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//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Title : Virtex-4 Ethernet MAC Example Design Wrapper // Project : Virtex-4 Embedded Tri-Mode Ethernet MAC Wrapper // File : v4_emac_v4_8_example_design.v // Version : 4.8 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // (c) Copyright 2004-2010 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. // // This file contains confidential and proprietary information // of Xilinx, Inc. and is protected under U.S. and // international copyright and other intellectual property // laws. // // DISCLAIMER // This disclaimer is not a license and does not grant any // rights to the materials distributed herewith. Except as // otherwise provided in a valid license issued to you by // Xilinx, and to the maximum extent permitted by applicable // law: (1) THESE MATERIALS ARE MADE AVAILABLE "AS IS" AND // WITH ALL FAULTS, AND XILINX HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES // AND CONDITIONS, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING // BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, NON- // INFRINGEMENT, OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE; and // (2) Xilinx shall not be liable (whether in contract or tort, // including negligence, or under any other theory of // liability) for any loss or damage of any kind or nature // related to, arising under or in connection with these // materials, including for any direct, or any indirect, // special, incidental, or consequential loss or damage // (including loss of data, profits, goodwill, or any type of // loss or damage suffered as a result of any action brought // by a third party) even if such damage or loss was // reasonably foreseeable or Xilinx had been advised of the // possibility of the same. // // CRITICAL APPLICATIONS // Xilinx products are not designed or intended to be fail- // safe, or for use in any application requiring fail-safe // performance, such as life-support or safety devices or // systems, Class III medical devices, nuclear facilities, // applications related to the deployment of airbags, or any // other applications that could lead to death, personal // injury, or severe property or environmental damage // (individually and collectively, "Critical // Applications"). Customer assumes the sole risk and // liability of any use of Xilinx products in Critical // Applications, subject only to applicable laws and // regulations governing limitations on product liability. // // THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER MUST BE RETAINED AS // PART OF THIS FILE AT ALL TIMES. // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Description: This is the Verilog example design for the Virtex-4 // Embedded Ethernet MAC. It is intended that // this example design can be quickly adapted and downloaded onto // an FPGA to provide a real hardware test environment. // // This level: // // * instantiates the TEMAC local link file that instantiates // the TEMAC top level together with a RX and TX FIFO with a // local link interface; // // * instantiates a simple client I/F side example design, // providing an address swap and a simple // loopback function; // // * Instantiates IBUFs on the GTX_CLK, REFCLK and HOSTCLK inputs // if required; // // Please refer to the Datasheet, Getting Started Guide, and // the Virtex-4 Embedded Tri-Mode Ethernet MAC User Gude for // further information. // // // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // | EXAMPLE DESIGN WRAPPER | // | --------------------------------------------------------| // | |LOCAL LINK WRAPPER | // | | -----------------------------------------| // | | |BLOCK LEVEL WRAPPER | // | | | --------------------- | // | -------- | ---------- | | ETHERNET MAC | | // | | | | | | | | WRAPPER | --------- | // | | |->|->| |--|--->| Tx Tx |--| |--->| // | | | | | | | | client PHY | | | | // | | ADDR | | | LOCAL | | | I/F I/F | | | | // | | SWAP | | | LINK | | | | | PHY | | // | | | | | FIFO | | | | | I/F | | // | | | | | | | | | | | | // | | | | | | | | Rx Rx | | | | // | | | | | | | | client PHY | | | | // | | |<-|<-| |<-|----| I/F I/F |<-| |<---| // | | | | | | | | | --------- | // | -------- | ---------- | --------------------- | // | | -----------------------------------------| // | --------------------------------------------------------| // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- `timescale 1 ps / 1 ps //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // The module declaration for the example design. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- module enetplatform ( // MII Interface - EMAC0 MII_COL_0, MII_CRS_0, MII_TXD_0, MII_TX_EN_0, MII_TX_ER_0, MII_TX_CLK_0, MII_RXD_0, MII_RX_DV_0, MII_RX_ER_0, MII_RX_CLK_0, // Preserved Tie-Off Pins for EMAC0 //SPEED_VECTOR_IN_0, HOSTCLK, PHY_RESET_0, // Asynchronous Reset RESET, // User Connections in_src_rdy_usr, out_dst_rdy_usr, in_data_usr, in_sof_usr, in_eof_usr, in_dst_rdy_usr, out_src_rdy_usr, out_data_usr, out_sof_usr, out_eof_usr, outport_usr, inport_usr, clk_local ); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Port Declarations //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // MII Interface - EMAC0 input MII_COL_0; input MII_CRS_0; output [3:0] MII_TXD_0; output MII_TX_EN_0; output MII_TX_ER_0; input MII_TX_CLK_0; input [3:0] MII_RXD_0; input MII_RX_DV_0; input MII_RX_ER_0; input MII_RX_CLK_0; // Preserved Tie-Off Pins for EMAC0 //input [1:0] SPEED_VECTOR_IN_0; input HOSTCLK; output PHY_RESET_0; // Asynchronous Reset input RESET; // User Connections input in_src_rdy_usr; input out_dst_rdy_usr; input [7:0] in_data_usr; input in_sof_usr; input in_eof_usr; output in_dst_rdy_usr; output out_src_rdy_usr; output [7:0] out_data_usr; output out_sof_usr; output out_eof_usr; output [3:0] outport_usr; output [3:0] inport_usr; output clk_local; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Wire and Reg Declarations //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Global asynchronous reset wire reset_i; // Client Interface Clocking Signals - EMAC0 wire tx_clk_0_i; wire rx_clk_0_i; // address swap transmitter connections - EMAC0 wire [7:0] tx_ll_data_0_i; wire tx_ll_sof_n_0_i; wire tx_ll_eof_n_0_i; wire tx_ll_src_rdy_n_0_i; wire tx_ll_dst_rdy_n_0_i; // address swap receiver connections - EMAC0 wire [7:0] rx_ll_data_0_i; wire rx_ll_sof_n_0_i; wire rx_ll_eof_n_0_i; wire rx_ll_src_rdy_n_0_i; wire rx_ll_dst_rdy_n_0_i; // create a synchronous reset in the transmitter clock domain reg [5:0] tx_pre_reset_0_i; reg tx_reset_0_i; // synthesis attribute ASYNC_REG of tx_pre_reset_0_i is "TRUE"; wire host_clk_i; wire [1:0] SPEED_VECTOR_IN_0; // synthesis attribute buffer_type of host_clk_i is none; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Main Body of Code //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- wire [7:0] CLIENTEMAC0TXIFGDELAY; wire [7:0] CLIENTEMAC1TXIFGDELAY; wire CLIENTEMAC0PAUSEREQ; wire CLIENTEMAC1PAUSEREQ; wire [15:0] CLIENTEMAC0PAUSEVAL; wire [15:0] CLIENTEMAC1PAUSEVAL; assign CLIENTEMAC0TXIFGDELAY = 8'h3F; assign CLIENTEMAC1TXIFGDELAY = 8'h3F; assign CLIENTEMAC0PAUSEREQ = 0; assign CLIENTEMAC1PAUSEREQ = 0; assign CLIENTEMAC0PAUSEVAL = 0; assign CLIENTEMAC1PAUSEVAL = 0; // Reset input buffer assign PHY_RESET_0 = ~RESET; assign reset_i = RESET; //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Instantiate the EMAC Wrapper with LL FIFO // (v4_emac_v4_8_locallink.v) //------------------------------------------------------------------------ v4_emac_v4_8_locallink v4_emac_ll ( // Local link Receiver Interface - EMAC0 .RX_LL_CLOCK_0 (clk_local), .RX_LL_RESET_0 (tx_reset_0_i), .RX_LL_DATA_0 (rx_ll_data_0_i), .RX_LL_SOF_N_0 (rx_ll_sof_n_0_i), .RX_LL_EOF_N_0 (rx_ll_eof_n_0_i), .RX_LL_SRC_RDY_N_0 (rx_ll_src_rdy_n_0_i), .RX_LL_DST_RDY_N_0 (rx_ll_dst_rdy_n_0_i), .RX_LL_FIFO_STATUS_0 (), // Client Clocks and Unused Receiver signals - EMAC0 .RX_CLIENT_CLK_0 (rx_clk_0_i), .EMAC0CLIENTRXDVLD (EMAC0CLIENTRXDVLD), .EMAC0CLIENTRXFRAMEDROP (EMAC0CLIENTRXFRAMEDROP), .EMAC0CLIENTRXSTATS (EMAC0CLIENTRXSTATS), .EMAC0CLIENTRXSTATSVLD (EMAC0CLIENTRXSTATSVLD), .EMAC0CLIENTRXSTATSBYTEVLD (EMAC0CLIENTRXSTATSBYTEVLD), // Local link Transmitter Interface - EMAC0 .TX_LL_CLOCK_0 (clk_local), .TX_LL_RESET_0 (tx_reset_0_i), .TX_LL_DATA_0 (tx_ll_data_0_i), .TX_LL_SOF_N_0 (tx_ll_sof_n_0_i), .TX_LL_EOF_N_0 (tx_ll_eof_n_0_i), .TX_LL_SRC_RDY_N_0 (tx_ll_src_rdy_n_0_i), .TX_LL_DST_RDY_N_0 (tx_ll_dst_rdy_n_0_i), // Client Clocks and Unused Transmitter signals - EMAC0 .TX_CLIENT_CLK_0 (tx_clk_0_i), .CLIENTEMAC0TXIFGDELAY (CLIENTEMAC0TXIFGDELAY), .EMAC0CLIENTTXSTATS (EMAC0CLIENTTXSTATS), .EMAC0CLIENTTXSTATSVLD (EMAC0CLIENTTXSTATSVLD), .EMAC0CLIENTTXSTATSBYTEVLD (EMAC0CLIENTTXSTATSBYTEVLD), // MAC Control Interface - EMAC0 .CLIENTEMAC0PAUSEREQ (CLIENTEMAC0PAUSEREQ), .CLIENTEMAC0PAUSEVAL (CLIENTEMAC0PAUSEVAL), // MII Interface - EMAC0 .MII_COL_0 (MII_COL_0), .MII_CRS_0 (MII_CRS_0), .MII_TXD_0 (MII_TXD_0), .MII_TX_EN_0 (MII_TX_EN_0), .MII_TX_ER_0 (MII_TX_ER_0), .MII_TX_CLK_0 (MII_TX_CLK_0), .MII_RXD_0 (MII_RXD_0), .MII_RX_DV_0 (MII_RX_DV_0), .MII_RX_ER_0 (MII_RX_ER_0), .MII_RX_CLK_0 (MII_RX_CLK_0), // Preserved Tie-Off Pins for EMAC0 .SPEED_VECTOR_IN_0 (SPEED_VECTOR_IN_0), .HOSTCLK (host_clk_i), // Asynchronous Reset Input .RESET (reset_i)); assign SPEED_VECTOR_IN_0 = 2'b01; //------------------------------------------------------------------- // Instatiate the address swapping module //------------------------------------------------------------------- /*address_swap_module_8 client_side_asm_emac0 (.rx_ll_clock(tx_clk_0_i), .rx_ll_reset(tx_reset_0_i), .rx_ll_data_in(rx_ll_data_0_i), .rx_ll_sof_in_n(rx_ll_sof_n_0_i), .rx_ll_eof_in_n(rx_ll_eof_n_0_i), .rx_ll_src_rdy_in_n(rx_ll_src_rdy_n_0_i), .rx_ll_data_out(tx_ll_data_0_i), .rx_ll_sof_out_n(tx_ll_sof_n_0_i), .rx_ll_eof_out_n(tx_ll_eof_n_0_i), .rx_ll_src_rdy_out_n(tx_ll_src_rdy_n_0_i), .rx_ll_dst_rdy_in_n(tx_ll_dst_rdy_n_0_i) );*/ wire out_sof_p, out_eof_p, out_src_rdy_p, out_dst_rdy_p; wire in_sof_p, in_eof_p, in_src_rdy_p, in_dst_rdy_p; wire pp_enable; wire [3:0] port_addr; wire [3:0] outport_addr; wire [3:0] inport_addr; reg [7:0] in_data_p; reg [7:0] DIP_r; reg out_sof_pr, out_eof_pr, out_src_rdy_pr, out_dst_rdy_pr; reg in_sof_pr, in_eof_pr, in_src_rdy_pr, in_dst_rdy_pr; assign pp_enable = 1; patlpp pp ( .en(pp_enable), .clk(clk_local), .rst(reset_i), .in_sof(in_sof_p), .in_eof(in_eof_p), .in_src_rdy(in_src_rdy_p), .in_dst_rdy(in_dst_rdy_p), .out_sof(out_sof_p), .out_eof(out_eof_p), .out_src_rdy(out_src_rdy_p), .out_dst_rdy(out_dst_rdy_p), .in_data(in_data_p), .out_data(tx_ll_data_0_i), .outport_addr(outport_addr), .inport_addr(inport_addr)//, //.chipscope_data(chipscope_data_pp) ); assign tx_ll_sof_n_0_i = ~out_sof_p; assign tx_ll_eof_n_0_i = ~out_eof_p; assign tx_ll_src_rdy_n_0_i = ~out_src_rdy_pr; assign rx_ll_dst_rdy_n_0_i = ~in_dst_rdy_pr; assign in_sof_p = in_sof_pr; assign in_eof_p = in_eof_pr; assign in_src_rdy_p = in_src_rdy_pr; assign out_dst_rdy_p = out_dst_rdy_pr; assign in_dst_rdy_usr = in_dst_rdy_p; assign out_src_rdy_usr = out_src_rdy_p; assign outport_usr = outport_addr; assign inport_usr = inport_addr; assign out_data_usr = tx_ll_data_0_i; assign out_sof_usr = out_sof_p; assign out_eof_usr = out_eof_p; // Processor Clock Generation wire sysclk_u; wire sysclk_l; wire dcmreset; DCM_BASE #( .CLKIN_PERIOD(10), .CLK_FEEDBACK("NONE"), .CLKFX_DIVIDE(4), .CLKFX_MULTIPLY(2) ) dcm_patlpp ( .CLKFX(sysclk_u), .LOCKED(sysclk_l), .CLKIN(host_clk_i), .RST(reset_i) ); BUFG bufg_ll_clk (.I(sysclk_u), .O(clk_local)); dcm_reset dcm_reset_inst ( .ref_reset(reset_i), .ref_clk(host_clk_i), .dcm_locked(sysclk_l), .dcm_reset(dcmreset) ); //assign clk_local = host_clk_i; // In Port always @(inport_addr or rx_ll_src_rdy_n_0_i or rx_ll_data_0_i or in_dst_rdy_p or rx_ll_sof_n_0_i or rx_ll_eof_n_0_i or in_src_rdy_usr or in_data_usr or in_sof_usr or in_eof_usr) begin case (inport_addr) 0: begin in_src_rdy_pr <= ~rx_ll_src_rdy_n_0_i; in_dst_rdy_pr <= in_dst_rdy_p; in_data_p <= rx_ll_data_0_i; in_sof_pr <= ~rx_ll_sof_n_0_i; in_eof_pr <= ~rx_ll_eof_n_0_i; end default: begin in_src_rdy_pr <= in_src_rdy_usr; in_dst_rdy_pr <= 0; in_data_p <= in_data_usr; in_sof_pr <= in_sof_usr; in_eof_pr <= in_eof_usr; end endcase end // Out Port always @(outport_addr or out_src_rdy_p or tx_ll_dst_rdy_n_0_i or out_dst_rdy_usr) begin case (outport_addr) 0: begin out_src_rdy_pr <= out_src_rdy_p; out_dst_rdy_pr <= ~tx_ll_dst_rdy_n_0_i; end default: begin out_src_rdy_pr <= 0; out_dst_rdy_pr <= out_dst_rdy_usr; end endcase end //assign rx_ll_dst_rdy_n_0_i = tx_ll_dst_rdy_n_0_i; // Create synchronous reset in the transmitter clock domain. always @(posedge clk_local, posedge reset_i) begin if (reset_i === 1'b1) begin tx_pre_reset_0_i <= 6'h3F; tx_reset_0_i <= 1'b1; end else begin tx_pre_reset_0_i[0] <= 1'b0; tx_pre_reset_0_i[5:1] <= tx_pre_reset_0_i[4:0]; tx_reset_0_i <= tx_pre_reset_0_i[5]; end end //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // HOSTCLK Clock Management - Clock input for the generic management // interface. This clock could be tied to a 125MHz reference clock // to save on clocking resources //---------------------------------------------------------------------- IBUF host_clk (.I(HOSTCLK), .O(host_clk_i)); // assign host_clk_i = HOSTCLK; endmodule