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[/] [dblclockfft/] [trunk/] [sw/] [bitreverse.cpp] - Rev 41
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//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Filename: bitreverse.cpp // // Project: A General Purpose Pipelined FFT Implementation // // Purpose: // // Creator: Dan Gisselquist, Ph.D. // Gisselquist Technology, LLC // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Copyright (C) 2015-2018, Gisselquist Technology, LLC // // This program is free software (firmware): you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published // by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at // your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT // ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTIBILITY or // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License // for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along // with this program. (It's in the $(ROOT)/doc directory. Run make with no // target there if the PDF file isn't present.) If not, see // <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/> for a copy. // // License: GPL, v3, as defined and found on www.gnu.org, // http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html // // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // #define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS // ms vs 2012 doesn't like fopen #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #ifdef _MSC_VER // added for ms vs compatibility #include <io.h> #include <direct.h> #define _USE_MATH_DEFINES #else // And for G++/Linux environment #include <unistd.h> // Defines the R_OK/W_OK/etc. macros #include <sys/stat.h> #endif #include <string.h> #include <string> #include <math.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <assert.h> #include "defaults.h" #include "legal.h" #include "bitreverse.h" void build_snglbrev(const char *fname, const bool async_reset) { FILE *fp = fopen(fname, "w"); if (NULL == fp) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not open \'%s\' for writing\n", fname); perror("O/S Err was:"); return; } std::string resetw("i_reset"); if (async_reset) resetw = std::string("i_areset_n"); char *modulename = strdup(fname), *pslash; modulename[strlen(modulename)-2] = '\0'; pslash = strrchr(modulename, '/'); if (pslash != NULL) strcpy(modulename, pslash+1); fprintf(fp, SLASHLINE "//\n" "// Filename:\t%s.v\n" "//\n" "// Project:\t%s\n" "//\n" "// Purpose:\tThis module bitreverses a pipelined FFT input. It differes\n" "// from the dblreverse module in that this is just a simple and\n" "// straightforward bitreverse, rather than one written to handle two\n" "// words at once.\n" "//\n" "//\n%s" "//\n", modulename, prjname, creator); fprintf(fp, "%s", cpyleft); fprintf(fp, "//\n//\n`default_nettype\tnone\n//\n"); fprintf(fp, "module %s(i_clk, %s, i_ce, i_in, o_out, o_sync);\n" "\tparameter\t\t\tLGSIZE=%d, WIDTH=24;\n" "\tinput\twire\t\t\ti_clk, %s, i_ce;\n" "\tinput\twire\t[(2*WIDTH-1):0]\ti_in;\n" "\toutput\treg\t[(2*WIDTH-1):0]\to_out;\n" "\toutput\treg\t\t\to_sync;\n", modulename, resetw.c_str(), TST_DBLREVERSE_LGSIZE, resetw.c_str()); fprintf(fp, " reg [(LGSIZE):0] wraddr;\n" " wire [(LGSIZE):0] rdaddr;\n" "\n" " reg [(2*WIDTH-1):0] brmem [0:((1<<(LGSIZE+1))-1)];\n" "\n" " genvar k;\n" " generate for(k=0; k<LGSIZE; k=k+1)\n" " begin : DBL\n" " assign rdaddr[k] = wraddr[LGSIZE-1-k];\n" " end endgenerate\n" " assign rdaddr[LGSIZE] = !wraddr[LGSIZE];\n" "\n" " reg in_reset;\n" "\n" " initial in_reset = 1'b1;\n"); if (async_reset) fprintf(fp, "\talways @(posedge i_clk, negedge i_areset_n)\n\t\tif (!i_areset_n)\n"); else fprintf(fp, "\talways @(posedge i_clk)\n\t\tif (i_reset)\n"); fprintf(fp, " in_reset <= 1'b1;\n" " else if ((i_ce)&&(&wraddr[(LGSIZE-1):0]))\n" " in_reset <= 1'b0;\n" "\n" " initial wraddr = 0;\n"); if (async_reset) fprintf(fp, "\talways @(posedge i_clk, negedge i_areset_n)\n\t\tif (!i_areset_n)\n"); else fprintf(fp, "\talways @(posedge i_clk)\n\t\tif (i_reset)\n"); fprintf(fp, " wraddr <= 0;\n" " else if (i_ce)\n" " begin\n" " brmem[wraddr] <= i_in;\n" " wraddr <= wraddr + 1;\n" " end\n" "\n" " always @(posedge i_clk)\n" " if (i_ce) // If (i_reset) we just output junk ... not a problem\n" " o_out <= brmem[rdaddr]; // w/o a sync pulse\n" "\n" " initial o_sync = 1'b0;\n"); if (async_reset) fprintf(fp, "\talways @(posedge i_clk, negedge i_areset_n)\n\t\tif (!i_areset_n)\n"); else fprintf(fp, "\talways @(posedge i_clk)\n\t\tif (i_reset)\n"); fprintf(fp, " o_sync <= 1'b0;\n" " else if ((i_ce)&&(!in_reset))\n" " o_sync <= (wraddr[(LGSIZE-1):0] == 0);\n" "\n"); if (formal_property_flag) { fprintf(fp, "`ifdef\tFORMAL\n" "`define\tASSERT assert\n" "`ifdef BITREVERSE\n" "`define\tASSUME assume\n"); if (async_reset) fprintf(fp, "\n\talways @($global_clock)\n" "\t\tassume(i_clk != $past(i_clk));\n\n"); fprintf(fp, "`else\n" "`define\tASSUME assert\n" "`endif\n" "\n" "\treg f_past_valid;\n" "\tinitial f_past_valid = 1'b0;\n" "\talways @(posedge i_clk)\n" "\t\tf_past_valid <= 1'b1;\n\n"); if (async_reset) fprintf(fp, "\tinitial `ASSUME(!i_areset_n);\n" "\talways @($global_clock)\n" "\tif (!$rose(i_clk)))\n" "\t\t`ASSERT(!$rose(i_areset_n));\n\n" "\talways @($global_clock)\n" "\tif (!$rose(i_clk))\n" "\tbegin\n" "\t\t`ASSUME($stable(i_ce));\n" "\t\t`ASSUME($stable(i_in));\n" "\t\t//\n" "\t\tif (i_areset_n)\n" "\t\tbegin\n" "\t\t\t`ASSERT($stable(o_out));\n" "\t\t\t`ASSERT($stable(o_sync));\n" "\t\tend\n" "\tend\n" "\n" "\talways @(posedge i_clk)\n" "\tif ((!f_past_valid)||(!i_areset_n))\n" "\tbegin\n"); else fprintf(fp, "\tinitial `ASSUME(i_reset);\n" "\talways @(posedge i_clk)\n" "\tif ((!f_past_valid)||($past(i_reset)))\n" "\tbegin\n"); fprintf(fp, "\t\t`ASSERT(wraddr == 0);\n" "\t\t`ASSERT(in_reset);\n" "\t\t`ASSERT(!o_sync);\n"); fprintf(fp, "\tend\n"); fprintf(fp, "`ifdef BITREVERSE\n" "\talways @(posedge i_clk)\n" "\t\tassume((i_ce)||($past(i_ce))||($past(i_ce,2)));\n" "`endif // BITREVERSE\n\n"); fprintf(fp, "\t\t(* anyconst *) reg [LGSIZE:0]\tf_const_addr;\n" "\t\twire\t[LGSIZE:0]\tf_reversed_addr;\n" "\t\treg\t f_addr_loaded;\n" "\t\treg\t[(2*WIDTH-1):0]\tf_addr_value;\n" "\n" "\t\tgenerate for(k=0; k<LGSIZE; k=k+1)\n" "\t\t\tassign\tf_reversed_addr[k] = f_const_addr[LGSIZE-1-k];\n" "\t\tendgenerate\n" "\t\tassign\tf_reversed_addr[LGSIZE] = f_const_addr[LGSIZE];\n" "\n" "\t\tinitial\tf_addr_loaded = 1'b0;\n" "\t\talways @(posedge i_clk)\n" "\t\tif (i_reset)\n" "\t\t\tf_addr_loaded <= 1'b0;\n" "\t\telse if (i_ce)\n" "\t\tbegin\n" "\t\t\tif (wraddr == f_const_addr)\n" "\t\t\t\tf_addr_loaded <= 1'b1;\n" "\t\t\telse if (rdaddr == f_const_addr)\n" "\t\t\t\tf_addr_loaded <= 1'b0;\n" "\t\tend\n" "\n" "\t\talways @(posedge i_clk)\n" "\t\tif ((i_ce)&&(wraddr == f_const_addr))\n" "\t\tbegin\n" "\t\t\tf_addr_value <= i_in;\n" "\t\t\t`ASSERT(!f_addr_loaded);\n" "\t\tend\n" "\n" "\t\talways @(posedge i_clk)\n" "\t\tif ((f_past_valid)&&(!$past(i_reset))\n" "\t\t\t\t&&($past(f_addr_loaded))&&(!f_addr_loaded))\n" "\t\t\tassert(o_out == f_addr_value);\n" "\n" "\t\talways @(*)\n" "\t\tif (o_sync)\n" "\t\t\tassert(wraddr[LGSIZE-1:0] == 1);\n" "\n" "\t\talways @(*)\n" "\t\tif ((wraddr[LGSIZE]==f_const_addr[LGSIZE])\n" "\t\t\t\t&&(wraddr[LGSIZE-1:0]\n" "\t\t\t\t\t\t<= f_const_addr[LGSIZE-1:0]))\n" "\t\t\t`ASSERT(!f_addr_loaded);\n" "\n" "\t\talways @(*)\n" "\t\tif ((rdaddr[LGSIZE]==f_const_addr[LGSIZE])&&(f_addr_loaded))\n" "\t\t\t`ASSERT(wraddr[LGSIZE-1:0]\n" "\t\t\t\t\t<= f_reversed_addr[LGSIZE-1:0]+1);\n" "\n" "\t\talways @(*)\n" "\t\tif (f_addr_loaded)\n" "\t\t\t`ASSERT(brmem[f_const_addr] == f_addr_value);\n" "\n" "\n\n"); fprintf(fp, "`endif\t// FORMAL\n"); } fprintf(fp, "endmodule\n"); fclose(fp); free(modulename); } void build_dblreverse(const char *fname, const bool async_reset) { FILE *fp = fopen(fname, "w"); if (NULL == fp) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not open \'%s\' for writing\n", fname); perror("O/S Err was:"); return; } std::string resetw("i_reset"); if (async_reset) resetw = std::string("i_areset_n"); char *modulename = strdup(fname), *pslash; modulename[strlen(modulename)-2] = '\0'; pslash = strrchr(modulename, '/'); if (pslash != NULL) strcpy(modulename, pslash+1); fprintf(fp, SLASHLINE "//\n" "// Filename:\t%s.v\n" "//\n" "// Project:\t%s\n" "//\n" "// Purpose:\tThis module bitreverses a pipelined FFT input. Operation is\n" "// expected as follows:\n" "//\n" "// i_clk A running clock at whatever system speed is offered.\n", modulename, prjname); if (async_reset) fprintf(fp, "// i_areset_n An active low asynchronous reset signal,\n" "// that resets all internals\n"); else fprintf(fp, "// i_reset A synchronous reset signal, that resets all internals\n"); fprintf(fp, "// i_ce If this is one, one input is consumed and an output\n" "// is produced.\n" "// i_in_0, i_in_1\n" "// Two inputs to be consumed, each of width WIDTH.\n" "// o_out_0, o_out_1\n" "// Two of the bitreversed outputs, also of the same\n" "// width, WIDTH. Of course, there is a delay from the\n" "// first input to the first output. For this purpose,\n" "// o_sync is present.\n" "// o_sync This will be a 1\'b1 for the first value in any block.\n" "// Following a reset, this will only become 1\'b1 once\n" "// the data has been loaded and is now valid. After that,\n" "// all outputs will be valid.\n" "//\n" "// 20150602 -- This module has undergone massive rework in order to\n" "// ensure that it uses resources efficiently. As a result,\n" "// it now optimizes nicely into block RAMs. As an unfortunately\n" "// side effect, it now passes it\'s bench test (dblrev_tb) but\n" "// fails the integration bench test (fft_tb).\n" "//\n" "//\n%s" "//\n", creator); fprintf(fp, "%s", cpyleft); fprintf(fp, "//\n//\n`default_nettype\tnone\n//\n"); fprintf(fp, "\n\n" "//\n" "// How do we do bit reversing at two smples per clock? Can we separate out\n" "// our work into eight memory banks, writing two banks at once and reading\n" "// another two banks in the same clock?\n" "//\n" "// mem[00xxx0] = s_0[n]\n" "// mem[00xxx1] = s_1[n]\n" "// o_0[n] = mem[10xxx0]\n" "// o_1[n] = mem[11xxx0]\n" "// ...\n" "// mem[01xxx0] = s_0[m]\n" "// mem[01xxx1] = s_1[m]\n" "// o_0[m] = mem[10xxx1]\n" "// o_1[m] = mem[11xxx1]\n" "// ...\n" "// mem[10xxx0] = s_0[n]\n" "// mem[10xxx1] = s_1[n]\n" "// o_0[n] = mem[00xxx0]\n" "// o_1[n] = mem[01xxx0]\n" "// ...\n" "// mem[11xxx0] = s_0[m]\n" "// mem[11xxx1] = s_1[m]\n" "// o_0[m] = mem[00xxx1]\n" "// o_1[m] = mem[01xxx1]\n" "// ...\n" "//\n" "// The answer is that, yes we can but: we need to use four memory banks\n" "// to do it properly. These four banks are defined by the two bits\n" "// that determine the top and bottom of the correct address. Larger\n" "// FFT\'s would require more memories.\n" "//\n" "//\n"); fprintf(fp, "module %s(i_clk, %s, i_ce, i_in_0, i_in_1,\n" "\t\to_out_0, o_out_1, o_sync);\n" "\tparameter\t\t\tLGSIZE=%d, WIDTH=24;\n" "\tinput\twire\t\t\ti_clk, %s, i_ce;\n" "\tinput\twire\t[(2*WIDTH-1):0]\ti_in_0, i_in_1;\n" "\toutput\twire\t[(2*WIDTH-1):0]\to_out_0, o_out_1;\n" "\toutput\treg\t\t\to_sync;\n", modulename, resetw.c_str(), TST_DBLREVERSE_LGSIZE, resetw.c_str()); fprintf(fp, "\n" "\treg\t\t\tin_reset;\n" "\treg\t[(LGSIZE-1):0]\tiaddr;\n" "\twire\t[(LGSIZE-3):0]\tbraddr;\n" "\n" "\tgenvar\tk;\n" "\tgenerate for(k=0; k<LGSIZE-2; k=k+1)\n" "\tbegin : gen_a_bit_reversed_value\n" "\t\tassign braddr[k] = iaddr[LGSIZE-3-k];\n" "\tend endgenerate\n" "\n" "\tinitial iaddr = 0;\n" "\tinitial in_reset = 1\'b1;\n" "\tinitial o_sync = 1\'b0;\n"); if (async_reset) fprintf(fp, "\talways @(posedge i_clk, negedge i_areset_n)\n\t\tif (!i_areset_n)\n"); else fprintf(fp, "\talways @(posedge i_clk)\n\t\tif (i_reset)\n"); fprintf(fp, "\t\tbegin\n" "\t\t\tiaddr <= 0;\n" "\t\t\tin_reset <= 1\'b1;\n" "\t\t\to_sync <= 1\'b0;\n" "\t\tend else if (i_ce)\n" "\t\tbegin\n" "\t\t\tiaddr <= iaddr + { {(LGSIZE-1){1\'b0}}, 1\'b1 };\n" "\t\t\tif (&iaddr[(LGSIZE-2):0])\n" "\t\t\t\tin_reset <= 1\'b0;\n" "\t\t\tif (in_reset)\n" "\t\t\t\to_sync <= 1\'b0;\n" "\t\t\telse\n" "\t\t\t\to_sync <= ~(|iaddr[(LGSIZE-2):0]);\n" "\t\tend\n" "\n" "\treg\t[(2*WIDTH-1):0]\tmem_e [0:((1<<(LGSIZE))-1)];\n" "\treg\t[(2*WIDTH-1):0]\tmem_o [0:((1<<(LGSIZE))-1)];\n" "\n" "\talways @(posedge i_clk)\n" "\t\tif (i_ce)\tmem_e[iaddr] <= i_in_0;\n" "\talways @(posedge i_clk)\n" "\t\tif (i_ce)\tmem_o[iaddr] <= i_in_1;\n" "\n" "\n" "\treg [(2*WIDTH-1):0] evn_out_0, evn_out_1, odd_out_0, odd_out_1;\n" "\n" "\talways @(posedge i_clk)\n" "\t\tif (i_ce)\n\t\t\tevn_out_0 <= mem_e[{!iaddr[LGSIZE-1],1\'b0,braddr}];\n" "\talways @(posedge i_clk)\n" "\t\tif (i_ce)\n\t\t\tevn_out_1 <= mem_e[{!iaddr[LGSIZE-1],1\'b1,braddr}];\n" "\talways @(posedge i_clk)\n" "\t\tif (i_ce)\n\t\t\todd_out_0 <= mem_o[{!iaddr[LGSIZE-1],1\'b0,braddr}];\n" "\talways @(posedge i_clk)\n" "\t\tif (i_ce)\n\t\t\todd_out_1 <= mem_o[{!iaddr[LGSIZE-1],1\'b1,braddr}];\n" "\n" "\treg\tadrz;\n" "\talways @(posedge i_clk)\n" "\t\tif (i_ce) adrz <= iaddr[LGSIZE-2];\n" "\n" "\tassign\to_out_0 = (adrz)?odd_out_0:evn_out_0;\n" "\tassign\to_out_1 = (adrz)?odd_out_1:evn_out_1;\n" "\n"); if (formal_property_flag) { fprintf(fp, "`ifdef\tFORMAL\n" "`define\tASSERT assert\n" "`ifdef BITREVERSE\n" "`define\tASSUME assume\n"); if (async_reset) fprintf(fp, "\n\talways @($global_clock)\n" "\t\tassume(i_clk != $past(i_clk));\n\n"); fprintf(fp, "`else\n" "`define\tASSUME assert\n" "`endif\n" "\n" "\treg f_past_valid;\n" "\tinitial f_past_valid = 1'b0;\n" "\talways @(posedge i_clk)\n" "\t\tf_past_valid <= 1'b1;\n\n"); if (async_reset) fprintf(fp, "\tinitial `ASSUME(!i_areset_n);\n" "\talways @($global_clock)\n" "\tif (!$rose(i_clk)))\n" "\t\t`ASSERT(!$rose(i_areset_n));\n\n" "\talways @($global_clock)\n" "\tif (!$rose(i_clk))\n" "\tbegin\n" "\t\t`ASSUME($stable(i_ce));\n" "\t\t`ASSUME($stable(i_in_0));\n" "\t\t`ASSUME($stable(i_in_1));\n" "\t\t//\n" "\t\tif (i_areset_n)\n" "\t\tbegin\n" "\t\t\t`ASSERT($stable(o_out_0));\n" "\t\t\t`ASSERT($stable(o_out_1));\n" "\t\t\t`ASSERT($stable(o_sync));\n" "\t\tend\n" "\tend\n" "\n" "\talways @(posedge i_clk)\n" "\tif ((!f_past_valid)||(!i_areset_n))\n" "\tbegin\n"); else fprintf(fp, "\tinitial `ASSUME(i_reset);\n" "\talways @(posedge i_clk)\n" "\tif ((!f_past_valid)||($past(i_reset)))\n" "\tbegin\n"); fprintf(fp, "\t\t`ASSERT(iaddr == 0);\n" "\t\t`ASSERT(in_reset);\n" "\t\t`ASSERT(!o_sync);\n"); fprintf(fp, "\tend\n"); fprintf(fp, "`ifdef BITREVERSE\n" "\talways @(posedge i_clk)\n" "\t\tassume((i_ce)||($past(i_ce))||($past(i_ce,2)));\n" "`endif // BITREVERSE\n\n"); fprintf(fp, "\t\t(* anyconst *) reg [LGSIZE-1:0] f_const_addr;\n" "\t\twire [LGSIZE-3:0] f_reversed_addr;\n" "\t\t// reg [LGSIZE:0] f_now;\n" "\t\treg f_addr_loaded_0, f_addr_loaded_1;\n" "\t\treg [(2*WIDTH-1):0] f_data_0, f_data_1;\n" "\t\twire f_writing, f_reading;\n" "\n" "\t\tgenerate for(k=0; k<LGSIZE-2; k=k+1)\n" "\t\t assign f_reversed_addr[k] = f_const_addr[LGSIZE-3-k];\n" "\t\tendgenerate\n" "\n" "\t\tassign f_writing=(f_const_addr[LGSIZE-1]==iaddr[LGSIZE-1]);\n" "\t\tassign f_reading=(f_const_addr[LGSIZE-1]!=iaddr[LGSIZE-1]);\n" "\t\tinitial f_addr_loaded_0 = 1'b0;\n" "\t\tinitial f_addr_loaded_1 = 1'b0;\n" "\t\talways @(posedge i_clk)\n" "\t\tif (i_reset)\n" "\t\tbegin\n" "\t f_addr_loaded_0 <= 1'b0;\n" "\t f_addr_loaded_1 <= 1'b0;\n" "\t\tend else if (i_ce)\n" "\t\tbegin\n" "\t\t if (iaddr == f_const_addr)\n" "\t\t begin\n" "\t\t f_addr_loaded_0 <= 1'b1;\n" "\t\t f_addr_loaded_1 <= 1'b1;\n" "\t\t end\n" "\n" "\t\t if (f_reading)\n" "\t\t begin\n" "\t\t if ((braddr == f_const_addr[LGSIZE-3:0])\n" "\t\t &&(iaddr[LGSIZE-2] == 1'b0))\n" "\t\t f_addr_loaded_0 <= 1'b0;\n" "\n" "\t\t if ((braddr == f_const_addr[LGSIZE-3:0])\n" "\t\t &&(iaddr[LGSIZE-2] == 1'b1))\n" "\t\t f_addr_loaded_1 <= 1'b0;\n" "\t\t end\n" "\t\tend\n" "\n" "\t\talways @(posedge i_clk)\n" "\t\tif ((i_ce)&&(iaddr == f_const_addr))\n" "\t\tbegin\n" "\t\t f_data_0 <= i_in_0;\n" "\t\t f_data_1 <= i_in_1;\n" "\t\t `ASSERT(!f_addr_loaded_0);\n" "\t\t `ASSERT(!f_addr_loaded_1);\n" "\t\tend\n" "\n" "\t\talways @(posedge i_clk)\n" "\t\tif ((f_past_valid)&&(!$past(i_reset))\n" "\t\t &&($past(f_addr_loaded_0))&&(!f_addr_loaded_0))\n" "\t\tbegin\n" "\t\t assert(!$past(iaddr[LGSIZE-2]));\n" "\t\t if (f_const_addr[LGSIZE-2])\n" "\t\t assert(o_out_1 == f_data_0);\n" "\t\t else\n" "\t\t assert(o_out_0 == f_data_0);\n" "\t\tend\n" "\n" "\t\talways @(posedge i_clk)\n" "\t\tif ((f_past_valid)&&(!$past(i_reset))\n" "\t\t &&($past(f_addr_loaded_1))&&(!f_addr_loaded_1))\n" "\t\tbegin\n" "\t\t assert($past(iaddr[LGSIZE-2]));\n" "\t\t if (f_const_addr[LGSIZE-2])\n" "\t\t assert(o_out_1 == f_data_1);\n" "\t\t else\n" "\t\t assert(o_out_0 == f_data_1);\n" "\t\tend\n" "\n" "\t\talways @(*)\n" "\t\t `ASSERT(o_sync == ((iaddr[LGSIZE-2:0] == 1)&&(!in_reset)));\n" "\n" "\t\t// Before writing to a section, the loaded flags should be\n" "\t\t// zero\n" "\t\talways @(*)\n" "\t\tif (f_writing)\n" "\t\tbegin\n" "\t\t `ASSERT(f_addr_loaded_0 == (iaddr[LGSIZE-2:0]\n" "\t\t > f_const_addr[LGSIZE-2:0]));\n" "\t\t `ASSERT(f_addr_loaded_1 == (iaddr[LGSIZE-2:0]\n" "\t\t > f_const_addr[LGSIZE-2:0]));\n" "\t\tend\n" "\n" "\t\t// If we were writing, and now we are reading, then both\n" "\t\t// f_addr_loaded flags must be set\n" "\t\talways @(posedge i_clk)\n" "\t\tif ((f_past_valid)&&(!$past(i_reset))\n" "\t\t &&($past(f_writing))&&(f_reading))\n" "\t\tbegin\n" "\t\t `ASSERT(f_addr_loaded_0);\n" "\t\t `ASSERT(f_addr_loaded_1);\n" "\t\tend\n" "\n" "\t\talways @(*)\n" "\t\tif (f_writing)\n" "\t\t `ASSERT(f_addr_loaded_0 == f_addr_loaded_1);\n" "\n" "\t\t// When reading, and the loaded flag is zero, our pointer\n" "\t\t// must not have hit the address of interest yet\n" "\t\talways @(*)\n" "\t\tif ((!in_reset)&&(f_reading))\n" "\t\t `ASSERT(f_addr_loaded_0 ==\n" "\t\t ((!iaddr[LGSIZE-2])&&(iaddr[LGSIZE-3:0]\n" "\t\t <= f_reversed_addr[LGSIZE-3:0])));\n" "\t\talways @(*)\n" "\t\tif ((!in_reset)&&(f_reading))\n" "\t\t `ASSERT(f_addr_loaded_1 ==\n" "\t\t ((!iaddr[LGSIZE-2])||(iaddr[LGSIZE-3:0]\n" "\t\t <= f_reversed_addr[LGSIZE-3:0])));\n" "\t\talways @(*)\n" "\t\tif ((in_reset)&&(f_reading))\n" "\t\tbegin\n" "\t\t `ASSERT(!f_addr_loaded_0);\n" "\t\t `ASSERT(!f_addr_loaded_1);\n" "\t\tend\n" "\n" "\t\talways @(*)\n" "\t\tif(iaddr[LGSIZE-1])\n" "\t\t `ASSERT(!in_reset);\n" "\n" "\t\talways @(*)\n" "\t\tif (f_addr_loaded_0)\n" "\t\t `ASSERT(mem_e[f_const_addr] == f_data_0);\n" "\t\talways @(*)\n" "\t\tif (f_addr_loaded_1)\n" "\t\t `ASSERT(mem_o[f_const_addr] == f_data_1);\n" "\n\n"); fprintf(fp, "`endif\t// FORMAL\n"); } fprintf(fp, "endmodule\n"); fclose(fp); free(modulename); }
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