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/**@file gui.c * @brief GUI Simulator for the H2 SoC * @copyright Richard James Howe (2017-2019) * @license MIT * @note It would have been better to make this in SDL, se * <https://www.libsdl.org/>. */ #include "h2.h" #include <assert.h> #include <errno.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <math.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <inttypes.h> #include <GL/gl.h> #include <GL/glut.h> #include <GL/freeglut_ext.h> /* for glutStrokeHeight */ #include <stdarg.h> #define TRON (0) /* ====================================== Utility Functions ==================================== */ #define PI (3.1415926535897932384626433832795) #define MAX(X, Y) ((X) > (Y) ? (X) : (Y)) #define MIN(X, Y) ((X) < (Y) ? (X) : (Y)) #define UNUSED(X) ((void)(X)) #define X_MAX (100.0) #define X_MIN (0.0) #define Y_MAX (100.0) #define Y_MIN (0.0) #define LINE_WIDTH (0.5) #define CYCLE_MODE_FIXED (false) #define CYCLE_INITIAL (100000) #define CYCLE_INCREMENT (10000) #define CYCLE_DECREMENT (500) #define CYCLE_MINIMUM (10000) #define CYCLE_HYSTERESIS (2.0) #define TARGET_FPS (30.0) #define BACKGROUND_ON (false) #define SIM_HACKS (true) #define TRACE_FILE ("trace.csv") #define TRACE_BUFFER_LEN (16*4096) typedef struct { double window_height; double window_width; double window_x_starting_position; double window_y_starting_position; double window_scale_x; double window_scale_y; void *font_scaled; uint64_t cycle_count; uint64_t cycles; volatile unsigned tick; unsigned arena_tick_ms; volatile bool halt_simulation; bool use_uart_input; bool debug_extra; bool step; bool debug_mode; } world_t; static world_t world = { .window_height = 800.0, .window_width = 800.0, .window_x_starting_position = 60.0, .window_y_starting_position = 20.0, .window_scale_x = 1.0, .window_scale_y = 1.0, .tick = 0, .halt_simulation = false, .arena_tick_ms = 30, .use_uart_input = true, .debug_extra = false, .step = false, .debug_mode = false, .cycle_count = 0, .cycles = CYCLE_INITIAL, .font_scaled = GLUT_STROKE_MONO_ROMAN }; static FILE *trace_file = NULL; /* NB. !NULL turns tracing on */ static char trace_buffer[TRACE_BUFFER_LEN]; typedef enum { TRIANGLE, SQUARE, PENTAGON, HEXAGON, SEPTAGON, OCTAGON, DECAGON, CIRCLE, INVALID_SHAPE } shape_e; typedef shape_e shape_t; typedef struct { double x; double y; } scale_t; typedef struct { double x, y; bool draw_border; color_t color_text, color_box; double width, height; } textbox_t; typedef struct { /**@note it might be worth translating some functions to use points*/ double x, y; } point_t; /**@bug not quite correct, arena_tick_ms is what we request, not want the arena * tick actually is */ static double seconds_to_ticks(const world_t *world, double s) { assert(world); return s * (1000. / (double)world->arena_tick_ms); } static double rad2deg(const double rad) { return (rad / (2.0 * PI)) * 360.0; } static void set_color(const color_t color, const bool light) { double ON = light ? 0.8 : 0.4; static const double OFF = 0.0; switch (color) { /* RED GRN BLU */ case WHITE: glColor3f( ON, ON, ON); break; case RED: glColor3f( ON, OFF, OFF); break; case YELLOW: glColor3f( ON, ON, OFF); break; case GREEN: glColor3f(OFF, ON, OFF); break; case CYAN: glColor3f(OFF, ON, ON); break; case BLUE: glColor3f(OFF, OFF, ON); break; case MAGENTA: glColor3f( ON, OFF, ON); break; case BLACK: glColor3f(OFF, OFF, OFF); break; default: fatal("invalid color '%d'", color); } } /* see: https://www.opengl.org/discussion_boards/showthread.php/160784-Drawing-Circles-in-OpenGL */ static void _draw_regular_polygon( const double x, const double y, const double orientation, const double radius, const double sides, const bool lines, const double thickness, const color_t color) { glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glPushMatrix(); glLoadIdentity(); glTranslatef(x, y, 0.0); glRotated(rad2deg(orientation), 0, 0, 1); set_color(color, true); if (lines) { glLineWidth(thickness); glBegin(GL_LINE_LOOP); } else { glBegin(GL_POLYGON); } for (double i = 0; i < 2.0 * PI; i += PI / sides) glVertex3d(cos(i) * radius, sin(i) * radius, 0.0); glEnd(); glPopMatrix(); } static void _draw_rectangle( const double x, const double y, const double width, const double height, const bool lines, const double thickness, const color_t color) { glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glPushMatrix(); glLoadIdentity(); glRasterPos2d(x, y); set_color(color, true); if (lines) { glLineWidth(thickness); glBegin(GL_LINE_LOOP); } else { glBegin(GL_POLYGON); } glVertex3d(x, y, 0); glVertex3d(x+width, y, 0); glVertex3d(x+width, y+height, 0); glVertex3d(x, y+height, 0); glEnd(); glPopMatrix(); } static void draw_rectangle_filled(const double x, const double y, const double width, const double height, const color_t color) { _draw_rectangle(x, y, width, height, false, 0, color); } static void draw_rectangle_line(const double x, const double y, const double width, const double height, const double thickness, const color_t color) { _draw_rectangle(x, y, width, height, true, thickness, color); } static double shape_to_sides(shape_t shape) { static const double sides[] = { [TRIANGLE] = 1.5, [SQUARE] = 2, [PENTAGON] = 2.5, [HEXAGON] = 3, [SEPTAGON] = 3.5, [OCTAGON] = 4, [DECAGON] = 5, [CIRCLE] = 24 }; if (shape >= INVALID_SHAPE) fatal("invalid shape '%d'", shape); return sides[shape % INVALID_SHAPE]; } static void draw_regular_polygon_filled(const double x, const double y, const double orientation, const double radius, const shape_t shape, const color_t color) { _draw_regular_polygon(x, y, orientation, radius, shape_to_sides(shape), false, 0, color); } static void draw_regular_polygon_line(const double x, const double y, const double orientation, const double radius, const shape_t shape, const double thickness, const color_t color) { _draw_regular_polygon(x, y, orientation, radius, shape_to_sides(shape), true, thickness, color); } static void draw_char(uint8_t c) { c = c >= 32 && c <= 127 ? c : '?'; glutStrokeCharacter(world.font_scaled, c); } /* see: https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/OpenGL_Programming/Modern_OpenGL_Tutorial_Text_Rendering_01 * https://stackoverflow.com/questions/538661/how-do-i-draw-text-with-glut-opengl-in-c * https://stackoverflow.com/questions/20866508/using-glut-to-simply-print-text */ static int draw_block(const uint8_t *msg, const size_t len) { assert(msg); for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) draw_char(msg[i]); return len; } static int draw_string(const char *msg) { assert(msg); return draw_block((uint8_t*)msg, strlen(msg)); } static scale_t font_attributes(void) { static bool initialized = false; // @warning static! static scale_t scale = { 0., 0.}; // @warning static! if (initialized) return scale; scale.y = glutStrokeHeight(world.font_scaled); scale.x = glutStrokeWidth(world.font_scaled, 'M'); initialized = true; return scale; } static void draw_vt100_char( const double x, const double y, const double scale_x, const double scale_y, const double orientation, const uint8_t c, const vt100_attribute_t *attr, const bool blink) { assert(attr); /*scale_t scale = font_attributes(); double char_width = scale.x / X_MAX; double char_height = scale.y / Y_MAX;*/ if (blink && attr->blink) return; glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glPushMatrix(); glLoadIdentity(); glTranslatef(x, y, 0.0); glScaled(scale_x, scale_y, 1.0); glRotated(rad2deg(orientation), 0, 0, 1); set_color(attr->foreground_color, attr->bold); draw_char(attr->conceal ? '*' : c); glEnd(); glPopMatrix(); if (BACKGROUND_ON) draw_rectangle_filled(x, y, 1.20, 1.55, attr->background_color); } static int draw_vt100_block( const double x, const double y, const double scale_x, const double scale_y, const double orientation, const uint8_t *msg, const size_t len, const vt100_attribute_t * const attr, const bool blink) { assert(attr); const scale_t scale = font_attributes(); const double char_width = (scale.x / X_MAX)*1.1; for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) draw_vt100_char(x+char_width*i, y, scale_x, scale_y, orientation, msg[i], &attr[i], blink); return len; } static int draw_block_scaled( const double x, const double y, const double scale_x, const double scale_y, const double orientation, const uint8_t *msg, const size_t len, const color_t color) { assert(msg); glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glPushMatrix(); glLoadIdentity(); glTranslatef(x, y, 0.0); glScaled(scale_x, scale_y, 1.0); glRotated(rad2deg(orientation), 0, 0, 1); set_color(color, true); for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) { uint8_t c = msg[i]; c = c >= 32 && c <= 127 ? c : '?'; glutStrokeCharacter(world.font_scaled, c); } glEnd(); glPopMatrix(); return len; } static int draw_string_scaled( const double x, const double y, const double scale_x, const double scale_y, const double orientation, const char *msg, const color_t color) { assert(msg); return draw_block_scaled(x, y, scale_x, scale_y, orientation, (uint8_t*)msg, strlen(msg), color); } static int vdraw_text(const color_t color, const double x, const double y, const char *fmt, va_list ap) { int r = 0; assert(fmt); static const double scale_x = 0.011; static const double scale_y = 0.011; glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glPushMatrix(); set_color(color, true); glTranslatef(x, y, 0); glScaled(scale_x, scale_y, 1.0); while (*fmt) { char f = *fmt++; if ('%' != f) { glutStrokeCharacter(world.font_scaled, f); r++; continue; } switch ((f = *fmt++)) { case 'c': { char x[2] = {0, 0}; x[0] = va_arg(ap, int); r += draw_string(x); break; } case 's': { char *s = va_arg(ap, char*); r += draw_string(s); break; } case 'x': { const unsigned d = va_arg(ap, unsigned); char s[64] = {0}; sprintf(s, "%04x", d); r += draw_string(s); break; } case 'u': case 'd': { const int d = va_arg(ap, int); char s[64] = {0}; sprintf(s, f == 'u' ? "%u": "%d", d); r += draw_string(s); break; } case 'f': { const double f = va_arg(ap, double); char s[512] = {0}; sprintf(s, "%.2f", f); r += draw_string(s); break; } case 0: default: fatal("invalid format specifier '%c'", f); } } glPopMatrix(); return r; } static void fill_textbox(textbox_t *t, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; assert(t); assert(fmt); scale_t scale = font_attributes(); const double char_width = scale.x / X_MAX; const double char_height = scale.y / Y_MAX; assert(t && fmt); va_start(ap, fmt); double r = vdraw_text(t->color_text, t->x, t->y - t->height, fmt, ap); r *= char_width * 1.11; r += 1; va_end(ap); t->width = MAX(t->width, r); t->height += (char_height); /*correct?*/ } static void draw_textbox(textbox_t *t) { assert(t); scale_t scale = font_attributes(); const double char_height = scale.y / Y_MAX; if (!(t->draw_border)) return; draw_rectangle_line(t->x - LINE_WIDTH, t->y - t->height + char_height - 1, t->width, t->height + 1, LINE_WIDTH, t->color_box); } static bool detect_circle_circle_collision( const double ax, const double ay, const double aradius, const double bx, const double by, const double bradius) { const double dx = ax - bx; const double dy = ay - by; const double distance = hypot(dx, dy); return distance < (aradius + bradius); } /* ====================================== Utility Functions ==================================== */ /* ====================================== Simulator Objects ==================================== */ typedef struct { double x; double y; double angle; double radius; bool on; } led_t; static void draw_led(const led_t * const l) { assert(l); const double msz = l->radius * 0.75; const double off = (l->radius - msz) / 2.0; draw_rectangle_filled(l->x + off, l->y + off, msz, msz, l->on ? GREEN : RED); draw_rectangle_filled(l->x, l->y, l->radius, l->radius, BLUE); } typedef struct { double x; double y; double angle; double radius; bool on; } switch_t; static void draw_switch(const switch_t * const s) { assert(s); const double msz = s->radius * 0.6; const double off = (s->radius - msz) / 2.0; draw_rectangle_filled(s->x + off, s->on ? (s->y + s->radius) - off : s->y+off, msz, msz, s->on ? GREEN : RED); draw_rectangle_filled(s->x + off, s->y + off, msz, msz * 2., BLACK); draw_rectangle_filled(s->x, s->y, s->radius, s->radius * 2, BLUE); } typedef enum { LED_SEGMENT_A, LED_SEGMENT_B, LED_SEGMENT_C, LED_SEGMENT_D, LED_SEGMENT_E, LED_SEGMENT_F, LED_SEGMENT_G, LED_SEGMENT_DP, } led_segment_e; typedef struct { double x; double y; /*double angle;*/ double width; double height; uint8_t segment; } led_8_segment_t; static uint8_t convert_to_segments(const uint8_t segment) { static const uint8_t c2s[16] = { 0x3F, 0x06, 0x5B, 0x4F, 0x66, 0x6D, 0x7D, 0x07, 0x7F, 0x6F, 0x77, 0x7C, 0x39, 0x5E, 0x79, 0x71 }; return c2s[segment & 0xf]; } #define SEG_CLR(SG,BIT) (((SG) & (1 << BIT)) ? RED : BLACK) static void draw_led_8_segment(const led_8_segment_t * const l) { assert(l); const uint8_t sgs = convert_to_segments(l->segment); draw_rectangle_filled(l->x + l->width * 0.20, l->y + l->height * 0.45, l->width * 0.5, l->height * 0.1, SEG_CLR(sgs, LED_SEGMENT_G)); /* Center */ draw_rectangle_filled(l->x + l->width * 0.20, l->y + l->height * 0.1, l->width * 0.5, l->height * 0.1, SEG_CLR(sgs, LED_SEGMENT_D)); /* Bottom */ draw_rectangle_filled(l->x + l->width * 0.20, l->y + l->height * 0.8, l->width * 0.5, l->height * 0.1, SEG_CLR(sgs, LED_SEGMENT_A)); /* Top */ draw_rectangle_filled(l->x + l->width * 0.05, l->y + l->height * 0.15, l->width * 0.1, l->height * 0.3, SEG_CLR(sgs, LED_SEGMENT_E)); /* Bottom Left */ draw_rectangle_filled(l->x + l->width * 0.75, l->y + l->height * 0.15, l->width * 0.1, l->height * 0.3, SEG_CLR(sgs, LED_SEGMENT_C)); /* Bottom Right */ draw_rectangle_filled(l->x + l->width * 0.05, l->y + l->height * 0.50, l->width * 0.1, l->height * 0.3, SEG_CLR(sgs, LED_SEGMENT_F)); /* Top Left */ draw_rectangle_filled(l->x + l->width * 0.75, l->y + l->height * 0.50, l->width * 0.1, l->height * 0.3, SEG_CLR(sgs, LED_SEGMENT_B)); /* Top Right */ draw_regular_polygon_filled(l->x + l->width * 0.9, l->y + l->height * 0.07, 0.0, sqrt(l->width*l->height)*.06, CIRCLE, SEG_CLR(sgs, LED_SEGMENT_DP)); draw_rectangle_filled(l->x, l->y, l->width, l->height, WHITE); } typedef struct { double x; double y; double angle; double radius; bool up; bool down; bool left; bool right; bool center; } dpad_t; static void draw_dpad(const dpad_t * const d) { assert(d); draw_regular_polygon_filled(d->x + (d->radius*2.0), d->y, d->angle, d->radius, TRIANGLE, d->right ? GREEN : RED); draw_regular_polygon_filled(d->x - (d->radius*2.0), d->y, d->angle + (PI/3.0), d->radius, TRIANGLE, d->left ? GREEN : RED); draw_regular_polygon_filled(d->x, d->y - (d->radius*2.0), d->angle - (PI/2.0), d->radius, TRIANGLE, d->down ? GREEN : RED); draw_regular_polygon_filled(d->x, d->y + (d->radius*2.0), d->angle + (PI/2.0), d->radius, TRIANGLE, d->up ? GREEN : RED); draw_regular_polygon_filled(d->x, d->y, d->angle, d->radius, CIRCLE, d->center ? GREEN : RED); draw_regular_polygon_line(d->x, d->y, d->angle, d->radius * 3.1, CIRCLE, LINE_WIDTH, WHITE); } typedef enum { DPAN_COL_NONE, DPAN_COL_RIGHT, DPAN_COL_LEFT, DPAN_COL_DOWN, DPAN_COL_UP, DPAN_COL_CENTER } dpad_collision_e; static dpad_collision_e dpad_collision(const dpad_t * const d, const double x, const double y, const double radius) { assert(d); if (detect_circle_circle_collision(x, y, radius, d->x + (d->radius*2.0), d->y, d->radius)) return DPAN_COL_RIGHT; if (detect_circle_circle_collision(x, y, radius, d->x - (d->radius*2.0), d->y, d->radius)) return DPAN_COL_LEFT; if (detect_circle_circle_collision(x, y, radius, d->x, d->y + (d->radius*2.0), d->radius)) return DPAN_COL_UP; if (detect_circle_circle_collision(x, y, radius, d->x, d->y - (d->radius*2.0), d->radius)) return DPAN_COL_DOWN; if (detect_circle_circle_collision(x, y, radius, d->x, d->y, d->radius)) return DPAN_COL_CENTER; return DPAN_COL_NONE; } #define TERMINAL_WIDTH (80) #define TERMINAL_HEIGHT (10) #define TERMINAL_SIZE (TERMINAL_WIDTH*TERMINAL_HEIGHT) typedef struct { unsigned width; unsigned height; GLuint name; uint8_t *image; } vt100_background_texture_t; typedef struct { uint64_t blink_count; double x; double y; bool blink_on; color_t color; vt100_t vt100; vt100_background_texture_t *texture; } terminal_t; static void texture_background(const terminal_t * const t) { assert(t); const vt100_background_texture_t *v = t->texture; const vt100_t *vt = &t->vt100; uint8_t *const img = v->image; const unsigned h = v->height; const unsigned w = v->width; for (unsigned i = 0; i < h; i++) { uint8_t * const row = &img[i * 4]; const unsigned ii = ((h - i - 1) * vt->height) / h; for (unsigned j = 0; j < w; j++) { uint8_t * const column = &row[j * h * 4]; const unsigned jj = (vt->width * j) / w; const unsigned idx = jj + (ii * vt->width); column[0] = 255 * (vt->attributes[idx].background_color & 1); column[1] = 255 * (vt->attributes[idx].background_color & 2); column[2] = 255 * (vt->attributes[idx].background_color & 4); column[3] = 255; } } } /* See <http://www.glprogramming.com/red/chapter09.html> */ static void draw_texture(const terminal_t * const t, const bool update) { assert(t); vt100_background_texture_t *v = t->texture; if (!v) return; const scale_t scale = font_attributes(); const double char_width = scale.x / X_MAX; const double char_height = scale.y / Y_MAX; const double x = t->x; const double y = t->y - (char_height * (t->vt100.height-1.0)); const double width = char_width * t->vt100.width * 1.10; const double height = char_height * t->vt100.height; glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); glTexEnvf(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_TEXTURE_ENV_MODE, GL_DECAL); if (update) { glClearColor (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); glShadeModel(GL_FLAT); glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); texture_background(t); glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1); glGenTextures(1, &v->name); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, v->name); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_REPEAT); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_REPEAT); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_NEAREST); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_NEAREST); glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, v->width, v->height, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, v->image); } glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, v->name); glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glBegin(GL_QUADS); glTexCoord2f(1.0, 0.0); glVertex3f(x, y+height, 0.0); glTexCoord2f(1.0, 1.0); glVertex3f(x+width, y+height, 0.0); glTexCoord2f(0.0, 1.0); glVertex3f(x+width, y, 0.0); glTexCoord2f(0.0, 0.0); glVertex3f(x, y, 0.0); glEnd(); glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); } void draw_terminal(const world_t *world, terminal_t *t, const char * const name) { assert(world); assert(t); glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glPushMatrix(); static const double scale_x = 0.011; static const double scale_y = 0.011; const vt100_t * const v = &t->vt100; const scale_t scale = font_attributes(); const double now = world->tick - t->blink_count; const double char_width = scale.x / X_MAX; const double char_height = scale.y / Y_MAX; const size_t cursor_x = v->cursor % v->width; const size_t cursor_y = v->cursor / v->width; if (now > seconds_to_ticks(world, 1.0)) { t->blink_on = !(t->blink_on); t->blink_count = world->tick; } /**@note the cursor is deliberately in a different position compared to draw_vga(), due to how the VGA cursor behaves in hardware */ if ((!(v->blinks) || t->blink_on) && v->cursor_on) /* fudge factor of 1.10? */ draw_rectangle_filled(t->x + (char_width * 1.10 * (cursor_x)) , t->y - (char_height * cursor_y), char_width, char_height, WHITE); for (size_t i = 0; i < t->vt100.height; i++) draw_vt100_block(t->x, t->y - ((double)i * char_height), scale_x, scale_y, 0, v->m + (i*v->width), v->width, v->attributes + (i*v->width), t->blink_on); draw_string_scaled(t->x, t->y - (v->height * char_height), scale_x, scale_y, 0, name, t->color); /* fudge factor = 1/((1/scale_x)/X_MAX) ??? */ glPopMatrix(); draw_rectangle_line(t->x, t->y - (char_height * (v->height-1.0)), char_width * v->width * 1.10, char_height * v->height, LINE_WIDTH, t->color); } /* ====================================== Simulator Objects ==================================== */ /* ====================================== Simulator Instances ================================== */ #define SWITCHES_X (10.0) #define SWITCHES_SPACING (0.6) #define SWITCHES_Y (5.0) #define SWITCHES_ANGLE (0.0) #define SWITCHES_RADIUS (2.0) #define SWITCHES_COUNT (8) static switch_t switches[SWITCHES_COUNT] = { { .x = SWITCHES_X * SWITCHES_SPACING * 8.0, .y = SWITCHES_Y, .angle = SWITCHES_ANGLE, .radius = SWITCHES_RADIUS, .on = false }, { .x = SWITCHES_X * SWITCHES_SPACING * 7.0, .y = SWITCHES_Y, .angle = SWITCHES_ANGLE, .radius = SWITCHES_RADIUS, .on = false }, { .x = SWITCHES_X * SWITCHES_SPACING * 6.0, .y = SWITCHES_Y, .angle = SWITCHES_ANGLE, .radius = SWITCHES_RADIUS, .on = false }, { .x = SWITCHES_X * SWITCHES_SPACING * 5.0, .y = SWITCHES_Y, .angle = SWITCHES_ANGLE, .radius = SWITCHES_RADIUS, .on = false }, { .x = SWITCHES_X * SWITCHES_SPACING * 4.0, .y = SWITCHES_Y, .angle = SWITCHES_ANGLE, .radius = SWITCHES_RADIUS, .on = false }, { .x = SWITCHES_X * SWITCHES_SPACING * 3.0, .y = SWITCHES_Y, .angle = SWITCHES_ANGLE, .radius = SWITCHES_RADIUS, .on = false }, { .x = SWITCHES_X * SWITCHES_SPACING * 2.0, .y = SWITCHES_Y, .angle = SWITCHES_ANGLE, .radius = SWITCHES_RADIUS, .on = false }, { .x = SWITCHES_X * SWITCHES_SPACING * 1.0, .y = SWITCHES_Y, .angle = SWITCHES_ANGLE, .radius = SWITCHES_RADIUS, .on = false }, }; #define LEDS_X (10.0) #define LEDS_SPACING (0.6) #define LEDS_Y (10.0) #define LEDS_ANGLE (0.0) #define LEDS_RADIUS (2.0) #define LEDS_COUNT (8) static led_t leds[LEDS_COUNT] = { { .x = LEDS_X * LEDS_SPACING * 8.0, .y = LEDS_Y, .angle = LEDS_ANGLE, .radius = LEDS_RADIUS, .on = false }, { .x = LEDS_X * LEDS_SPACING * 7.0, .y = LEDS_Y, .angle = LEDS_ANGLE, .radius = LEDS_RADIUS, .on = false }, { .x = LEDS_X * LEDS_SPACING * 6.0, .y = LEDS_Y, .angle = LEDS_ANGLE, .radius = LEDS_RADIUS, .on = false }, { .x = LEDS_X * LEDS_SPACING * 5.0, .y = LEDS_Y, .angle = LEDS_ANGLE, .radius = LEDS_RADIUS, .on = false }, { .x = LEDS_X * LEDS_SPACING * 4.0, .y = LEDS_Y, .angle = LEDS_ANGLE, .radius = LEDS_RADIUS, .on = false }, { .x = LEDS_X * LEDS_SPACING * 3.0, .y = LEDS_Y, .angle = LEDS_ANGLE, .radius = LEDS_RADIUS, .on = false }, { .x = LEDS_X * LEDS_SPACING * 2.0, .y = LEDS_Y, .angle = LEDS_ANGLE, .radius = LEDS_RADIUS, .on = false }, { .x = LEDS_X * LEDS_SPACING * 1.0, .y = LEDS_Y, .angle = LEDS_ANGLE, .radius = LEDS_RADIUS, .on = false }, }; static dpad_t dpad = { .x = X_MAX - 8.0, .y = Y_MIN + 8.0, .angle = 0.0, .radius = 2.0, .up = false, .down = false, .left = false, .right = false, .center = false, }; #define VGA_TEXTURE_WIDTH (256) #define VGA_TEXTURE_HEIGHT (256) static uint8_t vga_background_image[VGA_TEXTURE_WIDTH*VGA_TEXTURE_HEIGHT*4]; static vt100_background_texture_t vga_background_texture = { .width = VGA_TEXTURE_WIDTH, .height = VGA_TEXTURE_HEIGHT, .name = 0, .image = (uint8_t*)vga_background_image }; static terminal_t vga_terminal = { .blink_count = 0, .x = X_MIN + 2.0, .y = Y_MAX - 8.0, .color = GREEN, /* WHITE */ .blink_on = false, .vt100 = { .width = VGA_WIDTH, .height = VGA_HEIGHT, .size = VGA_WIDTH * VGA_HEIGHT, .cursor = 0, .cursor_saved = 0, .state = TERMINAL_NORMAL_MODE, .cursor_on = true, .blinks = false, .n1 = 1, .n2 = 1, .m = { 0 }, .attribute = { 0 }, .attributes = { { 0 } }, }, .texture = &vga_background_texture }; #define SEGMENT_COUNT (4) #define SEGMENT_SPACING (1.1) #define SEGMENT_X (50) #define SEGMENT_Y (3) #define SEGMENT_WIDTH (6) #define SEGMENT_HEIGHT (8) static led_8_segment_t segments[SEGMENT_COUNT] = { { .x = SEGMENT_X + (SEGMENT_SPACING * SEGMENT_WIDTH * 1.0), .y = SEGMENT_Y, .width = SEGMENT_WIDTH, .height = SEGMENT_HEIGHT, .segment = 0 }, { .x = SEGMENT_X + (SEGMENT_SPACING * SEGMENT_WIDTH * 2.0), .y = SEGMENT_Y, .width = SEGMENT_WIDTH, .height = SEGMENT_HEIGHT, .segment = 0 }, { .x = SEGMENT_X + (SEGMENT_SPACING * SEGMENT_WIDTH * 3.0), .y = SEGMENT_Y, .width = SEGMENT_WIDTH, .height = SEGMENT_HEIGHT, .segment = 0 }, { .x = SEGMENT_X + (SEGMENT_SPACING * SEGMENT_WIDTH * 4.0), .y = SEGMENT_Y, .width = SEGMENT_WIDTH, .height = SEGMENT_HEIGHT, .segment = 0 }, }; #define UART_TEXTURE_WIDTH (256) #define UART_TEXTURE_HEIGHT (256) static uint8_t uart_background_image[UART_TEXTURE_WIDTH*UART_TEXTURE_HEIGHT*4]; static vt100_background_texture_t uart_background_texture = { .width = UART_TEXTURE_WIDTH, .height = UART_TEXTURE_HEIGHT, .name = 0, .image = (uint8_t*)uart_background_image }; static terminal_t uart_terminal = { .blink_count = 0, .x = X_MIN + 2.0, .y = Y_MIN + 28.5, .color = BLUE, .blink_on = false, .vt100 = { .width = TERMINAL_WIDTH, .height = TERMINAL_HEIGHT, .size = TERMINAL_SIZE, .cursor = 0, .cursor_saved = 0, .state = TERMINAL_NORMAL_MODE, .cursor_on = true, .n1 = 1, .n2 = 1, .blinks = false, .m = { 0 }, .attribute = { 0 }, .attributes = { { 0 } }, }, .texture = &uart_background_texture }; static h2_t *h = NULL; static h2_io_t *h2_io = NULL; static fifo_t *uart_rx_fifo = NULL; static fifo_t *uart_tx_fifo = NULL; static fifo_t *ps2_rx_fifo = NULL; /* ====================================== Simulator Instances ================================== */ /* ====================================== H2 I/O Handling ====================================== */ static uint16_t h2_io_get_gui(h2_soc_state_t * const soc, const uint16_t addr, bool *debug_on) { assert(soc); assert(ps2_rx_fifo); assert(uart_tx_fifo); assert(uart_rx_fifo); if (debug_on) *debug_on = false; switch (addr) { case iUart: return (fifo_is_empty(uart_tx_fifo) << UART_TX_FIFO_EMPTY_BIT) | (fifo_is_full(uart_tx_fifo) << UART_TX_FIFO_FULL_BIT) | (fifo_is_empty(uart_rx_fifo) << UART_RX_FIFO_EMPTY_BIT) | (fifo_is_full(uart_rx_fifo) << UART_RX_FIFO_FULL_BIT) | soc->uart_getchar_register; case iVT100: return (1u << UART_TX_FIFO_EMPTY_BIT) | (0u << UART_TX_FIFO_FULL_BIT) | (fifo_is_empty(ps2_rx_fifo) << UART_RX_FIFO_EMPTY_BIT) | (fifo_is_full(ps2_rx_fifo) << UART_RX_FIFO_FULL_BIT) | soc->ps2_getchar_register; case iSwitches: return soc->switches; case iTimerDin: return soc->timer; case iMemDin: return h2_io_memory_read_operation(soc); default: warning("invalid read from %04"PRIx16, addr); break; } return 0; } static void h2_io_set_gui(h2_soc_state_t *soc, const uint16_t addr, const uint16_t value, bool *debug_on) { assert(soc); assert(uart_tx_fifo); assert(uart_rx_fifo); if (debug_on) *debug_on = false; switch (addr) { case oUart: if (value & UART_TX_WE) { fifo_push(uart_tx_fifo, value); } if (value & UART_RX_RE) { uint8_t c = 0; fifo_pop(uart_rx_fifo, &c); soc->uart_getchar_register = c; } break; case oVT100: if (value & UART_TX_WE) { vt100_update(&vga_terminal.vt100, value & 0xff); vt100_update(&soc->vt100, value & 0xff); } if (value & UART_RX_RE) { uint8_t c = 0; fifo_pop(ps2_rx_fifo, &c); soc->ps2_getchar_register = c; } break; case oLeds: soc->leds = value; for (size_t i = 0; i < LEDS_COUNT; i++) leds[i].on = value & (1 << i); break; case oTimerCtrl: soc->timer_control = value; break; case o7SegLED: for (size_t i = 0; i < SEGMENT_COUNT; i++) segments[i].segment = (value >> ((SEGMENT_COUNT - i - 1) * 4)) & 0xf; soc->led_7_segments = value; break; case oIrcMask: soc->irc_mask = value; break; case oMemControl: { soc->mem_control = value; const bool sram_cs = soc->mem_control & SRAM_CHIP_SELECT; const bool oe = soc->mem_control & FLASH_MEMORY_OE; const bool we = soc->mem_control & FLASH_MEMORY_WE; if (sram_cs && !oe && we) soc->vram[(((uint32_t)(soc->mem_control & FLASH_MASK_ADDR_UPPER_MASK) << 16) | soc->mem_addr_low) >> 1] = soc->mem_dout; break; } case oMemAddrLow: soc->mem_addr_low = value; break; case oMemDout: soc->mem_dout = value; break; case oUartTxBaud: soc->uart_tx_baud = value; break; case oUartRxBaud: soc->uart_rx_baud = value; break; case oUartControl: soc->uart_control = value; break; default: warning("invalid write to %04"PRIx16 ":%04"PRIx16, addr, value); break; } } /* ====================================== H2 I/O Handling ====================================== */ /* ====================================== Main Loop ============================================ */ static double fps(void) { static unsigned frame = 0, timebase = 0; static double fps = 0; const int time = glutGet(GLUT_ELAPSED_TIME); frame++; if (time - timebase > 1000) { fps = frame*1000.0/(time-timebase); timebase = time; frame = 0; } return fps; } static void draw_debug_info(const world_t *world, double fps, double x, double y) { textbox_t t = { .x = x, .y = y, .draw_border = true, .color_text = WHITE, .color_box = WHITE }; assert(world); fifo_t *f = world->use_uart_input ? uart_rx_fifo : ps2_rx_fifo; const char *fifo_str = world->use_uart_input ? "UART" : "PS/2"; fill_textbox(&t, "tick: %u", world->tick); //fill_textbox(&t, "seconds: %f", ticks_to_seconds(world->tick)); fill_textbox(&t, "fps: %f", fps); if (world->debug_extra) { char buf[256] = { 0 }; fill_textbox(&t, "Mode: %s", world->debug_mode ? "step" : "continue"); fill_textbox(&t, "%s RX FIFO full: %s", fifo_str, fifo_is_full(f) ? "true" : "false"); fill_textbox(&t, "%s RX FIFO empty: %s", fifo_str, fifo_is_empty(f) ? "true" : "false"); fill_textbox(&t, "%s RX FIFO count: %u", fifo_str, (unsigned)fifo_count(f)); fill_textbox(&t, "UART TX FIFO full: %s", fifo_is_full(uart_tx_fifo) ? "true" : "false"); fill_textbox(&t, "UART TX FIFO empty: %s", fifo_is_empty(uart_tx_fifo) ? "true" : "false"); fill_textbox(&t, "UART TX FIFO count: %u", (unsigned)fifo_count(uart_tx_fifo)); sprintf(buf, "%08lu", (unsigned long)(world->cycle_count)); fill_textbox(&t, "cycles: %s", buf); fill_textbox(&t, "cycles/tick: %u", (unsigned)(world->cycles)); } draw_textbox(&t); } static void fill_textbox_memory(textbox_t *t, const uint16_t * const m, const size_t length) { assert(t); assert(m); assert((length % 4) == 0); for (size_t i = 0; i < length; i+=4) fill_textbox(t, "%s%u: %x %x %x %x", i < 10 ? " " : "", i, m[i], m[i+1], m[i+2], m[i+3]); } static void draw_debug_h2_screen_1(h2_t *h, double x, double y) { assert(h); textbox_t t = { .x = x, .y = y, .draw_border = true, .color_text = WHITE, .color_box = WHITE }; fill_textbox(&t, "H2 CPU State", h->tos); fill_textbox(&t, "tp: %u", h->tos); fill_textbox_memory(&t, h->dstk, STK_SIZE); fill_textbox(&t, "pc: %u", h->pc); fill_textbox(&t, "rp: %u (max %u)", h->rp, h->rpm); fill_textbox(&t, "dp: %u (max %u)", h->sp, h->spm); fill_textbox(&t, "ie: %s", h->ie ? "true" : "false"); draw_textbox(&t); } static void draw_debug_h2_screen_2(const h2_t * const h, const double x, const double y) { textbox_t t = { .x = x, .y = y, .draw_border = true, .color_text = WHITE, .color_box = WHITE }; assert(h); fill_textbox(&t, "H2 CPU Return Stack"); fill_textbox_memory(&t, h->rstk, STK_SIZE); draw_textbox(&t); } static void draw_debug_h2_screen_3(const h2_io_t * const io, const double x, const double y) { textbox_t t = { .x = x, .y = y, .draw_border = true, .color_text = WHITE, .color_box = WHITE }; assert(io); assert(io->soc); const h2_soc_state_t * const s = io->soc; fill_textbox(&t, "I/O"); fill_textbox(&t, "LED %x", (unsigned)s->leds); /*fill_textbox(&t, "VGA Cursor: %x", (unsigned)s->vga_cursor);*/ fill_textbox(&t, "Timer Control: %x", (unsigned)s->timer_control); fill_textbox(&t, "Timer Count: %x", (unsigned)s->timer); fill_textbox(&t, "IRQ Mask: %x", (unsigned)s->irc_mask); fill_textbox(&t, "LED 7 Segments: %x", (unsigned)s->led_7_segments); fill_textbox(&t, "Switches: %x", (unsigned)s->switches); fill_textbox(&t, "Memory Control: %x", (unsigned)s->mem_control); fill_textbox(&t, "Memory Address: %x", (unsigned)s->mem_addr_low); fill_textbox(&t, "Memory Output: %x", (unsigned)s->mem_dout); fill_textbox(&t, "Wait: %s", s->wait ? "yes" : "no"); fill_textbox(&t, "Interrupt: %s", s->interrupt ? "yes" : "no"); fill_textbox(&t, "IRQ Selector: %x", (unsigned)s->interrupt_selector); fill_textbox(&t, ""); fill_textbox(&t, "Flash"); fill_textbox(&t, "we: %s", s->flash.we ? "on" : "off"); fill_textbox(&t, "cs: %s", s->flash.cs ? "on" : "off"); fill_textbox(&t, "mode: %x", (unsigned)s->flash.mode); fill_textbox(&t, "status: %x", (unsigned)s->flash.status); fill_textbox(&t, "address arg 1: %x", (unsigned)s->flash.arg1_address); fill_textbox(&t, "data %x", (unsigned)s->flash.data); fill_textbox(&t, "cycle: %x", (unsigned)s->flash.cycle); fill_textbox(&t, "UART Control"); fill_textbox(&t, "UART TX Baud: %x", (unsigned)s->uart_tx_baud); fill_textbox(&t, "UART RX Baud: %x", (unsigned)s->uart_rx_baud); fill_textbox(&t, "UART Control: %x", (unsigned)s->uart_control); draw_textbox(&t); } static void keyboard_handler(const unsigned char key, const int x, const int y) { UNUSED(x); UNUSED(y); assert(uart_tx_fifo); assert(ps2_rx_fifo); if (key == ESCAPE) { world.halt_simulation = true; } else { if (world.use_uart_input) fifo_push(uart_rx_fifo, key); else fifo_push(ps2_rx_fifo, key); } } static void keyboard_special_handler(const int key, const int x, const int y) { UNUSED(x); UNUSED(y); switch (key) { case GLUT_KEY_UP: dpad.up = true; break; case GLUT_KEY_LEFT: dpad.left = true; break; case GLUT_KEY_RIGHT: dpad.right = true; break; case GLUT_KEY_DOWN: dpad.down = true; break; case GLUT_KEY_F1: switches[7].on = !(switches[7].on); break; case GLUT_KEY_F2: switches[6].on = !(switches[6].on); break; case GLUT_KEY_F3: switches[5].on = !(switches[5].on); break; case GLUT_KEY_F4: switches[4].on = !(switches[4].on); break; case GLUT_KEY_F5: switches[3].on = !(switches[3].on); break; case GLUT_KEY_F6: switches[2].on = !(switches[2].on); break; case GLUT_KEY_F7: switches[1].on = !(switches[1].on); break; case GLUT_KEY_F8: switches[0].on = !(switches[0].on); break; case GLUT_KEY_F9: world.step = true; world.debug_mode = true; break; case GLUT_KEY_F10: world.debug_mode = !(world.debug_mode); break; case GLUT_KEY_F11: world.use_uart_input = !(world.use_uart_input); break; case GLUT_KEY_F12: world.debug_extra = !(world.debug_extra); break; default: break; } } static void keyboard_special_up_handler(const int key, const int x, const int y) { UNUSED(x); UNUSED(y); switch (key) { case GLUT_KEY_UP: dpad.up = false; break; case GLUT_KEY_LEFT: dpad.left = false; break; case GLUT_KEY_RIGHT: dpad.right = false; break; case GLUT_KEY_DOWN: dpad.down = false; break; default: break; } } typedef struct { double x; double y; } coordinate_t; static double abs_diff(const double a, const double b) { return fabsl(fabsl(a) - fabsl(b)); } static void resize_window(int w, int h) { double window_x_min, window_x_max, window_y_min, window_y_max; double scale, center; world.window_width = w; world.window_height = h; glViewport(0, 0, w, h); w = (w == 0) ? 1 : w; h = (h == 0) ? 1 : h; if ((X_MAX - X_MIN) / w < (Y_MAX - Y_MIN) / h) { scale = ((Y_MAX - Y_MIN) / h) / ((X_MAX - X_MIN) / w); center = (X_MAX + X_MIN) / 2; window_x_min = center - (center - X_MIN) * scale; window_x_max = center + (X_MAX - center) * scale; world.window_scale_x = scale; window_y_min = Y_MIN; window_y_max = Y_MAX; } else { scale = ((X_MAX - X_MIN) / w) / ((Y_MAX - Y_MIN) / h); center = (Y_MAX + Y_MIN) / 2; window_y_min = center - (center - Y_MIN) * scale; window_y_max = center + (Y_MAX - center) * scale; world.window_scale_y = scale; window_x_min = X_MIN; window_x_max = X_MAX; } glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glLoadIdentity(); glOrtho(window_x_min, window_x_max, window_y_min, window_y_max, -1, 1); } static coordinate_t pixels_to_coordinates(const world_t *world, const int x, const int y) { assert(world); const double xd = abs_diff(X_MAX, X_MIN); const double yd = abs_diff(Y_MAX, Y_MIN); const double xs = world->window_width / world->window_scale_x; const double ys = world->window_height / world->window_scale_y; const coordinate_t c = { .x = Y_MIN + (xd * ((x - (world->window_width - xs)/2.) / xs)), .y = Y_MAX - (yd * ((y - (world->window_height - ys)/2.) / ys)) }; return c; } static void mouse_handler(const int button, const int state, const int x, const int y) { const coordinate_t c = pixels_to_coordinates(&world, x, y); for (size_t i = 0; i < SWITCHES_COUNT; i++) { if (detect_circle_circle_collision(c.x, c.y, 0.1, switches[i].x, switches[i].y, switches[i].radius)) { if (button == GLUT_LEFT_BUTTON && state == GLUT_DOWN) switches[i].on = true; if (button == GLUT_RIGHT_BUTTON && state == GLUT_DOWN) switches[i].on = false; return; } } if (button == GLUT_LEFT_BUTTON && state == GLUT_DOWN) { switch (dpad_collision(&dpad, c.x, c.y, 0.1)) { case DPAN_COL_NONE: break; case DPAN_COL_RIGHT: dpad.right = true; break; case DPAN_COL_LEFT: dpad.left = true; break; case DPAN_COL_DOWN: dpad.down = true; break; case DPAN_COL_UP: dpad.up = true; break; case DPAN_COL_CENTER: dpad.center = true; break; } } else if (button == GLUT_LEFT_BUTTON && state == GLUT_UP) { dpad.right = false; dpad.left = false; dpad.down = false; dpad.up = false; dpad.center = false; } } static void timer_callback(const int value) { world.tick++; glutTimerFunc(world.arena_tick_ms, timer_callback, value); } static void update_switches(void) { h2_io->soc->switches = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < SWITCHES_COUNT; i++) h2_io->soc->switches |= switches[i].on << i; h2_io->soc->switches |= dpad.center << (SWITCHES_COUNT+0); h2_io->soc->switches |= dpad.right << (SWITCHES_COUNT+1); h2_io->soc->switches |= dpad.left << (SWITCHES_COUNT+2); h2_io->soc->switches |= dpad.down << (SWITCHES_COUNT+3); h2_io->soc->switches |= dpad.up << (SWITCHES_COUNT+4); } static void draw_scene(void) { static uint64_t next = 0; // @warning static! static uint64_t count = 0; // @warning static! double f = fps(); if (world.halt_simulation) exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); draw_regular_polygon_line(X_MAX/2, Y_MAX/2, PI/4, sqrt(Y_MAX*Y_MAX/2)*0.99, SQUARE, LINE_WIDTH, WHITE); update_switches(); if (next != world.tick) { unsigned long increment = 0; next = world.tick; count++; for (;!fifo_is_empty(uart_tx_fifo);) { uint8_t c = 0; fifo_pop(uart_tx_fifo, &c); vt100_update(&uart_terminal.vt100, c); } if (world.debug_mode && world.step) increment = 1; else if (!(world.debug_mode)) increment = world.cycles; if (!CYCLE_MODE_FIXED && increment) { uint64_t n = world.cycles + (f > TARGET_FPS ? CYCLE_INCREMENT : -CYCLE_DECREMENT); if (f > (TARGET_FPS + CYCLE_HYSTERESIS)) { world.cycles = MIN(((uint64_t)-1), n); } else if (f < (TARGET_FPS - CYCLE_HYSTERESIS)) { world.cycles = MAX(CYCLE_MINIMUM, n); } } if (increment) if (h2_run(h, h2_io, stderr, increment, NULL, false, trace_file) < 0) world.halt_simulation = true; world.step = false; world.cycle_count += increment; } draw_debug_info(&world, f, X_MIN + X_MAX/40., Y_MAX - Y_MAX/40.); if (world.debug_extra) { draw_debug_h2_screen_1(h, X_MIN + X_MAX/40., Y_MAX*0.70); draw_debug_h2_screen_2(h, X_MAX / 3.0, Y_MAX*0.70); draw_debug_h2_screen_3(h2_io, X_MAX / 1.55, Y_MAX*0.70); } else { draw_terminal(&world, &vga_terminal, "VGA"); } for (size_t i = 0; i < SWITCHES_COUNT; i++) draw_switch(&switches[i]); for (size_t i = 0; i < LEDS_COUNT; i++) draw_led(&leds[i]); for (size_t i = 0; i < SEGMENT_COUNT; i++) draw_led_8_segment(&segments[i]); draw_dpad(&dpad); draw_terminal(&world, &uart_terminal, world.use_uart_input ? "UART RX / TX" : "PS/2 KBD RX / UART TX"); { textbox_t t = { .x = X_MAX-50, .y = Y_MAX-2, .draw_border = false, .color_text = WHITE, .color_box = WHITE }; fill_textbox(&t, "EXIT/QUIT ESCAPE"); fill_textbox(&t, "SWITCHES F-1...8"); fill_textbox(&t, "SINGLE STEP F-9"); } { textbox_t t = { .x = X_MAX-25, .y = Y_MAX-2, .draw_border = false, .color_text = WHITE, .color_box = WHITE }; fill_textbox(&t, "CPU PAUSE/RESUME F-10"); fill_textbox(&t, "SWITCH INPUT F-11"); fill_textbox(&t, "CHANGE DISPLAY F-12"); } if (!world.debug_extra) draw_texture(&vga_terminal, !(count % 2)); draw_texture(&uart_terminal, !(count % 2)); glFlush(); glutSwapBuffers(); glutPostRedisplay(); } static void initialize_rendering(char *arg_0) { char *glut_argv[] = { arg_0, NULL }; int glut_argc = 0; memset(uart_terminal.vt100.m, ' ', uart_terminal.vt100.size); glutInit(&glut_argc, glut_argv); glutInitDisplayMode(GLUT_DOUBLE | GLUT_RGB | GLUT_DEPTH ); glutInitWindowPosition(world.window_x_starting_position, world.window_y_starting_position); glutInitWindowSize(world.window_width, world.window_height); glutCreateWindow("H2 Simulator (GUI)"); glShadeModel(GL_FLAT); glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); glutKeyboardFunc(keyboard_handler); glutSpecialFunc(keyboard_special_handler); glutSpecialUpFunc(keyboard_special_up_handler); glutMouseFunc(mouse_handler); glutReshapeFunc(resize_window); glutDisplayFunc(draw_scene); glutTimerFunc(world.arena_tick_ms, timer_callback, 0); } static void vt100_initialize(vt100_t * const v) { assert(v); memset(&v->attribute, 0, sizeof(v->attribute)); v->attribute.foreground_color = WHITE; v->attribute.background_color = BLACK; for (size_t i = 0; i < v->size; i++) v->attributes[i] = v->attribute; } static void finalize(void) { nvram_save(h2_io, FLASH_INIT_FILE); h2_free(h); h2_io_free(h2_io); fifo_free(uart_tx_fifo); fifo_free(uart_rx_fifo); fifo_free(ps2_rx_fifo); if (trace_file) fclose(trace_file); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { FILE *hexfile = NULL; int r = 0; assert(Y_MAX > 0. && Y_MIN < Y_MAX && Y_MIN >= 0.); assert(X_MAX > 0. && X_MIN < X_MAX && X_MIN >= 0.); log_level = LOG_NOTE; if (argc != 2) { fprintf(stderr, "usage %s h2.hex\n", argv[0]); return -1; } hexfile = fopen_or_die(argv[1], "rb"); h = h2_new(START_ADDR); r = h2_load(h, hexfile); fclose(hexfile); if (r < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "h2 load failed\n"); goto fail; } h2_io = h2_io_new(); h2_io->in = h2_io_get_gui; h2_io->out = h2_io_set_gui; { /* attempt to load initial contents of VGA memory */ errno = 0; FILE *vga_init = fopen(VGA_INIT_FILE, "rb"); static uint16_t vga_initial_contents[VGA_BUFFER_LENGTH] = { 0 }; assert(VGA_BUFFER_LENGTH <= VT100_MAX_SIZE); if (vga_init) { memory_load(vga_init, vga_initial_contents, VGA_BUFFER_LENGTH); for (size_t i = 0; i < VGA_BUFFER_LENGTH; i++) { vga_terminal.vt100.m[i] = vga_initial_contents[i]; h2_io->soc->vt100.m[i] = vga_initial_contents[i]; } fclose(vga_init); } else { warning("could not load initial VGA memory file %s: %s", VGA_INIT_FILE, strerror(errno)); } vt100_initialize(&vga_terminal.vt100); vt100_initialize(&uart_terminal.vt100); } uart_rx_fifo = fifo_new(UART_FIFO_DEPTH); uart_tx_fifo = fifo_new(UART_FIFO_DEPTH * 100); /** @note x100 to speed things up */ ps2_rx_fifo = fifo_new(8 /** @bug should be 1 - but this does not work, FIFO implementation needs correcting */); nvram_load_and_transfer(h2_io, FLASH_INIT_FILE, true); if (TRON) { errno = 0; trace_file = fopen(TRACE_FILE, "wb"); if (trace_file) setvbuf(trace_file, trace_buffer, _IOFBF, TRACE_BUFFER_LEN); else warning("could not open %s for writing: %s", TRACE_FILE, strerror(errno)); } atexit(finalize); initialize_rendering(argv[0]); glutMainLoop(); return 0; fail: h2_free(h); return -1; }