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CONFIG PART = 5vlx110tff1136-1;
# BLOCK Level constraints
# EMAC0 Clocking
# 125MHz clock input from BUFG
NET "enet_inst?CLK125" TNM_NET = "clk_gtp";
TIMEGRP "v5_emac_v1_6_gtp_clk" = "clk_gtp";
TIMESPEC "TS_v5_emac_v1_6_gtp_clk" = PERIOD "v5_emac_v1_6_gtp_clk" 7700 ps HIGH 50 %;
# EMAC0 Tri-speed clock input from BUFG
NET "enet_inst?CLIENT_CLK_0" TNM_NET = "clk_client0";
TIMEGRP "v5_emac_v1_6_gtp_clk_client0" = "clk_client0";
TIMESPEC "TS_v5_emac_v1_6_gtp_clk_client0" = PERIOD "v5_emac_v1_6_gtp_clk_client0" 7700 ps HIGH 50 %;
# LocalLink clock groups
NET "clk_local" TNM_NET = "clk_ll";
TIMEGRP "patlpp_sysclk" = "clk_ll";
TIMESPEC "TS_patlpp_sysclk" = PERIOD "patlpp_sysclk" 13ns HIGH 50%;
# EMAC0 Fabric Rx Elastic Buffer Timing Constraints: -
NET "*GTP_DUAL_1000X_inst?RXRECCLK_0_BUFR" TNM_NET = "clk_rec_clk0";
TIMEGRP "v5_emac_v1_6_client_rec_clk0" = "clk_rec_clk0";
TIMESPEC "TS_v5_emac_v1_6_rec_clk0" = PERIOD "v5_emac_v1_6_client_rec_clk0" 7700 ps HIGH 50 %;
# Control Gray Code delay and skew
INST "*GTP_DUAL_1000X_inst?rx_elastic_buffer_inst_0?rd_addr_gray_?" TNM = "rx_elastic_rd_to_wr_0";
TIMESPEC "TS_rx_elastic_rd_to_wr_0" = FROM "rx_elastic_rd_to_wr_0" TO "clk_rec_clk0" 7500 ps DATAPATHONLY;
INST "*GTP_DUAL_1000X_inst?rx_elastic_buffer_inst_0?wr_addr_gray_?" TNM = "elastic_metastable_0";
TIMESPEC "ts_elastic_meta_protect_0" = FROM "elastic_metastable_0" 5 ns DATAPATHONLY;
# Reduce clock period to allow 3 ns for metastability settling time
INST "*GTP_DUAL_1000X_inst?rx_elastic_buffer_inst_0?rd_wr_addr_gray*" TNM = "rx_graycode_0";
INST "*GTP_DUAL_1000X_inst?rx_elastic_buffer_inst_0?rd_occupancy*" TNM = "rx_binary_0";
TIMESPEC "ts_rx_buf_meta_protect_0" = FROM "rx_graycode_0" TO "rx_binary_0" 5 ns;
# LocalLink Level constraints
# EMAC0 LocalLink client FIFO constraints.
INST "*client_side_FIFO_emac0?tx_fifo_i?rd_tran_frame_tog" TNM = "tx_fifo_rd_to_wr_0";
INST "*client_side_FIFO_emac0?tx_fifo_i?rd_retran_frame_tog" TNM = "tx_fifo_rd_to_wr_0";
#INST "*client_side_FIFO_emac0?tx_fifo_i?rd_col_window_pipe_1" TNM = "tx_fifo_rd_to_wr_0";
INST "*client_side_FIFO_emac0?tx_fifo_i?rd_addr_txfer*" TNM = "tx_fifo_rd_to_wr_0";
INST "*client_side_FIFO_emac0?tx_fifo_i?rd_txfer_tog" TNM = "tx_fifo_rd_to_wr_0";
INST "*client_side_FIFO_emac0?tx_fifo_i?wr_frame_in_fifo" TNM = "tx_fifo_wr_to_rd_0";
TIMESPEC "TS_tx_fifo_rd_to_wr_0" = FROM "tx_fifo_rd_to_wr_0" TO "v5_emac_v1_6_gtp_clk_client0" 8000 ps DATAPATHONLY;
TIMESPEC "TS_tx_fifo_wr_to_rd_0" = FROM "tx_fifo_wr_to_rd_0" TO "v5_emac_v1_6_gtp_clk_client0" 8000 ps DATAPATHONLY;
# Reduce clock period to allow 3 ns for metastability settling time
INST "*client_side_FIFO_emac0?tx_fifo_i?wr_tran_frame_tog" TNM = "tx_metastable_0";
INST "*client_side_FIFO_emac0?tx_fifo_i?wr_rd_addr*" TNM = "tx_metastable_0";
INST "*client_side_FIFO_emac0?tx_fifo_i?wr_txfer_tog" TNM = "tx_metastable_0";
INST "*client_side_FIFO_emac0?tx_fifo_i?frame_in_fifo" TNM = "tx_metastable_0";
INST "*client_side_FIFO_emac0?tx_fifo_i?wr_retran_frame_tog*" TNM = "tx_metastable_0";
#INST "*client_side_FIFO_emac0?tx_fifo_i?wr_col_window_pipe_0" TNM = "tx_metastable_0";
TIMESPEC "ts_tx_meta_protect_0" = FROM "tx_metastable_0" 5 ns DATAPATHONLY;
INST "*client_side_FIFO_emac0?tx_fifo_i?rd_addr_txfer*" TNM = "tx_addr_rd_0";
INST "*client_side_FIFO_emac0?tx_fifo_i?wr_rd_addr*" TNM = "tx_addr_wr_0";
TIMESPEC "TS_tx_fifo_addr_0" = FROM "tx_addr_rd_0" TO "tx_addr_wr_0" 10ns;
## RX Client FIFO
# Group the clock crossing signals into timing groups
INST "*client_side_FIFO_emac0?rx_fifo_i?wr_store_frame_tog" TNM = "rx_fifo_wr_to_rd_0";
INST "*client_side_FIFO_emac0?rx_fifo_i?rd_addr_gray*" TNM = "rx_fifo_rd_to_wr_0";
TIMESPEC "TS_rx_fifo_wr_to_rd_0" = FROM "rx_fifo_wr_to_rd_0" TO "v5_emac_v1_6_gtp_clk_client0" 8000 ps DATAPATHONLY;
TIMESPEC "TS_rx_fifo_rd_to_wr_0" = FROM "rx_fifo_rd_to_wr_0" TO "v5_emac_v1_6_gtp_clk_client0" 8000 ps DATAPATHONLY;
# Reduce clock period to allow for metastability settling time
INST "*client_side_FIFO_emac0?rx_fifo_i?wr_rd_addr_gray_sync*" TNM = "rx_metastable_0";
INST "*client_side_FIFO_emac0?rx_fifo_i?rd_store_frame_tog" TNM = "rx_metastable_0";
TIMESPEC "ts_rx_meta_protect_0" = FROM "rx_metastable_0" 5 ns;
# Area constaint to place example design near embedded TEMAC. Constraint is
# optional and not necessary for a successful implementation of the design.
#INST v5_emac_ll/* AREA_GROUP = AG_v5_emac ;
# EXAMPLE DESIGN Level constraints
# Place the transceiver components. Please alter to your chosen transceiver.
INST "*GTP_DUAL_1000X_inst?GTP_1000X?tile0_rocketio_wrapper_i?gtp_dual_i" LOC = "GTP_DUAL_X0Y4";
#INST "enet_inst?MGTCLK_N" LOC = "P3";
#INST "enet_inst?MGTCLK_P" LOC = "P4";
#Added per tutorial
NET "PHY_RESET_0" LOC = J14; #ML505 PHY Reset
NET "RESET" LOC = AJ6; # Push Button Center
NET "RESET_CPU" LOC = E9; # CPU Reset Button
#LED Status
NET "LEDS<0>" LOC = H18;
NET "LEDS<1>" LOC = L18;
NET "LEDS<2>" LOC = G15;
NET "LEDS<3>" LOC = AD26;
NET "LEDS<4>" LOC = G16;
NET "LEDS<5>" LOC = AD25;
NET "LEDS<6>" LOC = AD24;
NET "LEDS<7>" LOC = AE24;
#DIP Switches
NET "DIP<0>" LOC = U25;
NET "DIP<1>" LOC = AG27;
NET "DIP<2>" LOC = AF25;
NET "DIP<3>" LOC = AF26;
NET "DIP<4>" LOC = AE27;
NET "DIP<5>" LOC = AE26;
NET "DIP<6>" LOC = AC25;
NET "DIP<7>" LOC = AC24;