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options {
 STATIC = false;

import java.lang.*;
import java.util.*;

 * The Xilinx Logical Allocation file (.ll file) parser for Virtex2
 * FPGAs. The parser fills two <code>Hashtable</code> objects with the
 * readback bitstream information for state elements in the Virtex5
 * design.  One <code>Hashtable</code> is filled with RAM bitstream
 * information keyed on physical location (block name) while the
 * second holds the bitstream information for flip-flops keyed on
 * physical location (block name).  The grammar is not published but
 * was developed from looking at the file format.
 * @author Paul Graham
 * @author Peter Lieber */
public class LL_Virtex5 {

   * A <code>HashTable</code> to allow quick access to {@link
   * RAMGroup} objects based on block name and RAM type. The
   * <code>RAMGroup</code> objects contain {@link RAMRBEntry} objects
   * which hold the actual bitstream offsets.  */
  Hashtable<String, RAMGroup > RAMGroupHash;

   * A <code>Hashtable</code> of {@link LatchRBEntry} objects to allow
   * quick access based on block name and latch type.  The
   * <code>LatchRBEntry</code> is used for flip-flops and stores
   * bitstream offset information. */
  Hashtable<String, LatchRBEntry > NetHashBlock;

  /** The number of nets associated with latches in the .ll file */
  int netCount;

  /** The number of RAM entries in the .ll file */
  int ramCount;

   * Indicates whether the LL file provides absolute offsets. First
   * needed with the Xilinx 4.1 ISE tools*/
  boolean absOffsets;

   * Instances and initializes the parser and parses the input from
   * <code></code>
   * @param args Command line arguments (ignored by the method)
   * */
  public static void main(String args[]) throws ParseException {
    LL_Virtex5 parser = new LL_Virtex5(;

   * Initializes the <code>Hashtables</code> and counts.  */
  public void initTables() {
    RAMGroupHash = new Hashtable<String, RAMGroup >();
    NetHashBlock = new Hashtable<String, LatchRBEntry >();
    netCount = 0;
    ramCount = 0;
    absOffsets = false;

   * Returns a reference to the <code>RAMGroupHash</code>, which holds
   * a {@link RAMGroup} object for each RAM in the .ll file keyed on
   * the location of the RAM and the RAM type (F, G, M, or B).
   * @return Reference to <code>RAMGroupHash</code> */
  public Hashtable<String, RAMGroup > getRAMGroupHash() {
    return RAMGroupHash;

   * Returning a reference to the <code>NetHashBlock</code>, which
   * holds a {@link LatchRBEntry} for each flip-flop in the .ll file
   * keyed on the location and the latch type (XQ, YQ, etc.)
   * @return Reference to <code>NetHashBlock</code> */
  public Hashtable<String, LatchRBEntry > getNetHashBlock() {
    return NetHashBlock;

   * Returns true if the LL file provides absolute offsets and false
   * otherwise.  Absolute readback bitstream offsets started appearing
   * in the Xilinx ISE 4.1i series of tools.
   * @return <code>true</code> if absolute offsets are provide,
   * <code>false</code> otherwise.  */
  public boolean hasAbsoluteOffsets() {
    return absOffsets;


  " "

    "\n" : DEFAULT

    < ~[] >

  < NUM: ( ["0"-"9"] )+ >
  < HEXNUM: "0x" ( ["0"-"9","a"-"f","A"-"F"] )+ >
  < EQUAL: "=" >
  < TYPE : "Type" >
  < LUT : ["A","B","C","D"] >
  < BLOCKRAM : "B" >
  < SLICEBLOCK : "SLICE_X" (["0"-"9"])+ "Y" (["0"-"9"])+ >
  < BRAMBLOCK : "RAMB36_X" (["0"-"9"])+ "Y" (["0"-"9"])+ >
  < GTPBLOCK : "GTP_DUAL_X" (["0"-"9"])+ "Y" (["0"-"9"])+ >
  < DCMBLOCK : "DCM_ADV_X" (["0"-"9"])+ "Y" (["0"-"9"])+ >
  < PINBLOCK : ["A"-"Z"] (["A"-"Z"])? ["0"-"9"] (["0"-"9"])? >
  < AQ : "AQ">
  < BQ : "BQ">
  < CQ : "CQ">
  < DQ : "DQ">
  < Q1 : "Q1">
  < Q2 : "Q2">
  < I : "I">
  < O : "O">
  < DO : "DO" ["A","B"] ["0"-"9"] (["0"-"9"])? >
  < COLON : ":" >
  < LANGLE: "<" >
  < RANGLE: ">" >
  < LBRACKET: "[" >
  < RBRACKET: "]" >
  < REVISION : "Revision">
  < BIT : "Bit" >
  < BLOCK : "Block" >
  < LATCH : "Latch" >
  < RAM : "Ram" >
  < ROM : "Rom" >
  < NET: "Net" >
  < YES: "YES">
  < NO: "NO">
  < INFO: "Info">
  < ID: ["a"-"z","A"-"Z"] (["a"-"z","A"-"Z","_","/","0"-"9","-",".","$"])* >
  < NETEXT: ["/","_"](["a"-"z","A"-"Z","_","/","0"-"9","-","."])+ >

 * Defines the various flip-flop types and returns the type as
 * a <code>String</code>.
 * @return <code>String</code> for flip-flop type. */
String LatchType() :
{ }
<AQ> { return token.toString();}
|<BQ> { return token.toString();}
|<CQ> { return token.toString();}
|<DQ> { return token.toString();}
|<Q1> { return token.toString();}
|<Q2> { return token.toString();}
|<I> { return token.toString();}
|<O> { return token.toString();}

 * Initiates the parsing of an <code>.ll</code> file and prints out
 * statistics about the number of flip-flops (latches) and RAMs it
 * found.*/
void parseLL() :
{ }
  Revision() ( BitStreamEntry() | InfoEntry() )* <EOF>

  System.out.println("Total Block/Latch Entries: "+ 
                     Integer.toString(NetHashBlock.size())+ " Total Nets:" +
  System.out.println("Number of RAMGroup Entries: "+ 
                     " Total RAM entries:" + Integer.toString(ramCount));

 * Parses the revision information for the .ll file.
void Revision() :
{ }
    <REVISION> <NUM> ("\r" | "\n" | "\r\n")

 * Parses the entire clause having the type of the flip-flop and
 * returns the flip-flop type as a String.  
 * @return Flip-flop type as <code>String</code>. */
String Latch() :
{ String latchtype; }
  <LATCH> <EQUAL> latchtype=LatchType() {return latchtype;}

 * Parses the net names associated with latches and stores a
 * <code>LatchRBEntry</code> object in the <code>NetHashBlock
 * Hashtable</code>.  The method handles both angle brackets ("<>")
 * and square brackets ("[]") for net names.  In some strange
 * circumstances, it was necessary to handle names which extended
 * beyond the array naming construct (in other words, there was still
 * part of the name after the last "]" or ">").  In these cases, the
 * names are considered atomic (not multi-bit), so the index variable
 * is reset to "-1".
 * @param offset The first offset provided by the LL file for this
 *               flip-flop; it is actually a junk bit in the readback
 *               bitstream.
 * @param frame The frame number for this flip-flops readback data
 *              provided by the LL file.
 * @param frameOffset The offset within the frame for this flip-flop's
 *                    readback data provided by the LL file.
 * @param block The block's name and location. 
 * @param latchType The type of the flip-flop.
void NetName(int offset, int frame, int frameOffset, String block, String latchType) :
  String netname; 
  int index=-1;
  boolean extended=false;
  LatchRBEntry lrbe;
  <ID> { netname = token.toString();}
  <NUM> { index = Integer.parseInt(token.toString()); }
   { netname = new String(netname+"<"+Integer.toString(index)+">"+token.toString()); 
     index = -1;
     extended = true;
   } ]
  <NUM> { index = Integer.parseInt(token.toString());}
   { netname = new String(netname+"["+Integer.toString(index)+"]"+token.toString()); 
     index = -1;
     extended = true;
   } ]
        if(!block.equals("DUMMY")) {
          lrbe = new LatchRBEntry(offset,frame,frameOffset,block,latchType,netname,index);
          NetHashBlock.put(block+latchType, lrbe);

 * Parses the entire "Net=..." clause.
 * @param offset The first offset provided by the LL file for this
 *               flip-flop; it is actually a junk bit in the readback
 *               bitstream.
 * @param frame The frame number for this flip-flops readback data
 *              provided by the LL file.
 * @param frameOffset The offset within the frame for this flip-flop's
 *                    readback data provided by the LL file.
 * @param block The block's name and location. 
 * @param latchType The type of the flip-flop.
void Net(int offset, int frame, int frameOffset, String block, String latchType) :
{ }
  <NET> <EQUAL> NetName(offset,frame,frameOffset,block,latchType)

 * Parses the "Ram=..." clauses of the RAM LL entries for lut rams and enters the
 * data into the <code>RAMGroupHash</code>. Since a certain RAM may
 * already have a <code>RAMGroup</code> entry in the
 * <code>RAMGroupHash</code>, the method performs a lookup first to
 * see if the RAM's <code>RAMGroup</code> entry exists.  If the entry
 * exists, the method adds a <code>RAMRBEntry</code> to the
 * <code>RAMGroup</code> which was found.  Otherwise, the method
 * creates a new <code>RAMGroup</code> and adds an
 * <code>RAMRBEntry</code> to it. This method handles both LUT RAMs
 * and BlockRAMs.
 * @param offset The first offset provided by the LL file for this
 *               flip-flop; it is actually a junk bit in the readback
 *               bitstream.
 * @param frame The frame number for this flip-flops readback data
 *              provided by the LL file.
 * @param frameOffset The offset within the frame for this flip-flop's
 *                    readback data provided by the LL file.
 * @param block The block's name and location.  */
void SliceRam(int offset, int frame, int frameOffset, String block) :
{ String lutType;
  int address; 
  RAMGroup rg;
  RAMRBEntry rrb;
  String key;
  <RAM> <EQUAL> 
  <LUT> {lutType = token.toString();} 
   <COLON> <NUM> 
    try {
      address = Integer.parseInt(token.toString());
      rrb = new RAMRBEntry(offset,frame,frameOffset,block,lutType,address);
      key = new String(block+"."+lutType);
      rg = (RAMGroup)RAMGroupHash.get(key);
      if(rg == null) {
        RAMGroupHash.put(key,new RAMGroup(rrb));
      else {
    catch (RAMTypeException rte) {
      System.out.println("Caught Exception: " + rte.toString());
      System.out.println("Wrong RAM Type: Are you using the proper part type? (Virtex5)");

 * Parses the "Ram=..." clauses of the RAM LL entries for BRAMs and enters the
 * data into the <code>RAMGroupHash</code>. Since a certain RAM may
 * already have a <code>RAMGroup</code> entry in the
 * <code>RAMGroupHash</code>, the method performs a lookup first to
 * see if the RAM's <code>RAMGroup</code> entry exists.  If the entry
 * exists, the method adds a <code>RAMRBEntry</code> to the
 * <code>RAMGroup</code> which was found.  Otherwise, the method
 * creates a new <code>RAMGroup</code> and adds an
 * <code>RAMRBEntry</code> to it. This method handles both LUT RAMs
 * and BlockRAMs.
 * @param offset The first offset provided by the LL file for this
 *               flip-flop; it is actually a junk bit in the readback
 *               bitstream.
 * @param frame The frame number for this flip-flops readback data
 *              provided by the LL file.
 * @param frameOffset The offset within the frame for this flip-flop's
 *                    readback data provided by the LL file.
 * @param block The block's name and location.  */
void BRam(int offset, int frame, int frameOffset, String block) :
{ String lutType;
  int address; 
  RAMGroup rg;
  RAMRBEntry rrb;
  String key;
  <RAM> <EQUAL> 
  <LUT> {lutType = token.toString();} 
  <COLON> <ID> 
    try {
      String bitAddress = token.toString();
      // We need to skip the PARBIT prefix used for block ram parity bits
      if( bitAddress.charAt(0) == 'P' )
        address = Integer.parseInt(bitAddress.substring(6));
      // We need to skip the BIT prefix used for block ram data bits
        address = Integer.parseInt(bitAddress.substring(3));
      rrb = new RAMRBEntry(offset,frame,frameOffset,block,lutType,address);
      key = new String(block+"."+lutType);
      rg = (RAMGroup)RAMGroupHash.get(key);
      if(rg == null) {
        RAMGroupHash.put(key,new RAMGroup(rrb));
      else {
    catch (RAMTypeException rte) {
      System.out.println("Caught Exception: " + rte.toString());
      System.out.println("Wrong RAM Type: Are you using the proper part type? (Virtex2, XC4K, etc.)");

 * Parses "Rom=..." entries, but doesn't do anything with them.
void Rom() :
{ }

 * Parses "YES/NO" clauses.
void YesNo():
{ }

 * Parses "COMPARE=..." clauses, which are otherwise ignored.
void Compare() :
{ }

 * Parses the "attributes" of a state bit in the readback bitstream,
 * which define whether it belongs to a flip-flop, a RAM, or a ROM and
 * other related information.  This is really the core of the parsing work.
 * @param offset The first offset provided by the LL file for this
 *               flip-flop; it is actually a junk bit in the readback
 *               bitstream.
 * @param frame The frame number for this flip-flops readback data
 *              provided by the LL file.
 * @param frameOffset The offset within the frame for this flip-flop's
 *                    readback data provided by the LL file.
 * @param block The block's name and location.  */
void SliceAttributes(int offset, int frame, int frameOffset, String block) :
{ String latchType;}
latchType=Latch() (Net(offset, frame, frameOffset, block, latchType))?  (Compare())? 
SliceRam(offset,frame,frameOffset,block)  (Compare())?
Rom()  (Compare())?

 * Parses the "attributes" of a state bit in the readback bitstream,
 * which define whether it belongs to a flip-flop, a RAM, or a ROM and
 * other related information.  This is really the core of the parsing work.
 * @param offset The first offset provided by the LL file for this
 *               flip-flop; it is actually a junk bit in the readback
 *               bitstream.
 * @param frame The frame number for this flip-flops readback data
 *              provided by the LL file.
 * @param frameOffset The offset within the frame for this flip-flop's
 *                    readback data provided by the LL file.
 * @param block The block's name and location.  */
void PinAttributes(int offset, int frame, int frameOffset, String block) :
{ String latchType;}
latchType=Latch() (Net(offset, frame, frameOffset, block, latchType))?  (Compare())? 

 * Parses the "attributes" of a state bit in the readback bitstream,
 * which define whether it belongs to a flip-flop, a RAM, or a ROM and
 * other related information.  This is really the core of the parsing work.
 * @param offset The first offset provided by the LL file for this
 *               flip-flop; it is actually a junk bit in the readback
 *               bitstream.
 * @param frame The frame number for this flip-flops readback data
 *              provided by the LL file.
 * @param frameOffset The offset within the frame for this flip-flop's
 *                    readback data provided by the LL file.
 * @param block The block's name and location.  */
void BramAttributes(int offset, int frame, int frameOffset, String block) :
{ }
BRam(offset,frame,frameOffset,block)  (Compare())?

 * Parses the information regarding location of the IOB/SLICE/BLOCKRAM
 * and returns the information as a <code>String</code>. 
 * @return The Virtex2 block location string (for example, "A21",
 *         "CLB_R8C55", "RAMB4_R7C0").
String Block(int offset, int frame, int frameOffset) :
  String block;
  {block = token.toString();}
  SliceAttributes(offset,frame,frameOffset,block) ("\r" | "\n" | "\r\n")
        {block = token.toString();}
  BramAttributes(offset,frame,frameOffset,block) ("\r" | "\n" | "\r\n")
        ( <GTPBLOCK> | <DCMBLOCK> )
        {block = token.toString();}
          <TYPE> <EQUAL> < ID > ("\r" | "\n" | "\r\n")
        {block = token.toString();}
  PinAttributes(offset,frame,frameOffset,block) ("\r" | "\n" | "\r\n")
   return block;

 * Parses an entire readback bitstream location entry for a state
 * element. */
void BitStreamEntry() :
{ int offset,frame,frameOffset;
  String block;
  <BIT> <NUM> {offset = Integer.parseInt(token.toString());}
  (<NUM> {frame = Integer.parseInt(token.toString()); }
  |<HEXNUM> {frame = Integer.decode(token.toString()).intValue(); absOffsets=true;})
  <NUM> {frameOffset = Integer.parseInt(token.toString()); }
  block = Block(offset, frame, frameOffset) 

 * Parses the value of any the informational entries in the LL
 * file. The information is ignored. */
void InfoValue() :
{ }

 * Parses any entries in the LL file which do not directly associate
 * state elements with readback bitstream locations.  These entries
 * describe some of the bitstream generation options used for the
 * bitstream. */
void InfoEntry() :
  <INFO> <ID> <EQUAL> InfoValue() ("\r" | "\n" | "\r\n")

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