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// Filename: 	softmpy.cpp
// Project:	A General Purpose Pipelined FFT Implementation
// Purpose:	If the chip doesn't have any hardware multiplies, you'll need
// 		a soft-multiply implementation.  This provides that
// 	implementation.
// Creator:	Dan Gisselquist, Ph.D.
//		Gisselquist Technology, LLC
// Copyright (C) 2015-2018, Gisselquist Technology, LLC
// This program is free software (firmware): you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of  the GNU General Public License as published
// by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
// your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTIBILITY or
// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
// for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
// with this program.  (It's in the $(ROOT)/doc directory.  Run make with no
// target there if the PDF file isn't present.)  If not, see
// <> for a copy.
// License:	GPL, v3, as defined and found on,
#define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS   //  ms vs 2012 doesn't like fopen
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#ifdef _MSC_VER //  added for ms vs compatibility
#include <io.h>
#include <direct.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <string>
#include <math.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "defaults.h"
#include "legal.h"
#include "softmpy.h"
void	build_multiply(const char *fname) {
	FILE	*fp = fopen(fname, "w");
	if (NULL == fp) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Could not open \'%s\' for writing\n", fname);
		perror("O/S Err was:");
"// Filename:\tshiftaddmpy.v\n"
"// Project:\t%s\n"
"// Purpose:\tA portable shift and add multiply.\n"
"//	While both Xilinx and Altera will offer single clock multiplies, this\n"
"//	simple approach will multiply two numbers on any architecture.  The\n"
"//	result maintains the full width of the multiply, there are no extra\n"
"//	stuff bits, no rounding, no shifted bits, etc.\n"
"//	Further, for those applications that can support it, this multiply\n"
"//	is pipelined and will produce one answer per clock.\n"
"//	For minimal processing delay, make the first parameter the one with\n"
"//	the least bits, so that AWIDTH <= BWIDTH.\n"
"//	The processing delay in this multiply is (AWIDTH+1) cycles.  That is,\n"
"//	if the data is present on the input at clock t=0, the result will be\n"
"//	present on the output at time t=AWIDTH+1;\n"
"//\n", prjname, creator);
	fprintf(fp, "%s", cpyleft);
	fprintf(fp, "//\n//\n`default_nettype\tnone\n//\n");
"module	shiftaddmpy(i_clk, i_ce, i_a, i_b, o_r);\n"
	fprintf(fp, "%d;\n", TST_SHIFTADDMPY_BW);
	fprintf(fp, "AWIDTH;\n");
	"\tinput\twire\t\t\t\ti_clk, i_ce;\n"
	"\tgenvar k;\n"
	"\t// If we were forced to stay within two\'s complement arithmetic,\n"
	"\t// taking the absolute value here would require an additional bit.\n"
	"\t// However, because our results are now unsigned, we can stay\n"
	"\t// within the number of bits given (for now).\n"
	"\talways @(posedge i_clk)\n"
		"\t\tif (i_ce)\n"
			"\t\t\tu_a <= (i_a[AWIDTH-1])?(-i_a):(i_a);\n"
			"\t\t\tu_b <= (i_b[BWIDTH-1])?(-i_b):(i_b);\n"
			"\t\t\tsgn <= i_a[AWIDTH-1] ^ i_b[BWIDTH-1];\n"
	"\talways @(posedge i_clk)\n"
		"\t\tif (i_ce)\n"
			"\t\t\tacc[0] <= (u_a[0]) ? { {(AWIDTH){1\'b0}}, u_b }\n"
			"\t\t\t\t\t: {(AWIDTH+BWIDTH){1\'b0}};\n"
			"\t\t\tr_a[0] <= { u_a[(AWIDTH-1):1] };\n"
			"\t\t\tr_b[0] <= { {(AWIDTH-1){1\'b0}}, u_b };\n"
			"\t\t\tr_s[0] <= sgn; // The final sign, needs to be preserved\n"
	"\tfor(k=0; k<AWIDTH-1; k=k+1)\n"
	"\tbegin : genstages\n"
		"\t\talways @(posedge i_clk)\n"
		"\t\tif (i_ce)\n"
			"\t\t\tacc[k+1] <= acc[k] + ((r_a[k][0]) ? {r_b[k],1\'b0}:0);\n"
			"\t\t\tr_a[k+1] <= { 1\'b0, r_a[k][(AWIDTH-2):1] };\n"
			"\t\t\tr_b[k+1] <= { r_b[k][(AWIDTH+BWIDTH-3):0], 1\'b0};\n"
			"\t\t\tr_s[k+1] <= r_s[k];\n"
	"\talways @(posedge i_clk)\n"
		"\t\tif (i_ce)\n"
			"\t\t\to_r <= (r_s[AWIDTH-1]) ? (-acc[AWIDTH-1]) : acc[AWIDTH-1];\n"
void	build_bimpy(const char *fname) {
	FILE	*fp = fopen(fname, "w");
	if (NULL == fp) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Could not open \'%s\' for writing\n", fname);
		perror("O/S Err was:");
"// Filename:\t%s\n"
"// Project:\t%s\n"
"// Purpose:\tA simple 2-bit multiply based upon the fact that LUT's allow\n"
"//		6-bits of input.  In other words, I could build a 3-bit\n"
"//	multiply from 6 LUTs (5 actually, since the first could have two\n"
"//	outputs).  This would allow multiplication of three bit digits, save\n"
"//	only for the fact that you would need two bits of carry.  The bimpy\n"
"//	approach throttles back a bit and does a 2x2 bit multiply in a LUT,\n"
"//	guaranteeing that it will never carry more than one bit.  While this\n"
"//	multiply is hardware independent (and can still run under Verilator\n"
"//	therefore), it is really motivated by trying to optimize for a\n"
"//	specific piece of hardware (Xilinx-7 series ...) that has at least\n"
"//	4-input LUT's with carry chains.\n"
"//\n", fname, prjname, creator);
	fprintf(fp, "%s", cpyleft);
	fprintf(fp, "//\n//\n`default_nettype\tnone\n//\n");
"module	bimpy(i_clk, i_ce, i_a, i_b, o_r);\n"
"\tparameter\tBW=18; // Number of bits in i_b\n"
"\tlocalparam\tLUTB=2; // Number of bits in i_a for our LUT multiply\n"
"\tinput\twire\t\t\ti_clk, i_ce;\n"
"\toutput\treg\t[(BW+LUTB-1):0]	o_r;\n"
"\twire	[(BW+LUTB-2):0]	w_r;\n"
"\twire	[(BW+LUTB-3):1]	c;\n"
"\tassign\tw_r =  { ((i_a[1])?i_b:{(BW){1\'b0}}), 1\'b0 }\n"
"\t\t\t\t^ { 1\'b0, ((i_a[0])?i_b:{(BW){1\'b0}}) };\n"
"\tassign\tc = { ((i_a[1])?i_b[(BW-2):0]:{(BW-1){1\'b0}}) }\n"
"\t\t\t& ((i_a[0])?i_b[(BW-1):1]:{(BW-1){1\'b0}});\n"
"\tinitial o_r = 0;\n"
"\talways @(posedge i_clk)\n"
"\tif (i_ce)\n"
"\t\to_r <= w_r + { c, 2'b0 };\n"
	// Formal properties
	// This module is formally verified as part of longbimpy.v
	// Hence, we'll use an ifdef LONGBIMPY to capture if it is being verified as part of
	// LONGBIMPY, or placed within another module.
"`ifdef	FORMAL\n");
	if (formal_property_flag) {
"\tinitial\tf_past_valid = 1'b0;\n"
"\talways @(posedge i_clk)\n"
"\tf_past_valid <= 1'b1;\n"
	// Now for our module specific assertions
	// These properties will be assumed if this proof is not part of LONGBIMPY's proof
	"\talways @(posedge i_clk)\n"
	"\tif ((f_past_valid)&&($past(i_ce)))\n"
		"\t\tif ($past(i_a)==0)\n"
			"\t\t\t`ASSERT(o_r == 0);\n"
		"\t\telse if ($past(i_a) == 1)\n"
			"\t\t\t`ASSERT(o_r == $past(i_b));\n"
		"\t\tif ($past(i_b)==0)\n"
			"\t\t\t`ASSERT(o_r == 0);\n"
		"\t\telse if ($past(i_b) == 1)\n"
			"\t\t\t`ASSERT(o_r[(LUTB-1):0] == $past(i_a));\n"
	} else {
		fprintf(fp, "// Enable the formal_property_flag to include formal properties\n");
	// And then the end of the module
void	build_longbimpy(const char *fname) {
	FILE	*fp = fopen(fname, "w");
	if (NULL == fp) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Could not open \'%s\' for writing\n", fname);
		perror("O/S Err was:");
"// Filename: 	%s\n"
"// Project:	%s\n"
"// Purpose:	A portable shift and add multiply, built with the knowledge\n"
"//	of the existence of a six bit LUT and carry chain.  That knowledge\n"
"//	allows us to multiply two bits from one value at a time against all\n"
"//	of the bits of the other value.  This sub multiply is called the\n"
"//	bimpy.\n"
"//	For minimal processing delay, make the first parameter the one with\n"
"//	the least bits, so that AWIDTH <= BWIDTH.\n"
"//\n", fname, prjname, creator);
	fprintf(fp, "%s", cpyleft);
	fprintf(fp, "//\n//\n`default_nettype\tnone\n//\n");
"module	longbimpy(i_clk, i_ce, i_a_unsorted, i_b_unsorted, o_r\n");
	if (formal_property_flag) fprintf(fp,
"`ifdef	FORMAL\n"
	"\t, f_past_a_unsorted, f_past_b_unsorted\n"
	fprintf(fp, ");\n"
	"\tparameter	IAW=%d,	// The width of i_a, min width is 5\n"
			"\t\t\tIBW=", TST_LONGBIMPY_AW);
	fprintf(fp, "%d", TST_LONGBIMPY_BW);
	fprintf(fp, "IAW");
	fprintf(fp, ",	// The width of i_b, can be anything\n"
			"\t\t\t// The following three parameters should not be changed\n"
			"\t\t\t// by any implementation, but are based upon hardware\n"
			"\t\t\t// and the above values:\n"
			"\t\t\tOW=IAW+IBW;	// The output width\n");
	"\tlocalparam	AW = (IAW<IBW) ? IAW : IBW,\n"
			"\t\t\tBW = (IAW<IBW) ? IBW : IAW,\n"
			"\t\t\tIW=(AW+1)&(-2),	// Internal width of A\n"
			"\t\t\tLUTB=2,	// How many bits we can multiply by at once\n"
			"\t\t\tTLEN=(AW+(LUTB-1))/LUTB; // Nmbr of rows in our tableau\n"
	"\tinput\twire\t\t\ti_clk, i_ce;\n"
	if (formal_property_flag) fprintf(fp,
"`ifdef	FORMAL\n"
	fprintf(fp, "\n"
	"\t// Swap parameter order, so that AW <= BW -- for performance\n"
	"\t// reasons\n"
	"\twire	[AW-1:0]	i_a;\n"
	"\twire	[BW-1:0]	i_b;\n"
	"\tgenerate if (IAW <= IBW)\n"
	"\tbegin : NO_PARAM_CHANGE\n"
	"\t\tassign i_a = i_a_unsorted;\n"
	"\t\tassign i_b = i_b_unsorted;\n"
	"\tend else begin : SWAP_PARAMETERS\n"
	"\t\tassign i_a = i_b_unsorted;\n"
	"\t\tassign i_b = i_a_unsorted;\n"
	"\tend endgenerate\n"
	"\tgenvar k;\n"
	"\t// First step:\n"
	"\t// Switch to unsigned arithmetic for our multiply, keeping track\n"
	"\t// of the along the way.  We'll then add the sign again later at\n"
	"\t// the end.\n"
	"\t// If we were forced to stay within two's complement arithmetic,\n"
	"\t// taking the absolute value here would require an additional bit.\n"
	"\t// However, because our results are now unsigned, we can stay\n"
	"\t// within the number of bits given (for now).\n"
	"\tinitial u_a = 0;\n"
	"\tgenerate if (IW > AW)\n"
	"\tbegin : ABS_AND_ADD_BIT_TO_A\n"
		"\t\talways @(posedge i_clk)\n"
			"\t\t\tif (i_ce)\n"
			"\t\t\t\tu_a <= { 1\'b0, (i_a[AW-1])?(-i_a):(i_a) };\n"
	"\tend else begin : ABS_A\n"
		"\t\talways @(posedge i_clk)\n"
			"\t\t\tif (i_ce)\n"
			"\t\t\t\tu_a <= (i_a[AW-1])?(-i_a):(i_a);\n"
	"\tend endgenerate\n"
	"\tinitial sgn = 0;\n"
	"\tinitial u_b = 0;\n"
	"\talways @(posedge i_clk)\n"
	"\tif (i_ce)\n"
	"\tbegin : ABS_B\n"
		"\t\tu_b <= (i_b[BW-1])?(-i_b):(i_b);\n"
		"\t\tsgn <= i_a[AW-1] ^ i_b[BW-1];\n"
	"\twire	[(BW+LUTB-1):0]	pr_a, pr_b;\n"
	"\t// Second step: First two 2xN products.\n"
	"\t// Since we have no tableau of additions (yet), we can do both\n"
	"\t// of the first two rows at the same time and add them together.\n"
	"\t// For the next round, we'll then have a previous sum to accumulate\n"
	"\t// with new and subsequent product, and so only do one product at\n"
	"\t// a time can follow this--but the first clock can do two at a time.\n"
	"\tbimpy\t#(BW) lmpy_0(i_clk,i_ce,u_a[(  LUTB-1):   0], u_b, pr_a);\n"
	"\tbimpy\t#(BW) lmpy_1(i_clk,i_ce,u_a[(2*LUTB-1):LUTB], u_b, pr_b);\n"
	"\tinitial r_s    = 0;\n"
	"\tinitial r_a[0] = 0;\n"
	"\tinitial r_b[0] = 0;\n"
	"\talways @(posedge i_clk)\n"
		"\t\tif (i_ce) r_a[0] <= u_a[(IW-1):(2*LUTB)];\n"
	"\talways @(posedge i_clk)\n"
		"\t\tif (i_ce) r_b[0] <= u_b;\n"
	"\talways @(posedge i_clk)\n"
		"\t\tif (i_ce) r_s <= { r_s[(TLEN-2):0], sgn };\n"
	"\tinitial acc[0] = 0;\n"
	"\talways @(posedge i_clk) // One clk after p[0],p[1] become valid\n"
	"\tif (i_ce) acc[0] <= { {(IW-LUTB){1\'b0}}, pr_a}\n"
		"\t\t  +{ {(IW-(2*LUTB)){1\'b0}}, pr_b, {(LUTB){1\'b0}} };\n"
	"\tgenerate // Keep track of intermediate values, before multiplying them\n"
	"\tif (TLEN > 3) for(k=0; k<TLEN-3; k=k+1)\n"
	"\tbegin : GENCOPIES\n"
		"\t\tinitial r_a[k+1] = 0;\n"
		"\t\tinitial r_b[k+1] = 0;\n"
		"\t\talways @(posedge i_clk)\n"
		"\t\tif (i_ce)\n"
			"\t\t\tr_a[k+1] <= { {(LUTB){1\'b0}},\n"
				"\t\t\t\tr_a[k][(IW-1-(2*LUTB)):LUTB] };\n"
			"\t\t\tr_b[k+1] <= r_b[k];\n"
	"\tend endgenerate\n"
	"\tgenerate // The actual multiply and accumulate stage\n"
	"\tif (TLEN > 2) for(k=0; k<TLEN-2; k=k+1)\n"
	"\tbegin : GENSTAGES\n"
		"\t\twire\t[(BW+LUTB-1):0] genp;\n"
		"\t\t// First, the multiply: 2-bits times BW bits\n"
		"\t\tbimpy #(BW) genmpy(i_clk,i_ce,r_a[k][(LUTB-1):0],r_b[k], genp);\n"
		"\t\t// Then the accumulate step -- on the next clock\n"
		"\t\tinitial acc[k+1] = 0;\n"
		"\t\talways @(posedge i_clk)\n"
		"\t\tif (i_ce)\n"
			"\t\t\tacc[k+1] <= acc[k] + {{(IW-LUTB*(k+3)){1\'b0}},\n"
				"\t\t\t\tgenp, {(LUTB*(k+2)){1\'b0}} };\n"
	"\tend endgenerate\n"
	"\twire	[(IW+BW-1):0]	w_r;\n"
	"\tassign\tw_r = (r_s[TLEN-1]) ? (-acc[TLEN-2]) : acc[TLEN-2];\n"
	"\tinitial o_r = 0;\n"
	"\talways @(posedge i_clk)\n"
	"\tif (i_ce)\n"
		"\t\to_r <= w_r[(AW+BW-1):0];\n"
	// Make Verilator happy
	"\tgenerate if (IW > AW)\n"
	"\tbegin : VUNUSED\n"
	"\t\t// verilator lint_off UNUSED\n"
	"\t\tassign\tunused = w_r[(IW+BW-1):(AW+BW)];\n"
	"\t\t// verilator lint_on UNUSED\n"
	"\tend endgenerate\n"
	// The formal property section
	// Starting with properties specific to this component's proof, and not
	// any parent modules
"`ifdef	FORMAL\n");
	if (formal_property_flag) {
	"\treg	f_past_valid;\n"
	"\tinitial\tf_past_valid = 1'b0;\n"
	"\talways @(posedge i_clk)\n"
		"\t\tf_past_valid <= 1'b1;\n"
"`define\tASSERT	assert\n"
"`ifdef	LONGBIMPY\n"
	"\talways @(posedge i_clk)\n"
	"\tif (!$past(i_ce))\n"
	// Now for properties specific to this core
	"\treg	[AW-1:0]	f_past_a	[0:TLEN];\n"
	"\treg	[BW-1:0]	f_past_b	[0:TLEN];\n"
	"\treg	[TLEN+1:0]	f_sgn_a, f_sgn_b;\n"
	"\tinitial\tf_past_a[0] = 0;\n"
	"\tinitial\tf_past_b[0] = 0;\n"
	"\tinitial\tf_sgn_a = 0;\n"
	"\tinitial\tf_sgn_b = 0;\n"
	"\talways @(posedge i_clk)\n"
	"\tif (i_ce)\n"
		"\t\tf_past_a[0] <= u_a;\n"
		"\t\tf_past_b[0] <= u_b;\n"
		"\t\tf_sgn_a[0] <= i_a[AW-1];\n"
		"\t\tf_sgn_b[0] <= i_b[BW-1];\n"
	"\tgenerate for(k=0; k<TLEN; k=k+1)\n"
		"\t\tinitial\tf_past_a[k+1] = 0;\n"
		"\t\tinitial\tf_past_b[k+1] = 0;\n"
		"\t\tinitial\tf_sgn_a[k+1] = 0;\n"
		"\t\tinitial\tf_sgn_b[k+1] = 0;\n"
		"\t\talways @(posedge i_clk)\n"
		"\t\tif (i_ce)\n"
				"\t\t\tf_past_a[k+1] <= f_past_a[k];\n"
				"\t\t\tf_past_b[k+1] <= f_past_b[k];\n"
				"\t\t\tf_sgn_a[k+1]  <= f_sgn_a[k];\n"
				"\t\t\tf_sgn_b[k+1]  <= f_sgn_b[k];\n"
	"\tend endgenerate\n"
	"\talways @(posedge i_clk)\n"
	"\tif (i_ce)\n"
		"\t\tf_sgn_a[TLEN+1] <= f_sgn_a[TLEN];\n"
		"\t\tf_sgn_b[TLEN+1] <= f_sgn_b[TLEN];\n"
	"\talways @(posedge i_clk)\n"
		"\t\tassert(sgn == (f_sgn_a[0] ^ f_sgn_b[0]));\n"
		"\t\tassert(r_s[TLEN-1:0] == (f_sgn_a[TLEN:1] ^ f_sgn_b[TLEN:1]));\n"
		"\t\tassert(r_s[TLEN-1:0] == (f_sgn_a[TLEN:1] ^ f_sgn_b[TLEN:1]));\n"
	"\talways @(posedge i_clk)\n"
	"\tif ((f_past_valid)&&($past(i_ce)))\n"
		"\t\tif ($past(i_a)==0)\n"
			"\t\t\t`ASSERT(u_a == 0);\n"
		"\t\telse if ($past(i_a[AW-1]) == 1'b0)\n"
			"\t\t\t`ASSERT(u_a == $past(i_a));\n"
		"\t\tif ($past(i_b)==0)\n"
			"\t\t\t`ASSERT(u_b == 0);\n"
		"\t\telse if ($past(i_b[BW-1]) == 1'b0)\n"
			"\t\t\t`ASSERT(u_b == $past(i_b));\n"
	"\tgenerate // Keep track of intermediate values, before multiplying them\n"
	"\tif (TLEN > 3) for(k=0; k<TLEN-3; k=k+1)\n"
	"\tbegin : ASSERT_GENCOPY\n"
		"\t\talways @(posedge i_clk)\n"
		"\t\tif (i_ce)\n"
			"\t\t\tif (f_past_a[k]==0)\n"
				"\t\t\t\t`ASSERT(r_a[k] == 0);\n"
			"\t\t\telse if (f_past_a[k]==1)\n"
				"\t\t\t\t`ASSERT(r_a[k] == 0);\n"
			"\t\t\t`ASSERT(r_b[k] == f_past_b[k]);\n"
	"\tend endgenerate\n"
	"\tgenerate // The actual multiply and accumulate stage\n"
	"\tif (TLEN > 2) for(k=0; k<TLEN-2; k=k+1)\n"
	"\tbegin : ASSERT_GENSTAGE\n"
		"\t\talways @(posedge i_clk)\n"
		"\t\tif ((f_past_valid)&&($past(i_ce)))\n"
			"\t\t\tif (f_past_a[k+1]==0)\n"
				"\t\t\t\t`ASSERT(acc[k] == 0);\n"
			"\t\t\tif (f_past_a[k+1]==1)\n"
				"\t\t\t\t`ASSERT(acc[k] == f_past_b[k+1]);\n"
			"\t\t\tif (f_past_b[k+1]==0)\n"
				"\t\t\t\t`ASSERT(acc[k] == 0);\n"
			"\t\t\tif (f_past_b[k+1]==1)\n"
				"\t\t\t\t		== f_past_a[k+1][(2*k)+3:0]);\n"
				"\t\t\t\t`ASSERT(acc[k][(IW+BW-1):(2*k)+4] == 0);\n"
	"\tend endgenerate\n"
	"\twire	[AW-1:0]\tf_past_a_neg = - f_past_a[TLEN];\n"
	"\twire	[BW-1:0]\tf_past_b_neg = - f_past_b[TLEN];\n"
	"\twire	[AW-1:0]\tf_past_a_pos = f_past_a[TLEN][AW-1]\n"
				"\t\t\t\t\t? f_past_a_neg : f_past_a[TLEN];\n"
	"\twire	[BW-1:0]\tf_past_b_pos = f_past_b[TLEN][BW-1]\n"
				"\t\t\t\t\t? f_past_b_neg : f_past_b[TLEN];\n\n");
	"\talways @(posedge i_clk)\n"
	"\tif ((f_past_valid)&&($past(i_ce)))\n"
		"\t\tif ((f_past_a[TLEN]==0)||(f_past_b[TLEN]==0))\n"
			"\t\t\t`ASSERT(o_r == 0);\n"
		"\t\telse if (f_past_a[TLEN]==1)\n"
			"\t\t\tif ((f_sgn_a[TLEN+1]^f_sgn_b[TLEN+1])==0)\n"
				"\t\t\t\t`ASSERT(o_r[BW-1:0] == f_past_b_pos[BW-1:0]);\n"
				"\t\t\t\t`ASSERT(o_r[AW+BW-1:BW] == 0);\n"
			"\t\t\tend else begin // if (f_sgn_b[TLEN+1]) begin\n"
				"\t\t\t\t`ASSERT(o_r[BW-1:0] == f_past_b_neg);\n"
					"\t\t\t\t\t== {(AW){f_past_b_neg[BW-1]}});\n"
		"\t\tend else if (f_past_b[TLEN]==1)\n"
			"\t\t\tif ((f_sgn_a[TLEN+1] ^ f_sgn_b[TLEN+1])==0)\n"
				"\t\t\t\t`ASSERT(o_r[AW-1:0] == f_past_a_pos[AW-1:0]);\n"
				"\t\t\t\t`ASSERT(o_r[AW+BW-1:AW] == 0);\n"
			"\t\t\tend else begin\n"
				"\t\t\t\t`ASSERT(o_r[AW-1:0] == f_past_a_neg);\n"
					"\t\t\t\t\t== {(BW){f_past_a_neg[AW-1]}});\n"
		"\t\tend else begin\n"
			"\t\t\t`ASSERT(o_r != 0);\n"
			"\t\t\tif (!o_r[AW+BW-1:0])\n"
				"\t\t\t\t`ASSERT((o_r[AW-1:0] != f_past_a[TLEN][AW-1:0])\n"
				"\t\t\t\t`ASSERT((o_r[BW-1:0] != f_past_b[TLEN][BW-1:0])\n"
			"\t\t\tend else begin\n"
				"\t\t\t\t`ASSERT((o_r[AW-1:0] != f_past_a_neg[AW-1:0])\n"
					"\t\t\t\t\t||(! (&o_r[AW+BW-1:AW])));\n"
				"\t\t\t\t`ASSERT((o_r[BW-1:0] != f_past_b_neg[BW-1:0])\n"
					"\t\t\t\t\t||(! (&o_r[AW+BW-1:BW]!=0)));\n"
	"\tgenerate if (IAW <= IBW)\n"
	"\tbegin : NO_PARAM_CHANGE\n"
		"\t\tassign f_past_a_unsorted = (!f_sgn_a[TLEN+1])\n"
				"\t\t\t\t\t? f_past_a[TLEN] : f_past_a_neg;\n"
		"\t\tassign f_past_b_unsorted = (!f_sgn_b[TLEN+1])\n"
				"\t\t\t\t\t? f_past_b[TLEN] : f_past_b_neg;\n"
	"\tend else begin : SWAP_PARAMETERS\n"
		"\t\tassign f_past_a_unsorted = (!f_sgn_b[TLEN+1])\n"
				"\t\t\t\t\t? f_past_b[TLEN] : f_past_b_neg;\n"
		"\t\tassign f_past_b_unsorted = (!f_sgn_a[TLEN+1])\n"
				"\t\t\t\t\t? f_past_a[TLEN] : f_past_a_neg;\n"
	"\tend endgenerate\n");
"`ifdef	BUTTERFLY\n"
	"\t// The following properties artificially restrict the inputs\n"
	"\t// to this long binary multiplier to only those values whose\n"
	"\t// absolute value is 0..7.  It is used by the formal proof of\n"
	"\t// the BUTTERFLY to artificially limit the scope of the proof.\n"
	"\t// By the time the butterfly sees this code, it will be known\n"
	"\t// that the long binary multiply works.  At issue will no longer\n"
	"\t// be whether or not this works, but rather whether it works in\n"
	"\t// context.  For that purpose, we'll need to check timing, not\n"
	"\t// results.  Checking against inputs of +/- 1 and 0 are perfect\n"
	"\t// for that task.  The below assumptions (yes they are assumptions\n"
	"\t// just go a little bit further.\n"
	"\t// This just limits the proof for the butterfly, the parent.\n"
	"\t// module that calls this one\n"
	"\t// Start by assuming that all inputs have an absolute value less\n"
	"\t// than eight.\n"
	"\talways @(*)\n"
		"\t\tassume(u_a[AW-1:3] == 0);\n"
	"\talways @(*)\n"
		"\t\tassume(u_b[BW-1:3] == 0);\n"
	"\t// If the inputs have these properties, then so too do many of\n"
	"\t// our internal values.  ASSERT therefore that we never get out\n"
	"\t// of bounds\n"
	"\tgenerate for(k=0; k<TLEN; k=k+1)\n"
		"\t\talways @(*)\n"
			"\t\t\tassert(f_past_a[k][AW-1:3] == 0);\n"
			"\t\t\tassert(f_past_b[k][BW-1:3] == 0);\n"
	"\tend endgenerate\n"
	"\tgenerate for(k=0; k<TLEN-1; k=k+1)\n"
		"\t\talways @(*)\n"
			"\t\t\tassert(acc[k][IW+BW-1:6] == 0);\n"
	"\tend endgenerate\n"
	"\tgenerate for(k=0; k<TLEN-2; k=k+1)\n"
		"\t\talways @(*)\n"
			"\t\t\tassert(r_b[k][BW-1:3] == 0);\n"
	"\tend endgenerate\n"
"`endif	// BUTTERFLY\n");
	} else {
		fprintf(fp, "// Formal properties have not been enabled\n");
"`endif\t// FORMAL\n"

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