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// `timescale 1ns/1ps // testbench clock half period `define CLK_HALF_PERIOD 10000 `define ZERO 0 `define ADD_VERSION // Use the same defines from the controller `include "alu_controller.vh" `ifdef DECIMAL_DISPLAY `define DISPLAY_FORMAT_SELECTED "[%0t ps] A:%d[u%d] S:%s[%b] B:%d[u%d] = Y:%d [u%d] expected %d [u%d]" `endif `ifdef HEX_DISPLAY `define DISPLAY_FORMAT_SELECTED "[%0t ps] A:%h[u%h] S:%s[%b] B:%h[u%h] = Y:%h [u%h] expected %h [u%h]" `endif `ifdef BINARY_DISPLAY `define DISPLAY_FORMAT_SELECTED "[%0t ps] A:%b[u%b] S:%s[%b] B:%b[u%b] = Y:%b [u%b] expected %b [u%b]" `endif `ifndef DISPLAY_FORMAT_SELECTED `define DISPLAY_FORMAT_SELECTED "[%0t ps] A:%h[u%h] S:%s[%b] B:%h[u%h] = Y:%h [u%h] expected %h [u%h]" `endif `define DISPLAY_FORMAT `DISPLAY_FORMAT_SELECTED `define DISPLAY_FORMAT_ERROR {`DISPLAY_FORMAT_SELECTED, " -- ERROR Output Y is wrong"} `ifndef verilator `define dollar_display_with_error $display(`DISPLAY_FORMAT_ERROR, $time, this_record.A, A_u, this_record.S, S, this_record.B, B_u, Y, Y_u, result, result_u) `define dollar_display_no_error $display(`DISPLAY_FORMAT, $time, this_record.A, A_u, this_record.S, S, this_record.B, B_u, Y, Y_u, result, result_u) `else `define dollar_display_with_error $display("[%0t ps] A:%h[u%d] S:%s[%b] B:%h[u%d] = Y:%h [u%d] expected %h [u%d] -- ERROR Output Y is wrong", $time, this_record.A, A_u, this_record.S, S, this_record.B, B_u, Y, Y_u, result, result_u) `define dollar_display_no_error $display("[%0t ps] A:%h[u%h] S:%s[%b] B:%h[u%h] = Y:%h [u%h] expected %h [u%h]", $time, this_record.A, A_u, this_record.S, S, this_record.B, B_u, Y, Y_u, result, result_u) `endif `ifndef verilator `define DOLLAR_RANDOM $random `else `define DOLLAR_RANDOM randomit($time) `endif module test_vector; parameter DWIDTH = 8; parameter OPWIDTH = 4; reg signed [DWIDTH-1:0] A ; // ALU input operand 1 reg signed [DWIDTH-1:0] B ; // ALU input operand 2 reg [8*OPWIDTH-1:0] S ; // ALU input opcode reg [DWIDTH-1:0] Y ; // ALU output endmodule module alu_tb (systemc_clk); // ALU test vector record parameter DWIDTH = 8; parameter OPWIDTH = 4; input systemc_clk ; wire clk; // ALU access regs reg [DWIDTH-1:0 ] A /*verilator public*/; reg [DWIDTH-1:0 ] B /*verilator public*/; reg [OPWIDTH-1:0] S ; wire signed [DWIDTH-1:0 ] Y ; reg CLR ; wire C ; wire V ; wire Z ; // keep a copy of the previous CLR reg last_CLR ; // unsigned local copies for the "recorded" copies for stimulus // reg [DWIDTH-1:0 ] A_u ; reg [DWIDTH-1:0 ] B_u ; reg [DWIDTH-1:0 ] Y_u ; // finished = '1' indicates end of test run reg finished ; // used to synchronise verification with stimulus reg started ; integer infile , success ; integer outfile ; integer count ; reg cc, vv, zz, clrc, space ; reg [DWIDTH-1:0] aa, bb, yy ; reg [8*OPWIDTH-1:0] ss, last_ss ; reg random_mode ; integer random_count ; integer random_number ; integer errors_found ; reg [8*OPWIDTH:1] opcode_list [0:15] ; test_vector #(DWIDTH, OPWIDTH) this_record (); test_vector #(DWIDTH, OPWIDTH) this_record_reg (); test_vector #(DWIDTH, OPWIDTH) next_record (); initial begin opcode_list[`cADD_AB ] = "add"; opcode_list[`cINC_A ] = "inca"; opcode_list[`cINC_B ] = "incb"; opcode_list[`cSUB_AB ] = "sub"; opcode_list[`cCMP_AB ] = "cmp"; opcode_list[`cASL_AbyB] = "asl"; opcode_list[`cASR_AbyB] = "asr"; opcode_list[`cCLR ] = "clr"; opcode_list[`cDEC_A ] = "deca"; opcode_list[`cDEC_B ] = "decb"; opcode_list[`cMUL_AB ] = "mul"; opcode_list[`cCPL_A ] = "cpla"; opcode_list[`cAND_AB ] = "and"; opcode_list[`cOR_AB ] = "or"; opcode_list[`cXOR_AB ] = "xor"; opcode_list[`cCPL_B ] = "cplb"; end // instantiate ALU alu #(DWIDTH, OPWIDTH) alu_inst0 ( A , B , S , Y , CLR , clk , C , V , Z ); // apply clock stimulus //clock_stim : process //initial //begin // clk = 1'b0; // forever #100 clk = ~clk; //end assign clk = ~systemc_clk; initial $display ("START OF VERILOG"); always @(clk) begin //`ifdef DEBUG_TB $display("Time has reached [%0t] ",$time); //`endif end always @(systemc_clk) begin //`ifdef DEBUG_TB $display("SYSTEMC_CLK Time has reached [%0t] ",$time); //`endif end initial errors_found = 0; // end test always @(posedge clk or posedge finished) begin if (finished) begin if (errors_found > 0) $display("Test FAILED with %d ERRORs [%0t] ", errors_found, $time); else $display("Test PASSED "); // close files and finish $finish; end end // apply_test_vectors initial begin #1; //file infile : text is in "alu_test.txt"; `ifdef RANDOM random_count = `RANDOM; `else random_count = 10; `endif finished = 1'b0; count = 0; CLR = 1'b1; started = 1'b0; $display ("Generating %0d random inputs", random_count); end always @(negedge clk) begin count = count + 1; // verify outputs are as expected // `ifdef DEBUG_ALU_TB // `endif random_number = `DOLLAR_RANDOM ; `ifdef FORCE_A aa = `FORCE_A ; `else aa = random_number ; `endif random_number = `DOLLAR_RANDOM ; `ifdef FORCE_B bb = `FORCE_B ; `else bb = random_number ; `endif random_number = `DOLLAR_RANDOM ; `ifdef FORCE_OPCODE ss = `FORCE_OPCODE ; `else ss = get_random_opcode(random_number); `endif random_number = `DOLLAR_RANDOM ; `ifdef FORCE_CLR clrc = `FORCE_CLR ; `else clrc = 0 ; `endif random_count = random_count - 1; if (count == 1) $display("**** Start of Test ****"); //$display("[%0t ps] A=%h B=%h SS=%s clrc=%b rand=%d", $time, aa, bb, ss, clrc, random_number); //$display("%b %b %s %b", aa, bb, ss, clrc); `ifdef DEBUG_ALU_TB $stop; `endif // wait for falling edge of CLK `ifndef verilator @(negedge clk); `endif `ifdef DEBUG_ALU_TB $display("**** stage2 of Test ****"); $stop; `endif // wait for half of half a period `ifndef verilator #(`CLK_HALF_PERIOD / 2); `endif // apply stimulus to inputs `ifdef DEBUG_ALU_TB $display("**** stage3 of Test ****"); $stop; `endif A = aa ; B = bb ; S = string2opcode(ss) ; CLR = clrc ; `ifdef DEBUG_ALU_TB $display("**** stage4 of Test ****"); $stop; `endif // store stimulus for use when verifying outputs //if (last_ss == "clr") //begin // next_record.A = `ZERO; // next_record.B = `ZERO; //end //else //begin next_record.A = aa; next_record.B = bb; //end next_record.S = ss; // wait for rising edge of clock when data // should be loaded from registers into ALU `ifndef verilator @(posedge clk); `endif // set local 'started' flag so verification can // start // grace period of 2 clock cycles for ALU to read // first set of data `ifdef DEBUG_ALU_TB $stop; `endif if (!CLR && !started) begin `ifndef verilator @(posedge clk); @(posedge clk); `endif if (count > 3) started = 1'b1; end if (random_count <= 0) finished = 1'b1; end // while $feof function integer randomit ; input integer t; begin randomit = $c("vsc->randomit()"); end endfunction // end test //finished = 1'b1; //end // process apply_test_vectors reg signed [DWIDTH-1:0] result ; reg [DWIDTH-1:0] result_u ; reg [DWIDTH-1:0] op1 ; reg [DWIDTH-1:0] op2 ; reg check_here; initial check_here = 1'b0; // verify_test always @(negedge clk) begin // wait a little more after results appear `ifndef verilator #(`CLK_HALF_PERIOD/2); `endif // get expected record this_record_reg.A <= next_record.A; this_record_reg.B <= next_record.B; this_record_reg.S <= next_record.S; this_record_reg.Y <= next_record.Y; this_record.A <= this_record_reg.A; this_record.B <= this_record_reg.B; this_record.S <= this_record_reg.S; this_record.Y <= this_record_reg.Y; if (started && !CLR) begin // convert string operands from this_record // into std_logic_vectors op1 = this_record.A; op2 = this_record.B; // depending on opcode command string...perform // high level equivalent of ALU operation and store // in 'result' if (this_record.S == opcode_list[`cADD_AB ] ) result = op1 + op2 ; else if (this_record.S == opcode_list[`cINC_A ] ) result = op1 + 1 ; else if (this_record.S == opcode_list[`cINC_B ] ) result = op2 + 1 ; else if (this_record.S == opcode_list[`cSUB_AB ] ) result = op1 - op2 ; else if (this_record.S == opcode_list[`cCMP_AB ] ) result = Y ; else if (this_record.S == opcode_list[`cASL_AbyB] ) result = bas(op1, op2, 1'b0); else if (this_record.S == opcode_list[`cASR_AbyB] ) result = bas(op1, op2, 1'b1); else if (this_record.S == opcode_list[`cCLR ] ) result = (op1==op2) ? 'd0: Y; else if (this_record.S == opcode_list[`cDEC_A ] ) result = op1 - 1 ; else if (this_record.S == opcode_list[`cDEC_B ] ) result = op2 - 1 ; else if (this_record.S == opcode_list[`cMUL_AB ] ) result = Y ; else if (this_record.S == opcode_list[`cCPL_A ] ) result = ~op1 ; else if (this_record.S == opcode_list[`cAND_AB ] ) result = op1 & op2 ; else if (this_record.S == opcode_list[`cOR_AB ] ) result = op1 | op2 ; else if (this_record.S == opcode_list[`cXOR_AB ] ) result = op1 ^ op2 ; else if (this_record.S == opcode_list[`cCPL_B ] ) result = ~op2 ; // WORKAROUND for bug wher clr lasts for two cycles if (last_ss == "clr" || last_CLR) result = Y; last_ss = this_record.S; // create signed and unsigned copies of // ALU output Y, stimulus values and the expected result A_u = this_record.A ; B_u = this_record.B ; Y_u = Y ; result_u = result ; check_here = ~ check_here; // for debug if( Y != result || (&result === 1'bx) || (|result === 1'bz) || (&Y === 1'bx) || (|Y === 1'bz)) begin `dollar_display_with_error; errors_found = errors_found + 1; end else `dollar_display_no_error; `ifdef STOP_ON_ERROR if (errors_found > `STOP_ON_ERROR) begin $display("Maximum error count of %d reached...Terminating simulation", errors_found); $finish; end `endif end // end if (started and !CLR) last_CLR = CLR; end // process verify_test // function to return the opcode as a std_logic_vector // from the given string function [OPWIDTH-1:0] string2opcode; input [8*OPWIDTH-1:0] s; reg [8*OPWIDTH:1] t; reg [OPWIDTH-1:0] opcode; begin if (s == opcode_list[`cADD_AB ]) opcode = `cADD_AB ; else if (s == opcode_list[`cINC_A ]) opcode = `cINC_A ; else if (s == opcode_list[`cINC_B ]) opcode = `cINC_B ; else if (s == opcode_list[`cSUB_AB ]) opcode = `cSUB_AB ; else if (s == opcode_list[`cCMP_AB ]) opcode = `cCMP_AB ; else if (s == opcode_list[`cASL_AbyB ]) opcode = `cASL_AbyB ; else if (s == opcode_list[`cASR_AbyB ]) opcode = `cASR_AbyB ; else if (s == opcode_list[`cCLR ]) opcode = `cCLR ; else if (s == opcode_list[`cDEC_A ]) opcode = `cDEC_A ; else if (s == opcode_list[`cDEC_B ]) opcode = `cDEC_B ; else if (s == opcode_list[`cMUL_AB ]) opcode = `cMUL_AB ; else if (s == opcode_list[`cCPL_A ]) opcode = `cCPL_A ; else if (s == opcode_list[`cAND_AB ]) opcode = `cAND_AB ; else if (s == opcode_list[`cOR_AB ]) opcode = `cOR_AB ; else if (s == opcode_list[`cXOR_AB ]) opcode = `cXOR_AB ; else if (s == opcode_list[`cCPL_B ]) opcode = `cCPL_B ; string2opcode = opcode; end endfunction function [8*OPWIDTH:1] get_random_opcode; input integer myseed; integer tmp; begin `ifndef verilator tmp = `DOLLAR_RANDOM(myseed); `else tmp = `DOLLAR_RANDOM; `endif get_random_opcode = opcode_list[({tmp} % 11)]; end endfunction function [DWIDTH-1:0] bas ; input [DWIDTH-1:0] a1 ; input [DWIDTH-1:0] shift_size ; input direction ; reg [DWIDTH-1:0] tmp ; integer tmp2 ; begin tmp = a1; tmp2 = shift_size[2:0]; while (tmp2 > 0) begin if (direction) tmp = {tmp[0], tmp[DWIDTH-1:1]}; else tmp = {tmp[DWIDTH-2:0], tmp[DWIDTH-1]}; tmp2 = tmp2 - 1; end bas = tmp; end endfunction `ifndef NO_WAVES initial begin `ifndef verilator $dumpfile("alu_tb.vcd"); $dumpvars; `endif end `endif `ifdef verilator `systemc_header #include "verilog_sc.h" // Header for contained object `systemc_interface verilog_sc* vsc; // Pointer to object we are embedding `systemc_ctor vsc = new verilog_sc(); // Construct contained object `systemc_dtor delete vsc; // Destruct contained object `verilog `endif endmodule