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[/] [funbase_ip_library/] [trunk/] [TUT/] [ip.hwp.accelerator/] [dctqidct/] [1.0/] [hdl/] [dctQidct/] [IDCT_fifo.vhd] - Rev 145
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------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Author : Timo Alho -- e-mail : timo.a.alho@tut.fi -- Date : 30.06.2004 15:43:52 -- File : idct_fifo.vhd -- Design : VHDL Entity DCT_RC_DA.idct_fifo.rtl ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Description : Non-generic FIFO -buffer between Inverse quantizer and IDCT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL; USE ieee.std_logic_arith.ALL; LIBRARY idct; USE idct.IDCT_pkg.all; ENTITY IDCT_fifo IS GENERIC( dataw_g : integer := 0; fifo_depth_g : integer := 0 ); PORT( clk : IN std_logic; rst_n : IN std_logic; -- input data bus data_in : IN std_logic_vector (dataw_g-1 DOWNTO 0); -- input status ('1' if block is capable of receiving 8 datawords) ready8 : OUT std_logic; -- write signal for input data wr_in : IN std_logic; -- output data bus data_out : OUT std_logic_vector (dataw_g-1 DOWNTO 0); -- output status (set to '1', if next block is capable of receiving 8 datawords) next_block_ready : IN std_logic; -- write signal for output data wr_out : OUT std_logic ); -- Declarations END IDCT_fifo ; -- ARCHITECTURE rtl OF IDCT_fifo IS CONSTANT max_data : integer := (2**fifo_depth_g)-1; --maximum datacount where ready8 is still active CONSTANT safe_fill : integer := max_data-8; TYPE FIFOram_type IS ARRAY (((2**fifo_depth_g) -1) DOWNTO 0) OF std_logic_vector(dataw_g-1 DOWNTO 0); SIGNAL FIFOram_table : FIFOram_type; -- := (OTHERS => (OTHERS => '0')); SIGNAL wraddr_r : unsigned(fifo_depth_g-1 DOWNTO 0); SIGNAL rdaddr_r : unsigned(fifo_depth_g-1 DOWNTO 0); SIGNAL data_counter_r : unsigned(fifo_depth_g-1 DOWNTO 0); SIGNAL output_counter_r : unsigned(2 DOWNTO 0); SIGNAL wr_out_r : std_logic; SIGNAL out_active_r : std_logic; BEGIN -- purpose: main process -- type : sequential -- inputs : clk, rst_n -- outputs: clocked : PROCESS (clk, rst_n) BEGIN -- PROCESS clocked IF rst_n = '0' THEN -- asynchronous reset (active low) data_counter_r <= (OTHERS => '0'); rdaddr_r <= (OTHERS => '0'); wraddr_r <= (OTHERS => '0'); wr_out_r <= '0'; ELSIF clk'event AND clk = '1' THEN -- rising clock edge IF (out_active_r = '1' AND wr_in = '1') THEN wr_out_r <= '1'; data_counter_r <= data_counter_r; wraddr_r <= wraddr_r + 1; rdaddr_r <= rdaddr_r + 1; ELSIF (out_active_r = '1') THEN wr_out_r <= '1'; data_counter_r <= data_counter_r - 1; rdaddr_r <= rdaddr_r + 1; ELSIF (wr_in = '1') THEN wr_out_r <= '0'; data_counter_r <= data_counter_r + 1; wraddr_r <= wraddr_r + 1; ELSE wr_out_r <= '0'; data_counter_r <= data_counter_r; END IF; END IF; END PROCESS clocked; -- purpose: sends data to fifo output -- type : sequential -- inputs : clk, rst_n -- outputs: output_ctrl : PROCESS (clk, rst_n) BEGIN -- PROCESS output_ctrl IF rst_n = '0' THEN -- asynchronous reset (active low) out_active_r <= '0'; output_counter_r <= (OTHERS => '0'); ELSIF clk'event AND clk = '1' THEN -- rising clock edge IF (output_counter_r /= 0 AND data_counter_r /= 0) THEN --send data out_active_r <= '1'; output_counter_r <= output_counter_r - 1; ELSIF (next_block_ready = '1' AND data_counter_r /= 0) THEN --begin sending if there is enough data and next block is ready out_active_r <= '1'; output_counter_r <= conv_unsigned(7, 3); ELSE out_active_r <= '0'; output_counter_r <= output_counter_r; END IF; END IF; END PROCESS output_ctrl; wr_out <= wr_out_r; -- purpose: activates ready to receive signal -- type : combinational -- inputs : data_counter_r -- outputs: ready8 input_active : PROCESS (data_counter_r) BEGIN -- PROCESS input IF (data_counter_r < safe_fill) THEN ready8 <= '1'; ELSE ready8 <= '0'; END IF; END PROCESS input_active; -- purpose: reads data from fifo -- type : sequential -- inputs : clk, rst_n -- outputs: data_to_output : PROCESS (clk) BEGIN -- PROCESS data_to_output IF clk'event AND clk = '1' THEN -- rising clock edge data_out <= FIFOram_table(CONV_INTEGER(unsigned(rdaddr_r))); END IF; END PROCESS data_to_output; -- purpose: writes data to fifo -- type : sequential -- inputs : clk -- outputs: data_to_input : PROCESS (clk) BEGIN -- PROCESS data_to_input IF clk'event AND clk = '1' THEN -- rising clock edge IF (wr_in = '1') THEN FIFOram_table(CONV_INTEGER(unsigned(wraddr_r))) <= data_in; END IF; END IF; END PROCESS data_to_input; END rtl;