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<HTML><HEAD> <TITLE>Index of /usr/skunk/src/Tools/getline</TITLE> </HEAD><BODY> <H1>Index of /usr/skunk/src/Tools/getline</H1> <PRE><IMG SRC="/icons/blank.xbm" ALT=" "> Name Last modified Size Description <HR> <IMG SRC="/icons/back.xbm" ALT="[DIR]"> <A HREF="/usr/skunk/src/Tools/">Parent Directory</A> 01-Aug-95 06:43 - <IMG SRC="/icons/unknown.xbm" ALT="[ ]"> <A HREF="CHANGES">CHANGES</A> 03-May-95 10:08 3k <IMG SRC="/icons/unknown.xbm" ALT="[ ]"> <A HREF="Makefile">Makefile</A> 21-Jun-95 05:42 1k <IMG SRC="/icons/unknown.xbm" ALT="[ ]"> <A HREF="getline.3">getline.3</A> 03-May-95 10:08 9k <IMG SRC="/icons/unknown.xbm" ALT="[ ]"> <A HREF="getline.c">getline.c</A> 03-May-95 10:08 28k <IMG SRC="/icons/unknown.xbm" ALT="[ ]"> <A HREF="getline.h">getline.h</A> 03-May-95 10:08 1k <IMG SRC="/icons/unknown.xbm" ALT="[ ]"> <A HREF="testgl.c">testgl.c</A> 03-May-95 10:08 1k </PRE><HR> <PRE> *************************** Motivation ********************************** Many interactive programs read input line by line, but would like to provide line editing and history functionality to the end-user that runs the program. The input-edit package provides that functionality. As far as the programmer is concerned, the program only asks for the next line of input. However, until the user presses the RETURN key they can use emacs-style line editing commands and can traverse the history of lines previously typed. Other packages, such as GNU's readline, have greater capability but are also substantially larger. Input-edit is small, since it uses neither stdio nor any termcap features, and is also quite portable. It only uses \b to backspace and \007 to ring the bell on errors. Since it cannot edit multiple lines it scrolls long lines left and right on the same line. Input edit uses classic (not ANSI) C, and should run on any Unix system (BSD, SYSV or POSIX), PC's under DOS with MSC, TurboC or djgpp, PC's under OS/2 with gcc (EMX), or Vax/VMS. Porting the package to new systems basicaly requires code to read a character when it is typed without echoing it, everything else should be OK. I have run the package on: DECstation 5000, Ultrix 4.3 with cc 2.1 and gcc 2.3.3 Sun Sparc 2, SunOS 4.1.1, with cc SGI Iris, IRIX System V.3, with cc PC using DOS with MSC The description below is broken into two parts, the end-user (editing) interface and the programmer interface. Send bug reports, fixes and enhancements to: Chris Thewalt (thewalt@ce.berkeley.edu) 5/3/93 Thanks to the following people who have provided enhancements and fixes: Ron Ueberschaer, Christoph Keller, Scott Schwartz, Steven List, DaviD W. Sanderson, Goran Bostrom, Michael Gleason, Glenn Kasten, Edin Hodzic, Eric J Bivona, Kai Uwe Rommel, Danny Quah, Ulrich Betzler PS: I don't have, and don't want to add, a vi mode, sorry. ************************** End-User Interface *************************** Entering printable keys generally inserts new text into the buffer (unless in overwrite mode, see below). Other special keys can be used to modify the text in the buffer. In the description of the keys below, ^n means Control-n, or holding the CONTROL key down while pressing "n". Errors will ring the terminal bell. ^A/^E : Move cursor to beginning/end of the line. ^F/^B : Move cursor forward/backward one character. ESC-F : Move cursor forward one word. ESC-B : Move cursor backward one word. ^D : Delete the character under the cursor. ^H, DEL : Delete the character to the left of the cursor. ^K : Kill from the cursor to the end of line. ^L : Redraw current line. ^O : Toggle overwrite/insert mode. Initially in insert mode. Text added in overwrite mode (including yanks) overwrite existing text, while insert mode does not overwrite. ^P/^N : Move to previous/next item on history list. ^R/^S : Perform incremental reverse/forward search for string on the history list. Typing normal characters adds to the current search string and searches for a match. Typing ^R/^S marks the start of a new search, and moves on to the next match. Typing ^H or DEL deletes the last character from the search string, and searches from the starting location of the last search. Therefore, repeated DEL's appear to unwind to the match nearest the point at which the last ^R or ^S was typed. If DEL is repeated until the search string is empty the search location begins from the start of the history list. Typing ESC or any other editing character accepts the current match and loads it into the buffer, terminating the search. ^T : Toggle the characters under and to the left of the cursor. ^U : Deletes the entire line ^Y : Yank previously killed text back at current location. Note that this will overwrite or insert, depending on the current mode. TAB : By default adds spaces to buffer to get to next TAB stop (just after every 8th column), although this may be rebound by the programmer, as described below. NL, CR : returns current buffer to the program. DOS and ANSI terminal arrow key sequences are recognized, and act like: up : same as ^P down : same as ^N left : same as ^B right : same as ^F ************************** Programmer Interface *************************** The programmer accesses input-edit through these functions, and optionally through three additional function pointer hooks. The four functions are: char *gl_getline(char *prompt) Prints the prompt and allows the user to edit the current line. A pointer to the line is returned when the user finishes by typing a newline or a return. Unlike GNU readline, the returned pointer points to a static buffer, so it should not be free'd, and the buffer contains the newline character. The user enters an end-of-file by typing ^D on an empty line, in which case the first character of the returned buffer is '\0'. Getline never returns a NULL pointer. The getline functions sets terminal modes needed to make it work, and resets them before returning to the caller. The getline function also looks for characters that would generate a signal, and resets the terminal modes before raising the signal condition. If the signal handler returns to getline, the screen is automatically redrawn and editing can continue. Getline now requires both the input and output stream be connected to the terminal (not redirected) so the main program should check to make sure this is true. If input or output have been redirected the main program should use buffered IO (stdio) rather than the slow 1 character read()s that getline uses. void gl_setwidth(int width) Set the width of the terminal to the specified width. The default width is 80 characters, so this function need only be called if the width of the terminal is not 80. Since horizontal scrolling is controlled by this parameter it is important to get it right. void gl_histadd(char *buf) The gl_histadd function checks to see if the buf is not empty or whitespace, and also checks to make sure it is different than the last saved buffer to avoid repeats on the history list. If the buf is a new non-blank string a copy is made and saved on the history list, so the caller can re-use the specified buf. void gl_strwidth(size_t (*func)()) The gl_strwidth function allows the caller to supply a pointer to a prompt width calculation function (strlen by default). This allows the caller to embed escape sequences in the prompt and then tell getline how many screen spaces the prompt will take up. The main loop in testgl.c, included in this directory, shows how the input-edit package can be used: extern char *getline(); extern void gl_histadd(); main() { char *p; do { p = getline("PROMPT>>>> "); gl_histadd(p); fputs(p, stdout); } while (*p != 0); } In order to allow the main program to have additional access to the buffer, to implement things such as completion or auto-indent modes, three function pointers can be bound to user functions to modify the buffer as described below. By default gl_in_hook and gl_out_hook are set to NULL, and gl_tab_hook is bound to a function that inserts spaces until the next logical tab stop is reached. The user can reassign any of these pointers to other functions. Each of the functions bound to these hooks receives the current buffer as the first argument, and must return the location of the leftmost change made in the buffer. If the buffer isn't modified the functions should return -1. When the hook function returns the screen is updated to reflect any changes made by the user function. int (*gl_in_hook)(char *buf) If gl_in_hook is non-NULL the function is called each time a new buffer is loaded. It is called when getline is entered, with an empty buffer, it is called each time a new buffer is loaded from the history with ^P or ^N, and it is called when an incremental search string is accepted (when the search is terminated). The buffer can be modified and will be redrawn upon return to getline(). int (*gl_out_hook)(char *buf) If gl_out_hook is non-NULL it is called when a line has been completed by the user entering a newline or return. The buffer handed to the hook does not yet have the newline appended. If the buffer is modified the screen is redrawn before getline returns the buffer to the caller. int (*gl_tab_hook)(char *buf, int prompt_width, int *cursor_loc) If gl_tab_hook is non-NULL, it is called whenever a tab is typed. In addition to receiving the buffer, the current prompt width is given (needed to do tabbing right) and a pointer to the cursor offset is given, where a 0 offset means the first character in the line. Not only does the cursor_loc tell the programmer where the TAB was received, but it can be reset so that the cursor will end up at the specified location after the screen is redrawn. </PRE> </BODY></HTML>
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