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------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Funbase IP library Copyright (C) 2011 TUT Department of Computer Systems -- -- This source file may be used and distributed without -- restriction provided that this copyright statement is not -- removed from the file and that any derivative work contains -- the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. -- -- This source file is free software; you can redistribute it -- and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General -- Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; -- either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any -- later version. -- -- This source is distributed in the hope that it will be -- useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied -- warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR -- PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more -- details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General -- Public License along with this source; if not, download it -- from http://www.opencores.org/lgpl.shtml ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- File : addr_data_muxes.vhdl -- Design -- Description : Converts separated addr+data signalling into multiplexed addr/data. -- Two components : one for writing and one for reading fifo. -- Input : separate addr + data ports -- Out : addr + data muxed into one port -- Write_Mux checks the incoming addr+comm. Same addr+comm is not -- written to fifo more than once! -- -- Author : Erno Salminen -- e-mail : erno.salminen@tut.fi -- Design : Do not use term design when you mean system -- Project huuhaa -- Date : 15.01.2003 -- Modified : -- -- 20.01 ES Comm_In/Out added -- 05.02.2003 Name changed from fifo_mux_X to addr_data_mux_X -- 26.03.03 Last_Comm_Reg added -- 18.09.03 ES one_place / one_dat could be removed ?? -- 10.11.03 ES write:elsif Full_In = '1' and Tmp_Data_Valid_Reg = '0' added 10.11.2003 es -- -- 15.12.04 ES names changed ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.std_logic_arith.all; use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; entity addr_data_mux_write is generic ( data_width_g : integer := 0; addr_width_g : integer := 0; comm_width_g : integer := 0 ); port ( clk : in std_logic; rst_n : in std_logic; data_in : in std_logic_vector ( data_width_g-1 downto 0); addr_in : in std_logic_vector ( addr_width_g-1 downto 0); comm_in : in std_logic_vector ( comm_width_g-1 downto 0); we_in : in std_logic; full_out : out std_logic; one_p_out : out std_logic; -- unused ?? data_out : out std_logic_vector ( data_width_g-1 downto 0); comm_out : out std_logic_vector ( comm_width_g-1 downto 0); av_out : out std_logic; we_out : out std_logic; one_p_in : in std_logic; -- ununsed ?? full_in : in std_logic ); end addr_data_mux_write; architecture rtl of addr_data_mux_write is -- rekisterit signal state_r : integer range 0 to 4; signal next_state : integer range 0 to 4; -- Tilakoodaus -- 0 idle -- 1 write addr, keep output, write d_r when leaving -- 2 write data -- 3 write data full, keep output, write d_r when leaving -- 4 write data full 2, keep output, write a_r when leaving constant idle_c : integer := 0; constant wr_a_c : integer := 1; constant wr_d_c : integer := 2; constant wr_d_f1_c : integer := 3; constant wr_d_f2_c : integer := 4; signal addr_r : std_logic_vector ( addr_width_g-1 downto 0); signal comm_r : std_logic_vector ( comm_width_g-1 downto 0); signal comm_out_r : std_logic_vector ( comm_width_g-1 downto 0); signal data_r : std_logic_vector ( data_width_g-1 downto 0); signal data_out_r : std_logic_vector ( data_width_g-1 downto 0); signal full_out_r : std_logic; signal av_out_r : std_logic; signal we_out_r : std_logic; begin -- rtl -- Concurrent assignments av_out <= av_out_r; full_out <= full_out_r; comm_out <= comm_out_r; data_out <= data_out_r; we_out <= we_out_r; -- Unused?? 08.02.05 one_p_out <= one_p_in; -- ??? -- COMB PROC -- Define next state Define_next_state : process ( addr_in, --data_in,comm_in, we_in, full_in, addr_r, state_r) begin -- process Define_next_state case state_r is when idle_c => if we_in = '0' then next_state <= idle_c; else if addr_in = addr_r then next_state <= wr_d_c; else next_state <= wr_a_c; end if; end if; when wr_a_c => if full_in = '0' then next_state <= wr_d_c; else next_state <= wr_a_c; end if; when wr_d_c => if full_in = '0' then if we_in = '0' then next_state <= idle_c; else if addr_in = addr_r then next_state <= wr_d_c; else next_state <= wr_a_c; end if; end if; else if we_in = '0' then next_state <= wr_d_c; else if addr_in = addr_r then next_state <= wr_d_f1_c; else next_state <= wr_d_f2_c; end if; end if; end if; when wr_d_f1_c => if full_in = '0' then next_state <= wr_d_c; else next_state <= wr_d_f1_c; end if; when wr_d_f2_c => if full_in = '0' then next_state <= wr_a_c; else next_state <= wr_d_f2_c; end if; when others => next_state <= idle_c; assert false report "Illegal state in addr_data_mux_write" severity WARNING; end case; -- state_r end process Define_next_state; -- SEQ PROC -- Change state change_state: process (clk, rst_n) begin -- process change_state if rst_n = '0' then -- asynchronous reset (active low) state_r <= 0; elsif clk'event and clk = '1' then -- rising clock edge state_r <= next_state; end if; end process change_state; -- SEQ PROC -- Define output Define_output : process (clk, rst_n) begin -- process Define_output if rst_n = '0' then -- asynchronous reset (active low) full_out_r <= '0'; av_out_r <= '0'; data_out_r <= (others => '0'); -- 'Z'); comm_out_r <= "000"; we_out_r <= '0'; addr_r <= (others => '1'); -- 'Z'); comm_r <= (others => '0'); data_r <= (others => '0'); -- 'Z'); elsif clk'event and clk = '1' then -- rising clock edge -- Registers keep their values by default full_out_r <= full_out_r; av_out_r <= av_out_r; data_out_r <= data_out_r; comm_out_r <= comm_out_r; we_out_r <= we_out_r; addr_r <= addr_r; comm_r <= comm_r; data_r <= DAta_r; -- Always write when not in IDLE state if next_state = idle_c then we_out_r <= '0'; else we_out_r <= '1'; end if; -- adrresses are awriten only in state wr_a_c if next_state = wr_a_c then av_out_r <= '1'; else av_out_r <= '0'; end if; -- Define register values case state_r is when idle_c => if next_state = idle_c then full_out_r <= '0'; data_out_r <= (others => '0'); -- 'Z'); comm_out_r <= (others => '0'); elsif next_state = wr_d_c then full_out_r <= '0'; data_out_r <= data_in; comm_out_r <= comm_in; else --next_state <= wr_a_c; full_out_r <= '1'; data_out_r <= addr_in; comm_out_r <= comm_in; addr_r <= addr_in; data_r <= data_in; comm_r <= comm_in; end if; when wr_a_c => if next_state = wr_d_c then full_out_r <= '0'; data_out_r <= data_r; comm_out_r <= comm_r; data_r <= (others => '0'); -- 'Z'); else -- next_state <= wr_a_c; full_out_r <= '1'; data_out_r <= data_out_r; comm_out_r <= comm_out_r; end if; when wr_d_c => if next_state = wr_d_c then if we_in = '0' then full_out_r <= '0'; data_out_r <= data_out_r; comm_out_r <= comm_out_r; else full_out_r <= '0'; data_out_r <= data_in; comm_out_r <= comm_in; end if; data_r <= (others => '0'); -- 'Z'); elsif next_state = wr_a_c then full_out_r <= '1'; data_out_r <= addr_in; comm_out_r <= comm_in; addr_r <= addr_in; data_r <= data_in; comm_r <= comm_in; elsif next_state = wr_d_f1_c then full_out_r <= '1'; data_out_r <= data_out_r; comm_out_r <= comm_out_r; data_r <= data_in; comm_r <= comm_in; -- 2011-01-19 elsif next_state = wr_d_f2_c then full_out_r <= '1'; data_out_r <= data_out_r; comm_out_r <= comm_out_r; addr_r <= addr_in; data_r <= data_in; comm_r <= comm_in; else -- next_state = idle_c full_out_r <= '0'; data_out_r <= (others => '0'); -- 'Z'); comm_out_r <= (others => '0'); data_r <= (others => '0'); -- 'Z'); end if; when wr_d_f1_c => if next_state = wr_d_c then full_out_r <= '0'; data_out_r <= data_r; comm_out_r <= comm_r; data_r <= (others => '0'); -- 'Z'); else -- next_state <= wr_d_f1_c; full_out_r <= '1'; data_out_r <= data_out_r; comm_out_r <= comm_out_r; end if; when wr_d_f2_c => if next_state = wr_a_c then full_out_r <= '1'; data_out_r <= addr_r; comm_out_r <= comm_r; else --next_state <= wr_d_f2_c; full_out_r <= '1'; data_out_r <= data_out_r; comm_out_r <= comm_out_r; end if; end case; end if; -- rst_n/clk end process Define_output; end rtl; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- File : addr_data_muxes.vhdl -- Design -- Description : Converts separated addr+data signalling into multiplexed addr/data. -- Two components : one for writing and one for reading fifo. -- Input : separate addr + data ports -- Out : addr + data muxed into one port -- Write_Mux checks the incoming addr+comm. Same addr+comm is not -- written to fifo more than once! -- -- Author : Erno Salminen -- e-mail : erno.salminen@tut.fi -- Design : Do not use term design (noun) when you mean system -- Project : huuhaa -- Date : 15.01.2003 -- Modified : --entityä addr_data_mux_read kaytetaan lukemaan fifosta osoite ja data rinnakkain ja -- siirretaan ne perakkain IP:lle library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.std_logic_arith.all; use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; entity addr_data_mux_read is generic ( data_width_g : integer := 0; addr_width_g : integer := 0; comm_width_g : integer := 0 ); port ( clk : in std_logic; rst_n : in std_logic; addr_in : in std_logic_vector ( addr_width_g-1 downto 0); data_in : in std_logic_vector ( data_width_g-1 downto 0); comm_in : in std_logic_vector ( comm_width_g-1 downto 0); one_d_in : in std_logic; -- unused ?? empty_in : in std_logic; re_out : out std_logic; re_in : in std_logic; data_out : out std_logic_vector ( data_width_g-1 downto 0); comm_out : out std_logic_vector ( comm_width_g-1 downto 0); av_out : out std_logic; one_d_out : out std_logic; -- unused?? empty_out : out std_logic ); end addr_data_mux_read; architecture rtl of addr_data_mux_read is signal last_addr_r : std_logic_vector ( addr_width_g -1 downto 0); signal last_comm_r : std_logic_vector ( comm_width_g -1 downto 0); --26.03.03 signal Transferred_r : std_logic_vector ( 1 downto 0); -- Transferred_r - siirron tila -- 00) Ei ole siirretty viela mitaan -- 01) Uusi osoite siirretty -- 10) Osoite ja ainakin yksi data siirretty -- 11) ?? Laiton tila begin -- rtl --PROC -- Herkkyyslista muutettu 26.03.03 --Assign_outputs : process (re_in, empty_in, last_addr_r, addr_in, -- data_in, Transferred_r, comm_in) Assign_outputs : process (re_in, empty_in, last_addr_r, last_comm_r, addr_in, data_in, Transferred_r, comm_in) begin -- process Assign_outputs if Transferred_r = "00" then -- Ei ole viela sirretty mitaan/uutta osoitetta re_out <= '0'; empty_out <= empty_in; if empty_in = '1' then -- Ei ole mitaan siirrettavaa data_out <= (others => '0'); -- X'); comm_out <= (others => '0'); -- 'X'); av_out <= '0'; else -- Fifo ei ole tyhja --muutos 26.03.03: if addr_in /= last_addr_r then if addr_in /= last_addr_r or comm_in /= last_comm_r then -- Uusi osoite tai komento fifossa, ohjataan se IP:lle data_out <= addr_in; comm_out <= comm_in; av_out <= '1'; else -- Sama osoite kuin viimeksi, siirretaan data suoraan IP:lle data_out <= data_in; comm_out <= comm_in; av_out <= '0'; end if; --addr_in end if; --empty_in elsif Transferred_r = "01" then -- Osoite sirretty, luetaan data fifosta sitten kun IP haluaa if empty_in = '1' then data_out <= (others => '0'); comm_out <= (others => '0'); else data_out <= data_in; comm_out <= comm_in; end if; av_out <= '0'; re_out <= re_in; empty_out <= empty_in; elsif Transferred_r = "10" then -- Osoite ja ainakin yksi data siirretty --muutos 26.03.03: if addr_in /= last_addr_r then if addr_in /= last_addr_r or comm_in /= last_comm_r then -- Uusi osoite tai komento re_out <= '0'; empty_out <= empty_in; --'1'; if empty_in = '1' then -- Ei ole mitaan siirrettavaakaan data_out <= (others => '0'); --'X'); comm_out <= (others => '0'); --'X'); av_out <= '0'; else data_out <= addr_in; comm_out <= comm_in; av_out <= '1'; --'0'; end if; --empty else -- Sama osoite kuin viimeksikin re_out <= re_in; empty_out <= empty_in; if empty_in = '1' then -- Ei ole mitaan siirrettavaakaan data_out <= (others => '0'); -- 'Z'); comm_out <= (others => '0'); -- 'Z'); av_out <= '0'; else -- Sama osoite kuin viimeksi data_out <= data_in; comm_out <= comm_in; av_out <= '0'; end if; --empty end if; --addr_in else -- ?? re_out <= '0'; empty_out <= empty_in; data_out <= (others => '0'); -- 'Z'); comm_out <= (others => '0'); -- 'Z'); av_out <= '0'; end if; --Transferred_r end process Assign_outputs; -- PROC Store_addr : process (clk, rst_n) begin -- process Store_addr if rst_n = '0' then -- asynchronous reset (active low) last_addr_r <= (others => '0'); -- 'Z'); last_comm_r <= (others => '0'); -- 'Z'); --26.03.03 Transferred_r <= "00"; elsif clk'event and clk = '1' then -- rising clock edge if Transferred_r = "00" then -- Ei ole viela sirretty mitaan if empty_in = '0' and re_in = '1' then -- Saatiin osoite IP:lle Transferred_r <= "01"; last_addr_r <= addr_in; last_comm_r <= comm_in; --26.03.03 else -- Ei ole dataa tai IP ei lue Transferred_r <= "00"; last_addr_r <= last_addr_r; last_comm_r <= last_comm_r; --26.03.03 end if; elsif Transferred_r = "01" then -- Osoite sirretty if re_in = '1' then -- Saatiin data IP:lle Transferred_r <= "10"; else -- IP ei lue Transferred_r <= "01"; end if; last_addr_r <= last_addr_r; last_comm_r <= last_comm_r; --26.03.03 elsif Transferred_r = "10" then -- Osoite ja ainakin yksi data siirretty if empty_in = '1' then -- ei ole uutta dataa Transferred_r <= "10"; last_addr_r <= last_addr_r; else -- if addr_in /= last_addr_r then if addr_in /= last_addr_r or comm_in /= last_comm_r then --26.03.03 -- Uusi osoite tai komento if re_in = '1' then -- Saatiin osoite IP:lle Transferred_r <= "10"; last_addr_r <= addr_in; last_comm_r <= comm_in; --26.03.03 else -- IP ei lue viela Transferred_r <= "00"; last_addr_r <= last_addr_r; last_comm_r <= last_comm_r; --26.03.03 end if; -- oli --Transferred_r <= "00"; --last_addr_r <= last_addr_r; else -- Sama osoite kuin viimeksi Transferred_r <= "01"; last_addr_r <= last_addr_r; last_comm_r <= last_comm_r; --26.03.03 end if; --addr_in end if; --empty_in else -- ?? last_addr_r <= last_addr_r; end if; --Transferred_r end if; --rst_n end process Store_addr; end rtl;