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/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Funbase IP library Copyright (C) 2011 TUT Department of Computer Systems // // This source file may be used and distributed without // restriction provided that this copyright statement is not // removed from the file and that any derivative work contains // the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. // // This source file is free software; you can redistribute it // and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General // Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; // either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any // later version. // // This source is distributed in the hope that it will be // useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied // warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR // PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more // details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General // Public License along with this source; if not, download it // from http://www.opencores.org/lgpl.shtml /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ************************************************************************** // File : avalon_to_hibi.v // Authors : Juha Arvio // Date : 11.05.2010 // Decription : Avalon to HIBI // Version : 0.2 // Version history : 21.03.2010 jua Original version // ************************************************************************** module avalon_to_hibi ( rst_n, clk, av_wr_data_in, av_rd_data_out, av_addr_in, av_we_in, av_re_in, av_byte_en_in, av_wait_req_out, hibi_comm_in, hibi_data_in, hibi_av_in, hibi_full_in, hibi_one_p_in, hibi_empty_in, hibi_one_d_in, hibi_comm_out, hibi_data_out, hibi_av_out, hibi_we_out, hibi_re_out ); parameter AV_ADDR_SIZE = 19; input rst_n; input clk; input [31:0] av_wr_data_in; output [31:0] av_rd_data_out; input [AV_ADDR_SIZE-1:0] av_addr_in; input av_we_in; input av_re_in; input [3:0] av_byte_en_in; output av_wait_req_out; input [2:0] hibi_comm_in; input [31:0] hibi_data_in; input hibi_av_in; input hibi_full_in; input hibi_one_p_in; input hibi_empty_in; input hibi_one_d_in; output [2:0] hibi_comm_out; output [31:0] hibi_data_out; output hibi_av_out; output hibi_we_out; output hibi_re_out; parameter AV_M2H2_ADDR = 2'h0; parameter AV_HIBI_COMP_0_ADDR = 2'h1; parameter AV_HIBI_COMP_1_ADDR = 2'h2; parameter AV_HIBI_COMP_2_ADDR = 2'h3; parameter HIBI_BASE_ADDR = 8'h03; parameter HIBI_M2H2_BASE_ADDR = 8'h07; parameter HIBI_M2H2_WRCONF_ADDR = 24'h000200; //24'h000010; parameter HIBI_M2H2_RDCONF_ADDR = 24'h000100; parameter HIBI_COMP_0_BASE_ADDR = 8'h05; parameter HIBI_COMP_1_BASE_ADDR = 8'h15; parameter HIBI_COMP_2_BASE_ADDR = 8'h29; localparam HIBI_CMD_IDLE = 3'b000; localparam HIBI_CMD_WR_CONF = 3'b001; localparam HIBI_CMD_WR = 3'b010; localparam HIBI_CMD_WR_MSG = 3'b011; localparam HIBI_CMD_RD = 3'b100; localparam HIBI_CMD_RD_CONF = 3'b101; localparam HIBI_CMD_MCAST_DATA = 3'b110; localparam HIBI_CMD_MCAST_MSG = 3'b111; localparam WAIT_AV = 3'h0; localparam DELAY = 3'h1; localparam HIBI_SINGLE_WR = 3'h2; localparam HIBI_SINGLE_RD = 3'h3; localparam HIBI_EMPTY_WR = 3'h4; localparam M2H2_SINGLE_WR = 3'h5; localparam M2H2_SINGLE_RD = 3'h6; wire [31:0] av_wr_data; reg [31:0] av_rd_data; wire [30:0] av_addr; wire av_we; wire av_re; wire [3:0] av_byte_en; reg av_wait_req; reg hibi_rd_req; reg hibi_wr_req; reg hibi_rd_fifo_ready; reg hibi_wr_fifo_ready; wire hibi_we; reg hibi_wr_av; reg [2:0] hibi_wr_comm; reg [31:0] hibi_wr_data; wire hibi_re; wire hibi_rd_av; reg hibi_rd_av_prev; wire [2:0] hibi_rd_comm; reg [2:0] hibi_rd_comm_prev; wire [31:0] hibi_rd_data; reg [31:0] hibi_rd_data_prev; reg [7:0] hibi_rd_operation_index; reg [2:0] fsm_state; reg [2:0] sub_state; assign av_wr_data = av_wr_data_in; assign av_rd_data_out = av_rd_data; assign av_addr = av_addr_in; assign av_we = av_we_in; assign av_re = av_re_in; assign av_byte_en = av_byte_en_in; assign av_wait_req_out = av_wait_req & (av_we | av_re); assign hibi_re = hibi_rd_fifo_ready & hibi_rd_req; assign hibi_re_out = hibi_re; assign hibi_we = hibi_wr_fifo_ready & hibi_wr_req; assign hibi_we_out = hibi_we; assign hibi_av_out = hibi_wr_av; assign hibi_comm_out = hibi_wr_comm; assign hibi_data_out = hibi_wr_data; assign hibi_rd_av = hibi_av_in; assign hibi_rd_comm = hibi_comm_in; assign hibi_rd_data = hibi_data_in; always@(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin if (!rst_n) begin hibi_rd_fifo_ready <= 0; end else begin if (hibi_one_d_in == 1) begin if (hibi_re == 1) // last read fifo data word was read begin hibi_rd_fifo_ready <= 0; end else begin hibi_rd_fifo_ready <= 1; end end else if (hibi_empty_in == 0) // hibi read fifo has atleast two data words begin hibi_rd_fifo_ready <= 1; end if (hibi_re) begin hibi_rd_av_prev <= hibi_rd_av; hibi_rd_comm_prev <= hibi_rd_comm; hibi_rd_data_prev <= hibi_rd_data; end end end always@(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin if (!rst_n) begin hibi_wr_fifo_ready <= 0; end else begin if (hibi_one_p_in) begin if (hibi_we) begin hibi_wr_fifo_ready <= 0; end else begin hibi_wr_fifo_ready <= 1; end end else if (!hibi_full_in) begin hibi_wr_fifo_ready <= 1; end else begin hibi_wr_fifo_ready <= 0; end end end always@(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin if (!rst_n) begin fsm_state <= WAIT_AV; sub_state <= 2'h0; av_rd_data <= 32'h0; av_wait_req <= 1'b0; hibi_wr_req <= 1'b0; hibi_wr_av <= 1'b0; hibi_wr_comm <= 3'h0; hibi_wr_data <= 32'h0; hibi_rd_req <= 1'b0; hibi_rd_operation_index <= 8'h0; end else begin case (fsm_state) WAIT_AV: begin if (av_addr[AV_ADDR_SIZE-1:AV_ADDR_SIZE-2] == AV_M2H2_ADDR) begin if (av_we) begin fsm_state <= M2H2_SINGLE_WR; hibi_wr_req <= 1'b1; hibi_wr_av <= 1'b1; hibi_wr_comm <= HIBI_CMD_WR; hibi_wr_data <= {HIBI_M2H2_BASE_ADDR, HIBI_M2H2_WRCONF_ADDR}; end else if (av_re) begin fsm_state <= M2H2_SINGLE_RD; hibi_wr_req <= 1'b1; hibi_wr_av <= 1'b1; hibi_wr_comm <= HIBI_CMD_WR; //HIBI_CMD_RD; hibi_wr_data <= {HIBI_M2H2_BASE_ADDR, HIBI_M2H2_RDCONF_ADDR}; end end else begin // if (av_addr[AV_ADDR_SIZE-1:AV_ADDR_SIZE-2] >= AV_HIBI_COMP_0_ADDR) begin case (av_addr[AV_ADDR_SIZE-1:AV_ADDR_SIZE-2]) AV_HIBI_COMP_0_ADDR: begin hibi_wr_data <= {HIBI_COMP_0_BASE_ADDR, {(24 - AV_ADDR_SIZE){1'b0}}, av_addr[AV_ADDR_SIZE-3:0], 2'b00}; end AV_HIBI_COMP_1_ADDR: begin hibi_wr_data <= {HIBI_COMP_1_BASE_ADDR, {(24 - AV_ADDR_SIZE){1'b0}}, av_addr[AV_ADDR_SIZE-3:0], 2'b00}; end AV_HIBI_COMP_2_ADDR: begin hibi_wr_data <= {HIBI_COMP_2_BASE_ADDR, {(24 - AV_ADDR_SIZE){1'b0}}, av_addr[AV_ADDR_SIZE-3:0], 2'b00}; end endcase if (av_we) begin if (av_byte_en == 4'h0) begin fsm_state <= HIBI_EMPTY_WR; end else begin fsm_state <= HIBI_SINGLE_WR; hibi_wr_req <= 1'b1; end hibi_wr_av <= 1'b1; hibi_wr_comm <= HIBI_CMD_WR; end else if (av_re) begin fsm_state <= HIBI_SINGLE_RD; hibi_wr_req <= 1'b1; hibi_wr_av <= 1'b1; hibi_wr_comm <= HIBI_CMD_RD; end end sub_state <= 2'h0; av_wait_req <= 1'b1; end DELAY: begin av_wait_req <= 1'b1; fsm_state <= WAIT_AV; end HIBI_SINGLE_WR: begin if (hibi_we) begin case (sub_state) 3'h0: begin hibi_wr_av <= 1'b0; hibi_wr_data <= av_wr_data; end default: //3'h1: begin hibi_wr_req <= 1'b0; fsm_state <= DELAY; av_wait_req <= 1'b0; end endcase sub_state <= sub_state + 1; end end HIBI_SINGLE_RD: begin if (hibi_we || hibi_re) begin sub_state <= sub_state + 1; case (sub_state) 3'h0: begin hibi_wr_av <= 1'b0; hibi_wr_data <= {HIBI_BASE_ADDR, 16'h0, hibi_rd_operation_index}; end 3'h1: begin hibi_wr_req <= 1'b0; hibi_rd_req <= 1'b1; end 3'h2: begin if ( !(hibi_rd_av && (hibi_rd_data == {HIBI_BASE_ADDR, 16'h0, hibi_rd_operation_index})) ) begin sub_state <= sub_state; end end default: //3'h3: begin av_rd_data <= hibi_rd_data; fsm_state <= DELAY; av_wait_req <= 1'b0; hibi_rd_operation_index <= hibi_rd_operation_index + 1; end endcase end end HIBI_EMPTY_WR: begin fsm_state <= DELAY; av_wait_req <= 1'b0; end M2H2_SINGLE_WR: begin if (hibi_we || (sub_state == 3'h4)) begin case (sub_state) 3'h0: begin hibi_wr_av <= 1'b0; hibi_wr_data <= {1'h0, av_byte_en, 27'h0000001}; // post_rw_cmd = 0, byte_en = av_byte_en, mem_rw_length = 1 end 3'h1: begin hibi_wr_data <= {HIBI_M2H2_BASE_ADDR, av_addr[23:0]}; end 3'h2: begin hibi_wr_data <= av_wr_data; end default: //3'h3: begin hibi_wr_req <= 1'b0; av_wait_req <= 1'b0; fsm_state <= DELAY; end endcase sub_state <= sub_state + 1; end end M2H2_SINGLE_RD: begin if (hibi_we || hibi_re) begin sub_state <= sub_state + 1; case (sub_state) 3'h0: begin hibi_wr_av <= 1'b0; hibi_wr_data <= 32'h78000001; // post_rw_cmd = 0, byte_en = 0xF, mem_rw_length = 1 end 3'h1: begin hibi_wr_data <= {HIBI_M2H2_BASE_ADDR, av_addr[23:0]}; end 3'h2: begin hibi_wr_data <= {HIBI_BASE_ADDR, 16'h0, hibi_rd_operation_index}; end 3'h3: begin hibi_wr_req <= 1'b0; hibi_rd_req <= 1'b1; end 3'h4: begin if ( !(hibi_rd_av && (hibi_rd_data == {HIBI_BASE_ADDR, 16'h0, hibi_rd_operation_index})) ) begin sub_state <= sub_state; end end default: //3'h5: begin av_rd_data <= hibi_rd_data; fsm_state <= DELAY; av_wait_req <= 1'b0; hibi_rd_operation_index <= hibi_rd_operation_index + 1; end endcase end end endcase end end endmodule