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#include "c.h" static char rcsid[] = "$Id: enode.c,v 1.1 2002/08/28 23:12:42 drh Exp $"; static Tree addtree(int, Tree, Tree); static Tree andtree(int, Tree, Tree); static Tree cmptree(int, Tree, Tree); static int compatible(Type, Type); static int isnullptr(Tree e); static Tree multree(int, Tree, Tree); static Tree subtree(int, Tree, Tree); #define isvoidptr(ty) \ (isptr(ty) && unqual(ty->type) == voidtype) Tree (*optree[])(int, Tree, Tree) = { #define xx(a,b,c,d,e,f,g) e, #define yy(a,b,c,d,e,f,g) e, #include "token.h" }; Tree call(Tree f, Type fty, Coordinate src) { int n = 0; Tree args = NULL, r = NULL, e; Type *proto, rty = unqual(freturn(fty)); Symbol t3 = NULL; if (fty->u.f.oldstyle) proto = NULL; else proto = fty->u.f.proto; if (hascall(f)) r = f; if (isstruct(rty)) { t3 = temporary(AUTO, unqual(rty)); if (rty->size == 0) error("illegal use of incomplete type `%t'\n", rty); } if (t != ')') for (;;) { Tree q = pointer(expr1(0)); if (proto && *proto && *proto != voidtype) { Type aty; q = value(q); aty = assign(*proto, q); if (aty) q = cast(q, aty); else error("type error in argument %d to %s; found `%t' expected `%t'\n", n + 1, funcname(f), q->type, *proto); if ((isint(q->type) || isenum(q->type)) && q->type->size != inttype->size) q = cast(q, promote(q->type)); ++proto; } else { if (!fty->u.f.oldstyle && *proto == NULL) error("too many arguments to %s\n", funcname(f)); q = value(q); if (isarray(q->type) || q->type->size == 0) error("type error in argument %d to %s; `%t' is illegal\n", n + 1, funcname(f), q->type); else q = cast(q, promote(q->type)); } if (!IR->wants_argb && isstruct(q->type)) if (iscallb(q)) q = addrof(q); else { Symbol t1 = temporary(AUTO, unqual(q->type)); q = asgn(t1, q); q = tree(RIGHT, ptr(t1->type), root(q), lvalue(idtree(t1))); } if (q->type->size == 0) q->type = inttype; if (hascall(q)) r = r ? tree(RIGHT, voidtype, r, q) : q; args = tree(mkop(ARG, q->type), q->type, q, args); n++; if (Aflag >= 2 && n == 32) warning("more than 31 arguments in a call to %s\n", funcname(f)); if (t != ',') break; t = gettok(); } expect(')'); if (proto && *proto && *proto != voidtype) error("insufficient number of arguments to %s\n", funcname(f)); if (r) args = tree(RIGHT, voidtype, r, args); e = calltree(f, rty, args, t3); if (events.calls) apply(events.calls, &src, &e); return e; } Tree calltree(Tree f, Type ty, Tree args, Symbol t3) { Tree p; if (args) f = tree(RIGHT, f->type, args, f); if (isstruct(ty)) assert(t3), p = tree(RIGHT, ty, tree(CALL+B, ty, f, addrof(idtree(t3))), idtree(t3)); else { Type rty = ty; if (isenum(ty)) rty = unqual(ty)->type; if (!isfloat(rty)) rty = promote(rty); p = tree(mkop(CALL, rty), rty, f, NULL); if (isptr(ty) || p->type->size > ty->size) p = cast(p, ty); } return p; } Tree vcall(Symbol func, Type ty, ...) { va_list ap; Tree args = NULL, e, f = pointer(idtree(func)), r = NULL; assert(isfunc(func->type)); if (ty == NULL) ty = freturn(func->type); va_start(ap, ty); while ((e = va_arg(ap, Tree)) != NULL) { if (hascall(e)) r = r == NULL ? e : tree(RIGHT, voidtype, r, e); args = tree(mkop(ARG, e->type), e->type, e, args); } va_end(ap); if (r != NULL) args = tree(RIGHT, voidtype, r, args); return calltree(f, ty, args, NULL); } int iscallb(Tree e) { return e->op == RIGHT && e->kids[0] && e->kids[1] && e->kids[0]->op == CALL+B && e->kids[1]->op == INDIR+B && isaddrop(e->kids[1]->kids[0]->op) && e->kids[1]->kids[0]->u.sym->temporary; } static Tree addtree(int op, Tree l, Tree r) { Type ty = inttype; if (isarith(l->type) && isarith(r->type)) { ty = binary(l->type, r->type); l = cast(l, ty); r = cast(r, ty); } else if (isptr(l->type) && isint(r->type)) return addtree(ADD, r, l); else if ( isptr(r->type) && isint(l->type) && !isfunc(r->type->type)) { long n; ty = unqual(r->type); n = unqual(ty->type)->size; if (n == 0) error("unknown size for type `%t'\n", ty->type); l = cast(l, promote(l->type)); if (n > 1) l = multree(MUL, cnsttree(signedptr, n), l); if (isunsigned(l->type)) l = cast(l, unsignedptr); else l = cast(l, signedptr); if (YYcheck && !isaddrop(r->op)) /* omit */ return nullcall(ty, YYcheck, r, l); /* omit */ return simplify(ADD, ty, l, r); } else typeerror(op, l, r); return simplify(op, ty, l, r); } Tree cnsttree(Type ty, ...) { Tree p = tree(mkop(CNST,ty), ty, NULL, NULL); va_list ap; va_start(ap, ty); switch (ty->op) { case INT: p->u.v.i = va_arg(ap, long); break; case UNSIGNED:p->u.v.u = va_arg(ap, unsigned long)&ones(8*ty->size); break; case FLOAT: p->u.v.d = va_arg(ap, long double); break; case POINTER: p->u.v.p = va_arg(ap, void *); break; default: assert(0); } va_end(ap); return p; } Tree consttree(unsigned n, Type ty) { if (isarray(ty)) ty = atop(ty); else assert(isint(ty)); return cnsttree(ty, (unsigned long)n); } static Tree cmptree(int op, Tree l, Tree r) { Type ty; if (isarith(l->type) && isarith(r->type)) { ty = binary(l->type, r->type); l = cast(l, ty); r = cast(r, ty); } else if (compatible(l->type, r->type)) { ty = unsignedptr; l = cast(l, ty); r = cast(r, ty); } else { ty = unsignedtype; typeerror(op, l, r); } return simplify(mkop(op,ty), inttype, l, r); } static int compatible(Type ty1, Type ty2) { ty1 = unqual(ty1); ty2 = unqual(ty2); return isptr(ty1) && !isfunc(ty1->type) && isptr(ty2) && !isfunc(ty2->type) && eqtype(unqual(ty1->type), unqual(ty2->type), 0); } static int isnullptr(Tree e) { Type ty = unqual(e->type); return generic(e->op) == CNST && (ty->op == INT && e->u.v.i == 0 || ty->op == UNSIGNED && e->u.v.u == 0 || isvoidptr(ty) && e->u.v.p == NULL); } Tree eqtree(int op, Tree l, Tree r) { Type xty = unqual(l->type), yty = unqual(r->type); if (isptr(xty) && isnullptr(r) || isptr(xty) && !isfunc(xty->type) && isvoidptr(yty) || (isptr(xty) && isptr(yty) && eqtype(unqual(xty->type), unqual(yty->type), 1))) { Type ty = unsignedptr; l = cast(l, ty); r = cast(r, ty); return simplify(mkop(op,ty), inttype, l, r); } if (isptr(yty) && isnullptr(l) || isptr(yty) && !isfunc(yty->type) && isvoidptr(xty)) return eqtree(op, r, l); return cmptree(op, l, r); } Type assign(Type xty, Tree e) { Type yty = unqual(e->type); xty = unqual(xty); if (isenum(xty)) xty = xty->type; if (xty->size == 0 || yty->size == 0) return NULL; if ( isarith(xty) && isarith(yty) || isstruct(xty) && xty == yty) return xty; if (isptr(xty) && isnullptr(e)) return xty; if ((isvoidptr(xty) && isptr(yty) || isptr(xty) && isvoidptr(yty)) && ( (isconst(xty->type) || !isconst(yty->type)) && (isvolatile(xty->type) || !isvolatile(yty->type)))) return xty; if ((isptr(xty) && isptr(yty) && eqtype(unqual(xty->type), unqual(yty->type), 1)) && ( (isconst(xty->type) || !isconst(yty->type)) && (isvolatile(xty->type) || !isvolatile(yty->type)))) return xty; if (isptr(xty) && isptr(yty) && ( (isconst(xty->type) || !isconst(yty->type)) && (isvolatile(xty->type) || !isvolatile(yty->type)))) { Type lty = unqual(xty->type), rty = unqual(yty->type); if (isenum(lty) && rty == inttype || isenum(rty) && lty == inttype) { if (Aflag >= 1) warning("assignment between `%t' and `%t' is compiler-dependent\n", xty, yty); return xty; } } return NULL; } Tree asgntree(int op, Tree l, Tree r) { Type aty, ty; r = pointer(r); ty = assign(l->type, r); if (ty) r = cast(r, ty); else { typeerror(ASGN, l, r); if (r->type == voidtype) r = retype(r, inttype); ty = r->type; } if (l->op != FIELD) l = lvalue(l); aty = l->type; if (isptr(aty)) aty = unqual(aty)->type; if ( isconst(aty) || isstruct(aty) && unqual(aty)->u.sym->u.s.cfields) if (isaddrop(l->op) && !l->u.sym->computed && !l->u.sym->generated) error("assignment to const identifier `%s'\n", l->u.sym->name); else error("assignment to const location\n"); if (l->op == FIELD) { long n = 8*l->u.field->type->size - fieldsize(l->u.field); if (n > 0 && isunsigned(l->u.field->type)) r = bittree(BAND, r, cnsttree(r->type, (unsigned long)fieldmask(l->u.field))); else if (n > 0) { if (r->op == CNST+I) { n = r->u.v.i; if (n&(1<<(fieldsize(l->u.field)-1))) n |= ~0UL<<fieldsize(l->u.field); r = cnsttree(r->type, n); } else r = shtree(RSH, shtree(LSH, r, cnsttree(inttype, n)), cnsttree(inttype, n)); } } if (isstruct(ty) && isaddrop(l->op) && iscallb(r)) return tree(RIGHT, ty, tree(CALL+B, ty, r->kids[0]->kids[0], l), idtree(l->u.sym)); return tree(mkop(op,ty), ty, l, r); } Tree condtree(Tree e, Tree l, Tree r) { Symbol t1; Type ty, xty = l->type, yty = r->type; Tree p; if (isarith(xty) && isarith(yty)) ty = binary(xty, yty); else if (eqtype(xty, yty, 1)) ty = unqual(xty); else if (isptr(xty) && isnullptr(r)) ty = xty; else if (isnullptr(l) && isptr(yty)) ty = yty; else if (isptr(xty) && !isfunc(xty->type) && isvoidptr(yty) || isptr(yty) && !isfunc(yty->type) && isvoidptr(xty)) ty = voidptype; else if ((isptr(xty) && isptr(yty) && eqtype(unqual(xty->type), unqual(yty->type), 1))) ty = xty; else { typeerror(COND, l, r); return consttree(0, inttype); } if (isptr(ty)) { ty = unqual(unqual(ty)->type); if (isptr(xty) && isconst(unqual(xty)->type) || isptr(yty) && isconst(unqual(yty)->type)) ty = qual(CONST, ty); if (isptr(xty) && isvolatile(unqual(xty)->type) || isptr(yty) && isvolatile(unqual(yty)->type)) ty = qual(VOLATILE, ty); ty = ptr(ty); } switch (e->op) { case CNST+I: return cast(e->u.v.i != 0 ? l : r, ty); case CNST+U: return cast(e->u.v.u != 0 ? l : r, ty); case CNST+P: return cast(e->u.v.p != 0 ? l : r, ty); case CNST+F: return cast(e->u.v.d != 0.0 ? l : r, ty); } if (ty != voidtype && ty->size > 0) { t1 = genident(REGISTER, unqual(ty), level); /* t1 = temporary(REGISTER, unqual(ty)); */ l = asgn(t1, l); r = asgn(t1, r); } else t1 = NULL; p = tree(COND, ty, cond(e), tree(RIGHT, ty, root(l), root(r))); p->u.sym = t1; return p; } /* addrof - address of p */ Tree addrof(Tree p) { Tree q = p; for (;;) switch (generic(q->op)) { case RIGHT: assert(q->kids[0] || q->kids[1]); q = q->kids[1] ? q->kids[1] : q->kids[0]; continue; case ASGN: q = q->kids[1]; continue; case COND: { Symbol t1 = q->u.sym; q->u.sym = 0; q = idtree(t1); /* fall thru */ } case INDIR: if (p == q) return q->kids[0]; q = q->kids[0]; return tree(RIGHT, q->type, root(p), q); default: error("addressable object required\n"); return value(p); } } /* andtree - construct tree for l [&& ||] r */ static Tree andtree(int op, Tree l, Tree r) { if (!isscalar(l->type) || !isscalar(r->type)) typeerror(op, l, r); return simplify(op, inttype, cond(l), cond(r)); } /* asgn - generate tree for assignment of expr e to symbol p sans qualifiers */ Tree asgn(Symbol p, Tree e) { if (isarray(p->type)) e = tree(ASGN+B, p->type, idtree(p), tree(INDIR+B, e->type, e, NULL)); else { Type ty = p->type; p->type = unqual(p->type); if (isstruct(p->type) && p->type->u.sym->u.s.cfields) { p->type->u.sym->u.s.cfields = 0; e = asgntree(ASGN, idtree(p), e); p->type->u.sym->u.s.cfields = 1; } else e = asgntree(ASGN, idtree(p), e); p->type = ty; } return e; } /* bittree - construct tree for l [& | ^ %] r */ Tree bittree(int op, Tree l, Tree r) { Type ty = inttype; if (isint(l->type) && isint(r->type)) { ty = binary(l->type, r->type); l = cast(l, ty); r = cast(r, ty); } else typeerror(op, l, r); return simplify(op, ty, l, r); } /* multree - construct tree for l [* /] r */ static Tree multree(int op, Tree l, Tree r) { Type ty = inttype; if (isarith(l->type) && isarith(r->type)) { ty = binary(l->type, r->type); l = cast(l, ty); r = cast(r, ty); } else typeerror(op, l, r); return simplify(op, ty, l, r); } /* shtree - construct tree for l [>> <<] r */ Tree shtree(int op, Tree l, Tree r) { Type ty = inttype; if (isint(l->type) && isint(r->type)) { ty = promote(l->type); l = cast(l, ty); r = cast(r, inttype); } else typeerror(op, l, r); return simplify(op, ty, l, r); } /* subtree - construct tree for l - r */ static Tree subtree(int op, Tree l, Tree r) { long n; Type ty = inttype; if (isarith(l->type) && isarith(r->type)) { ty = binary(l->type, r->type); l = cast(l, ty); r = cast(r, ty); } else if (isptr(l->type) && !isfunc(l->type->type) && isint(r->type)) { ty = unqual(l->type); n = unqual(ty->type)->size; if (n == 0) error("unknown size for type `%t'\n", ty->type); r = cast(r, promote(r->type)); if (n > 1) r = multree(MUL, cnsttree(signedptr, n), r); if (isunsigned(r->type)) r = cast(r, unsignedptr); else r = cast(r, signedptr); return simplify(SUB+P, ty, l, r); } else if (compatible(l->type, r->type)) { ty = unqual(l->type); n = unqual(ty->type)->size; if (n == 0) error("unknown size for type `%t'\n", ty->type); l = simplify(SUB+U, unsignedptr, cast(l, unsignedptr), cast(r, unsignedptr)); return simplify(DIV+I, longtype, cast(l, longtype), cnsttree(longtype, n)); } else typeerror(op, l, r); return simplify(op, ty, l, r); } /* typeerror - issue "operands of op have illegal types `l' and `r'" */ void typeerror(int op, Tree l, Tree r) { int i; static struct { int op; char *name; } ops[] = { ASGN, "=", INDIR, "*", NEG, "-", ADD, "+", SUB, "-", LSH, "<<", MOD, "%", RSH, ">>", BAND, "&", BCOM, "~", BOR, "|", BXOR, "^", DIV, "/", MUL, "*", EQ, "==", GE, ">=", GT, ">", LE, "<=", LT, "<", NE, "!=", AND, "&&", NOT, "!", OR, "||", COND, "?:", 0, 0 }; op = generic(op); for (i = 0; ops[i].op; i++) if (op == ops[i].op) break; assert(ops[i].name); if (r) error("operands of %s have illegal types `%t' and `%t'\n", ops[i].name, l->type, r->type); else error("operand of unary %s has illegal type `%t'\n", ops[i].name, l->type); }
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