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[/] [ft816float/] [trunk/] [rtl/] [verilog2/] [dfisqrt.v] - Rev 63
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`timescale 1ns / 1ps // ============================================================================ // __ // \\__/ o\ (C) 2010-2020 Robert Finch, Waterloo // \ __ / All rights reserved. // \/_// robfinch<remove>@finitron.ca // || // // dfisqrt.v // - integer square root // - uses the standard long form calc. // - geared towards use in an decimal floating point unit // - calculates to WID fractional precision (double width output) // // // BSD 3-Clause License // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: // // 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this // list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // // 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, // this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation // and/or other materials provided with the distribution. // // 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its // contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from // this software without specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" // AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE // IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE // DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE // FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL // DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR // SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER // CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, // OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE // OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. // // ============================================================================ module dfisqrt(rst, clk, ce, ld, a, o, done); parameter N=34; parameter WID = N*4; localparam MSB = WID-1; input rst; input clk; input ce; input ld; input [MSB:0] a; output reg [WID*2-1:0] o; output reg done; reg [3:0] state; parameter SKIPLZ = 4'd1; parameter A0 = 4'd2; parameter S3 = 4'd3; parameter INCJ = 4'd4; parameter DONE = 4'd5; parameter S1 = 4'd6; parameter S4 = 4'd7; parameter S2 = 4'd8; reg [3:0] tbl [0:255]; reg [7:0] tbl5 [0:9]; reg [7:0] sqra [0:9]; initial begin sqra[0] = 8'h00; sqra[1] = 8'h01; sqra[2] = 8'h04; sqra[3] = 8'h09; sqra[4] = 8'h16; sqra[5] = 8'h25; sqra[6] = 8'h36; sqra[7] = 8'h49; sqra[8] = 8'h64; sqra[9] = 8'h81; end genvar g; generate begin for (g = 0; g < 256; g = g + 1) initial begin if (g >= 8'h81) tbl[g] = 4'h9; else if (g >= 8'h64) tbl[g] = 4'h8; else if (g >= 8'h49) tbl[g] = 4'h7; else if (g >= 8'h36) tbl[g] = 4'h6; else if (g >= 8'h25) tbl[g] = 4'h5; else if (g >= 8'h16) tbl[g] = 4'h4; else if (g >= 8'h09) tbl[g] = 4'd3; else if (g >= 8'h04) tbl[g] = 4'h2; else if (g >= 8'h01) tbl[g] = 4'h1; else tbl[g] = 4'h0; end end endgenerate initial begin tbl5[0] = 8'h05; tbl5[1] = 8'h15; tbl5[2] = 8'h25; tbl5[3] = 8'h35; tbl5[4] = 8'h45; tbl5[5] = 8'h55; tbl5[6] = 8'h65; tbl5[7] = 8'h75; tbl5[8] = 8'h85; tbl5[9] = 8'h95; end reg [7:0] dcnt; reg [7:0] j; reg [N*2*4-1:0] b; reg [N*4*2-1:0] ii; wire [N*4*2-1:0] firstRa; reg [N*4*2-1+4:0] ai, Rbx5; wire [(N*2+1)*4-1:0] Rax2, Rax4, Rax5i, newRax5a; reg [(N*2+1)*4-1:0] Rax5, pRax5, newRax5; wire tooBig; BCDAddN #(.N(N*2+1)) ua1 (.ci(1'b0), .a({4'h0,firstRa}), .b({4'h0,firstRa}), .o(Rax2), .co()); BCDAddN #(.N(N*2+1)) ua2 (.ci(1'b0), .a(Rax2), .b(Rax2), .o(Rax4), .co()); BCDAddN #(.N(N*2+1)) ua3 (.ci(1'b0), .a({4'h0,firstRa}), .b(Rax4), .o(Rax5i), .co()); BCDSubN #(.N(N*2+1)) ua4 (.ci(1'b0), .a(Rax5), .b(Rbx5), .o(newRax5a), .co(tooBig)); wire [3:0] a0 = tbl[ii[N*4*2-1:N*4*2-8]]; wire [7:0] sqra00 = sqra[a0]; wire [N*2*4+3:0] srqa0 = {4'h0,sqra00,{N*2*4-8{1'b0}}}; BCDSubN #(.N(N*2)) ua5 (.ci(1'b0), .a(ii), .b(srqa0), .o(firstRa), .co()); wire [WID*2-1:0] tbl5x = {tbl5[b[3:0]],{(N*2-3)*4{1'b0}}}; wire [WID*2-1:0] tbl5s = tbl5x >> {j,2'h0}; wire [N*2*4-1:0] sum_ai; BCDAddN #(.N(N*2)) ua6 (.ci(1'b0), .a(ai), .b(tbl5s), .o(sum_ai), .co()); always @(posedge clk) begin case(state) SKIPLZ: begin Rax5 <= {N*2*4+4{1'd0}}; Rbx5 <= {N*2*4+4{1'd0}}; if (ii[N*4*2-1:N*4*2-8]==8'h00) begin ii <= {ii[N*4*2-9:0],8'h00}; dcnt <= dcnt - 8'd2; if (dcnt==8'h00) begin o <= {WID*2{1'b0}}; state <= DONE; end end else state <= A0; end // Get the first digit of the square root. A0: begin b <= 4'd0; ai <= {4'd0,a0,{(N*2-2)*4{1'b0}}}; state <= S1; end // Set initial Ra5 S1: begin Rax5 <= Rax5i; Rbx5 <= {4'h0,sum_ai}; pRax5 <= Rax5i; state <= S2; end S2: begin newRax5 <= newRax5a; if (tooBig) begin Rax5 <= {Rax5,4'h0}; ai <= ai | (b << (N*2-j)*4-8); state <= INCJ; end else begin b <= b + 1'd1; state <= S3; end end S3: begin pRax5 <= Rax5; Rax5 <= newRax5; Rbx5 <= {4'h0,sum_ai}; state <= S2; end INCJ: begin b <= 4'd0; j <= j + 1'd1; dcnt <= dcnt - 1'd1; if (dcnt==0) begin state <= DONE; o <= ai; end else state <= S4; end S4: begin Rbx5 <= {4'h0,sum_ai}; state <= S2; end DONE: begin done <= 1'b1; end endcase if (ld) begin state <= SKIPLZ; dcnt <= N*2; j <= 8'd1; b <= 4'd0; ii <= {a,{N*4{1'b0}}}; done <= 1'b0; end end endmodule module dfisqrt_tb(); parameter N=34; reg clk; reg rst; reg [N*4-1:0] a; wire [N*4*2-1:0] o; reg ld; wire done; reg [7:0] state; initial begin clk = 1; rst = 0; #100 rst = 1; #100 rst = 0; end always #10 clk = ~clk; // 50 MHz always @(posedge clk) if (rst) begin state <= 8'd0; a <= 64'h987654321; end else begin ld <= 1'b0; case(state) 8'd0: begin a <= 64'h987654321; ld <= 1'b1; state <= 8'd1; end 8'd1: if (done) begin $display("i=%h o=%h", a, o); end endcase end dfisqrt #(.N(N)) u1 (.rst(rst), .clk(clk), .ce(1'b1), .ld(ld), .a(a), .o(o), .done(done)); endmodule
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