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[/] [dmt_tx/] [trunk/] [const_encoder/] [tb/] [tb_const_enc.v] - Rev 23
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/* ***************************************************************** * * This file is part of the * * Tone Order and Constellation Encoder Core. * * Copyright (C) 2007 Guenter Dannoritzer * * This source is free software; you can redistribute it * and/or modify it under the terms of the * GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; * either version 3 of the License, * or (at your option) any later version. * * This source is distributed in the hope * that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the * GNU General Public License along with this source. * If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * * *****************************************************************/ module tb_const_encoder(); parameter TW = 10; `include "parameters.vh" reg clk; reg reset; wire fast_ready_o; reg we_fast_data_i; reg [DW-1:0] fast_data_i; wire inter_ready_o; reg we_inter_data_i; reg [DW-1:0] inter_data_i; reg we_conf_i; reg [CONFAW-1:0] addr_i; reg [CONFDW-1:0] conf_data_i; wire [CNUMW-1:0] carrier_num_o; wire signed [CONSTW-1:0] x_o; wire signed [CONSTW-1:0] y_o; // // instantiate the DUT // const_encoder dut ( .clk(clk), .reset(reset), .fast_ready_o(fast_ready_o), .we_fast_data_i(we_fast_data_i), .fast_data_i(fast_data_i), .inter_ready_o(inter_ready_o), .we_inter_data_i(we_inter_data_i), .inter_data_i(inter_data_i), .addr_i(addr_i), .we_conf_i(we_conf_i), .conf_data_i(conf_data_i), .xy_ready_o(xy_ready_o), .carrier_num_o(carrier_num_o), .x_o(x_o), .y_o(y_o)); // // instantiate test data modules // const_map_2bit cm_2bit(); const_map_3bit cm_3bit(); const_map_4bit cm_4bit(); const_map_5bit cm_5bit(); initial begin clk = 0; we_fast_data_i = 0; we_inter_data_i = 0; we_conf_i = 0; reset = 0; end always begin #TW clk = ~clk; end // // dump signals // initial begin $dumpfile("tb_const_enc.vcd"); $dumpvars; end // // main test // initial begin $monitor($time, " reset: ", reset); apply_reset; // // write configuration // write_config(BIT_LOAD_ST_ADR, 2); write_config(BIT_LOAD_ST_ADR+1, 3); write_config(BIT_LOAD_ST_ADR+2, 4); write_config(BIT_LOAD_ST_ADR+3, 5); write_config(C_NUM_ST_ADR, 48); write_config(C_NUM_ST_ADR+1, 49); write_config(C_NUM_ST_ADR+2, 50); write_config(C_NUM_ST_ADR+3, 51); write_config(USED_C_ADR, 4); write_config(F_BITS_ADR, 7); // // check written configuration // check_config(BIT_LOAD_ST_ADR, 2); check_config(BIT_LOAD_ST_ADR+1, 3); check_config(BIT_LOAD_ST_ADR+2, 4); check_config(BIT_LOAD_ST_ADR+3, 5); check_config(C_NUM_ST_ADR, 48); check_config(C_NUM_ST_ADR+1, 49); check_config(C_NUM_ST_ADR+2, 50); check_config(C_NUM_ST_ADR+3, 51); check_config(USED_C_ADR, 4); check_config(F_BITS_ADR, 7); // // checking the constellation map // check_const_map(2); check_const_map(3); check_const_map(4); check_const_map(5); #1000 $finish(); end // main test // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // bus functional models // // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// task apply_reset; begin reset = 0; #20 reset = 1; @(posedge clk); reset = 0; end endtask // // write data to the configuration registers // task write_config(input [CONFAW-1:0] addr, input[CONFDW-1:0] data); begin addr_i = addr; conf_data_i = data; @(negedge clk); we_conf_i = 1; @(negedge clk); we_conf_i = 0; end endtask // // check the written configuration // task check_config(input [CONFAW-1:0] addr, input [CONFDW-1:0] exp_data); begin if(addr >= 0 && addr < C_NUM_ST_ADR) begin if(dut.BitLoading[addr] !== exp_data) begin $display("ERROR! => BitLoading does not match @ %x!", addr); $display(" Got: %d expected: %d", dut.BitLoading[addr], exp_data); end end else if(addr >= C_NUM_ST_ADR && addr < USED_C_ADR) begin if(dut.CarrierNumber[addr-C_NUM_ST_ADR] !== exp_data) begin $display("ERROR! => CarrierNumber does not match @ %x!", addr); $display(" Got: %d expected: %d", dut.CarrierNumber[addr-C_NUM_ST_ADR], exp_data); end end else if(addr == USED_C_ADR) begin if(dut.UsedCarrier !== exp_data) begin $display("ERROR! => UsedCarrier does not match @ %x!", addr); $display(" Got: %d expected: %d", dut.UsedCarrier, exp_data); end end else if(addr == F_BITS_ADR) begin if(dut.FastBits !== exp_data) begin $display("ERROR! => FastBits does not match @ %x!", addr); $display(" Got: %d expected: %d", dut.FastBits, exp_data); end end end endtask // // check constellation map // // This task feeds in data direct to the constellation encoder module // and checks the expected outcome. // // Given parameter is the bit size of the constellation map. // task check_const_map(input [3:0] bit); integer len; integer i; begin len = 1 << bit; for(i=0; i<len; i=i+1) begin $display("Testing %d bit constellation with input value %d", bit, i); // feed input data dut.bit_load <= bit; dut.cin <= i; @ (posedge clk); @ (posedge clk); @ (negedge clk); // compare output with expected result case (bit) 1: $display("%d bit is not support constellation size", bit); 2: begin if(cm_2bit.re[i] !== x_o) begin $display("Input: %d --> x_o expected: %d got: %d", i, cm_2bit.re[i], x_o); end if(cm_2bit.im[i] !== y_o) begin $display("Input: %d --> y_o expected: %d got: %d", i, cm_2bit.im[i], y_o); end end 3: begin if(cm_3bit.re[i] !== x_o) begin $display("Input: %d --> x_o expected: %d got: %d", i, cm_3bit.re[i], x_o); end if(cm_3bit.im[i] !== y_o) begin $display("Input: %d --> y_o expected: %d got: %d", i, cm_3bit.im[i], y_o); end end 4: begin if(cm_4bit.re[i] !== x_o) begin $display("Input: %d --> x_o expected: %d got: %d", i, cm_4bit.re[i], x_o); end if(cm_4bit.im[i] !== y_o) begin $display("Input: %d --> y_o expected: %d got: %d", i, cm_4bit.im[i], y_o); end end 5: begin if(cm_5bit.re[i] !== x_o) begin $display($time, " Input: %d --> x_o expected: %d got: %d", i, cm_5bit.re[i], x_o); end if(cm_5bit.im[i] !== y_o) begin $display($time, " Input: %d --> y_o expected: %d got: %d", i, cm_5bit.im[i], y_o); end end default: $display("%d is not an implemented bit size", bit); endcase end end endtask endmodule