hasChanged |= this.setAllChildren(state, parentID); if (hasChanged) { this.lastPMClicked = this.firstEntry; this.refresh(); } } function MenuOpenAll() {this.setAll(true, -1);} function MenuCloseAll() {this.setAll(false, -1)} function MenuFindEntry(srchVal, srchProp, matchType, start) { var e; var sf; if (srchVal == "") {return -1;} if (!srchProp) {srchProp = "url";} if (!matchType) {matchType = "exact";} if (!start) {start = 0;} if (srchProp == "URL") {srchProp = "url";} if (srchProp == "title") {srchProp = "text";} eval("sf = cmp_" + matchType); for (var i = start; i <= this.count; i++) { if (this.entry[i]) { e = this.entry[i]; if (sf(eval("e." + srchProp), srchVal)) {return i;} } } return -1; } function cmp_exact(c, s) {return (c == s);} function cmp_left(c, s) { var l = Math.min(c.length, s.length); return ((c.substring(1, l) == s.substring(1, l)) && (c != "")); } function cmp_right(c, s) { var l = Math.min(c.length, s.length); return ((c.substring(c.length-l) == s.substring(s.length-l)) && (c != "")); } function cmp_contains(c, s) {return (c.indexOf(s) >= 0);} function MenuToggle(entryNo, fromClicked) { var r = true; var e = this.entry[entryNo]; if (e.onToggle) {var me=e;if(eval(e.onToggle) == false) {r = false;}} if (r) { var chg = this.setEntry(entryNo, e.isopen ^ 1); if (this.linkOnExpand && e.isopen) { if (e.url != '') {loadURLInTarget(e.url, e.target);} if (!fromClicked) {this.itemClicked(entryNo, true);} } if (chg) {this.refresh();} } return false; } // Other functions function DrawMenu(m) { m.draw(); } function browserInfo() { this.code = 'unknown'; this.version = 0; this.platform = 'Win'; var ua = navigator.userAgent; var i = ua.indexOf('WebTV'); if (i >= 0) { this.code = 'WebTV'; i += 6; } else { i = ua.indexOf('Opera'); if (i >= 0) { this.code = 'OP'; i = ua.indexOf(') ') + 2; } else { i = ua.indexOf('MSIE'); if (i >= 0) { this.code = 'MSIE'; i += 5; } else { i = ua.indexOf('Mozilla/'); if (i >= 0) { this.code = 'NS'; i += 8; } } } } this.version = parseFloat(ua.substring(i, i+4)); if (ua.indexOf('Mac') >= 0) {this.platform = 'Mac';} if (ua.indexOf('OS/2') >= 0) {this.platform = 'OS/2';} if (ua.indexOf('X11') >= 0) {this.platform = 'UNIX';} var v = this.version; var p = this.platform; var NS = (this.code == 'NS'); var IE = (this.code == 'MSIE'); var WTV = (this.code == 'WebTV'); var OP = (this.code == 'OP'); var OP32up = (OP && (v >= 3.2)); var OP5up = (OP && (v >= 5)); var IE4up = (IE && (v >= 4)); var NS3up = (NS && (v >= 3)); var NS6up = (NS && (v >= 5)); // DR 385942 - Export HTML does not support IE7 var IE7up = (IE && (v >= 7)); this.canCache = NS3up || IE4up || OP32up || WTV; this.canOnMouseOut = this.canCache; this.canOnError = NS3up || IE4up || OP32up; this.canJSVoid = !((NS && !NS3up) || (IE && !IE4up) || (OP && (v < 3.5))); this.lineByLine = (v < 4); this.mustMoveAfterLoad = NS3up || (IE4up && (p != 'Mac')) || WTV; if (NS6up == true) { this.reloadMethod = 'reload'; } else { if (IE7up) { // for some reason replace with pathname does not work with IE7... // use href instead of pathname in this case this.reloadMethod = 'replace_no_pathname'; } else { if (NS3up || IE4up || WTV || OP5up) { this.reloadMethod = 'replace'; } else { this.reloadMethod = (NS && (v == 2.01) && (p != 'Win')) ? 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Please note down the '; jsErrorMsg += 'following information and pass it on to the Webmaster.'; if (theBrowser.canOnError) {self.onerror = defOnError;} var theMenu = new Menu; var JoustFrameset = true; var statusTimeout = 0; var index1 = 'index.htm'; var index2 = 'index2.htm'; var index3 = 'index3.htm'; var smCallerWin; var smNewMode; var oldErrorHandler; var smNoFloat = 'Sorry, your browser does not support this feature!'; var smCookieMsg = 'You must have Cookies enabled to change the display mode!'; var smSecurityMsg = 'Due to security restrictions imposed by your browser, I cannot '; smSecurityMsg += 'change modes while a page from another server is being displayed. '; smSecurityMsg += 'The default home page for this site will be displayed instead.'; var floatingMode = (getMode() == 'Floating'); var myOpener = null; if (floatingMode == true) { if (self.opener) { myOpener = self.opener; if (myOpener.JoustFrameset) {myOpener.setTimeout('setGlobals();', 100);} } else { document.cookie = 'mode=Frames; path=/'; floatingMode = false; } } else { if (getMode() != 'Frames') {document.cookie = 'mode=Frames; path=/';} } // ############################ End of Joust ############################ function initOutlineIcons(imgStore) { var ip = 'images/menu/'; ip += (theBrowser.platform == 'Mac') ? 'mac/' : ((theBrowser.platform == 'OS/2') ? 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