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[/] [esoc/] [trunk/] [Sources/] [logixa/] [esoc_port_mal_outbound.vhd] - Rev 53
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-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- This VHDL file was generated by EASE/HDL 7.4 Revision 4 from HDL Works B.V. -- -- Ease library : work -- HDL library : work -- Host name : S212065 -- User name : df768 -- Time stamp : Tue Aug 19 08:05:18 2014 -- -- Designed by : L.Maarsen -- Company : LogiXA -- Project info : eSoC -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Object : Entity work.esoc_port_mal_outbound -- Last modified : Mon Apr 14 12:49:17 2014. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- library ieee, std, work; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use std.textio.all; use ieee.numeric_std.all; use work.package_esoc_configuration.all; entity esoc_port_mal_outbound is port( clk_control : in STD_LOGIC; ff_tx_a_empty : in STD_LOGIC; ff_tx_a_full : in STD_LOGIC; ff_tx_crc_fwd : out STD_LOGIC; ff_tx_data : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(31 downto 0); ff_tx_eop : out STD_LOGIC; ff_tx_err : out STD_LOGIC; ff_tx_mod : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(1 downto 0); ff_tx_rdy : in STD_LOGIC; ff_tx_septy : in STD_LOGIC; ff_tx_sop : out STD_LOGIC; ff_tx_wren : out STD_LOGIC; force_vlan_default_out : in std_logic; outbound_data : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); outbound_data_read : out std_logic; outbound_info : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); outbound_info_empty : in std_logic; outbound_info_read : out std_logic; port_vlan_default : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); reset : in STD_LOGIC; tx_ff_uflow : in STD_LOGIC); end entity esoc_port_mal_outbound; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Object : Architecture work.esoc_port_mal_outbound.esoc_port_mal_outbound -- Last modified : Mon Apr 14 12:49:17 2014. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- architecture esoc_port_mal_outbound of esoc_port_mal_outbound is --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- registers --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- signals --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type ff_tx_states is (idle, running, drop); signal ff_tx_state: ff_tx_states; signal ff_tx_byte_counter: integer range 2**esoc_outbound_info_length_size-1 downto 0; signal ff_tx_word_counter: integer range ((2**esoc_outbound_info_length_size)/4)-1 downto 0; signal outbound_data_read_enable: std_logic; signal outbound_data_read_dummy: std_logic; signal outbound_data_modify_enable: std_logic; signal outbound_data_modify: std_logic_vector(outbound_data'high downto 0); signal outbound_info_vlan_flag: std_logic; signal boundary64: std_logic; begin --============================================================================================================= -- Process : capture and store data when ready acycle occurs -- Description : --============================================================================================================= capture: process(clk_control, reset) begin if reset = '1' then ff_tx_sop <= '0'; ff_tx_eop <= '0'; ff_tx_wren <= '0'; ff_tx_mod <= (others => '0'); ff_tx_byte_counter <= 0; ff_tx_word_counter <= 0; outbound_info_vlan_flag <= '0'; outbound_data_modify_enable <= '0'; outbound_data_modify <= (others => '0'); outbound_info_read <= '0'; outbound_data_read_dummy <= '0'; outbound_data_read_enable <= '0'; boundary64 <= '0'; elsif clk_control'event and clk_control = '1' then -- clear one-clock active signals outbound_info_read <= '0'; outbound_data_read_dummy <= '0'; outbound_data_modify_enable <= '0'; case ff_tx_state is when idle => -- create dummy read if the previous transaction does not end on a 64 bit boundary if boundary64 = '1' then boundary64 <= '0'; outbound_data_read_dummy <= '1'; -- Info fifo not empty? Get length from info fifo and acknowledge info fifo read! Start packet transmission. elsif outbound_info_empty = '0' then -- get the length, subtract 4 byes because first word is provided on ST interface immediately, acknowledge info from fifo outbound_info_read <= '1'; ff_tx_word_counter <= 0; ff_tx_byte_counter <= to_integer(unsigned(outbound_info(esoc_outbound_info_length+esoc_outbound_info_length_size-1 downto esoc_outbound_info_length)))-4; outbound_info_vlan_flag <= outbound_info(esoc_outbound_info_vlan_flag); -- send packet to MAC or drop packet if an error is indicated, error can be packet in data FIFO not complete due to overrun if outbound_info(esoc_outbound_info_error_flag) = '0' then outbound_data_read_enable <= '1'; ff_tx_sop <= '1'; ff_tx_wren <= '1'; ff_tx_state <= running; -- receive data has an error, drop it! else outbound_data_read_dummy <= '1'; ff_tx_state <= drop; end if; end if; when running => -- provide next data when ready is asserted (=acknowledge of current data) if ff_tx_rdy = '1' then -- -- CONTROL THE ST INTERFACE TO MAC -- -- deassert the start of packet ff_tx_sop <= '0'; -- last word of transaction read by ST Sink port, stop transfer if ff_tx_byte_counter = 0 then outbound_data_read_enable <= '0'; ff_tx_eop <= '0'; ff_tx_wren <= '0'; ff_tx_state <= idle; -- last word of transaction to be read by ST Sink port? elsif ff_tx_byte_counter <= 4 then ff_tx_eop <= '1'; ff_tx_byte_counter <= 0; ff_tx_mod <= std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(4-ff_tx_byte_counter,ff_tx_mod'length)); -- transaction not finished, update counter else ff_tx_byte_counter <= ff_tx_byte_counter - 4; end if; -- toggle to know from which boundary is read, 32b or 64b boundary64 <= not(boundary64); -- -- MANIPULATE DATA -- -- modify vlan id with default vlan id if packet is tagged and force default vlan is enabled if ff_tx_word_counter = 2 then if outbound_info_vlan_flag = '1' and force_vlan_default_out = '1' then outbound_data_modify_enable <= '1'; outbound_data_modify <= esoc_ethernet_vlan_type & port_vlan_default; end if; end if; ff_tx_word_counter <= ff_tx_word_counter + 1; end if; when drop => -- read erroneous packet from FIFO and drop! -- size of packet always multiple of 8 bytes, no boundary64 mechanism required if ff_tx_byte_counter <= 4 then ff_tx_state <= idle; else ff_tx_byte_counter <= ff_tx_byte_counter - 4; end if; outbound_data_read_dummy <= '1'; when others => ff_tx_state <= idle; end case; end if; end process; ff_tx_err <= '0'; ff_tx_crc_fwd <= '0'; ff_tx_data <= outbound_data when outbound_data_modify_enable = '0' else outbound_data_modify; outbound_data_read <= (ff_tx_rdy and outbound_data_read_enable) or outbound_data_read_dummy; end architecture esoc_port_mal_outbound ; -- of esoc_port_mal_outbound