Subversion Repositories cpu65c02_true_cycle
[/] [cpu65c02_true_cycle/] [branches/] [avendor/] [doc/] [HTML/] [scripts/] [imageFrame.js] - Rev 15
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<!-- function goback() { parent.history.back(); } function goforward() { parent.history.forward(); } function zoomin() { if (scale < 1) { scale *= 2; } else { scale += 1; } zoomOutInEl(); return true; } function zoomout() { if (scale <= 1) { scale /= 2; } else { scale -= 1; } zoomOutInEl(); return true; } function viewall() { scale = 1; zoomOutInEl(); return true; } function getOpenupUrl() { var url = top.fixPath(location.pathname); url = url.replace(/ContentFrame\d/, ''); // remove any ContentFame0 etc var eID = top.menu.theMenu.findEntry(url, "url", "right"); if (eID == -1) { // This may be a concurrent state/flow diagram, so look for the default // view name form var pArray = url.split("/"); pArray = pArray.slice(pArray.length-3, pArray.length-1); url = pArray.join("/"); eID = top.menu.theMenu.findEntry(url, "url", "contains"); } if (eID == -1) { return ""; } var pID = top.menu.theMenu.entry[eID].parent; if (pID > -1 && top.menu.theMenu.entry[pID].url != '') { return top.menu.theMenu.entry[pID].url; } return ""; } /* function openupMachineName() { var url = top.fixPath(location.pathname); var pArray = url.split("/"); // file name is the last element of this array var filename = pArray[pArray.length - 1]; pArray = pArray.slice(pArray.length-3, pArray.length-1); url = pArray.join("/"); var finish = false; var menuIndex = -1; while (finish == false) { // split the file name up and remove the last bit var machineArray = filename.split("_"); if (machineArray.length == 1) { // we've run out of bits - give up finish = true; } else { machineArray = machineArray.slice(0, machineArray.length-1); // now put it all back together to find the parent url var filename = machineArray.join("_"); var newurl = url + "/" + filename; eID = top.menu.theMenu.findEntry(newurl, "url", "contains"); if (eID != -1) { finish = true; } } } if (eID != -1 && top.menu.theMenu.entry[eID].url != '') { parent.location.href = '../../' + top.menu.theMenu.entry[eID].url; } return true; } */ // open up using only the machine name. // This is for views that do not appear in the menu list but are not top level function openupMachineName() { var url = top.fixPath(location.pathname); var pArray = url.split("/"); // file name is the last element of this array var filename = pArray[pArray.length - 1]; pArray = pArray.slice(0, pArray.length-1); url = pArray.join("/"); // split the file name up and remove the last bit var machineArray = filename.split("_"); machineArray = machineArray.slice(0, machineArray.length-1); // now put it all back together to find the parent url var newname = machineArray.join("_"); var newurl = url + "/" + newname + ".htm"; parent.location.href = newurl; return true; } function openupGraphical() { var url = getOpenupUrl(); if (url == "") { return true; } parent.location.href = '../../' + url; } function openupText() { var url = getOpenupUrl(); if (url == "") { return true; } parent.location.href = '../' + url; } function zoomOutInEl(){ newWidth = uart_topImage.width * scale; newHeight = uart_topImage.height * scale; bigImStr = "<IMG NAME='imBig' SRC='" + uart_topImage.src + "' WIDTH=" + newWidth + " HEIGHT=" + newHeight + " BORDER=0 usemap='#zoomMap'>"; bigImMapStr = "<map name=\"zoomMap\">"; for (var area = 0; area < areas.length;area++) { bigImMapStr += areas[area].areaString(scale); } bigImMapStr += "</map>"; if (!zoomable) { if (zoomed) { return; } document.write(bigImStr + bigImMapStr); } else if (is.nav4) { with (document.elZoom.document) { open(); write(bigImStr); write(bigImMapStr); close(); } document.elZoom.moveTo(uart_topImage.x, uart_topImage.y); document.elZoom.visibility = "visible"; } else { elHTML = bigImStr + bigImMapStr; document.getElementById('elZoom').innerHTML = bigImMapStr + bigImStr; document.getElementById('elZoom').left = uart_topImage.x; document.getElementById('elZoom').top = uart_topImage.y; document.getElementById('elZoom').style.visibility = "visible"; }; zoomed = true; } var zoomable = true; var zoomed = false; if (is.nav6) { zoomable = false; zoomOutInEl(); } else { if (is.major >= 4) { document.write("<DIV ID='elZoom' STYLE='position: absolute; visibility: hidden;'></DIV>"); if (is.ie4up) { document.elZoom = document.all.elZoom.style } } window.onResize=zoomOutInEl; } //-->