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[/] [funbase_ip_library/] [trunk/] [TUT/] [ip.hwp.communication/] [packet_codec/] [1.0/] [vhd/] [pkt_enc.vhd] - Rev 145
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------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- File : packet_encoder_ctrl.vhdl -- Description : Control of the packet encoder -- -- Author : Vesa Lahtinen -- Date : 23.10.2003 -- Modified : -- 19.02.2005 ES previous_addr <= previous_addr in comb process, seems like a -- latch! -- 29.04.2005 ES Bug: If new addr arrived in state read_in, it was sent as -- data. -- Correction: Assert ip_full_out => ip stops write and fifo -- does not accept addr -- 31.01.2006 ES Divided into two state machines, reading values in can now -- happen in parallel with writing out => better performance -- 23.08.2007 AR new generics and support for LUT -- 2007/08/03 ES Header conficuration possible: place of pkt-len and send/dont_ -- send orig_addr -- 2009-05-05 JN Ver 06 gets tx length from sender in advance to start the -- transfer more quickly. It can also use a status block. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Funbase IP library Copyright (C) 2011 TUT Department of Computer Systems -- -- This source file may be used and distributed without -- restriction provided that this copyright statement is not -- removed from the file and that any derivative work contains -- the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. -- -- This source file is free software; you can redistribute it -- and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General -- Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; -- either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any -- later version. -- -- This source is distributed in the hope that it will be -- useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied -- warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR -- PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more -- details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General -- Public License along with this source; if not, download it -- from http://www.opencores.org/lgpl.shtml ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.std_logic_arith.all; use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; entity packet_encoder_ctrl is generic ( wait_empty_fifo_g : integer := 0; data_width_g : integer := 36; addr_width_g : integer := 32; -- lsb part of data_width_g tx_len_width_g : integer := 8; -- how many bits we need for packet length packet_length_g : integer := 0; -- payload_len_g ja hdr_len_g timeout_g : integer := 0; fill_packet_g : integer := 0; lut_en_g : integer := 1; net_type_g : integer; len_flit_en_g : integer := 1; -- 2007/08/03 where to place a pkt_len oaddr_flit_en_g : integer := 1; -- 2007/08/03 whether to send the orig address dbg_en_g : integer := 0; dbg_width_g : integer := 1; status_en_g : integer := 0 -- 2009-05-05, JN: Status information or not ); port ( clk : in std_logic; rst_n : in std_logic; ip_av_in : in std_logic; ip_data_in : in std_logic_vector (data_width_g-1 downto 0); ip_we_in : in std_logic; ip_tx_len_in : in std_logic_vector (tx_len_width_g-1 downto 0); fifo_av_in : in std_logic; fifo_data_in : in std_logic_vector (data_width_g-1 downto 0); fifo_full_in : in std_logic; fifo_empty_in : in std_logic; fifo_re_out : out std_logic; net_full_in : in std_logic; net_empty_in : in std_logic; ip_stall_out : out std_logic; net_av_out : out std_logic; net_data_out : out std_logic_vector (data_width_g-1 downto 0); net_we_out : out std_logic; dbg_out : out std_logic_vector(dbg_width_g - 1 downto 0) ); end packet_encoder_ctrl; architecture rtl of packet_encoder_ctrl is type wr_state_type is (start, wait_req, wait_empty, write_out_addr, write_out_in_addr, write_out_amount, write_out_data); signal wr_state_r : wr_state_type; constant hdr_words_c : integer := 1 + len_flit_en_g + oaddr_flit_en_g; -- 2007/08/03 -- constant hdr_words_c : integer := 3; -- 25.01.2006 constant payload_words_c : integer := packet_length_g - hdr_words_c; signal amount_r : integer range 1 to payload_words_c+1; -- amount denoted payload and possibly orig_addr signal timeout_counter_r : integer range 0 to timeout_g; signal write_counter_r : integer range 0 to packet_length_g; -- 30.01.2006 type rd_state_type is (wait_trans, read_in, wait_ack); signal rd_state_r : rd_state_type; signal amount_rd_r : integer range 0 to payload_words_c; signal prev_addr_r : std_logic_vector(data_width_g-1 downto 0); signal timeout_counter_rd_r : integer range 0 to timeout_g; -- amount to writing FSM's amount_r, either from amount_rd_r or ip_tx_len_in signal amount_to_wr_r : integer range 0 to payload_words_c+1; -- length as integer signal len_from_ip : integer range 0 to 2**tx_len_width_g; signal len_r : integer range 0 to 2**tx_len_width_g; signal len_valid_r : std_logic; signal next_len_valid_r : std_logic; -- 26.03.2006 signal next_addr_r : std_logic_vector(data_width_g-1 downto 0); signal next_addr_valid_r : std_logic; signal ack_wr_rd : std_logic; signal ack_tmp_r : std_logic; signal ack_from_wr_r : std_logic; signal req_rd_wr : std_logic; signal req_writing_r : std_logic; signal data_in_fifo_r : std_logic; component addr_lut generic ( in_addr_w_g : integer; out_addr_w_g : integer; cmp_high_g : integer; cmp_low_g : integer; lut_en_g : integer; net_type_g : integer); port ( addr_in : in std_logic_vector(in_addr_w_g-1 downto 0); addr_out : out std_logic_vector(out_addr_w_g-1 downto 0)); end component; component pkt_counter generic ( tx_len_width_g : integer); port ( clk : in std_logic; rst_n : in std_logic; len_in : in std_logic_vector(tx_len_width_g-1 downto 0); new_tx_in : in std_logic; new_pkt_in : in std_logic; idle_in : in std_logic); end component; -- Signals to and from LUT signal addr_to_lut : std_logic_vector(addr_width_g-1 downto 0); signal addr_from_lut : std_logic_vector(data_width_g-1 downto 0); signal in_addr_r : std_logic_vector(data_width_g-1 downto 0); signal ip_stall : std_logic; signal len_to_status : std_logic_vector( tx_len_width_g-1 downto 0 ); -- 2007/08/03 signal hdr_len_dbg : integer; signal payload_len_dbg : integer; constant len_width_c : integer := 8; -- bits needed for pkt_len, will be generic someday? begin -- convert length to integer len_from_ip <= conv_integer(ip_tx_len_in); len_to_status <= conv_std_logic_vector( amount_to_wr_r, tx_len_width_g ); -- status counter instantiation status: if status_en_g = 1 generate pkt_counter_1: pkt_counter generic map ( tx_len_width_g => tx_len_width_g ) port map ( clk => clk, rst_n => rst_n, len_in => len_to_status, new_tx_in => ip_av_in, new_pkt_in => req_rd_wr, idle_in => fifo_empty_in ); end generate status; -- LUT INSTANTIATION lut_or_not: if lut_en_g = 1 generate addr_lut_1 : addr_lut generic map ( in_addr_w_g => addr_width_g, out_addr_w_g => data_width_g, cmp_high_g => addr_width_g-1, cmp_low_g => 0, lut_en_g => lut_en_g, net_type_g => net_type_g) port map ( addr_in => addr_to_lut, addr_out => addr_from_lut); end generate lut_or_not; -- without lut signals are simply connected no_lut: if lut_en_g = 0 generate addr_from_lut <= addr_to_lut; end generate no_lut; read_data : process (clk, rst_n) begin -- process read_data if rst_n = '0' then -- asynchronous reset (active low) amount_rd_r <= 0; rd_state_r <= wait_trans; prev_addr_r <= (others => '0'); timeout_counter_rd_r <= 0; ack_from_wr_r <= '0'; amount_to_wr_r <= 0; len_valid_r <= '0'; next_len_valid_r <= '0'; req_writing_r <= '0'; len_r <= 0; next_addr_r <= (others => '0'); next_addr_valid_r <= '0'; data_in_fifo_r <= '0'; -- AK 12.06.2007 hdr_len_dbg <= hdr_words_c; payload_len_dbg <= payload_words_c; elsif clk'event and clk = '1' then -- rising clock edge -- store the ack -- ack_wr_rd is '1' on the start state, so we have to make sure that the -- ack_from_wr_r doesn't rise right after reset (rd_state_r /= wait_trans) if ack_wr_rd = '1' and rd_state_r /= wait_trans then ack_from_wr_r <= '1'; end if; case rd_state_r is when wait_trans => timeout_counter_rd_r <= 0; if (ip_we_in = '1' and fifo_full_in = '0' ) then -- no actual data is in the fifo, although av is. if (ip_av_in = '1') then -- Uusi osoite amount_rd_r <= 0; rd_state_r <= read_in; prev_addr_r <= ip_data_in; --assert false report "uus os" severity note; data_in_fifo_r <= '0'; -- if the IP offers us the packet length, we start -- writing right away if len_from_ip /= 0 then -- if length from ip is longer than max pkt length if len_from_ip > payload_words_c then amount_to_wr_r <= payload_words_c; next_len_valid_r <= '1'; len_valid_r <= '0'; else amount_to_wr_r <= len_from_ip; next_len_valid_r <= '0'; len_valid_r <= '1'; end if; len_r <= len_from_ip; req_writing_r <= '1'; else len_valid_r <= '0'; end if; else -- dataa (vanha osoite) amount_rd_r <= 1; rd_state_r <= read_in; prev_addr_r <= prev_addr_r; --assert false report "vanh os" severity note; data_in_fifo_r <= '1'; -- old packet continues with old length information if next_len_valid_r = '1' then if len_r > payload_words_c then amount_to_wr_r <= payload_words_c; next_len_valid_r <= '1'; len_valid_r <= '0'; else amount_to_wr_r <= len_r; next_len_valid_r <= '0'; len_valid_r <= '1'; end if; req_writing_r <= '1'; end if; end if; else -- ei dataa eikä osoitetta amount_rd_r <= 0; rd_state_r <= wait_trans; prev_addr_r <= prev_addr_r; end if; -- 26.03.2006 if next_addr_valid_r = '1' then prev_addr_r <= next_addr_r; next_addr_valid_r <= '0'; next_addr_r <= (others => '0'); -- was 'Z' 01.06.2007 AK end if; when read_in => prev_addr_r <= prev_addr_r; -- and ip_stall = '0' added 11.9.2006 HP if ip_we_in = '1' and fifo_full_in = '0' and ip_stall = '0' then timeout_counter_rd_r <= 0; if (ip_av_in = '1') then -- New address amount_to_wr_r <= amount_rd_r; req_writing_r <= '1'; rd_state_r <= wait_ack; -- addr is lost unless stored in reg next_addr_r <= ip_data_in; next_addr_valid_r <= '1'; else data_in_fifo_r <= '1'; if (amount_rd_r = payload_words_c) or (len_valid_r = '1' and amount_rd_r = len_r) or (req_writing_r = '1' and amount_rd_r = amount_to_wr_r) then -- Pkt full -- if we are already requesting writing, don't change the amount if req_writing_r = '0' then amount_to_wr_r <= amount_rd_r; end if; req_writing_r <= '1'; rd_state_r <= wait_ack; else amount_rd_r <= amount_rd_r + 1; rd_state_r <= read_in; end if; end if; -- ip_av_in else if data_in_fifo_r = '1' then -- new if added 17.03.2006 if (amount_rd_r = payload_words_c) or (len_valid_r = '1' and amount_rd_r = len_r) or (req_writing_r = '1' and amount_rd_r = amount_to_wr_r) then -- don't change the amount if we're already requesting writing if req_writing_r = '0' then amount_to_wr_r <= amount_rd_r; end if; req_writing_r <= '1'; rd_state_r <= wait_ack; elsif (timeout_counter_rd_r = timeout_g) then -- oli ennen: IF (timeout_counter_rd_r = timeout_g) timeout_counter_rd_r <= timeout_counter_rd_r; req_writing_r <= '1'; rd_state_r <= wait_ack; --assert false report "time_out" severity note; amount_to_wr_r <= amount_rd_r; else -- timeout_counter_rd_r <= timeout_counter_rd_r + 1; -- Ei kasvateta ajastinlaskuria, jos verkkoon ei kuitenkaan voi -- tuupata dataa if net_full_in = '0' then timeout_counter_rd_r <= timeout_counter_rd_r + 1; else timeout_counter_rd_r <= timeout_counter_rd_r; end if; rd_state_r <= read_in; amount_rd_r <= amount_rd_r; end if; end if; end if; when others => -- wait_ack if (ack_from_wr_r = '1') then rd_state_r <= wait_trans; ack_from_wr_r <= '0'; req_writing_r <= '0'; -- if len value was bigger than max pkt size if next_len_valid_r = '1' then len_r <= len_r - payload_words_c; end if; else rd_state_r <= wait_ack; end if; end case; end if; end process read_data; ip_stall_out <= ip_stall; -- Ensure that no data is written to (by the IP) when FSM is not counting them full_tmp : process (rd_state_r, ip_av_in, amount_rd_r, timeout_counter_rd_r, data_in_fifo_r, len_valid_r, len_r, req_writing_r, amount_to_wr_r) begin -- process full_tmp -- By default: ip_stall <= '0'; if rd_state_r = wait_ack then ip_stall <= '1'; elsif rd_state_r = read_in then if (amount_rd_r = payload_words_c) or (timeout_counter_rd_r = timeout_g and data_in_fifo_r = '1' ) or (ip_av_in = '1') or (len_valid_r = '1' and amount_rd_r = len_r) or (req_writing_r = '1' and amount_rd_r = amount_to_wr_r) then ip_stall <= '1'; end if; end if; end process full_tmp; -- Read-FSM sends request to write-FSM req_rd_wr <= req_writing_r; -- purpose: Clocked process for changing the state -- type : sequential -- inputs : clk, rst_n -- outputs: wr_state_r, timeout_counter_r, write_counter_r, amount_r sync : process (clk, rst_n) begin -- PROCESS sync if rst_n = '0' then wr_state_r <= start; timeout_counter_r <= 0; write_counter_r <= 0; amount_r <= 1; in_addr_r <= (others => '0'); ack_tmp_r <= '0'; elsif clk = '1' and clk'event then ack_tmp_r <= '0'; case wr_state_r is when start => timeout_counter_r <= 0; write_counter_r <= 0; amount_r <= 1; wr_state_r <= wait_req; when wait_req => if req_rd_wr = '1' and ack_tmp_r = '0' then -- amount_r <= amount_rd_r+1; -- orig amount_r <= amount_to_wr_r + oaddr_flit_en_g; -- 2007/08/03 if (net_empty_in = '0' and wait_empty_fifo_g = 1) then wr_state_r <= wait_empty; else wr_state_r <= write_out_addr; end if; else amount_r <= 1; wr_state_r <= wait_req; end if; when wait_empty => -- Wait until network's fifo is empty -- This state is reached only if associated genric is set if net_empty_in = '1' then wr_state_r <= write_out_addr; else wr_state_r <= wait_empty; end if; when write_out_addr => -- Write the target address to network timeout_counter_r <= 0; write_counter_r <= 0; amount_r <= amount_r; if (net_full_in = '0') then -- Branching 2007/08/06 if len_flit_en_g = 1 then wr_state_r <= write_out_amount; else if oaddr_flit_en_g = 1 then wr_state_r <= write_out_in_addr; else wr_state_r <= write_out_data; end if; end if; --wr_state_r <= write_out_amount; --old way else wr_state_r <= write_out_addr; end if; if fifo_av_in = '1' then in_addr_r <= fifo_data_in; else in_addr_r <= prev_addr_r; end if; when write_out_amount => timeout_counter_r <= 0; write_counter_r <= 0; amount_r <= amount_r; if (net_full_in = '0') then -- wr_state_r <= write_out_in_addr; -- Branch 2007/08/03 if oaddr_flit_en_g = 1 then wr_state_r <= write_out_in_addr; else wr_state_r <= write_out_data; end if; else wr_state_r <= write_out_amount; end if; when write_out_in_addr => timeout_counter_r <= 0; write_counter_r <= 0; amount_r <= amount_r; if (net_full_in = '0') then wr_state_r <= write_out_data; else wr_state_r <= write_out_in_addr; end if; -- ack_tmp_r <= '1'; -- orig, this works when write_out_data => -- write_out_data timeout_counter_r <= 0; ack_tmp_r <= '1'; -- 2007/08/03 -- added fifo_empty_in, because if we get the packet length -- in advance, we cannot be sure that all the data has come -- when we start writing. JN 2009-04-09 if (net_full_in = '0' and (fifo_empty_in = '0' or (write_counter_r > amount_r-1-oaddr_flit_en_g and fill_packet_g = 1))) then if (write_counter_r = packet_length_g) then write_counter_r <= write_counter_r; else write_counter_r <= write_counter_r + 1; end if; else write_counter_r <= write_counter_r; end if; amount_r <= amount_r; -- Entäs jos full_in = 1??? => ei tartte välittää, koska -- write_counter muuttuu vain jos full_in = 0 -- amount_r-1-in_addr if net_full_in = '0' and ((write_counter_r = (amount_r-1 -oaddr_flit_en_g) and fill_packet_g = 0) or (write_counter_r = (payload_words_c-1) and fill_packet_g = 1)) then wr_state_r <= wait_req; else wr_state_r <= write_out_data; end if; end case; end if; end process sync; -- purpose: Asynchronous process for generating outputs -- type : combinational -- inputs : ip_av_in, ip_we_in, ip_data_in, -- fifo_data_in, fifo_av_in, wr_state_r, addr_from_lut, in_addr_r, fifo_empty_in -- outputs: ip_full_tmp, fifo_re_out, -- net_data_out, net_we_out async : process (fifo_data_in, fifo_av_in, fifo_empty_in, net_full_in, write_counter_r, amount_r, prev_addr_r, ack_tmp_r, wr_state_r, --, req_rd_wr addr_from_lut, in_addr_r ) begin -- PROCESS async addr_to_lut <= (others => '0'); case wr_state_r is when start => fifo_re_out <= '0'; net_data_out <= (others => '0'); --'Z'); net_av_out <= '0'; net_we_out <= '0'; ack_wr_rd <= '1'; when wait_req => net_we_out <= '0'; fifo_re_out <= '0'; net_data_out <= (others => '0'); --'Z'); net_av_out <= '0'; net_we_out <= '0'; ack_wr_rd <= '0'; when wait_empty => net_we_out <= '0'; fifo_re_out <= '0'; net_data_out <= (others => '0'); --'Z'); net_av_out <= '0'; net_we_out <= '0'; ack_wr_rd <= '0'; when write_out_addr => ack_wr_rd <= '0'; -- Jos kuitataan jo tässä ja net_full_in=1 -- read_fsm saattaa lukea uuden osoitteen -- ja uutta osoitetta käytetään jo tälle vanhalle lähetykselle net_av_out <= '1'; if (net_full_in = '0') then net_we_out <= '1'; else net_we_out <= '0'; end if; if (fifo_av_in = '1') then fifo_re_out <= '1'; addr_to_lut <= fifo_data_in(addr_width_g-1 downto 0); else fifo_re_out <= '0'; addr_to_lut <= prev_addr_r(addr_width_g-1 downto 0); end if; --net_data_out <= addr_from_lut; if len_flit_en_g = 1 then -- just address net_data_out <= addr_from_lut; else -- Concatenate len+addr together if fill_packet_g = 0 then net_data_out (data_width_g -1 downto data_width_g - len_width_c) <= conv_std_logic_vector(amount_r, len_width_c); else net_data_out (data_width_g -1 downto data_width_g - len_width_c) <= conv_std_logic_vector(payload_words_c, len_width_c); end if; net_data_out (data_width_g -len_width_c-1 downto 0) <= addr_from_lut(data_width_g -len_width_c-1 downto 0); end if; when write_out_amount => ack_wr_rd <= '0'; fifo_re_out <= '0'; if fill_packet_g = 0 then net_data_out <= conv_std_logic_vector(amount_r, data_width_g); else net_data_out <= conv_std_logic_vector(payload_words_c, data_width_g); end if; net_av_out <= '0'; if (net_full_in = '0') then net_we_out <= '1'; else net_we_out <= '0'; end if; when write_out_in_addr => fifo_re_out <= '0'; net_data_out <= in_addr_r; net_av_out <= '0'; if (net_full_in = '0') then net_we_out <= '1'; else net_we_out <= '0'; end if; ack_wr_rd <= '0'; when write_out_data => -- write_out_data net_av_out <= '0'; -- Ensure that ack is 1 only for one cycle -- 2007/08/03 if ack_tmp_r = '0' then ack_wr_rd <= '1'; else ack_wr_rd <= '0'; end if; -- added fifo_empty_in to prevent writing from a possibly empty fifo -- JN 2009-04-09 if (net_full_in = '0' and (fifo_empty_in = '0' or (write_counter_r > amount_r-1-oaddr_flit_en_g and fill_packet_g = 1))) then net_we_out <= '1'; else net_we_out <= '0'; end if; if ((write_counter_r < amount_r- oaddr_flit_en_g) and (net_full_in = '0')) then if fifo_empty_in = '0' then net_data_out <= fifo_data_in; fifo_re_out <= '1'; else net_data_out <= fifo_data_in; fifo_re_out <= '0'; end if; else fifo_re_out <= '0'; net_data_out <= (others => '0'); -- dummy data -- net_data_out assignment used to be 'L' end if; end case; end process async; end rtl;