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[/] [eco32/] [trunk/] [lcc/] [etc/] [lcc.c] - Rev 315
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/* * lcc [ option ]... [ file | -llib ]... * front end for the ANSI C compiler */ static char rcsid[] = "$Id: lcc.c,v 4.33 2001/06/28 22:19:58 drh Exp $"; #include <stdio.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <assert.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <signal.h> #ifndef TEMPDIR #define TEMPDIR "/tmp" #endif typedef struct list *List; struct list { /* circular list nodes: */ char *str; /* option or file name */ List link; /* next list element */ }; static void *alloc(int); static List append(char *,List); extern char *basepath(char *); static int callsys(char *[]); extern char *concat(char *, char *); static int compile(char *, char *); static void compose(char *[], List, List, List); static void error(char *, char *); static char *exists(char *); static char *first(char *); static int filename(char *, char *); static List find(char *, List); static void help(void); static void initinputs(void); static void interrupt(int); static void opt(char *); static List path2list(const char *); extern int main(int, char *[]); extern char *replace(const char *, int, int); static void rm(List); extern char *strsave(const char *); extern char *stringf(const char *, ...); extern int suffix(char *, char *[], int); extern char *tempname(char *); extern int access(char *, int); extern int getpid(void); extern char *cpp[], *include[], *com[], *as[],*ld[], inputs[], *suffixes[]; extern int option(char *); static int errcnt; /* number of errors */ static int Eflag; /* -E specified */ static int Sflag; /* -S specified */ static int cflag; /* -c specified */ static int verbose; /* incremented for each -v */ static List llist[2]; /* loader files, flags */ static List alist; /* assembler flags */ static List clist; /* compiler flags */ static List plist; /* preprocessor flags */ static List ilist; /* list of additional includes from LCCINPUTS */ static List rmlist; /* list of files to remove */ static char *outfile; /* ld output file or -[cS] object file */ static int ac; /* argument count */ static char **av; /* argument vector */ char *tempdir = TEMPDIR; /* directory for temporary files */ static char *progname; static List lccinputs; /* list of input directories */ main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int i, j, nf; progname = argv[0]; ac = argc + 50; av = alloc(ac*sizeof(char *)); if (signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN) != SIG_IGN) signal(SIGINT, interrupt); if (signal(SIGTERM, SIG_IGN) != SIG_IGN) signal(SIGTERM, interrupt); #ifdef SIGHUP if (signal(SIGHUP, SIG_IGN) != SIG_IGN) signal(SIGHUP, interrupt); #endif if (getenv("TMP")) tempdir = getenv("TMP"); else if (getenv("TEMP")) tempdir = getenv("TEMP"); else if (getenv("TMPDIR")) tempdir = getenv("TMPDIR"); assert(tempdir); i = strlen(tempdir); for (; i > 0 && tempdir[i-1] == '/' || tempdir[i-1] == '\\'; i--) tempdir[i-1] = '\0'; if (argc <= 1) { help(); exit(0); } plist = append("-D__LCC__", 0); initinputs(); if (getenv("LCCDIR")) option(stringf("-lccdir=%s", getenv("LCCDIR"))); for (nf = 0, i = j = 1; i < argc; i++) { if (strcmp(argv[i], "-o") == 0) { if (++i < argc) { if (suffix(argv[i], suffixes, 2) >= 0) { error("-o would overwrite %s", argv[i]); exit(8); } outfile = argv[i]; continue; } else { error("unrecognized option `%s'", argv[i-1]); exit(8); } } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-target") == 0) { if (argv[i+1] && *argv[i+1] != '-') i++; continue; } else if (*argv[i] == '-' && argv[i][1] != 'l') { opt(argv[i]); continue; } else if (*argv[i] != '-' && suffix(argv[i], suffixes, 3) >= 0) nf++; argv[j++] = argv[i]; } if ((cflag || Sflag) && outfile && nf != 1) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: -o %s ignored\n", progname, outfile); outfile = 0; } argv[j] = 0; for (i = 0; include[i]; i++) plist = append(include[i], plist); if (ilist) { List b = ilist; do { b = b->link; plist = append(b->str, plist); } while (b != ilist); } ilist = 0; for (i = 1; argv[i]; i++) if (strcmp(argv[i], "-l") == 0 && argv[i+1] && *argv[i+1] != '-') { /* -l file */ llist[1] = append(argv[i++], llist[1]); llist[1] = append(argv[i], llist[1]); } else if (*argv[i] == '-') opt(argv[i]); else { char *name = exists(argv[i]); if (name) { if (strcmp(name, argv[i]) != 0 || nf > 1 && suffix(name, suffixes, 3) >= 0) fprintf(stderr, "%s:\n", name); filename(name, 0); } else error("can't find `%s'", argv[i]); } if (errcnt == 0 && !Eflag && !Sflag && !cflag && llist[1]) { compose(ld, llist[0], llist[1], append(outfile ? outfile : concat("a", first(suffixes[4])), 0)); if (callsys(av)) errcnt++; } rm(rmlist); return errcnt ? EXIT_FAILURE : EXIT_SUCCESS; } /* alloc - allocate n bytes or die */ static void *alloc(int n) { static char *avail, *limit; n = (n + sizeof(char *) - 1)&~(sizeof(char *) - 1); if (n >= limit - avail) { avail = malloc(n + 4*1024); assert(avail); limit = avail + n + 4*1024; } avail += n; return avail - n; } /* append - append a node with string str onto list, return new list */ static List append(char *str, List list) { List p = alloc(sizeof *p); p->str = str; if (list) { p->link = list->link; list->link = p; } else p->link = p; return p; } /* basepath - return base name for name, e.g. /usr/drh/foo.c => foo */ char *basepath(char *name) { char *s, *b, *t = 0; for (b = s = name; *s; s++) if (*s == '/' || *s == '\\') { b = s + 1; t = 0; } else if (*s == '.') t = s; s = strsave(b); if (t) s[t-b] = 0; return s; } #ifdef WIN32 #include <process.h> #else #define _P_WAIT 0 extern int fork(void); extern int wait(int *); extern int execv(const char *, char *[]); static int _spawnvp(int mode, const char *cmdname, const char *const argv[]) { int pid, n, status; switch (pid = fork()) { case -1: fprintf(stderr, "%s: no more processes\n", progname); return 100; case 0: execv(cmdname, (char **)argv); fprintf(stderr, "%s: ", progname); perror(cmdname); fflush(stdout); exit(100); } while ((n = wait(&status)) != pid && n != -1) ; if (n == -1) status = -1; if (status&0377) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: fatal error in %s\n", progname, cmdname); status |= 0400; } return (status>>8)&0377; } #endif /* callsys - execute the command described by av[0...], return status */ static int callsys(char **av) { int i, status = 0; static char **argv; static int argc; for (i = 0; av[i] != NULL; i++) ; if (i + 1 > argc) { argc = i + 1; if (argv == NULL) argv = malloc(argc*sizeof *argv); else argv = realloc(argv, argc*sizeof *argv); assert(argv); } for (i = 0; status == 0 && av[i] != NULL; ) { int j = 0; char *s; for ( ; av[i] != NULL && (s = strchr(av[i], '\n')) == NULL; i++) argv[j++] = av[i]; if (s != NULL) { if (s > av[i]) argv[j++] = stringf("%.*s", s - av[i], av[i]); if (s[1] != '\0') av[i] = s + 1; else i++; } argv[j] = NULL; if (verbose > 0) { int k; fprintf(stderr, "%s", argv[0]); for (k = 1; argv[k] != NULL; k++) fprintf(stderr, " %s", argv[k]); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); } if (verbose < 2) status = _spawnvp(_P_WAIT, argv[0], (const char * const *)argv); if (status == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: ", progname); perror(argv[0]); } } return status; } /* concat - return concatenation of strings s1 and s2 */ char *concat(char *s1, char *s2) { int n = strlen(s1); char *s = alloc(n + strlen(s2) + 1); strcpy(s, s1); strcpy(s + n, s2); return s; } /* compile - compile src into dst, return status */ static int compile(char *src, char *dst) { compose(com, clist, append(src, 0), append(dst, 0)); return callsys(av); } /* compose - compose cmd into av substituting a, b, c for $1, $2, $3, resp. */ static void compose(char *cmd[], List a, List b, List c) { int i, j; List lists[3]; lists[0] = a; lists[1] = b; lists[2] = c; for (i = j = 0; cmd[i]; i++) { char *s = strchr(cmd[i], '$'); if (s && isdigit(s[1])) { int k = s[1] - '0'; assert(k >=1 && k <= 3); if (b = lists[k-1]) { b = b->link; av[j] = alloc(strlen(cmd[i]) + strlen(b->str) - 1); strncpy(av[j], cmd[i], s - cmd[i]); av[j][s-cmd[i]] = '\0'; strcat(av[j], b->str); strcat(av[j++], s + 2); while (b != lists[k-1]) { b = b->link; assert(j < ac); av[j++] = b->str; }; } } else if (*cmd[i]) { assert(j < ac); av[j++] = cmd[i]; } } av[j] = NULL; } /* error - issue error msg according to fmt, bump error count */ static void error(char *fmt, char *msg) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: ", progname); fprintf(stderr, fmt, msg); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); errcnt++; } /* exists - if `name' readable return its path name or return null */ static char *exists(char *name) { List b; if ( (name[0] == '/' || name[0] == '\\' || name[2] == ':') && access(name, 4) == 0) return name; if (!(name[0] == '/' || name[0] == '\\' || name[2] == ':') && (b = lccinputs)) do { b = b->link; if (b->str[0]) { char buf[1024]; sprintf(buf, "%s/%s", b->str, name); if (access(buf, 4) == 0) return strsave(buf); } else if (access(name, 4) == 0) return name; } while (b != lccinputs); if (verbose > 1) return name; return 0; } /* first - return first component in semicolon separated list */ static char *first(char *list) { char *s = strchr(list, ';'); if (s) { char buf[1024]; strncpy(buf, list, s-list); buf[s-list] = '\0'; return strsave(buf); } else return list; } /* filename - process file name argument `name', return status */ static int filename(char *name, char *base) { int status = 0; static char *stemp, *itemp; if (base == 0) base = basepath(name); switch (suffix(name, suffixes, 4)) { case 0: /* C source files */ compose(cpp, plist, append(name, 0), 0); if (Eflag) { status = callsys(av); break; } if (itemp == NULL) itemp = tempname(first(suffixes[1])); compose(cpp, plist, append(name, 0), append(itemp, 0)); status = callsys(av); if (status == 0) return filename(itemp, base); break; case 1: /* preprocessed source files */ if (Eflag) break; if (Sflag) status = compile(name, outfile ? outfile : concat(base, first(suffixes[2]))); else if ((status = compile(name, stemp?stemp:(stemp=tempname(first(suffixes[2]))))) == 0) return filename(stemp, base); break; case 2: /* assembly language files */ if (Eflag) break; if (!Sflag) { char *ofile; if (cflag && outfile) ofile = outfile; else if (cflag) ofile = concat(base, first(suffixes[3])); else ofile = tempname(first(suffixes[3])); compose(as, alist, append(name, 0), append(ofile, 0)); status = callsys(av); if (!find(ofile, llist[1])) llist[1] = append(ofile, llist[1]); } break; case 3: /* object files */ if (!find(name, llist[1])) llist[1] = append(name, llist[1]); break; default: if (Eflag) { compose(cpp, plist, append(name, 0), 0); status = callsys(av); } llist[1] = append(name, llist[1]); break; } if (status) errcnt++; return status; } /* find - find 1st occurrence of str in list, return list node or 0 */ static List find(char *str, List list) { List b; if (b = list) do { if (strcmp(str, b->str) == 0) return b; } while ((b = b->link) != list); return 0; } /* help - print help message */ static void help(void) { static char *msgs[] = { "", " [ option | file ]...\n", " except for -l, options are processed left-to-right before files\n", " unrecognized options are taken to be linker options\n", "-A warn about nonANSI usage; 2nd -A warns more\n", "-b emit expression-level profiling code; see bprint(1)\n", #ifdef sparc "-Bstatic -Bdynamic specify static or dynamic libraries\n", #endif "-Bdir/ use the compiler named `dir/rcc'\n", "-c compile only\n", "-dn set switch statement density to `n'\n", "-Dname -Dname=def define the preprocessor symbol `name'\n", "-E run only the preprocessor on the named C programs and unsuffixed files\n", "-g produce symbol table information for debuggers\n", "-help or -? print this message on standard error\n", "-Idir add `dir' to the beginning of the list of #include directories\n", "-lx search library `x'\n", "-M emit makefile dependencies; implies -E\n", "-N do not search the standard directories for #include files\n", "-n emit code to check for dereferencing zero pointers\n", "-O is ignored\n", "-o file leave the output in `file'\n", "-P print ANSI-style declarations for globals on standard error\n", "-p -pg emit profiling code; see prof(1) and gprof(1)\n", "-S compile to assembly language\n", "-static specify static libraries (default is dynamic)\n", "-dynamic specify dynamically linked libraries\n", "-t -tname emit function tracing calls to printf or to `name'\n", "-target name is ignored\n", "-tempdir=dir place temporary files in `dir/'", "\n" "-Uname undefine the preprocessor symbol `name'\n", "-v show commands as they are executed; 2nd -v suppresses execution\n", "-w suppress warnings\n", "-Woarg specify system-specific `arg'\n", "-W[pfal]arg pass `arg' to the preprocessor, compiler, assembler, or linker\n", 0 }; int i; char *s; msgs[0] = progname; for (i = 0; msgs[i]; i++) { fprintf(stderr, "%s", msgs[i]); if (strncmp("-tempdir", msgs[i], 8) == 0 && tempdir) fprintf(stderr, "; default=%s", tempdir); } #define xx(v) if (s = getenv(#v)) fprintf(stderr, #v "=%s\n", s) xx(LCCINPUTS); xx(LCCDIR); #ifdef WIN32 xx(include); xx(lib); #endif #undef xx } /* initinputs - if LCCINPUTS or include is defined, use them to initialize various lists */ static void initinputs(void) { char *s = getenv("LCCINPUTS"); List list, b; if (s == 0 && (s = inputs)[0] == 0) s = "."; if (s) { lccinputs = path2list(s); if (b = lccinputs) do { b = b->link; if (strcmp(b->str, ".") != 0) { ilist = append(concat("-I", b->str), ilist); if (strstr(com[1], "win32") == NULL) llist[0] = append(concat("-L", b->str), llist[0]); } else b->str = ""; } while (b != lccinputs); } #ifdef WIN32 if (list = b = path2list(getenv("include"))) do { int n; b = b->link; n = strlen(b->str); if (b->str[n-1] == '\\') b->str[n-1] = '/'; ilist = append(stringf("-I\"%s\"", b->str), ilist); } while (b != list); #endif } /* interrupt - catch interrupt signals */ static void interrupt(int n) { rm(rmlist); exit(n = 100); } /* opt - process option in arg */ static void opt(char *arg) { switch (arg[1]) { /* multi-character options */ case 'W': /* -Wxarg */ if (arg[2] && arg[3]) switch (arg[2]) { case 'o': if (option(&arg[3])) return; break; case 'p': plist = append(&arg[3], plist); return; case 'f': if (strcmp(&arg[3], "-C") == 0 && !option("-b")) break; /* -C requires that -b is supported */ clist = append(&arg[3], clist); if (strcmp(&arg[3], "-unsigned_char=1") == 0) { plist = append("-D__CHAR_UNSIGNED__", plist); plist = append("-U_CHAR_IS_SIGNED", plist); } #define xx(name,k) \ if (strcmp(&arg[3], "-wchar_t=" #name) == 0) \ plist = append("-D_WCHAR_T_SIZE=" #k, plist); xx(unsigned_char,1) xx(unsigned_short,2) xx(unsigned_int,4) #undef xx return; case 'a': alist = append(&arg[3], alist); return; case 'l': llist[0] = append(&arg[3], llist[0]); return; } fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s ignored\n", progname, arg); return; case 'd': /* -dn -dynamic */ if (strcmp(arg, "-dynamic") == 0) { if (!option(arg)) fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s ignored\n", progname, arg); } else { arg[1] = 's'; clist = append(arg, clist); } return; case 't': /* -t -tname -tempdir=dir */ if (strncmp(arg, "-tempdir=", 9) == 0) tempdir = arg + 9; else clist = append(arg, clist); return; case 'p': /* -p -pg */ if (option(arg)) clist = append(arg, clist); else fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s ignored\n", progname, arg); return; case 'D': /* -Dname -Dname=def */ case 'U': /* -Uname */ case 'I': /* -Idir */ plist = append(arg, plist); return; case 'B': /* -Bdir -Bstatic -Bdynamic */ #ifdef sparc if (strcmp(arg, "-Bstatic") == 0 || strcmp(arg, "-Bdynamic") == 0) llist[1] = append(arg, llist[1]); else #endif { static char *path; if (path) error("-B overwrites earlier option", 0); path = arg + 2; if (strstr(com[1], "win32") != NULL) com[0] = concat(replace(path, '/', '\\'), concat("rcc", first(suffixes[4]))); else com[0] = concat(path, "rcc"); if (path[0] == 0) error("missing directory in -B option", 0); } return; case 'h': if (strcmp(arg, "-help") == 0) { static int printed = 0; case '?': if (!printed) help(); printed = 1; return; } break; case 's': if (strcmp(arg, "-static") == 0) { if (!option(arg)) fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s ignored\n", progname, arg); return; } break; } if (arg[2] == 0) switch (arg[1]) { /* single-character options */ case 'S': Sflag++; return; case 'O': fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s ignored\n", progname, arg); return; case 'A': case 'n': case 'w': case 'P': clist = append(arg, clist); return; case 'g': case 'b': if (option(arg)) clist = append(arg[1] == 'g' ? "-g2" : arg, clist); else fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s ignored\n", progname, arg); return; case 'G': if (option(arg)) { clist = append("-g3", clist); llist[0] = append("-N", llist[0]); } else fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s ignored\n", progname, arg); return; case 'E': Eflag++; return; case 'c': cflag++; return; case 'M': Eflag++; /* -M implies -E */ plist = append(arg, plist); return; case 'N': if (strcmp(basepath(cpp[0]), "gcc-cpp") == 0) plist = append("-nostdinc", plist); include[0] = 0; ilist = 0; return; case 'v': if (verbose++ == 0) { if (strcmp(basepath(cpp[0]), "gcc-cpp") == 0) plist = append(arg, plist); clist = append(arg, clist); fprintf(stderr, "%s %s\n", progname, rcsid); } return; } if (cflag || Sflag || Eflag) fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s ignored\n", progname, arg); else llist[1] = append(arg, llist[1]); } /* path2list - convert a colon- or semicolon-separated list to a list */ static List path2list(const char *path) { List list = NULL; char sep = ':'; if (path == NULL) return NULL; if (strchr(path, ';')) sep = ';'; while (*path) { char *p, buf[512]; if (p = strchr(path, sep)) { assert(p - path < sizeof buf); strncpy(buf, path, p - path); buf[p-path] = '\0'; } else { assert(strlen(path) < sizeof buf); strcpy(buf, path); } if (!find(buf, list)) list = append(strsave(buf), list); if (p == 0) break; path = p + 1; } return list; } /* replace - copy str, then replace occurrences of from with to, return the copy */ char *replace(const char *str, int from, int to) { char *s = strsave(str), *p = s; for ( ; (p = strchr(p, from)) != NULL; p++) *p = to; return s; } /* rm - remove files in list */ static void rm(List list) { if (list) { List b = list; if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, "rm"); do { if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, " %s", b->str); if (verbose < 2) remove(b->str); } while ((b = b->link) != list); if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, "\n"); } } /* strsave - return a saved copy of string str */ char *strsave(const char *str) { return strcpy(alloc(strlen(str)+1), str); } /* stringf - format and return a string */ char *stringf(const char *fmt, ...) { char buf[1024]; va_list ap; int n; va_start(ap, fmt); n = vsprintf(buf, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); return strsave(buf); } /* suffix - if one of tails[0..n-1] holds a proper suffix of name, return its index */ int suffix(char *name, char *tails[], int n) { int i, len = strlen(name); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { char *s = tails[i], *t; for ( ; t = strchr(s, ';'); s = t + 1) { int m = t - s; if (len > m && strncmp(&name[len-m], s, m) == 0) return i; } if (*s) { int m = strlen(s); if (len > m && strncmp(&name[len-m], s, m) == 0) return i; } } return -1; } /* tempname - generate a temporary file name in tempdir with given suffix */ char *tempname(char *suffix) { static int n; char *name = stringf("%s/lcc%d%d%s", tempdir, getpid(), n++, suffix); if (strstr(com[1], "win32") != NULL) name = replace(name, '/', '\\'); rmlist = append(name, rmlist); return name; }
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