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[/] [forwardcom/] [trunk/] [mul_div.sv] - Rev 159
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// Engineer: Agner Fog
// Create Date: 2021-06-06
// Last modified: 2021-06-06
// Module Name: mul_div
// Project Name: ForwardCom soft core
// Target Devices: Artix 7
// Tool Versions: Vivado v. 2020.1
// License: CERN-OHL-W v. 2 or later
// Description: Arithmetic-logic unit for multiplication and division
// of general purpose registers.
`include "defines.vh"
module mul_div (
input clock, // system clock (100 MHz)
input clock_enable, // clock enable. Used when single-stepping
input reset, // system reset
input valid_in, // data from previous stage ready
input stall_in, // pipeline is stalled
input [31:0] instruction_in, // current instruction, up to 3 words long. Only first word used here
input [`TAG_WIDTH-1:0] tag_val_in, // instruction tag value
input [1:0] category_in, // 00: multiformat, 01: single format, 10: jump
input mask_alternative_in, // mask register and fallback register used for alternative purposes
input [1:0] result_type_in, // type of result: 0: register, 1: system register, 2: memory, 3: other or nothing
input vector_in, // vector registers used
input [6:0] opx_in, // operation ID in execution unit. This is mostly equal to op1 for multiformat instructions
input [2:0] ot_in, // operand type
input [5:0] option_bits_in, // option bits from IM3 or mask
// monitor result buses:
input write_en1, // a result is written to writeport1
input [`TAG_WIDTH-1:0] write_tag1_in, // tag of result inwriteport1
input [`RB1:0] writeport1_in, // result bus 1
input write_en2, // a result is written to writeport2
input [`TAG_WIDTH-1:0] write_tag2_in, // tag of result inwriteport2
input [`RB1:0] writeport2_in, // result bus 2
input [`TAG_WIDTH-1:0] predict_tag1_in, // result tag value on writeport1 in next clock cycle
input [`TAG_WIDTH-1:0] predict_tag2_in, // result tag value on writeport2 in next clock cycle
// Register values sampled from result bus in previous stages
input [`RB:0] operand1_in, // first register operand or fallback
input [`RB:0] operand2_in, // second register operand RS
input [`RB:0] operand3_in, // last register operand RT
input [`MASKSZ:0] regmask_val_in, // mask register
input [`RB1:0] ram_data_in, // memory operand from data ram
input opr2_from_ram_in, // value of operand 2 comes from data ram
input opr3_from_ram_in, // value of last operand comes from data ram
input opr1_used_in, // operand1_in is needed
input opr2_used_in, // operand2_in is needed
input opr3_used_in, // operand3_in is needed
input regmask_used_in, // regmask_val_in is needed
output reg valid_out, // for debug display: alu is active
output reg register_write_out,
output reg [4:0] register_a_out, // register to write
output reg [`RB1:0] result_out, //
output reg [`TAG_WIDTH-1:0] tag_val_out,// instruction tag value
output reg stall_out, // alu is waiting for an operand or not ready to receive a new instruction
output reg stall_next_out, // alu will be waiting in next clock cycle
output reg error_out, // unknown instruction
output reg error_parm_out, // wrong parameter for instruction
// outputs for debugger:
output reg [31:0] debug1_out, // debug information
output reg [31:0] debug2_out // temporary debug information
logic [`RB1:0] operand1; // first register operand RD or RU. bit `RB is 1 if invalid
logic [`RB1:0] operand2; // second register operand RS. bit `RB is 1 if invalid
logic [`RB1:0] operand3; // last register operand RT. bit `RB is 1 if invalid
logic [`MASKSZ:0] regmask_val; // mask register
logic [1:0] otout; // operand type for output
logic [5:0] msb; // index to most significant bit
logic signbit2, signbit3; // sign bits of three operands
logic [`RB1:0] sbit; // position of sign bit
logic [`RB1:0] result; // result for output
logic [1:0] result_type; // type of result
logic [6:0] opx; // operation ID in execution unit. This is mostly equal to op1 for multiformat instructions
logic mask_off; // result is masked off
logic stall; // waiting for operands
logic stall_next; // will be waiting for operands in next clock cycle
logic error; // unknown instruction
logic error_parm; // wrong parameter for instruction
// It seems to be more efficient to truncate operands locally by ANDing with sizemask than to
// make separate wires for the truncated operands, because wiring is more expensive than logic:
logic [`RB1:0] sizemask; // mask for operand type
logic [31:0] temp_debug; // temporary debug signals
always_comb begin
// get all inputs
stall = 0;
stall_next = 0;
regmask_val = 0;
temp_debug = 0; // temporary debug signals
if (regmask_val_in[`MASKSZ]) begin // value missing
if (write_en1 && regmask_val_in[`TAG_WIDTH-1:0] == write_tag1_in) begin
regmask_val = writeport1_in; // obtained from result bus 1 (which may be my own output)
end else if (write_en2 && regmask_val_in[`TAG_WIDTH-1:0] == write_tag2_in) begin
regmask_val = writeport2_in[(`MASKSZ-1):0]; // obtained from result bus 2
end else begin
if (regmask_used_in) begin
stall = 1; // operand not ready
temp_debug[0] = 1; // debug info about cause of stall
if (regmask_val_in[`TAG_WIDTH-1:0] != predict_tag1_in && regmask_val_in[`TAG_WIDTH-1:0] != predict_tag2_in) begin
stall_next = 1; // operand not ready in next clock cycle
end else begin // value available
regmask_val = regmask_val_in;
mask_off = regmask_used_in && regmask_val[`MASKSZ] == 0 && regmask_val[0] == 0 && !mask_alternative_in;
operand1 = 0;
if (operand1_in[`RB]) begin // value missing
if (write_en1 && operand1_in[`TAG_WIDTH-1:0] == write_tag1_in) begin
operand1 = writeport1_in; // obtained from result bus 1 (which may be my own output)
end else if (write_en2 && operand1_in[`TAG_WIDTH-1:0] == write_tag2_in) begin
operand1 = writeport2_in; // obtained from result bus 2
end else begin
if (opr1_used_in) begin
stall = 1; // operand not ready
temp_debug[1] = 1; // debug info about cause of stall
if (operand1_in[`TAG_WIDTH-1:0] != predict_tag1_in && operand1_in[`TAG_WIDTH-1:0] != predict_tag2_in) begin
stall_next = 1; // operand not ready in next clock cycle
end else begin
operand1 = operand1_in[`RB1:0];
operand2 = 0;
if (opr2_from_ram_in) begin
operand2 = ram_data_in;
end else if (operand2_in[`RB]) begin // value missing
if (write_en1 && operand2_in[`TAG_WIDTH-1:0] == write_tag1_in) begin
operand2 = writeport1_in; // obtained from result bus 1 (which may be my own output)
end else if (write_en2 && operand2_in[`TAG_WIDTH-1:0] == write_tag2_in) begin
operand2 = writeport2_in; // obtained from result bus 2
end else begin
if (opr2_used_in && !mask_off) begin
stall = 1; // operand not ready
temp_debug[2] = 1; // debug info about cause of stall
if (operand2_in[`TAG_WIDTH-1:0] != predict_tag1_in && operand2_in[`TAG_WIDTH-1:0] != predict_tag2_in) begin
stall_next = 1; // operand not ready in next clock cycle
end else begin // value available
operand2 = operand2_in[`RB1:0];
operand3 = 0;
if (opr3_from_ram_in) begin
operand3 = ram_data_in;
end else if (operand3_in[`RB]) begin // value missing
if (write_en1 && operand3_in[`TAG_WIDTH-1:0] == write_tag1_in) begin
operand3 = writeport1_in; // obtained from result bus 1 (which may be my own output)
end else if (write_en2 && operand3_in[`TAG_WIDTH-1:0] == write_tag2_in) begin
operand3 = writeport2_in; // obtained from result bus 2
end else begin
if (opr3_used_in && !mask_off) begin
stall = 1; // operand not ready
temp_debug[3] = 1; // debug info about cause of stall
if (operand3_in[`TAG_WIDTH-1:0] != predict_tag1_in && operand3_in[`TAG_WIDTH-1:0] != predict_tag2_in) begin
stall_next = 1; // operand not ready in next clock cycle
end else begin // value available
operand3 = operand3_in[`RB1:0];
opx = opx_in; // operation ID in execution unit. This is mostly equal to op1 for multiformat instructions
result = 0;
otout = ot_in[1:0]; // operand type for output
result_type = result_type_in;
error = 0;
error_parm = 0;
case (ot_in[1:0])
0: begin
msb = 7; // 8 bit
sbit = 8'H80;
sizemask = 8'HFF;
//signbit1 = operand1[7];
signbit2 = operand2[7];
signbit3 = operand3[7];
1: begin
msb = 15; // 16 bit
sbit = 16'H8000;
sizemask = 16'HFFFF;
//signbit1 = operand1[15];
signbit2 = operand2[15];
signbit3 = operand3[15];
2: begin
msb = 31; // 32 bit
sbit = 32'H80000000;
sizemask = 32'HFFFFFFFF;
//signbit1 = operand1[31];
signbit2 = operand2[31];
signbit3 = operand3[31];
3: begin
msb = `RB1; // 64 bit
sbit = {1'b1,{(`RB-1){1'b0}}};
sizemask = ~(`RB'b0);
//signbit1 = operand1[`RB1];
signbit2 = operand2[`RB1];
signbit3 = operand3[`RB1];
// Select ALU operation
result = 0;
if (opx == `II_MUL) begin
error = 1; // instruction not supported yet
end else if (opx == `II_MUL_HI || opx == `II_MUL_HI_U) begin
error = 1; // instruction not supported yet
end else if (opx == `II_DIV || opx == `II_DIV_U) begin
error = 1; // instruction not supported yet
end else if (opx == `II_REM || opx == `II_REM_U) begin
error = 1; // instruction not supported yet
end else begin
error = 1; // unknown instruction
if (vector_in) error = 1; // Vector instructions not supported yet
// output
always_ff @(posedge clock) if (clock_enable) begin
if (!valid_in) begin
register_write_out <= 0;
// note: the FPGA has no internal tri-state buffers. We need to simulate result bus by or'ing outputs
result_out <= 0;
register_a_out <= 0;
tag_val_out <= 0;
// stall_in must disable the output to avoid executing the same instruction twice)
end else if (stall || stall_in) begin
register_write_out <= 0;
result_out <= 0;
register_a_out <= 0;
tag_val_out <= 0;
end else if (result_type != `RESULT_REG) begin
// no output?
register_write_out <= 0;
result_out <= 0;
register_a_out <= 0;
tag_val_out <= 0;
end else if (regmask_used_in && !regmask_val[0] & !vector_in) begin
// mask is zero. output is fallback
case (otout)
0: result_out <= operand1[7:0];
1: result_out <= operand1[15:0];
2: result_out <= operand1[31:0];
3: result_out <= operand1[`RB1:0];
register_write_out <= ~reset;
register_a_out <= {1'b0,instruction_in[`RD]};
tag_val_out <= tag_val_in;
end else begin
// normal register output
case (otout)
0: result_out <= result[7:0];
1: result_out <= result[15:0];
2: result_out <= result[31:0];
3: result_out <= result[`RB1:0];
register_write_out <= ~reset;
register_a_out <= {1'b0,instruction_in[`RD]};
tag_val_out <= tag_val_in;
valid_out <= !stall & valid_in & !reset;
stall_out <= stall & valid_in & !reset;
stall_next_out <= stall_next & valid_in & !reset;
error_out <= error & valid_in & !reset; // unknown instruction
error_parm_out <= error_parm & valid_in & !reset; // wrong parameter
// outputs for debugger:
debug1_out <= 0;
debug1_out[6:0] <= opx;
debug1_out[21:20] <= category_in;
debug1_out[24] <= stall;
debug1_out[25] <= stall_next;
debug1_out[27] <= error;
debug2_out <= temp_debug;
debug2_out[16] <= opr1_used_in;
debug2_out[17] <= opr2_used_in;
debug2_out[18] <= opr3_used_in;
debug2_out[19] <= regmask_used_in;
debug2_out[20] <= mask_alternative_in;
debug2_out[21] <= mask_off;
debug2_out[22] <= regmask_val_in[0];
debug2_out[23] <= regmask_val_in[`MASKSZ];
debug2_out[27:24] <= regmask_val[3:0];
debug2_out[28] <= regmask_val[`MASKSZ];
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