Subversion Repositories dallas_one-wire
[/] [dallas_one-wire/] [trunk/] [DS1821_2.vhd] - Rev 4
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library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.std_logic_arith.all; use work.protocol_pkg.all; --use work.decode_pkg.all; use work.timer_pkg.all; entity DS1821 is port ( master_clk, master_rst : IN std_logic; clk : INOUT std_logic; tempValid : OUT std_logic; reset, read1, write1 : INOUT std_logic; DQ1 : INOUT std_logic; rddata1 : INOUT std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); wrdata1 : INOUT std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); ready1 : INOUT std_logic --useg : OUT std_logic_vector( 0 to 6 ); --lseg : OUT std_logic_vector( 0 to 6 ) ); end entity; architecture DS1821Controller of DS1821 is component one_wire is port ( clk, reset, read, write : IN std_logic; DQ : INOUT std_logic; rddata : INOUT std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); wrdata : IN std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); ready : INOUT std_logic); end component; --component seg_decode is --this component is only needed for debugging -- port( -- value : IN std_logic_vector (3 downto 0); -- output : OUT std_logic_vector (0 to 6)); --end component; component clk_divider is port( clk : IN std_logic; oneus_plus : INOUT std_logic); end component; type states is (init, sendCommStatProg, sendCommStatVal, init1, sendConvTempComm, init2, sendReadTempComm, readTemp); signal state :states; signal next_state :states; begin temperaturemap1: one_wire port map(clk, reset, read1, write1, DQ1, rddata1, wrdata1, ready1); clkdivider: clk_divider port map(master_clk, clk); --clock divider to make this work with 25.175Mhz --usegdecode: seg_decode port map(rddata1(7 downto 4), useg); --seven seg decoder for debugging --lsegdecode: seg_decode port map(rddata1(3 downto 0), lseg); --seven seg decoder for debugging process ( clk, master_rst ) begin if master_rst = '0' then wrdata1 <= wrdata1; write1 <= write1; read1 <= read1; tempValid <= '0'; reset <= '1'; next_state <= init; state <= init; elsif rising_edge( clk ) then state <= next_state; case state is when init => write1 <= '0'; read1 <= '0'; reset <= '1'; tempValid <= '0'; next_state <= sendCommStatProg; when sendCommStatProg => reset <= '0'; if ready1 = '1' then wrdata1 <= "00001100"; --send 0Ch = Configure the register command write1 <= '1'; next_state <= sendCommStatVal; end if; when sendCommStatVal => write1 <= '0'; if ready1 = '1' then wrdata1 <= "01000010"; --send 42h = Write this value into the register write1 <= '1'; next_state <= init1; end if; when init1 => write1 <= '0'; read1 <= '0'; if ready1 = '1' then reset <= '1'; next_state <= sendConvTempComm; end if; when sendConvTempComm => reset <= '0'; --write1 <= '0'; --tempValid <= '0'; if ready1 = '1' AND reset <= '0' then wrdata1 <= "11101110"; --send EEh = Begin Conversions write1 <= '1'; next_state <= init2; end if; when init2 => if read1 = '1' then read1 <= '0'; tempValid <= '0'; end if; write1 <= '0'; if ready1 = '1' then reset <= '1'; tempValid <= '0'; next_state <= sendReadTempComm; end if; when sendReadTempComm => tempValid <= '1'; reset <= '0'; write1 <= '0'; if ready1 = '1' AND reset <= '0' then tempValid <= '1'; wrdata1 <= "10101010"; --send AAh = Read Temp Command write1 <= '1'; next_state <= readTemp; end if; when readTemp => --starts reading the temperature write1 <= '0'; tempValid <= '1'; if ready1 = '1' then read1 <= '1'; tempValid <= '0'; next_state <= init2; end if; --when holdTemp => --For now I just hold the temp steady after one read -- read1 <= '0'; -- if ready1 = '1' then -- tempValid <= '1'; -- --ftemp <= rddata1 * "00001001"; -- end if; -- next_state <= holdTemp; when OTHERS => end case; end if; end process; end architecture; PACKAGE TEMPERATURE_PKG IS COMPONENT DS1821 END COMPONENT; END TEMPERATURE_PKG;