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------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Title : Basic asynchronous FIFO with two clocks -- Project : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- File : fifo_2clk.vhd -- Author : Lasse Lehtonen -- Company : -- Created : 2011-01-13 -- Last update: 2011-11-29 -- Platform : -- Standard : VHDL'93 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Description: -- -- Fully asynchronous fifo. -- -- Idea from: -- Cummings et al., Simulation and Synthesis Techniques for Asynchronous -- FIFO Design with Asynchronous Pointer Comparisons, SNUG San Jose 2002 -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Copyright (c) 2011 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Revisions : -- Date Version Author Description -- 2011-01-13 1.0 ase Created ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.numeric_std.all; entity fifo_2clk is generic ( data_width_g : positive; depth_g : positive); port ( rst_n : in std_logic; -- Write clk_wr : in std_logic; we_in : in std_logic; data_in : in std_logic_vector(data_width_g-1 downto 0); full_out : out std_logic; -- Read clk_rd : in std_logic; re_in : in std_logic; data_out : out std_logic_vector(data_width_g-1 downto 0); empty_out : out std_logic); end entity fifo_2clk; architecture rtl of fifo_2clk is ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- FUNCTIONS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- purpose: Return ceiling log 2 of n function log2_ceil ( constant n : positive) return positive is variable retval : positive := 1; begin -- function log2_ceil while 2**retval < n loop retval := retval + 1; end loop; return retval; end function log2_ceil; -- binary to graycode conversion function bin2gray ( signal num : integer range 0 to depth_g-1) return std_logic_vector is variable retval : std_logic_vector(log2_ceil(depth_g)-1 downto 0); variable d1 : std_logic_vector(log2_ceil(depth_g)-1 downto 0); begin d1 := std_logic_vector((to_unsigned(num, log2_ceil(depth_g)))); retval := d1 xor ('0' & d1(log2_ceil(depth_g)-1 downto 1)); return retval; end function bin2gray; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- CONSTANTS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- constant addr_width_c : positive := log2_ceil(depth_g); ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- REGISTERS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- signal wr_addr_r : integer range 0 to depth_g-1; signal rd_addr_r : integer range 0 to depth_g-1; signal full_1_r : std_logic; signal full_2_r : std_logic; signal empty_1_r : std_logic; signal empty_2_r : std_logic; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- COMBINATORIAL SIGNALS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- signal next_wr_addr : integer range 0 to depth_g-1; signal next_rd_addr : integer range 0 to depth_g-1; signal wr_addr : std_logic_vector(addr_width_c-1 downto 0); signal rd_addr : std_logic_vector(addr_width_c-1 downto 0); signal we : std_logic; signal dirset_n : std_logic; signal dirclr_n : std_logic; signal direction : std_logic; signal empty_n : std_logic; signal full_n : std_logic; begin -- architecture rtl full_out <= full_2_r; empty_out <= empty_2_r; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- WRITE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- write_p : process (clk_wr, rst_n) begin -- process write_p if rst_n = '0' then -- asynchronous reset (active low) wr_addr_r <= 0; elsif clk_wr'event and clk_wr = '1' then -- rising clock edge if we_in = '1' and full_2_r = '0' then wr_addr_r <= next_wr_addr; end if; end if; end process write_p; we <= we_in and not full_2_r; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- READ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- read_p : process (clk_rd, rst_n) begin -- process read_p if rst_n = '0' then -- asynchronous reset (active low) rd_addr_r <= 0; elsif clk_rd'event and clk_rd = '1' then -- rising clock edge if re_in = '1' and empty_2_r = '0' then rd_addr_r <= next_rd_addr; end if; end if; end process read_p; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- RAM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- wr_addr <= std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(wr_addr_r, addr_width_c)); rd_addr <= std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(rd_addr_r, addr_width_c)); ram_2clk_1 : entity work.ram_1clk generic map ( data_width_g => data_width_g, addr_width_g => addr_width_c, depth_g => depth_g, out_reg_en_g => 0) port map ( clk => clk_wr, wr_addr_in => wr_addr, rd_addr_in => rd_addr, we_in => we, data_in => data_in, data_out => data_out); ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- NEXT ADDRESSES ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- next_wr_addr_p : process (wr_addr_r) is begin if wr_addr_r = depth_g-1 then next_wr_addr <= 0; else next_wr_addr <= wr_addr_r + 1; end if; end process next_wr_addr_p; next_rd_addr_p : process (rd_addr_r) is begin if rd_addr_r = depth_g-1 then next_rd_addr <= 0; else next_rd_addr <= rd_addr_r + 1; end if; end process next_rd_addr_p; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ASYNC COMPARISON (FULL AND EMPTY GENERATION) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- dirgen_p : process (wr_addr_r, rd_addr_r, rst_n) variable wr_h1 : std_logic; variable wr_h2 : std_logic; variable rd_h1 : std_logic; variable rd_h2 : std_logic; begin -- process asyncomp_p wr_h1 := bin2gray(wr_addr_r)(addr_width_c-1); wr_h2 := bin2gray(wr_addr_r)(addr_width_c-2); rd_h1 := bin2gray(rd_addr_r)(addr_width_c-1); rd_h2 := bin2gray(rd_addr_r)(addr_width_c-2); dirset_n <= not ((wr_h1 xor rd_h2) and not (wr_h2 xor rd_h1)); dirclr_n <= not ((not (wr_h1 xor rd_h2) and (wr_h2 xor rd_h1)) or not rst_n); end process dirgen_p; rs_flop_p : process (dirclr_n, dirset_n, direction) begin -- process rs_flop_p if dirclr_n = '0' then direction <= '0'; elsif dirset_n = '0' then direction <= '1'; else direction <= direction; end if; end process rs_flop_p; full_empty_s : process (direction, wr_addr_r, rd_addr_r) variable match_v : std_logic; begin -- process empty_s if rd_addr_r = wr_addr_r then match_v := '1'; else match_v := '0'; end if; if match_v = '1' and direction = '1' then full_n <= '0'; else full_n <= '1'; end if; if match_v = '1' and direction = '0' then empty_n <= '0'; else empty_n <= '1'; end if; end process full_empty_s; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Two rs-registers to synchronize empty signal ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- empty_sync_1p : process (clk_rd, rst_n, empty_n) begin -- process empty_sync_p if rst_n = '0' then -- asynchronous reset (active low) empty_1_r <= '1'; elsif empty_n = '0' then empty_1_r <= not empty_n; elsif clk_rd'event and clk_rd = '1' then -- rising clock edge empty_1_r <= not empty_n; end if; end process empty_sync_1p; empty_sync_2p : process (clk_rd, rst_n, empty_n, empty_1_r) begin -- process empty_sync_p if rst_n = '0' then -- asynchronous reset (active low) empty_2_r <= '1'; elsif empty_n = '0' then empty_2_r <= empty_1_r; elsif clk_rd'event and clk_rd = '1' then -- rising clock edge empty_2_r <= empty_1_r; end if; end process empty_sync_2p; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Two rs-registers to synchronize full signal ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ full_sync_1p : process (clk_wr, rst_n, full_n) begin -- process empty_sync_p if rst_n = '0' then -- asynchronous reset (active low) full_1_r <= '0'; elsif full_n = '0' then full_1_r <= not full_n; elsif clk_wr'event and clk_wr = '1' then -- rising clock edge full_1_r <= not full_n; end if; end process full_sync_1p; full_sync_2p : process (clk_wr, rst_n, full_n, full_1_r) begin -- process empty_sync_p if rst_n = '0' then -- asynchronous reset (active low) full_2_r <= '0'; elsif full_n = '0' then full_2_r <= full_1_r; elsif clk_wr'event and clk_wr = '1' then -- rising clock edge full_2_r <= full_1_r; end if; end process full_sync_2p; end architecture rtl;