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[/] [eco32/] [trunk/] [lcc/] [makefile.nt] - Rev 13
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# $Id: makefile.nt,v 2.3 2002/09/04 18:33:11 drh Exp $
CC=cl -nologo
LD=cl -nologo
C=$Blcc -Wo-lccdir=$(BUILDDIR) -Wf-target=$(TARGET) -Iinclude\$(TARGET)
-@echo make all rcc lburg cpp lcc bprint liblcc triple clean clobber
all:: rcc lburg cpp lcc bprint liblcc
rcc: $Brcc$E
lburg: $Blburg$E
cpp: $Bcpp$E
lcc: $Blcc$E
bprint: $Bbprint$E
liblcc: $Bliblcc$A
RCCOBJS=$Balloc$O \
$Bbind$O \
$Bdag$O \
$Bdagcheck$O \
$Bdecl$O \
$Benode$O \
$Berror$O \
$Bexpr$O \
$Bevent$O \
$Binit$O \
$Binits$O \
$Binput$O \
$Blex$O \
$Blist$O \
$Bmain$O \
$Boutput$O \
$Bprof$O \
$Bprofio$O \
$Bsimp$O \
$Bstmt$O \
$Bstring$O \
$Bsym$O \
$Btrace$O \
$Btree$O \
$Btypes$O \
$Bnull$O \
$Bsymbolic$O \
$Bgen$O \
$Bbytecode$O \
$Balpha$O \
$Bmips$O \
$Bsparc$O \
$Bstab$O \
$Bx86$O \
$Brcc$E:: $Bmain$O $Blibrcc$A $(EXTRAOBJS)
$(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -Fe$@ $Bmain$O $(EXTRAOBJS) $Blibrcc$A $(EXTRALIBS)
$Blibrcc$A: $(RCCOBJS)
lib -out:$@ $(RCCOBJS)
$(RCCOBJS): src/c.h src/ops.h src/token.h src/config.h
$Balloc$O: src/alloc.c; $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -Isrc -Fo$@ src/alloc.c
$Bbind$O: src/bind.c; $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -Isrc -Fo$@ src/bind.c
$Bdag$O: src/dag.c; $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -Isrc -Fo$@ src/dag.c
$Bdecl$O: src/decl.c; $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -Isrc -Fo$@ src/decl.c
$Benode$O: src/enode.c; $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -Isrc -Fo$@ src/enode.c
$Berror$O: src/error.c; $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -Isrc -Fo$@ src/error.c
$Bevent$O: src/event.c; $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -Isrc -Fo$@ src/event.c
$Bexpr$O: src/expr.c; $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -Isrc -Fo$@ src/expr.c
$Bgen$O: src/gen.c; $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -Isrc -Fo$@ src/gen.c
$Binit$O: src/init.c; $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -Isrc -Fo$@ src/init.c
$Binits$O: src/inits.c; $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -Isrc -Fo$@ src/inits.c
$Binput$O: src/input.c; $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -Isrc -Fo$@ src/input.c
$Blex$O: src/lex.c; $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -Isrc -Fo$@ src/lex.c
$Blist$O: src/list.c; $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -Isrc -Fo$@ src/list.c
$Bmain$O: src/main.c; $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -Isrc -Fo$@ src/main.c
$Bnull$O: src/null.c; $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -Isrc -Fo$@ src/null.c
$Boutput$O: src/output.c; $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -Isrc -Fo$@ src/output.c
$Bprof$O: src/prof.c; $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -Isrc -Fo$@ src/prof.c
$Bprofio$O: src/profio.c; $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -Isrc -Fo$@ src/profio.c
$Bsimp$O: src/simp.c; $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -Isrc -Fo$@ src/simp.c
$Bstmt$O: src/stmt.c; $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -Isrc -Fo$@ src/stmt.c
$Bstring$O: src/string.c; $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -Isrc -Fo$@ src/string.c
$Bsym$O: src/sym.c; $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -Isrc -Fo$@ src/sym.c
$Bsymbolic$O: src/symbolic.c; $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -Isrc -Fo$@ src/symbolic.c
$Bbytecode$O: src/bytecode.c; $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -Isrc -Fo$@ src/bytecode.c
$Btrace$O: src/trace.c; $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -Isrc -Fo$@ src/trace.c
$Btree$O: src/tree.c; $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -Isrc -Fo$@ src/tree.c
$Btypes$O: src/types.c; $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -Isrc -Fo$@ src/types.c
$Bstab$O: src/stab.c src/stab.h; $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -Isrc -Fo$@ src/stab.c
$Bdagcheck$O: $Bdagcheck.c; $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -Isrc -Fo$@ $Bdagcheck.c
$Balpha$O: $Balpha.c; $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -Isrc -Fo$@ $Balpha.c
$Bmips$O: $Bmips.c; $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -Isrc -Fo$@ $Bmips.c
$Bsparc$O: $Bsparc.c; $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -Isrc -Fo$@ $Bsparc.c
$Bx86$O: $Bx86.c; $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -Isrc -Fo$@ $Bx86.c
$Bx86linux$O: $Bx86linux.c; $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -Isrc -Fo$@ $Bx86linux.c
$Bdagcheck.c: $Blburg$E src/dagcheck.md; $Blburg src/dagcheck.md $@
$Balpha.c: $Blburg$E src/alpha.md; $Blburg src/alpha.md $@
$Bmips.c: $Blburg$E src/mips.md; $Blburg src/mips.md $@
$Bsparc.c: $Blburg$E src/sparc.md; $Blburg src/sparc.md $@
$Bx86.c: $Blburg$E src/x86.md; $Blburg src/x86.md $@
$Bx86linux.c: $Blburg$E src/x86linux.md; $Blburg src/x86linux.md $@
$Bbprint$E: $Bbprint$O; $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -Fe$@ $Bbprint$O
$Bops$E: $Bops$O; $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -Fe$@ $Bops$O
$Bbprint$O: etc/bprint.c src/profio.c; $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -Isrc -Fo$@ etc/bprint.c
$Bops$O: etc/ops.c src/ops.h; $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -Isrc -Fo$@ etc/ops.c
$Blcc$E: $Blcc$O $Bhost$O; $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -Fe$@ $Blcc$O $Bhost$O
$Blcc$O: etc/lcc.c; $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -DTEMPDIR=\"$(TEMPDIR)\" -Fo$@ etc/lcc.c
$Bhost$O: $(HOSTFILE); $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -Fo$@ $(HOSTFILE)
$Bcp$E: etc/cp.c; $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -Fo$@ etc/cp.c
LIBOBJS=$Bassert$O $Bbbexit$O $Byynull$O
$Bliblcc$A: $(LIBOBJS); lib -out:$@ $Bassert$O $Bbbexit$O $Byynull$O
$Bassert$O: lib/assert.c; $(CC) -c -Fo$@ lib/assert.c
$Byynull$O: lib/yynull.c; $(CC) -c -Fo$@ lib/yynull.c
$Bbbexit$O: lib/bbexit.c; $(CC) -c -Fo$@ lib/bbexit.c
$Blburg$E: $Blburg$O $Bgram$O; $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -Fe$@ $Blburg$O $Bgram$O
$Blburg$O $Bgram$O: lburg/lburg.h
$Blburg$O: lburg/lburg.c; $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -Ilburg -Fo$@ lburg/lburg.c
$Bgram$O: lburg/gram.c; $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -Ilburg -Fo$@ lburg/gram.c
CPPOBJS=$Bcpp$O $Blexer$O $Bnlist$O $Btokens$O $Bmacro$O $Beval$O \
$Binclude$O $Bhideset$O $Bgetopt$O $Bunix$O
$Bcpp$E: $(CPPOBJS)
$(CPPOBJS): cpp/cpp.h
$Bcpp$O: cpp/cpp.c; $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -Icpp -Fo$@ cpp/cpp.c
$Blexer$O: cpp/lex.c; $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -Icpp -Fo$@ cpp/lex.c
$Bnlist$O: cpp/nlist.c; $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -Icpp -Fo$@ cpp/nlist.c
$Btokens$O: cpp/tokens.c; $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -Icpp -Fo$@ cpp/tokens.c
$Bmacro$O: cpp/macro.c; $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -Icpp -Fo$@ cpp/macro.c
$Beval$O: cpp/eval.c; $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -Icpp -Fo$@ cpp/eval.c
$Binclude$O: cpp/include.c; $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -Icpp -Fo$@ cpp/include.c
$Bhideset$O: cpp/hideset.c; $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -Icpp -Fo$@ cpp/hideset.c
$Bgetopt$O: cpp/getopt.c; $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -Icpp -Fo$@ cpp/getopt.c
$Bunix$O: cpp/unix.c; $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -Icpp -Fo$@ cpp/unix.c
test: $T8q.s \
$Tarray.s \
$Tcf.s \
$Tcq.s \
$Tcvt.s \
$Tfields.s \
$Tfront.s \
$Tincr.s \
$Tinit.s \
$Tlimits.s \
$Tparanoia.s \
$Tsort.s \
$Tspill.s \
$Tstdarg.s \
$Tstruct.s \
$Tswitch.s \
$Twf1.s \
$T8q.s: tst\8q.c tst\8q.0 all
-$C -S -Wf-errout=$T8q.2 -o $T8q.s tst/8q.c
fc $(TARGET)\tst\8q.sbk $T8q.s
fc $(TARGET)\tst\8q.2bk $T8q.2
$C -o $T8q$E $T8q.s
-$T8q$E <tst/8q.0 >$T8q.1
fc $(TARGET)\tst\8q.1bk $T8q.1
$Tarray.s: tst\array.c tst\array.0 all
-$C -S -Wf-errout=$Tarray.2 -o $Tarray.s tst/array.c
fc $(TARGET)\tst\array.sbk $Tarray.s
fc $(TARGET)\tst\array.2bk $Tarray.2
$C -o $Tarray$E $Tarray.s
-$Tarray$E <tst/array.0 >$Tarray.1
fc $(TARGET)\tst\array.1bk $Tarray.1
$Tcf.s: tst\cf.c tst\cf.0 all
-$C -S -Wf-errout=$Tcf.2 -o $Tcf.s tst/cf.c
fc $(TARGET)\tst\cf.sbk $Tcf.s
fc $(TARGET)\tst\cf.2bk $Tcf.2
$C -o $Tcf$E $Tcf.s
-$Tcf$E <tst/cf.0 >$Tcf.1
fc $(TARGET)\tst\cf.1bk $Tcf.1
$Tcq.s: tst\cq.c tst\cq.0 all
-$C -S -Wf-errout=$Tcq.2 -o $Tcq.s tst/cq.c
fc $(TARGET)\tst\cq.sbk $Tcq.s
fc $(TARGET)\tst\cq.2bk $Tcq.2
$C -o $Tcq$E $Tcq.s
-$Tcq$E <tst/cq.0 >$Tcq.1
fc $(TARGET)\tst\cq.1bk $Tcq.1
$Tcvt.s: tst\cvt.c tst\cvt.0 all
-$C -S -Wf-errout=$Tcvt.2 -o $Tcvt.s tst/cvt.c
fc $(TARGET)\tst\cvt.sbk $Tcvt.s
fc $(TARGET)\tst\cvt.2bk $Tcvt.2
$C -o $Tcvt$E $Tcvt.s
-$Tcvt$E <tst/cvt.0 >$Tcvt.1
fc $(TARGET)\tst\cvt.1bk $Tcvt.1
$Tfields.s: tst\fields.c tst\fields.0 all
-$C -S -Wf-errout=$Tfields.2 -o $Tfields.s tst/fields.c
fc $(TARGET)\tst\fields.sbk $Tfields.s
fc $(TARGET)\tst\fields.2bk $Tfields.2
$C -o $Tfields$E $Tfields.s
-$Tfields$E <tst/fields.0 >$Tfields.1
fc $(TARGET)\tst\fields.1bk $Tfields.1
$Tfront.s: tst\front.c tst\front.0 all
-$C -S -Wf-errout=$Tfront.2 -o $Tfront.s tst/front.c
fc $(TARGET)\tst\front.sbk $Tfront.s
fc $(TARGET)\tst\front.2bk $Tfront.2
$Tincr.s: tst\incr.c tst\incr.0 all
-$C -S -Wf-errout=$Tincr.2 -o $Tincr.s tst/incr.c
fc $(TARGET)\tst\incr.sbk $Tincr.s
fc $(TARGET)\tst\incr.2bk $Tincr.2
$C -o $Tincr$E $Tincr.s
-$Tincr$E <tst/incr.0 >$Tincr.1
fc $(TARGET)\tst\incr.1bk $Tincr.1
$Tinit.s: tst\init.c tst\init.0 all
-$C -S -Wf-errout=$Tinit.2 -o $Tinit.s tst/init.c
fc $(TARGET)\tst\init.sbk $Tinit.s
fc $(TARGET)\tst\init.2bk $Tinit.2
$C -o $Tinit$E $Tinit.s
-$Tinit$E <tst/init.0 >$Tinit.1
fc $(TARGET)\tst\init.1bk $Tinit.1
$Tlimits.s: tst\limits.c tst\limits.0 all
-$C -S -Wf-errout=$Tlimits.2 -o $Tlimits.s tst/limits.c
fc $(TARGET)\tst\limits.sbk $Tlimits.s
fc $(TARGET)\tst\limits.2bk $Tlimits.2
$C -o $Tlimits$E $Tlimits.s
-$Tlimits$E <tst/limits.0 >$Tlimits.1
fc $(TARGET)\tst\limits.1bk $Tlimits.1
$Tparanoia.s: tst\paranoia.c tst\paranoia.0 all
-$C -S -Wf-errout=$Tparanoia.2 -o $Tparanoia.s tst/paranoia.c
fc $(TARGET)\tst\paranoia.sbk $Tparanoia.s
fc $(TARGET)\tst\paranoia.2bk $Tparanoia.2
$C -o $Tparanoia$E $Tparanoia.s
-$Tparanoia$E <tst/paranoia.0 >$Tparanoia.1
fc $(TARGET)\tst\paranoia.1bk $Tparanoia.1
$Tsort.s: tst\sort.c tst\sort.0 all
-$C -S -Wf-errout=$Tsort.2 -o $Tsort.s tst/sort.c
fc $(TARGET)\tst\sort.sbk $Tsort.s
fc $(TARGET)\tst\sort.2bk $Tsort.2
$C -o $Tsort$E $Tsort.s
-$Tsort$E <tst/sort.0 >$Tsort.1
fc $(TARGET)\tst\sort.1bk $Tsort.1
$Tspill.s: tst\spill.c tst\spill.0 all
-$C -S -Wf-errout=$Tspill.2 -o $Tspill.s tst/spill.c
fc $(TARGET)\tst\spill.sbk $Tspill.s
fc $(TARGET)\tst\spill.2bk $Tspill.2
$C -o $Tspill$E $Tspill.s
-$Tspill$E <tst/spill.0 >$Tspill.1
fc $(TARGET)\tst\spill.1bk $Tspill.1
$Tstdarg.s: tst\stdarg.c tst\stdarg.0 all
-$C -S -Wf-errout=$Tstdarg.2 -o $Tstdarg.s tst/stdarg.c
fc $(TARGET)\tst\stdarg.sbk $Tstdarg.s
fc $(TARGET)\tst\stdarg.2bk $Tstdarg.2
$C -o $Tstdarg$E $Tstdarg.s
-$Tstdarg$E <tst/stdarg.0 >$Tstdarg.1
fc $(TARGET)\tst\stdarg.1bk $Tstdarg.1
$Tstruct.s: tst\struct.c tst\struct.0 all
-$C -S -Wf-errout=$Tstruct.2 -o $Tstruct.s tst/struct.c
fc $(TARGET)\tst\struct.sbk $Tstruct.s
fc $(TARGET)\tst\struct.2bk $Tstruct.2
$C -o $Tstruct$E $Tstruct.s
-$Tstruct$E <tst/struct.0 >$Tstruct.1
fc $(TARGET)\tst\struct.1bk $Tstruct.1
$Tswitch.s: tst\switch.c tst\switch.0 all
-$C -S -Wf-errout=$Tswitch.2 -o $Tswitch.s tst/switch.c
fc $(TARGET)\tst\switch.sbk $Tswitch.s
fc $(TARGET)\tst\switch.2bk $Tswitch.2
$C -o $Tswitch$E $Tswitch.s
-$Tswitch$E <tst/switch.0 >$Tswitch.1
fc $(TARGET)\tst\switch.1bk $Tswitch.1
$Twf1.s: tst\wf1.c tst\wf1.0 all
-$C -S -Wf-errout=$Twf1.2 -o $Twf1.s tst/wf1.c
fc $(TARGET)\tst\wf1.sbk $Twf1.s
fc $(TARGET)\tst\wf1.2bk $Twf1.2
$C -o $Twf1$E $Twf1.s
-$Twf1$E <tst/wf1.0 >$Twf1.1
fc $(TARGET)\tst\wf1.1bk $Twf1.1
$Tyacc.s: tst\yacc.c tst\yacc.0 all
-$C -S -Wf-errout=$Tyacc.2 -o $Tyacc.s tst/yacc.c
fc $(TARGET)\tst\yacc.sbk $Tyacc.s
fc $(TARGET)\tst\yacc.2bk $Tyacc.2
$C -o $Tyacc$E $Tyacc.s
-$Tyacc$E <tst/yacc.0 >$Tyacc.1
fc $(TARGET)\tst\yacc.1bk $Tyacc.1
-del /q $T8q$E $T8q.s $T8q.2 $T8q.1
-del /q $Tarray$E $Tarray.s $Tarray.2 $Tarray.1
-del /q $Tcf$E $Tcf.s $Tcf.2 $Tcf.1
-del /q $Tcq$E $Tcq.s $Tcq.2 $Tcq.1
-del /q $Tcvt$E $Tcvt.s $Tcvt.2 $Tcvt.1
-del /q $Tfields$E $Tfields.s $Tfields.2 $Tfields.1
-del /q $Tfront$E $Tfront.s $Tfront.2 $Tfront.1
-del /q $Tincr$E $Tincr.s $Tincr.2 $Tincr.1
-del /q $Tinit$E $Tinit.s $Tinit.2 $Tinit.1
-del /q $Tlimits$E $Tlimits.s $Tlimits.2 $Tlimits.1
-del /q $Tparanoia$E $Tparanoia.s $Tparanoia.2 $Tparanoia.1
-del /q $Tsort$E $Tsort.s $Tsort.2 $Tsort.1
-del /q $Tspill$E $Tspill.s $Tspill.2 $Tspill.1
-del /q $Tstdarg$E $Tstdarg.s $Tstdarg.2 $Tstdarg.1
-del /q $Tstruct$E $Tstruct.s $Tstruct.2 $Tstruct.1
-del /q $Tswitch$E $Tswitch.s $Tswitch.2 $Tswitch.1
-del /q $Twf1$E $Twf1.s $Twf1.2 $Twf1.1
-del /q $Tyacc$E $Tyacc.s $Tyacc.2 $Tyacc.1
clean:: testclean
-del /q $B*$O
-del /q $Bdagcheck.c $Balpha.c $Bmips.c $Bx86.c $Bsparc.c $Bx86linux.c
-del /q $Brcc1$E $Brcc1$E $B1rcc$E $B2rcc$E
-del /q $B*.ilk
clobber:: clean
-del /q $Brcc$E $Blburg$E $Bcpp$E $Blcc$E $Bcp$E $Bbprint$E $Bops$E $B*$A
-del /q $B*.pdb $B*.pch
RCCSRCS=src/alloc.c \
src/bind.c \
src/dag.c \
src/decl.c \
src/enode.c \
src/error.c \
src/expr.c \
src/event.c \
src/init.c \
src/inits.c \
src/input.c \
src/lex.c \
src/list.c \
src/main.c \
src/output.c \
src/prof.c \
src/profio.c \
src/simp.c \
src/stmt.c \
src/string.c \
src/sym.c \
src/trace.c \
src/tree.c \
src/types.c \
src/null.c \
src/symbolic.c \
src/bytecode.c \
src/gen.c \
src/stab.c \
$Bdagcheck.c \
$Balpha.c \
$Bmips.c \
$Bsparc.c \
$Bx86linux.c \
C=$Blcc -A -d0.6 -Wo-lccdir=$(BUILDDIR) -Isrc -I$(BUILDDIR)
triple: $B2rcc$E
-fc /b $B1rcc$E $B2rcc$E
$B1rcc$E: $Brcc$E $Blcc$E $Bcpp$E
$C -o $@ -B$B $(RCCSRCS)
$B2rcc$E: $B1rcc$E
$C -o $@ -B$B1 $(RCCSRCS)
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