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[/] [funbase_ip_library/] [trunk/] [TUT/] [ip.hwp.communication/] [hibi/] [3.0/] [vhd/] [receiver.vhd] - Rev 145
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------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Title : HIBI Receiver block -- Project : HIBI ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- File : receiver.vhd -- Authors : Vesa Lahtinen, -- Erno Salminen, -- Lasse Lehtonen -- Company : Tampere University of Technology -- Created : -- Last update: 2011-11-28 -- Platform : -- Standard : VHDL'93 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Description: Receive side structural block -- -- Contains addr_decoder and rx_control -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Copyright (c) 2010 Tampere University of Technology -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Revisions : -- Date Version Author Description -- -- 2001-04-01 1.0 VL Created -- 2004-2005 ege Many changes -- 2010-10-15 ase Modified for new addr_decoder and rx_control ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Funbase IP library Copyright (C) 2011 TUT Department of Computer Systems -- -- This file is part of HIBI -- -- This source file may be used and distributed without -- restriction provided that this copyright statement is not -- removed from the file and that any derivative work contains -- the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. -- -- This source file is free software; you can redistribute it -- and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General -- Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; -- either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any -- later version. -- -- This source is distributed in the hope that it will be -- useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied -- warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR -- PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more -- details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General -- Public License along with this source; if not, download it -- from http://www.opencores.org/lgpl.shtml ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use work.hibiv3_pkg.all; entity receiver is generic ( id_g : integer; id_min_g : integer := 0; -- Only for bridges, zero for others! id_max_g : integer := 0; -- Only for bridges, zero for others! addr_base_g : integer; addr_limit_g : integer := 0; id_width_g : integer; data_width_g : integer; addr_width_g : integer; cfg_addr_width_g : integer; cfg_re_g : integer; cfg_we_g : integer; inv_addr_en_g : integer; separate_addr_g : integer := 0 ); port ( clk : in std_logic; rst_n : in std_logic; av_in : in std_logic; data_in : in std_logic_vector(data_width_g-1 downto 0); comm_in : in std_logic_vector(comm_width_c-1 downto 0); cfg_rd_rdy_in : in std_logic; av_0_out : out std_logic; data_0_out : out std_logic_vector(data_width_g-1 downto 0); comm_0_out : out std_logic_vector(comm_width_c-1 downto 0); we_0_out : out std_logic; full_0_in : in std_logic; one_p_0_in : in std_logic; av_1_out : out std_logic; data_1_out : out std_logic_vector(data_width_g-1 downto 0); comm_1_out : out std_logic_vector(comm_width_c-1 downto 0); we_1_out : out std_logic; full_1_in : in std_logic; one_p_1_in : in std_logic; bus_full_in : in std_logic; cfg_we_out : out std_logic; cfg_re_out : out std_logic; cfg_data_out : out std_logic_vector (data_width_g-1-(separate_addr_g*addr_width_g) downto 0); cfg_addr_out : out std_logic_vector(cfg_addr_width_g-1 downto 0); cfg_ret_addr_out : out std_logic_vector(addr_width_g-1 downto 0); full_out : out std_logic ); end receiver; architecture structural of receiver is component addr_decoder is generic ( data_width_g : integer; addr_width_g : integer; id_width_g : integer; id_g : integer; id_min_g : integer; id_max_g : integer; addr_base_g : integer; addr_limit_g : integer; invert_addr_g : integer; cfg_re_g : integer; cfg_we_g : integer; separate_addr_g : integer); port ( clk : in std_logic; rst_n : in std_logic; av_in : in std_logic; addr_in : in std_logic_vector(addr_width_g-1 downto 0); comm_in : in std_logic_vector(comm_width_c-1 downto 0); bus_full_in : in std_logic; addr_match_out : out std_logic; id_match_out : out std_logic; norm_cmd_out : out std_logic; msg_cmd_out : out std_logic; conf_re_cmd_out : out std_logic; conf_we_cmd_out : out std_logic; excl_lock_cmd_out : out std_logic; excl_data_cmd_out : out std_logic; excl_release_cmd_out : out std_logic); end component addr_decoder; component rx_control is generic ( data_width_g : integer; addr_width_g : integer; id_width_g : integer; cfg_addr_width_g : integer; cfg_re_g : integer; cfg_we_g : integer; separate_addr_g : integer; is_bridge_g : integer); port ( clk : in std_logic; rst_n : in std_logic; av_in : in std_logic; data_in : in std_logic_vector(data_width_g-1 downto 0); comm_in : in std_logic_vector(comm_width_c-1 downto 0); full_out : out std_logic; data_0_out : out std_logic_vector(data_width_g-1 downto 0); comm_0_out : out std_logic_vector(comm_width_c-1 downto 0); av_0_out : out std_logic; we_0_out : out std_logic; full_0_in : in std_logic; one_p_0_in : in std_logic; data_1_out : out std_logic_vector(data_width_g-1 downto 0); comm_1_out : out std_logic_vector(comm_width_c-1 downto 0); av_1_out : out std_logic; we_1_out : out std_logic; full_1_in : in std_logic; one_p_1_in : in std_logic; addr_match_in : in std_logic; id_match_in : in std_logic; norm_cmd_in : in std_logic; msg_cmd_in : in std_logic; conf_re_cmd_in : in std_logic; conf_we_cmd_in : in std_logic; excl_lock_cmd_in : in std_logic; excl_data_cmd_in : in std_logic; excl_release_cmd_in : in std_logic; cfg_rd_rdy_in : in std_logic; cfg_we_out : out std_logic; cfg_re_out : out std_logic; cfg_addr_out : out std_logic_vector(cfg_addr_width_g-1 downto 0); cfg_data_out : out std_logic_vector (data_width_g-1-(separate_addr_g*addr_width_g) downto 0); cfg_ret_addr_out : out std_logic_vector(addr_width_g-1 downto 0)); end component rx_control; function amIbridge ( constant id_max : integer) return integer is begin -- function amIbridge if id_max /= 0 then return 1; else return 0; end if; end function amIbridge; -- only bridges if have id_ranges constant iAmBridge_c : integer := amIbridge(id_max_g); signal addr_match_dc_rx : std_logic; signal id_match_dc_rx : std_logic; signal norm_cmd_dc_rx : std_logic; signal msg_cmd_dc_rx : std_logic; signal conf_re_cmd_dc_rx : std_logic; signal conf_we_cmd_dc_rx : std_logic; signal excl_lock_cmd_dc_rx : std_logic; signal excl_data_cmd_dc_rx : std_logic; signal excl_release_cmd_dc_rx : std_logic; begin -- structural addr_decoder_1 : addr_decoder generic map ( data_width_g => data_width_g, addr_width_g => addr_width_g, id_width_g => id_width_g, id_g => id_g, id_min_g => id_min_g, id_max_g => id_max_g, addr_base_g => addr_base_g, addr_limit_g => addr_limit_g, invert_addr_g => inv_addr_en_g, cfg_re_g => cfg_re_g, cfg_we_g => cfg_we_g, separate_addr_g => separate_addr_g) port map ( clk => clk, rst_n => rst_n, av_in => av_in, addr_in => data_in (addr_width_g-1+(separate_addr_g*(data_width_g-addr_width_g)) downto separate_addr_g*(data_width_g-addr_width_g)), comm_in => comm_in, bus_full_in => bus_full_in, addr_match_out => addr_match_dc_rx, id_match_out => id_match_dc_rx, norm_cmd_out => norm_cmd_dc_rx, msg_cmd_out => msg_cmd_dc_rx, conf_re_cmd_out => conf_re_cmd_dc_rx, conf_we_cmd_out => conf_we_cmd_dc_rx, excl_lock_cmd_out => excl_lock_cmd_dc_rx, excl_data_cmd_out => excl_data_cmd_dc_rx, excl_release_cmd_out => excl_release_cmd_dc_rx); rx_control_1 : rx_control generic map ( data_width_g => data_width_g, addr_width_g => addr_width_g, id_width_g => id_width_g, cfg_addr_width_g => cfg_addr_width_g, cfg_re_g => cfg_re_g, cfg_we_g => cfg_we_g, separate_addr_g => separate_addr_g, is_bridge_g => iAmBridge_c) port map ( clk => clk, rst_n => rst_n, av_in => av_in, data_in => data_in, comm_in => comm_in, full_out => full_out, data_0_out => data_0_out, comm_0_out => comm_0_out, av_0_out => av_0_out, we_0_out => we_0_out, full_0_in => full_0_in, one_p_0_in => one_p_0_in, data_1_out => data_1_out, comm_1_out => comm_1_out, av_1_out => av_1_out, we_1_out => we_1_out, full_1_in => full_1_in, one_p_1_in => one_p_1_in, addr_match_in => addr_match_dc_rx, id_match_in => id_match_dc_rx, norm_cmd_in => norm_cmd_dc_rx, msg_cmd_in => msg_cmd_dc_rx, conf_re_cmd_in => conf_re_cmd_dc_rx, conf_we_cmd_in => conf_we_cmd_dc_rx, excl_lock_cmd_in => excl_lock_cmd_dc_rx, excl_data_cmd_in => excl_data_cmd_dc_rx, excl_release_cmd_in => excl_release_cmd_dc_rx, cfg_rd_rdy_in => cfg_rd_rdy_in, cfg_we_out => cfg_we_out, cfg_re_out => cfg_re_out, cfg_addr_out => cfg_addr_out, cfg_data_out => cfg_data_out, cfg_ret_addr_out => cfg_ret_addr_out); end structural;