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[/] [forwardcom/] [trunk/] [uart_and_fifo.sv] - Rev 21
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// Engineer: Agner Fog
// Create date: 2020-11-01
// Last modified: 2021-07-02
// Module name: uart_and_fifo
// Project name: ForwardCom soft core
// Tool versions: Vivado 2020.1
// License: CERN-OHL-W v. 2 or later
// Description: UART: RS232 serial interface
// 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity
// Description: fifo_buffer: First-in-first-out byte queue.
// CLOCK_FREQUENCY and BAUD_RATE defined in defines.vh:
`include "defines.vh"
// UART receiver
module UART_RX (
input reset, // clear buffer, reset everything
input clock, // clock at `CLOCK_RATE
input rx_in, // RX input
output reg receive_complete_out, // byte received. Will be high for 1 clock cycle after the middle of the stop bit
output reg error_out, // transmission error. Remains high until reset in case of error
output reg [7:0] byte_out // byte output
// clock count per bit
// state names
localparam STATE_IDLE = 4'b0000; // wait for start bit
localparam STATE_START_BIT = 4'b0001; // start bit detected
localparam STATE_DATA_0 = 4'b1000; // read first data bit
localparam STATE_DATA_7 = 4'b1111; // read last data bit
localparam STATE_STOP_BIT = 4'b0010; // read stop bit
reg [$clog2(CLKS_PER_BIT)-1:0] clock_counter; // clock counter for length of one bit
reg [3:0] state; // state
// state machine for UART receiver
always_ff @(posedge clock) begin
if (reset) begin
// reset everything
state <= STATE_IDLE;
receive_complete_out <= 0;
error_out <= 0;
clock_counter <= 0;
byte_out <= 0;
end else if (state == STATE_IDLE) begin
// wait for start bit
receive_complete_out <= 0;
clock_counter <= 0;
if (rx_in == 0) begin // Start bit detected
end else if (state == STATE_START_BIT) begin
// start bit detected. wait until middle of start bit
if (clock_counter == CLKS_PER_BIT / 2) begin // middle of start bit
if (rx_in == 0) begin
clock_counter <= 0; // reset counter to the middle of the start bit
state <= STATE_DATA_0;
end else begin
error_out <= 1; // error. start bit shorter than a half period. possibly wrong BAUD rate
state <= STATE_IDLE;
end else begin
clock_counter <= clock_counter + 1; // count time until next bit
end else if (state[3]) begin // this covers STATE_DATA_0 ... STATE_DATA_7
// read eight data bits
if (clock_counter < CLKS_PER_BIT-1) begin
clock_counter <= clock_counter + 1; // count time until next bit
end else begin // middle of data bit. sample bit and go to next state
clock_counter <= 0;
byte_out[state[2:0]] <= rx_in; // save data bit
if (state == STATE_DATA_7) state <= STATE_STOP_BIT; // next state is stop bit
else state <= state + 1; // next data bit
end else if (state == STATE_STOP_BIT) begin
// expecting stop bit
if (clock_counter < CLKS_PER_BIT-1) begin
clock_counter <= clock_counter + 1; // count time until stop bit
end else begin // middle of stop bit
if (rx_in == 0) begin // error: stop bit missing
error_out <= 1;
state <= STATE_IDLE;
end else begin
receive_complete_out <= 1; // byte received successfully
clock_counter <= 0;
// We are in the middle of the stop bit.
// Go to state IDLE while waiting for a possible next start bit.
// This is expected to last a half period
state <= STATE_IDLE;
end else begin
// Error. undefined state
error_out <= 1;
state <= STATE_IDLE;
endmodule // UART_RX
// UART transmitter
module UART_TX (
input reset, // reset
input clock, // clock at `CLOCK_RATE
input start_in, // command to send one byte
input [7:0] byte_in, // byte input
output reg active_out, // is busy
output reg tx_out, // TX output
output reg done_out // will be high for one clock cycle shortly before the end of the stop bit
); // You may use done_out as a signal to prepare the next byte
// clock count per bit
// state names
localparam STATE_IDLE = 4'b0000; // wait for start bit
localparam STATE_START_BIT = 4'b0001; // start bit detected
localparam STATE_DATA_0 = 4'b1000; // read first data bit
localparam STATE_DATA_7 = 4'b1111; // read last data bit
localparam STATE_STOP_BIT = 4'b0010; // read stop bit
reg [3:0] state; // state
reg [$clog2(CLKS_PER_BIT)-1:0] clock_counter; // clock counter for length of one bit
reg [7:0] byte_data; // copy of byte to transmit
// state machine
always_ff @(posedge clock) begin
if (reset) begin
// reset everything
state <= STATE_IDLE;
clock_counter <= 0;
active_out <= 0;
done_out <= 0;
tx_out <= 1; // output must be high when idle
end else if (state == STATE_IDLE) begin
clock_counter <= 0;
done_out <= 0;
tx_out <= 1; // output must be high when idle
if (start_in) begin // start sending a byte
active_out <= 1;
byte_data <= byte_in; // copy input byte
end else if (state == STATE_START_BIT) begin
// start bit must be 0
tx_out <= 0;
// Wait for start bit to finish
if (clock_counter < CLKS_PER_BIT-1) begin
clock_counter <= clock_counter + 1;
end else begin
clock_counter <= 0;
state <= STATE_DATA_0; // go to first data bit
end else if (state[3]) begin // this covers STATE_DATA_0 ... STATE_DATA_7
// write eight data bits
tx_out <= byte_data[state[2:0]]; // send one data bit
// Wait for data bit to finish
if (clock_counter < CLKS_PER_BIT-1) begin
clock_counter <= clock_counter + 1;
end else begin
clock_counter <= 0;
if (state == STATE_DATA_7) state <= STATE_STOP_BIT; // next bit is stop bit
else state <= state + 1; // next bit is data bit
end else if (state == STATE_STOP_BIT) begin
// send stop bit
tx_out <= 1; // stop bit must be 1
// send request for next byte shortly before finished with this byte
if (clock_counter == CLKS_PER_BIT-4) begin
done_out <= 1; // set done_out high for one clock cycle to request next byte from buffer
end else begin
done_out <= 0;
// Wait for stop bit to finish
if (clock_counter < CLKS_PER_BIT-1) begin
clock_counter <= clock_counter + 1;
end else begin
clock_counter <= 0;
active_out <= 0;
state <= STATE_IDLE; // wait at least one clock for next start_in signal
end else begin
// illegal state. reset
state <= STATE_IDLE;
clock_counter <= 0;
active_out <= 0;
done_out <= 0;
tx_out <= 1;
* First-in-first-out byte queue.
* This queue is implemented as a circular buffer.
* The size can be any power of 2.
* It may be implemented as distributed RAM or block RAM if the size is large.
* (Vivado does this automatically)
* It is possible to read and write simultaneously as long as the queue is not
* empty. It is not possible to pass a byte directly from input to output without
* a delay of two clocks if the buffer is empty.
* The input, byte_in, is placed at the tail of the queue at the rising edge of clock.
* The output, byte_out, is prefetched so that it is ready to read before the
* clock edge. The read_next input signal will remove one byte from the head of
* the queue and put the next byte into byte_out.
* The data_ready_out output tells if it is possible to read a byte
module fifo_buffer
#(parameter size_log2 = 10) // buffer size = 2**size_log2 bytes
input reset, // clear buffer and reset error condition
input reset_error, // reset error condition
input clock, // clock at `CLOCK_RATE
input read_next, // read next byte from buffer
input write, // write one byte to buffer
input [7:0] byte_in, // serial byte input
output reg [7:0] byte_out, // serial byte output prefetched
output reg data_ready_out, // the buffer contains at least one byte
output reg overflow, // attempt to write to full buffer
output reg underflow, // attempt to read from empty buffer
output reg [size_log2-1:0] num // number of bytes currently in buffer
reg [7:0] buffer[0 : (2**size_log2)-1]; // circular buffer
reg [size_log2-1:0] head; // pointer to head position where bytes are extracted
reg [size_log2-1:0] tail; // pointer to tail position where bytes are inserted
logic [size_log2-1:0] head_plus_1; // (head + 1) modulo 2**(size_log2)
always_ff @(posedge clock) begin
if (reset) begin
// clear buffer, reset everything
head <= 0;
tail <= 0;
byte_out <= 0;
num <= 0;
data_ready_out <= 0;
overflow <= 0;
underflow <= 0;
end else if (reset_error) begin
// reset error flags
overflow <= 0;
underflow <= 0;
end else begin
if (write) begin
// insert a byte in buffer
if (&num) begin
// buffer is full
overflow <= 1;
end else begin
// buffer is not full
buffer[tail] <= byte_in; // insert at tail position
// advance tail
tail <= tail + 1; // this will wrap around because size is a power of 2
// count bytes in buffer
if (!read_next) begin
num <= num + 1;
// make output ready
if (num == 0 || read_next && num == 1) begin
byte_out <= 0;
data_ready_out <= 0;
end else if (read_next) begin
byte_out <= buffer[head_plus_1]; // read byte and make next byte ready from head position
data_ready_out <= 1;
end else begin
byte_out <= buffer[head]; // make byte read ready from head position
data_ready_out <= 1;
if (read_next) begin
// read a byte from buffer
if (~data_ready_out) begin // reading from empty buffer
underflow <= 1;
end else begin
// advance head
head <= head_plus_1; // this will wrap around because size is a power of 2
// count bytes in buffer
if (!write) begin
num <= num - 1;
always_comb begin
head_plus_1 = head + 1; // (head + 1) with size_log2 bits
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