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//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Title : 8-bit Client to Local-link Transmitter FIFO // Project : Virtex-5 Ethernet MAC Wrappers //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // File : tx_client_fifo_8.v // Author : Xilinx //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Copyright (c) 2004-2008 by Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. // This text/file contains proprietary, confidential // information of Xilinx, Inc., is distributed under license // from Xilinx, Inc., and may be used, copied and/or // disclosed only pursuant to the terms of a valid license // agreement with Xilinx, Inc. Xilinx hereby grants you // a license to use this text/file solely for design, simulation, // implementation and creation of design files limited // to Xilinx devices or technologies. Use with non-Xilinx // devices or technologies is expressly prohibited and // immediately terminates your license unless covered by // a separate agreement. // // Xilinx is providing this design, code, or information // "as is" solely for use in developing programs and // solutions for Xilinx devices. By providing this design, // code, or information as one possible implementation of // this feature, application or standard, Xilinx is making no // representation that this implementation is free from any // claims of infringement. You are responsible for // obtaining any rights you may require for your implementation. // Xilinx expressly disclaims any warranty whatsoever with // respect to the adequacy of the implementation, including // but not limited to any warranties or representations that this // implementation is free from claims of infringement, implied // warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular // purpose. // // Xilinx products are not intended for use in life support // appliances, devices, or systems. Use in such applications are // expressly prohibited. // // This copyright and support notice must be retained as part // of this text at all times. (c) Copyright 2004-2008 Xilinx, Inc. // All rights reserved. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Description: This is a transmitter side local link fifo implementation for // the design example of the Virtex-5 Ethernet MAC Wrapper // core. // // The transmit FIFO is created from 2 Block RAMs of size 2048 // words of 8-bits per word, giving a total frame memory capacity // of 4096 bytes. // // Valid frame data received from local link interface is written // into the Block RAM on the write clock. The FIFO will store // frames upto 4kbytes in length. If larger frames are written // to the FIFO the local-link interface will accept the rest of the // frame, but that frame will be dropped by the FIFO and // the overflow signal will be asserted. // // The FIFO is designed to work with a minimum frame length of 14 bytes. // // When there is at least one complete frame in the FIFO, // the MAC transmitter client interface will be driven to // request frame transmission by placing the first byte of // the frame onto tx_data[7:0] and by asserting // tx_data_valid. The MAC will later respond by asserting // tx_ack. At this point the remaining frame data is read // out of the FIFO in a continuous burst. Data is read out // of the FIFO on the rd_clk. // // If the generic FULL_DUPLEX_ONLY is set to false, the FIFO will // requeue and retransmit frames as requested by the MAC. Once a // frame has been transmitted by the FIFO it is stored until the // possible retransmit window for that frame has expired. // // The FIFO has been designed to operate with different clocks // on the write and read sides. The write clock (locallink clock) // can be an equal or faster frequency than the read clock (client clock). // The minimum write clock frequency is the read clock frequency divided // by 2.5. // // The FIFO memory size can be increased by expanding the rd_addr // and wr_addr signal widths, to address further BRAMs. // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- `timescale 1ps / 1ps module tx_client_fifo_8 ( // MAC Interface rd_clk, rd_sreset, rd_enable, tx_data, tx_data_valid, tx_ack, tx_collision, tx_retransmit, overflow, // Local-link Interface wr_clk, wr_sreset, wr_data, wr_sof_n, wr_eof_n, wr_src_rdy_n, wr_dst_rdy_n, wr_fifo_status ); //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Define Interface Signals //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // MAC Interface input rd_clk; input rd_sreset; input rd_enable; output [7:0] tx_data; output tx_data_valid; input tx_ack; input tx_collision; input tx_retransmit; output overflow; // Local-link Interface input wr_clk; input wr_sreset; input [7:0] wr_data; input wr_sof_n; input wr_eof_n; input wr_src_rdy_n; output wr_dst_rdy_n; output [3:0] wr_fifo_status; // If FULL_DUPLEX_ONLY is 1 then all the half duplex logic in the FIFO is removed. // The default for the fifo is to include the half duplex functionality parameter FULL_DUPLEX_ONLY = 0; reg [7:0] tx_data; reg tx_data_valid; reg [3:0] wr_fifo_status; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Define Internal Signals //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- wire GND; wire VCC; wire [7:0] GND_BUS; // Encode rd_state_machine states parameter IDLE_s = 4'b0000; parameter QUEUE1_s = 4'b0001; parameter QUEUE2_s = 4'b0010; parameter QUEUE3_s = 4'b0011; parameter QUEUE_ACK_s = 4'b0100; parameter WAIT_ACK_s = 4'b0101; parameter FRAME_s = 4'b0110; parameter DROP_s = 4'b0111; parameter RETRANSMIT_s = 4'b1000; reg [3:0] rd_state; reg [3:0] rd_nxt_state; // Encode wr_state_machine states parameter WAIT_s = 2'b00; parameter DATA_s = 2'b01; parameter EOF_s = 2'b10; parameter OVFLOW_s = 2'b11; reg [1:0] wr_state; reg [1:0] wr_nxt_state; reg [7:0] wr_data_bram; reg [7:0] wr_data_pipe[0:1]; reg wr_sof_pipe[0:1]; reg wr_eof_pipe[0:1]; reg wr_accept_pipe[0:1]; reg wr_accept_bram; reg [0:0] wr_eof_bram; reg [11:0] wr_addr; wire wr_addr_inc; wire wr_start_addr_load; wire wr_addr_reload; reg [11:0] wr_start_addr; reg wr_fifo_full; wire wr_en; wire wr_en_u; wire wr_en_l; reg wr_ovflow_dst_rdy; wire wr_dst_rdy_int_n; reg frame_in_fifo; reg frame_in_fifo_sync; reg rd_eof; reg rd_eof_reg; reg rd_eof_pipe; reg [11:0] rd_addr; wire rd_addr_inc; wire rd_addr_reload; wire [7:0] rd_data_bram_u; wire [7:0] rd_data_bram_l; reg [7:0] rd_data_pipe_u; reg [7:0] rd_data_pipe_l; reg [7:0] rd_data_pipe; wire [0:0] rd_eof_bram_u; wire [0:0] rd_eof_bram_l; wire rd_en; wire rd_en_bram; reg rd_bram_u; reg rd_bram_u_reg; reg rd_tran_frame_tog; reg wr_tran_frame_tog; reg wr_tran_frame_sync; reg wr_tran_frame_delay; reg rd_retran_frame_tog; reg wr_retran_frame_tog; reg wr_retran_frame_sync; reg wr_retran_frame_delay; wire wr_store_frame; wire wr_eof_state; reg wr_eof_state_reg; reg wr_transmit_frame; reg wr_retransmit_frame; reg [8:0] wr_frames; reg wr_frame_in_fifo; reg [3:0] rd_16_count; wire rd_txfer_en; reg [11:0] rd_addr_txfer; reg rd_txfer_tog; reg wr_txfer_tog; reg wr_txfer_tog_sync; reg wr_txfer_tog_delay; wire wr_txfer_en; reg [11:0] wr_rd_addr; reg [11:0] wr_addr_diff; reg rd_drop_frame; reg rd_retransmit; reg [11:0] rd_start_addr; wire rd_start_addr_load; wire rd_start_addr_reload; reg [11:0] rd_dec_addr; wire rd_transmit_frame; wire rd_retransmit_frame; reg rd_col_window_expire; reg rd_col_window_pipe[0:1]; reg wr_col_window_pipe[0:1]; wire wr_fifo_overflow; reg [9:0] rd_slot_timer; reg wr_col_window_expire; wire rd_idle_state; reg rd_enable_delay; reg rd_enable_delay2; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Attributes for FIFO simulation and synthesis //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ASYNC_REG attributes added to simulate actual behaviour under // asynchronous operating conditions. // synthesis attribute ASYNC_REG of wr_tran_frame_tog is "TRUE"; // synthesis attribute ASYNC_REG of wr_retran_frame_tog is "TRUE"; // synthesis attribute ASYNC_REG of frame_in_fifo_sync is "TRUE"; // synthesis attribute ASYNC_REG of wr_rd_addr is "TRUE"; // synthesis attribute ASYNC_REG of wr_txfer_tog is "TRUE"; // synthesis attribute ASYNC_REG of wr_col_window_pipe[0] is "TRUE"; // WRITE_MODE attributes added to Block RAM to mitigate port contention // synthesis attribute WRITE_MODE_A of ramgen_u is "READ_FIRST"; // synthesis attribute WRITE_MODE_B of ramgen_u is "READ_FIRST"; // synthesis attribute WRITE_MODE_A of ramgen_l is "READ_FIRST"; // synthesis attribute WRITE_MODE_B of ramgen_l is "READ_FIRST"; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Begin FIFO architecture //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- assign GND = 1'b0; assign VCC = 1'b1; assign GND_BUS = 8'b0; always @(posedge rd_clk) begin rd_enable_delay <= rd_enable; rd_enable_delay2 <= rd_enable_delay; end //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Write State machine and control //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Write state machine // states are WAIT, DATA, EOF, OVFLOW // clock through next state of sm always @(posedge wr_clk) begin if (wr_sreset == 1'b1) wr_state <= WAIT_s; else wr_state <= wr_nxt_state; end // decode next state, combinitorial // should never be able to overflow whilst not in the data state. always @(wr_state or wr_sof_pipe[1] or wr_eof_pipe[0] or wr_eof_pipe[1] or wr_eof_bram[0] or wr_fifo_overflow) begin case (wr_state) WAIT_s : begin if (wr_sof_pipe[1] == 1'b1) wr_nxt_state <= DATA_s; else wr_nxt_state <= WAIT_s; end DATA_s : begin // wait for the end of frame to be detected if (wr_fifo_overflow == 1'b1 && wr_eof_pipe[0] == 1'b0 && wr_eof_pipe[1] == 1'b0) wr_nxt_state <= OVFLOW_s; else if (wr_eof_pipe[1] == 1'b1) wr_nxt_state <= EOF_s; else wr_nxt_state <= DATA_s; end EOF_s : begin // if the start of frame is already in the pipe, a back to back frame // transmission has occured. move straight back to frame state if (wr_sof_pipe[1] == 1'b1) wr_nxt_state <= DATA_s; else if (wr_eof_bram[0] == 1'b1) wr_nxt_state <= WAIT_s; else wr_nxt_state <= EOF_s; end OVFLOW_s : begin // wait until the end of frame is reached before clearing the overflow if (wr_eof_bram[0] == 1'b1) wr_nxt_state <= WAIT_s; else wr_nxt_state <= OVFLOW_s; end default : begin wr_nxt_state <= WAIT_s; end endcase end // decode output signals. assign wr_en = (wr_state == OVFLOW_s) ? 1'b0 : wr_accept_bram; assign wr_en_l = wr_en & !wr_addr[11]; assign wr_en_u = wr_en & wr_addr[11]; assign wr_addr_inc = wr_en; assign wr_addr_reload = (wr_state == OVFLOW_s) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; assign wr_start_addr_load = (wr_state == EOF_s && wr_nxt_state == WAIT_s) ? 1'b1 : (wr_state == EOF_s && wr_nxt_state == DATA_s) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; // pause the local link flow when the fifo is full. assign wr_dst_rdy_int_n = (wr_state == OVFLOW_s) ? wr_ovflow_dst_rdy : wr_fifo_full; assign wr_dst_rdy_n = wr_dst_rdy_int_n; // when in overflow and have captured ovflow eof send dst rdy high again. assign overflow = (wr_state == OVFLOW_s) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; // when in overflow and have captured ovflow eof send dst rdy high again. always @(posedge wr_clk) begin if (wr_sreset == 1'b1) wr_ovflow_dst_rdy <= 1'b0; else begin if (wr_fifo_overflow == 1'b1 && wr_state == DATA_s) wr_ovflow_dst_rdy <= 1'b0; else if (wr_eof_n == 1'b0 && wr_src_rdy_n == 1'b0) wr_ovflow_dst_rdy <= 1'b1; end end // eof signals for use in overflow logic assign wr_eof_state = (wr_state == EOF_s) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; always @(posedge wr_clk) begin if (wr_sreset == 1'b1) wr_eof_state_reg <= 1'b0; else wr_eof_state_reg <= wr_eof_state; end //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Read state machine and control //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // clock through the read state machine always @(posedge rd_clk) begin if (rd_sreset == 1'b1) rd_state <= IDLE_s; else if (rd_enable == 1'b1) rd_state <= rd_nxt_state; end //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Full Duplex Only State Machine generate if (FULL_DUPLEX_ONLY == 1) begin : gen_fd_sm // decode the next state always @(rd_state or frame_in_fifo or rd_eof or tx_ack) begin case (rd_state) IDLE_s : begin // if there is a frame in the fifo start to queue the new frame // to the output if (frame_in_fifo == 1'b1) rd_nxt_state <= QUEUE1_s; else rd_nxt_state <= IDLE_s; end QUEUE1_s : begin rd_nxt_state <= QUEUE2_s; end QUEUE2_s : begin rd_nxt_state <= QUEUE3_s; end QUEUE3_s : begin rd_nxt_state <= QUEUE_ACK_s; end QUEUE_ACK_s : begin rd_nxt_state <= WAIT_ACK_s; end WAIT_ACK_s : begin // the output pipe line is fully loaded, so wait for ack from mac // before moving on if (tx_ack == 1'b1) rd_nxt_state <= FRAME_s; else rd_nxt_state <= WAIT_ACK_s; end FRAME_s : begin // when the end of frame has been reached wait another frame in // the fifo if (rd_eof == 1'b1) rd_nxt_state <= IDLE_s; else rd_nxt_state <= FRAME_s; end default : begin rd_nxt_state <= IDLE_s; end endcase end // full duplex state machine end // gen_fd_sm endgenerate //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Full and Half Duplex State Machine generate if (FULL_DUPLEX_ONLY != 1) begin : gen_hd_sm // decode the next state // should never receive a rd_drop_frame pulse outside of the Frame state always @(rd_state or frame_in_fifo or rd_eof_reg or tx_ack or rd_drop_frame or rd_retransmit) begin case (rd_state) IDLE_s : begin // if a retransmit request is detected go to retransmit state if (rd_retransmit == 1'b1) rd_nxt_state <= RETRANSMIT_s; // if there is a frame in the fifo then queue the new frame to // the output else if (frame_in_fifo == 1'b1) rd_nxt_state <= QUEUE1_s; else rd_nxt_state <= IDLE_s; end QUEUE1_s : begin if (rd_retransmit == 1'b1) rd_nxt_state <= RETRANSMIT_s; else rd_nxt_state <= QUEUE2_s; end QUEUE2_s : begin if (rd_retransmit == 1'b1) rd_nxt_state <= RETRANSMIT_s; else rd_nxt_state <= QUEUE3_s; end QUEUE3_s : begin if (rd_retransmit == 1'b1) rd_nxt_state <= RETRANSMIT_s; else rd_nxt_state <= QUEUE_ACK_s; end QUEUE_ACK_s : begin if (rd_retransmit == 1'b1) rd_nxt_state <= RETRANSMIT_s; else rd_nxt_state <= WAIT_ACK_s; end WAIT_ACK_s : begin // the output pipeline is now fully loaded so wait for ack from // mac before moving on. if (rd_retransmit == 1'b1) rd_nxt_state <= RETRANSMIT_s; else if (tx_ack == 1'b1) rd_nxt_state <= FRAME_s; else rd_nxt_state <= WAIT_ACK_s; end FRAME_s : begin // if a collision only request, then must drop the rest of the // current frame, move to drop state if (rd_drop_frame == 1'b1) rd_nxt_state <= DROP_s; else if (rd_retransmit == 1'b1) rd_nxt_state <= RETRANSMIT_s; // continue transmitting frame until the end of the frame is // detected, then wait for a new frame to be sent. else if (rd_eof_reg == 1'b1) rd_nxt_state <= IDLE_s; else rd_nxt_state <= FRAME_s; end DROP_s : begin // wait until rest of frame has been cleared. if (rd_eof_reg == 1'b1) rd_nxt_state <= IDLE_s; else rd_nxt_state <= DROP_s; end RETRANSMIT_s : begin // reload the data pipe from the start of the frame rd_nxt_state <= QUEUE1_s; end default : begin rd_nxt_state <= IDLE_s; end endcase end end // gen_hd_sm // half duplex state machine endgenerate //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // decode output signals // decode output data always @(posedge rd_clk) begin if (rd_enable == 1'b1) begin if (rd_nxt_state == FRAME_s) tx_data <= rd_data_pipe; else begin case (rd_state) QUEUE_ACK_s : tx_data <= rd_data_pipe; WAIT_ACK_s : tx_data <= tx_data; FRAME_s : tx_data <= rd_data_pipe; default : tx_data <= 8'b0; endcase end end end // decode output data valid always @(posedge rd_clk) begin if (rd_enable == 1'b1) begin if (rd_nxt_state == FRAME_s) tx_data_valid <= ~(tx_collision && ~(tx_retransmit)); else begin case (rd_state) QUEUE_ACK_s : tx_data_valid <= 1'b1; WAIT_ACK_s : tx_data_valid <= 1'b1; FRAME_s : tx_data_valid <= ~(rd_nxt_state == DROP_s); default : tx_data_valid <= 1'b0; endcase end end end //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // decode full duplex only control signals generate if (FULL_DUPLEX_ONLY == 1) begin : gen_fd_decode assign rd_en = (rd_state == IDLE_s) ? 1'b0 : (rd_nxt_state == FRAME_s) ? 1'b1 : (rd_state == WAIT_ACK_s) ? 1'b0 : 1'b1; assign rd_addr_inc = rd_en; assign rd_addr_reload = (rd_state == FRAME_s && rd_nxt_state == IDLE_s) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; // Transmit frame pulse is only 1 clock enabled pulse long. // Transmit frame pulse must never be more frequent than 64 clocks to allow toggle to cross clock domain assign rd_transmit_frame = (rd_state == WAIT_ACK_s && rd_nxt_state == FRAME_s) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; // unused for full duplex only assign rd_start_addr_reload = 1'b0; assign rd_start_addr_load = 1'b0; assign rd_retransmit_frame = 1'b0; end // gen_fd_decode // full duplex control signals endgenerate //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // decode half duplex control signals generate if (FULL_DUPLEX_ONLY != 1) begin : gen_hd_decode assign rd_en = (rd_state == IDLE_s) ? 1'b0 : (rd_nxt_state == DROP_s && rd_eof == 1'b1) ? 1'b0 : (rd_nxt_state == FRAME_s) ? 1'b1 : (rd_state == RETRANSMIT_s) ? 1'b0 : (rd_state == WAIT_ACK_s) ? 1'b0 : 1'b1; assign rd_addr_inc = rd_en; assign rd_addr_reload = (rd_state == FRAME_s && rd_nxt_state == IDLE_s) ? 1'b1 : (rd_state == DROP_s && rd_nxt_state == IDLE_s) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; assign rd_start_addr_reload = (rd_state == RETRANSMIT_s) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; assign rd_start_addr_load = (rd_state == WAIT_ACK_s && rd_nxt_state == FRAME_s) ? 1'b1 : (rd_col_window_expire == 1'b1) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; // Transmit frame pulse must never be more frequent than 64 clocks to allow toggle to cross clock domain assign rd_transmit_frame = (rd_state == WAIT_ACK_s && rd_nxt_state == FRAME_s) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; // Retransmit frame pulse must never be more frequent than 16 clocks to allow toggle to cross clock domain assign rd_retransmit_frame = (rd_state == RETRANSMIT_s) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; end // gen_hd_decode // half duplex control signals endgenerate //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Frame Count // We need to maintain a count of frames in the fifo, so that we know when a // frame is available for transmission. The counter must be held on the // write clock domain as this is the faster clock. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // A frame has been written to the fifo assign wr_store_frame = (wr_state == EOF_s && wr_nxt_state != EOF_s) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; // generate a toggle to indicate when a frame has been transmitted from the fifo always @(posedge rd_clk) begin // process if (rd_sreset == 1'b1) rd_tran_frame_tog <= 1'b0; else if (rd_enable == 1'b1) if (rd_transmit_frame == 1'b1) // assumes EOF_s is valid for one clock // cycle only ever! check rd_tran_frame_tog <= !rd_tran_frame_tog; end // move the read transmit frame signal onto the write clock domain always @(posedge wr_clk) begin if (wr_sreset == 1'b1) begin wr_tran_frame_tog <= 1'b0; wr_tran_frame_sync <= 1'b0; wr_tran_frame_delay <= 1'b0; wr_transmit_frame <= 1'b0; end else begin wr_tran_frame_tog <= rd_tran_frame_tog; wr_tran_frame_sync <= wr_tran_frame_tog; wr_tran_frame_delay <= wr_tran_frame_sync; // edge detector if ((wr_tran_frame_delay ^ wr_tran_frame_sync) == 1'b1) wr_transmit_frame <= 1'b1; else wr_transmit_frame <= 1'b0; end end //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- generate if (FULL_DUPLEX_ONLY == 1) begin : gen_fd_count // count the number of frames in the fifo. the counter is incremented when a // frame is stored and decremented when a frame is transmitted. Need to keep // the counter on the write clock as this is the fastest clock. always @(posedge wr_clk) begin if (wr_sreset == 1'b1) wr_frames <= 9'b0; else if ((wr_store_frame & !wr_transmit_frame) == 1'b1) wr_frames <= wr_frames + 1; else if ((!wr_store_frame & wr_transmit_frame) == 1'b1) wr_frames <= wr_frames - 1; end end // gen_fd_count endgenerate //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- generate if (FULL_DUPLEX_ONLY != 1) begin : gen_hd_count // generate a toggle to indicate when a frame has been transmitted from the fifo always @(posedge rd_clk) begin // process if (rd_sreset == 1'b1) rd_retran_frame_tog <= 1'b0; else if (rd_enable == 1'b1) if (rd_retransmit_frame == 1'b1) // assumes EOF_s is valid for one clock // cycle only ever! check rd_retran_frame_tog <= !rd_retran_frame_tog; end // move the read transmit frame signal onto the write clock domain always @(posedge wr_clk) begin if (wr_sreset == 1'b1) begin wr_retran_frame_tog <= 1'b0; wr_retran_frame_sync <= 1'b0; wr_retran_frame_delay <= 1'b0; wr_retransmit_frame <= 1'b0; end else begin wr_retran_frame_tog <= rd_retran_frame_tog; wr_retran_frame_sync <= wr_retran_frame_tog; wr_retran_frame_delay <= wr_retran_frame_sync; // edge detector if ((wr_retran_frame_delay ^ wr_retran_frame_sync) == 1'b1) wr_retransmit_frame <= 1'b1; else wr_retransmit_frame <= 1'b0; end end // count the number of frames in the fifo. the counter is incremented when a // frame is stored or retransmitted and decremented when a frame is transmitted. Need to keep // the counter on the write clock as this is the fastest clock. // Assumes transmit and retransmit cannot happen at same time always @(posedge wr_clk) begin if (wr_sreset == 1'b1) wr_frames <= 9'b0; else if ((wr_store_frame & wr_retransmit_frame) == 1'b1) wr_frames <= wr_frames + 2; else if (((wr_store_frame | wr_retransmit_frame) & !wr_transmit_frame) == 1'b1) wr_frames <= wr_frames + 1; else if (wr_transmit_frame == 1'b1 & !wr_store_frame) wr_frames <= wr_frames - 1; end end // gen_hd_count endgenerate //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // generate a frame in fifo signal for use in control logic always @(posedge wr_clk) begin if (wr_sreset == 1'b1) wr_frame_in_fifo <= 1'b0; else if (wr_frames != 9'b0) wr_frame_in_fifo <= 1'b1; else wr_frame_in_fifo <= 1'b0; end // register back onto read domain for use in the read logic always @(posedge rd_clk) begin if (rd_sreset == 1'b1) begin frame_in_fifo_sync <= 1'b0; frame_in_fifo <= 1'b0; end else if (rd_enable == 1'b1) begin frame_in_fifo_sync <= wr_frame_in_fifo; frame_in_fifo <= frame_in_fifo_sync; end end //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Address counters //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Address counters // write address is incremented when write enable signal has been asserted always @(posedge wr_clk) begin if (wr_sreset == 1'b1) wr_addr <= 12'b0; else if (wr_addr_reload == 1'b1) wr_addr <= wr_start_addr; else if (wr_addr_inc == 1'b1) wr_addr <= wr_addr + 1; end // store the start address incase the address must be reset always @(posedge wr_clk) begin if (wr_sreset == 1'b1) wr_start_addr <= 12'b0; else if (wr_start_addr_load == 1'b1) wr_start_addr <= wr_addr + 1; end //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- generate if (FULL_DUPLEX_ONLY == 1) begin : gen_fd_addr // read address is incremented when read enable signal has been asserted always @(posedge rd_clk) begin if (rd_sreset == 1'b1) rd_addr <= 12'b0; else if (rd_enable == 1'b1) if (rd_addr_reload == 1'b1) rd_addr <= rd_dec_addr; else if (rd_addr_inc == 1'b1) rd_addr <= rd_addr + 1; end // do not need to keep a start address, but the address is needed to // calculate fifo occupancy. always @(posedge rd_clk) begin if (rd_sreset == 1'b1) rd_start_addr <= 12'b0; else if (rd_enable == 1'b1) rd_start_addr <= rd_addr; end end // gen_fd_addr // full duplex address counters endgenerate //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- generate if (FULL_DUPLEX_ONLY != 1) begin : gen_hd_addr // read address is incremented when read enable signal has been asserted always @(posedge rd_clk) begin if (rd_sreset == 1'b1) rd_addr <= 12'b0; else if (rd_enable == 1'b1) if (rd_addr_reload == 1'b1) rd_addr <= rd_dec_addr; else if (rd_start_addr_reload == 1'b1) rd_addr <= rd_start_addr; else if (rd_addr_inc == 1'b1) rd_addr <= rd_addr + 1; end always @(posedge rd_clk) begin if (rd_sreset == 1'b1) rd_start_addr <= 12'b0; else if (rd_enable == 1'b1) if (rd_start_addr_load == 1'b1) rd_start_addr <= rd_addr - 4; end // Collision window expires after MAC has been transmitting for required slot // time. This is 512 clock cycles at 1G. Also if the end of frame has fully // been transmitted by the mac then a collision cannot occur. // this collision expire signal goes high at 768 cycles from the start of the // frame. // inefficient for short frames, however should be enough to prevent fifo // locking up. always @(posedge rd_clk) begin if (rd_sreset == 1'b1) rd_col_window_expire <= 1'b0; else if (rd_enable == 1'b1) if (rd_transmit_frame == 1'b1) rd_col_window_expire <= 1'b0; else if (rd_slot_timer[9:8] == 2'b11) rd_col_window_expire <= 1'b1; end assign rd_idle_state = (rd_state == IDLE_s) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; always @(posedge rd_clk) begin if (rd_enable == 1'b1) begin rd_col_window_pipe[0] <= rd_col_window_expire & rd_idle_state; if (rd_txfer_en == 1'b1) rd_col_window_pipe[1] <= rd_col_window_pipe[0]; end end always @(posedge rd_clk) begin if (rd_sreset == 1'b1) // will not count until after first // frame is sent. rd_slot_timer <= 10'b0; else if (rd_enable == 1'b1) if (rd_transmit_frame == 1'b1) // reset counter rd_slot_timer <= 10'b0; // do not allow counter to role over. // only count when frame is being transmitted. else if (rd_slot_timer != 10'b1111111111) rd_slot_timer <= rd_slot_timer + 1; end end // gen_hd_addr // half duplex address counters endgenerate always @(posedge rd_clk) begin if (rd_sreset == 1'b1) rd_dec_addr <= 12'b0; else if (rd_enable == 1'b1) if (rd_addr_inc == 1'b1) rd_dec_addr <= rd_addr - 1; end //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- always @(posedge rd_clk) begin if (rd_sreset == 1'b1) begin rd_bram_u <= 1'b0; rd_bram_u_reg <= 1'b0; end else if (rd_enable == 1'b1) if (rd_addr_inc == 1'b1) begin rd_bram_u <= rd_addr[11]; rd_bram_u_reg <= rd_bram_u; end end //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Data Pipelines //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // register input signals to fifo // no reset to allow srl16 target always @(posedge wr_clk) begin wr_data_pipe[0] <= wr_data; if (wr_accept_pipe[0] == 1'b1) wr_data_pipe[1] <= wr_data_pipe[0]; if (wr_accept_pipe[1] == 1'b1) wr_data_bram <= wr_data_pipe[1]; end // no reset to allow srl16 target always @(posedge wr_clk) begin wr_sof_pipe[0] <= !wr_sof_n; if (wr_accept_pipe[0] == 1'b1) wr_sof_pipe[1] <= wr_sof_pipe[0]; end always @(posedge wr_clk) begin if (wr_sreset == 1'b1) begin wr_accept_pipe[0] <= 1'b0; wr_accept_pipe[1] <= 1'b0; wr_accept_bram <= 1'b0; end else begin wr_accept_pipe[0] <= !wr_src_rdy_n & !wr_dst_rdy_int_n; wr_accept_pipe[1] <= wr_accept_pipe[0]; wr_accept_bram <= wr_accept_pipe[1]; end end always @(posedge wr_clk) begin wr_eof_pipe[0] <= !wr_eof_n; if (wr_accept_pipe[0] == 1'b1) wr_eof_pipe[1] <= wr_eof_pipe[0]; if (wr_accept_pipe[1] == 1'b1) wr_eof_bram[0] <= wr_eof_pipe[1]; end // register data outputs from bram // no reset to allow srl16 target always @(posedge rd_clk) begin if (rd_enable == 1'b1) if (rd_en == 1'b1) begin rd_data_pipe_u <= rd_data_bram_u; rd_data_pipe_l <= rd_data_bram_l; if (rd_bram_u_reg == 1'b1) rd_data_pipe <= rd_data_pipe_u; else rd_data_pipe <= rd_data_pipe_l; end end // register data outputs from bram // no reset to allow srl16 target always @(posedge rd_clk) begin if (rd_enable == 1'b1) if (rd_en == 1'b1) begin if (rd_bram_u == 1'b1) rd_eof_pipe <= rd_eof_bram_u[0]; else rd_eof_pipe <= rd_eof_bram_l[0]; rd_eof <= rd_eof_pipe; rd_eof_reg <= rd_eof | rd_eof_pipe; end end //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- generate if (FULL_DUPLEX_ONLY != 1) begin : gen_hd_input // register the collision and retransmit signals always @(posedge rd_clk) begin if (rd_enable == 1'b1) rd_drop_frame <= tx_collision & !tx_retransmit; end always @(posedge rd_clk) begin if (rd_enable == 1'b1) rd_retransmit <= tx_collision & tx_retransmit; end end // gen_hd_input // half duplex register input endgenerate //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Fifo full functionality //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // when full duplex full functionality is difference between read and write addresses. // when in half duplex is difference between read start and write addresses. // Cannot use gray code this time as the read address and read start addresses jump by more than 1 // generate an enable pulse for the read side every 16 read clocks. This provides for the worst case // situation where wr clk is 20Mhz and rd clk is 125 Mhz. always @(posedge rd_clk) begin if (rd_sreset == 1'b1) rd_16_count <= 4'b0; else if (rd_enable == 1'b1) rd_16_count <= rd_16_count + 1; end assign rd_txfer_en = (rd_16_count == 4'b1111) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; // register the start address on the enable pulse always @(posedge rd_clk) begin if (rd_sreset == 1'b1) rd_addr_txfer <= 12'b0; else if (rd_enable == 1'b1) begin if (rd_txfer_en == 1'b1) rd_addr_txfer <= rd_start_addr; end end // generate a toggle to indicate that the address has been loaded. always @(posedge rd_clk) begin if (rd_sreset == 1'b1) rd_txfer_tog <= 1'b0; else if (rd_enable == 1'b1) begin if (rd_txfer_en == 1'b1) rd_txfer_tog <= !rd_txfer_tog; end end // pass the toggle to the write side always @(posedge wr_clk) begin if (wr_sreset == 1'b1) begin wr_txfer_tog <= 1'b0; wr_txfer_tog_sync <= 1'b0; wr_txfer_tog_delay <= 1'b0; end else begin wr_txfer_tog <= rd_txfer_tog; wr_txfer_tog_sync <= wr_txfer_tog; wr_txfer_tog_delay <= wr_txfer_tog_sync; end end // generate an enable pulse from the toggle, the address should have // been steady on the wr clock input for at least one clock assign wr_txfer_en = wr_txfer_tog_delay ^ wr_txfer_tog_sync; // capture the address on the write clock when the enable pulse is high. always @(posedge wr_clk) begin if (wr_sreset == 1'b1) wr_rd_addr <= 12'b0; else if (wr_txfer_en == 1'b1) wr_rd_addr <= rd_addr_txfer; end // Obtain the difference between write and read pointers always @(posedge wr_clk) begin if (wr_sreset == 1'b1) wr_addr_diff <= 12'b0; else wr_addr_diff <= wr_rd_addr - wr_addr; end // Detect when the FIFO is full always @(posedge wr_clk) begin if (wr_sreset == 1'b1) wr_fifo_full <= 1'b0; else // The FIFO is considered to be full if the write address // pointer is within 1 to 3 of the read address pointer. if (wr_addr_diff[11:4] == 8'b0 && wr_addr_diff[3:2] != 2'b0) wr_fifo_full <= 1'b1; else wr_fifo_full <= 1'b0; end // memory overflow occurs when the fifo is full and there are no frames // available in the fifo for transmission. If the collision window has // expired and there are no frames in the fifo and the fifo is full, then the // fifo is in an overflow state. we must accept the rest of the incoming // frame in overflow condition. generate if (FULL_DUPLEX_ONLY == 1) begin : gen_fd_ovflow // in full duplex mode, the fifo memory can only overflow if the fifo goes // full but there is no frame available to be retranmsitted // do not allow to go high when the frame count is being updated, ie wr_store_frame is asserted. assign wr_fifo_overflow = (wr_fifo_full == 1'b1 && wr_frame_in_fifo == 1'b0 && wr_eof_state == 1'b0 && wr_eof_state_reg == 1'b0) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; end // gen_fd_ovflow endgenerate generate if (FULL_DUPLEX_ONLY != 1) begin : gen_hd_ovflow // register wr col window to give address counter sufficient time to update. // do not allow to go high when the frame count is being updated, ie wr_store_frame is asserted. assign wr_fifo_overflow = (wr_fifo_full == 1'b1 && wr_frame_in_fifo == 1'b0 && wr_eof_state == 1'b0 && wr_eof_state_reg == 1'b0 && wr_col_window_expire == 1'b1) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; // register rd_col_window signal // this signal is long, and will remain high until overflow functionality // has finished, so save just to register the once. always @(posedge wr_clk) begin // process if (wr_sreset == 1'b1) begin wr_col_window_pipe[0] <= 1'b0; wr_col_window_pipe[1] <= 1'b0; wr_col_window_expire <= 1'b0; end else begin if (wr_txfer_en == 1'b1) wr_col_window_pipe[0] <= rd_col_window_pipe[1]; wr_col_window_pipe[1] <= wr_col_window_pipe[0]; wr_col_window_expire <= wr_col_window_pipe[1]; end end end // gen_hd_ovflow endgenerate //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // Create FIFO Status Signals in the Write Domain //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // The FIFO status signal is four bits which represents the occupancy // of the FIFO in 16'ths. To generate this signal we therefore only // need to compare the 4 most significant bits of the write address // pointer with the 4 most significant bits of the read address // pointer. // The 4 most significant bits of the write pointer minus the 4 msb of // the read pointer gives us our FIFO status. always @(posedge wr_clk) begin if (wr_sreset == 1'b1) wr_fifo_status <= 4'b0; else if (wr_addr_diff == 12'b0) wr_fifo_status <= 4'b0; else begin wr_fifo_status[3] <= !wr_addr_diff[11]; wr_fifo_status[2] <= !wr_addr_diff[10]; wr_fifo_status[1] <= !wr_addr_diff[9]; wr_fifo_status[0] <= !wr_addr_diff[8]; end end //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Memory //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- assign rd_en_bram = rd_en & rd_enable_delay2; // Block Ram for lower address space (rx_addr(11) = 1'b0) defparam ramgen_l.WRITE_MODE_A = "READ_FIRST"; defparam ramgen_l.WRITE_MODE_B = "READ_FIRST"; RAMB16_S9_S9 ramgen_l ( .WEA (wr_en_l), .ENA (VCC), .SSRA (wr_sreset), .CLKA (wr_clk), .ADDRA(wr_addr[10:0]), .DIA (wr_data_bram), .DIPA (wr_eof_bram), .WEB (GND), .ENB (rd_en_bram), .SSRB (rd_sreset), .CLKB (rd_clk), .ADDRB(rd_addr[10:0]), .DIB (GND_BUS[7:0]), .DIPB (GND_BUS[0:0]), .DOA (), .DOPA (), .DOB (rd_data_bram_l), .DOPB (rd_eof_bram_l)); // Block Ram for lower address space (rx_addr(11) = 1'b0) defparam ramgen_u.WRITE_MODE_A = "READ_FIRST"; defparam ramgen_u.WRITE_MODE_B = "READ_FIRST"; RAMB16_S9_S9 ramgen_u ( .WEA (wr_en_u), .ENA (VCC), .SSRA (wr_sreset), .CLKA (wr_clk), .ADDRA(wr_addr[10:0]), .DIA (wr_data_bram), .DIPA (wr_eof_bram), .WEB (GND), .ENB (rd_en_bram), .SSRB (rd_sreset), .CLKB (rd_clk), .ADDRB(rd_addr[10:0]), .DIB (GND_BUS[7:0]), .DIPB (GND_BUS[0:0]), .DOA (), .DOPA (), .DOB (rd_data_bram_u), .DOPB (rd_eof_bram_u)); endmodule