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[/] [esoc/] [trunk/] [Sources/] [altera/] [esoc_port_mac/] [testbench/] [model/] [top_ethmon32.vhd] - Rev 47
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-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Revision Control Information -- -- $RCSfile: top_ethmon32.vhd,v $ -- $Source: /ipbu/cvs/sio/projects/TriSpeedEthernet/src/testbench/models/vhdl/ethernet_model/mon/top_ethmon32.vhd,v $ -- -- $Revision: #1 $ -- $Date: 2008/08/09 $ -- Check in by : $Author: sc-build $ -- Author : SKNg/TTChong -- -- Project : Triple Speed Ethernet - 10/100/1000 MAC -- -- Description : (Simulation only) -- -- Ethernet Traffic Monitor/Decoder for 32 bit MAC Atlantic client interface -- Instantiates ETHMONITOR_32 (ethmon_32.vhd) -- -- -- ALTERA Confidential and Proprietary -- Copyright 2006 (c) Altera Corporation -- All rights reserved -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- library ieee ; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all ; use ieee.std_logic_arith.all ; use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all ; use std.textio.all ; entity TOP_ETHMONITOR32 is generic ( BIG_ENDIAN : integer := 1; --0 for false, 1 for true ENABLE_SHIFT16 : integer := 0 --0 for false, 1 for true ); port ( reset : in std_logic ; -- active high clk : in std_logic; -- Word Interface input din : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); dval : in std_logic; derror : in std_logic; sop : in std_logic; -- pulse with first word eop : in std_logic; -- pulse with last word (tmod valid) tmod : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); -- last word modulo -- Frame Contents definitions dst : out std_logic_vector(47 downto 0); -- destination address src : out std_logic_vector(47 downto 0); -- source address prmble_len : out integer range 0 to 10000; -- length of preamble pquant : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); -- Pause Quanta value vlan_ctl : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); -- VLAN control info len : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); -- Length of payload frmtype : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); -- if non-null: type field instead length payload : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); payload_vld : out std_logic; -- Indicators is_vlan : out std_logic; is_stack_vlan : out std_logic; is_pause : out std_logic; crc_err : out std_logic; prmbl_err : out std_logic; len_err : out std_logic; payload_err : out std_logic; frame_err : out std_logic; pause_op_err : out std_logic; pause_dst_err : out std_logic; mac_err : out std_logic; end_err : out std_logic; -- Control jumbo_en : in std_logic; data_only : in std_logic; -- Receive indicator frm_rcvd : out std_logic ); end TOP_ETHMONITOR32 ; architecture behave of TOP_ETHMONITOR32 is component ETHMONITOR_32 generic ( ENABLE_SHIFT16 : integer := 0 --0 for false, 1 for true ); port ( reset : in std_logic ; -- active high -- GMII transmit interface: To be connected to MAC TX tx_clk : in std_logic ; txd : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); tx_dv : in std_logic; tx_er : in std_logic; -- Frame Contents definitions dst : out std_logic_vector(47 downto 0); -- destination address src : out std_logic_vector(47 downto 0); -- source address prmble_len : out integer range 0 to 10000; -- length of preamble pquant : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); -- Pause Quanta value vlan_ctl : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); -- VLAN control info len : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); -- Length of payload frmtype : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); -- if non-null: type field instead length payload : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); payload_vld : out std_logic; -- Indicators is_vlan : out std_logic; is_stack_vlan : out std_logic; is_pause : out std_logic; crc_err : out std_logic; prmbl_err : out std_logic; len_err : out std_logic; payload_err : out std_logic; frame_err : out std_logic; pause_op_err : out std_logic; pause_dst_err : out std_logic; mac_err : out std_logic; end_err : out std_logic; -- Control jumbo_en : in std_logic; data_only : in std_logic; -- Receive indicator frm_rcvd : out std_logic ); end component ; -- Monitor port signals -- ---------------------------------- signal frm_rcvd_i : std_logic; -- from gen signal frm_rcvd_d : std_logic; -- delayed for handshake signal frm_rcvd_ex: std_logic; -- external -- GMII Monitor signals signal tx_clk : std_logic; -- 8 times the XGMII signal txd : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal tx_dv : std_logic; signal tx_er : std_logic; -- internal signal fast_clk : std_logic; signal fast_clk_cnt : integer; signal fast_clk_gate : std_logic; signal clk_d : std_logic; -- captured word data signal din_int : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); signal dval_int : std_logic; signal derror_int : std_logic; signal sop_int : std_logic; -- pulse with first word signal eop_int : std_logic; -- pulse with last word (tmod valid) signal tmod_int : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); -- last word modulo -- shift registers to feed GMII Monitor signal eop_int_d : std_logic; signal eop_done : std_logic; signal txd_shift : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); signal txdv_shift : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); -- internal signal l_dst : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0); -- destination address signal l_src : std_logic_vector(47 downto 0); -- source address signal l_prmble_len : integer range 0 to 10000; -- length of preamble signal l_pquant : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); -- Pause Quanta value signal l_vlan_ctl : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); -- VLAN control info signal l_len : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); -- Length of payload signal l_frmtype : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); -- if non-null: type field instead length signal l_is_vlan : std_logic; signal l_is_stack_vlan : std_logic; signal l_is_pause : std_logic; signal l_crc_err : std_logic; signal l_prmbl_err : std_logic; signal l_len_err : std_logic; signal l_payload_err : std_logic; signal l_frame_err : std_logic; signal l_pause_op_err : std_logic; signal l_pause_dst_err : std_logic; signal l_mac_err : std_logic; signal l_end_err : std_logic; signal din_reg : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); signal dval_reg : std_logic; signal derror_reg : std_logic; signal sop_reg : std_logic; -- pulse with first word signal eop_reg : std_logic; -- pulse with last word (tmod valid) signal tmod_reg : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); -- last word modulo begin -- Capture word data input -- ---------------------------------- process( clk, reset ) begin if( reset='1' ) then din_int <= (others => '0'); dval_int <= '0'; derror_int<= '0'; sop_int <= '0'; eop_int <= '0'; tmod_int <= (others => '0'); frm_rcvd_ex <= '0'; eop_int_d <= '0'; elsif(clk='1' and clk'event ) then din_int <= din_reg; dval_int <= dval_reg; derror_int <= derror_reg; sop_int <= sop_reg; eop_int <= eop_reg; tmod_int <= tmod_reg; frm_rcvd_ex <= frm_rcvd_d; eop_int_d <= eop_int and dval_int; end if; end process; -- Results in word clock domain -- ---------------------------------- frm_rcvd <= frm_rcvd_ex; process( clk, reset ) begin if( reset='1' ) then dst <= (others => '0'); src <= (others => '0'); prmble_len <= 0; pquant <= (others => '0'); vlan_ctl <= (others => '0'); len <= (others => '0'); frmtype <= (others => '0'); is_vlan <= '0'; is_stack_vlan<= '0'; is_pause <= '0'; crc_err <= '0'; prmbl_err <= '0'; len_err <= '0'; payload_err <= '0'; frame_err <= '0'; pause_op_err <= '0'; pause_dst_err<= '0'; mac_err <= '0'; end_err <= '0'; elsif(clk='1' and clk'event ) then dst <= l_dst ; src <= l_src ; prmble_len <= l_prmble_len ; pquant <= l_pquant ; vlan_ctl <= l_vlan_ctl; len <= l_len ; frmtype <= l_frmtype ; is_vlan <= l_is_vlan ; is_stack_vlan <= l_is_stack_vlan ; is_pause <= l_is_pause; crc_err <= l_crc_err ; prmbl_err <= l_prmbl_err ; len_err <= l_len_err ; payload_err <= l_payload_err; frame_err <= l_frame_err ; pause_op_err <= l_pause_op_err; pause_dst_err <= l_pause_dst_err; mac_err <= l_mac_err ; end_err <= l_end_err ; end if; end process; -- create fast clock synchronized to clk rising edge -- ------------------------------------------------- process begin fast_clk <= '0'; wait for 0.5 ns; fast_clk <= '1'; wait for 0.5 ns; end process; process( fast_clk, reset ) begin if( reset='1' ) then fast_clk_gate <= '0'; fast_clk_cnt <= 3; clk_d <= '0'; frm_rcvd_d <= '0'; txd_shift <= (others => '0'); txdv_shift <= (others => '0'); eop_done <= '0'; -- remember when we added 2 extra cycles after EOP elsif( fast_clk'event and fast_clk='0' ) then -- work on neg edge clk_d <= clk; if(clk_d='1' and clk='0' and fast_clk_cnt > 2 and dval_int='1') then -- wait for neg edge fast_clk_cnt <= 0; fast_clk_gate <= '1'; -- load shift registers txd_shift <= din_int; if( eop_int='1' and dval_int='1' ) then case tmod_int is when "00" => txdv_shift <= "1111"; when "01" => txdv_shift <= "0001"; when "10" => txdv_shift <= "0011"; when "11" => txdv_shift <= "0111"; when others => txdv_shift <= "0000"; end case; elsif( dval_int='1' ) then txdv_shift <= "1111"; end if; elsif( fast_clk_cnt < 3 ) then fast_clk_cnt <= fast_clk_cnt+1; txd_shift <= X"00" & txd_shift(31 downto 8); -- LSByte first txdv_shift <= '0' & txdv_shift(3 downto 1); fast_clk_gate <= '1'; elsif( fast_clk_cnt < 5 and eop_int_d='1' and eop_done='0') then -- give 2 more at end of frame to generate the frm_rcvd txdv_shift <= "0000"; fast_clk_cnt <= fast_clk_cnt+1; fast_clk_gate <= '1'; else fast_clk_gate <= '0'; end if; -- indicate when we finished the old frame (giving extra cycles after last bytes) -- to block eop_int_d indication in case b2b frames are received if( fast_clk_cnt=4 and eop_int_d='1' ) then eop_done <= '1'; elsif( eop_int_d='0' ) then eop_done <= '0'; end if; -- capture frame received indication and sync it to word clock (handshake) if( frm_rcvd_i='1' ) then frm_rcvd_d <= '1'; elsif( frm_rcvd_ex='1' ) then frm_rcvd_d <= '0'; end if; end if; end process; -- DDR process to generate gated clock process( fast_clk, reset ) begin if( reset='1' ) then tx_clk <= '0'; elsif( fast_clk'event and fast_clk='1' ) then if( fast_clk_gate = '1' ) then tx_clk <= '1'; end if; elsif( fast_clk'event and fast_clk='0' ) then tx_clk <= '0'; end if; end process; --tx_clk <= fast_clk and fast_clk_gate; -- Use shifted word data to generate GMII signals -- ---------------------------------------------------------- txd <= txd_shift(7 downto 0); tx_dv <= txdv_shift(0); tx_er <= derror_int; -- endian adapter from Little endian to Big endian -- din : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); -- dval : in std_logic; -- derror : in std_logic; -- sop : in std_logic; -- pulse with first word -- eop : in std_logic; -- pulse with last word (tmod valid) -- tmod : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); -- last word modulo process (clk, reset) begin if( reset = '1' ) then din_reg <= (others => '0'); dval_reg <= '0'; derror_reg<= '0'; sop_reg <= '0'; eop_reg <= '0'; tmod_reg <= (others => '0'); elsif( clk'event and clk='1' ) then if (BIG_ENDIAN = 1) then din_reg <= (din(7 downto 0) & din(15 downto 8) & din(23 downto 16) & din(31 downto 24)); dval_reg <= dval_reg ; derror_reg<= derror_reg; sop_reg <= sop; eop_reg <= eop; case (tmod) is when "00" => tmod_reg <= "00"; when "01" => tmod_reg <= "11"; when "10" => tmod_reg <= "10"; when "11" => tmod_reg <= "01"; when others => tmod_reg <= "00"; end case; else din_reg <= din ; dval_reg <= dval ; derror_reg <= derror; sop_reg <= sop; eop_reg <= eop; tmod_reg <= tmod; end if; end if; end process; -- Monitor -- --------- MON1G: ETHMONITOR_32 generic map ( ENABLE_SHIFT16 => ENABLE_SHIFT16 ) port map ( reset => reset, -- active high tx_clk => tx_clk, txd => txd, tx_dv => tx_dv, tx_er => tx_er, dst => l_dst, src => l_src, prmble_len => l_prmble_len, pquant => l_pquant, vlan_ctl => l_vlan_ctl, len => l_len, frmtype => l_frmtype, payload => payload, payload_vld => payload_vld, is_vlan => l_is_vlan, is_stack_vlan => l_is_stack_vlan, is_pause => l_is_pause, crc_err => l_crc_err, prmbl_err => l_prmbl_err, len_err => l_len_err, payload_err => l_payload_err, frame_err => l_frame_err, pause_op_err => l_pause_op_err, pause_dst_err => l_pause_dst_err, mac_err => l_mac_err, end_err => l_end_err, jumbo_en => jumbo_en, data_only => data_only, frm_rcvd => frm_rcvd_i ); end behave;
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