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------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- File : tb_fifo_mixed_clocks2.vhdl -- Description : Testbench for a mixed clock Fifo buffer -- Author : Ari Kulmala -- Date : 19.06.2003 -- Modified : -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.std_logic_arith.all; entity tb_fifo_mixed_clocks2 is end tb_fifo_mixed_clocks2; architecture behavioral of tb_fifo_mixed_clocks2 is component mixed_clocks_fifo generic ( width : integer := 0; depth : integer := 0); port ( Clk_In : in std_logic; Clk_Out : in std_logic; Rst_n : in std_logic; -- Active low Data_In : in std_logic_vector (width-1 downto 0); Write_Enable : in std_logic; -- One_Place_Left : out std_logic; Full : out std_logic; Data_Out : out std_logic_vector (width-1 downto 0); Read_Enable : in std_logic; Empty : out std_logic -- One_Data_Left : out std_logic ); end component; constant width : integer := 16; constant depth : integer := 5; constant PERIOD_IN : time := 10 ns; constant PERIOD_OUT : time := 4 ns; signal Clk_In : std_logic; signal Clk_Out : std_logic; signal Rst_n : std_logic; signal Data_In : std_logic_vector (width-1 downto 0); signal Data_Out : std_logic_vector (width-1 downto 0); signal Write_Enable : std_logic; signal Read_Enable : std_logic; signal Full : std_logic; --signal One_Place_Left : std_logic; signal Empty : std_logic; --signal One_Data_Left : std_logic; signal Read_Data : std_logic_vector (width-1 downto 0); signal Test_Phase : integer range 0 to 20; begin -- behavioral DUT : mixed_clocks_fifo generic map ( width => width, depth => depth) port map ( Clk_In => Clk_In, Clk_Out => Clk_Out, Rst_n => Rst_n, Data_In => Data_In, Write_Enable => Write_Enable, Full => Full, -- One_Place_Left => One_Place_Left, Data_Out => Data_Out, Read_Enable => Read_Enable, Empty => Empty); -- One_Data_Left => One_Data_Left ); Generate_input : process ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Two procedures for writing to and for reading the fifo ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure WriteToFifo ( Data_To_Fifo : in integer; wait_time : in integer) is begin --procedure Data_In <= conv_std_logic_vector (Data_To_Fifo, width); Write_Enable <= '1'; if Full = '1' then --assert false report "Fifo full. Cannot write" severity note; end if; wait for PERIOD_IN; --if wait_time > 0 then Write_Enable <= '0'; Data_In <= (others => 'Z'); wait for (wait_time)* PERIOD_IN; --end if; end WriteToFifo; procedure ReadFifo ( wait_time : in integer) is begin --procedure Read_Enable <= '1'; if Empty = '1' then --assert false report "Fifo empty. Cannot read" severity note; end if; wait for PERIOD_OUT+1ns; --if wait_time > 0 then Read_Enable <= '0'; wait for (wait_time)* PERIOD_OUT; --end if; end ReadFifo; procedure WriteAndReadFifo ( Data_To_Fifo : in integer; wait_time : in integer) is begin --procedure Read_Enable <= '1'; if Empty = '1' then --assert false report "Fifo empty. Cannot read" severity note; end if; Data_In <= conv_std_logic_vector (Data_To_Fifo, width); Write_Enable <= '1'; if Full = '0' then --assert false report "Fifo full. Cannot write" severity note; end if; wait for PERIOD_IN; --if wait_time > 0 then Read_Enable <= '0'; Write_Enable <= '0'; Data_In <= (others => 'Z'); wait for (wait_time)* (PERIOD_IN); --end if; end WriteAndReadFifo; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- begin -- process Generate_input -- test sequence -- 0 wait for reset -- 1 write to empty fifo and read so that it is empty again -- 2 write to fifo until there is only one place left -- 3 write to fifo so that it becomes full -- 4 read from full fifo and continue until there is only one data left -- 5 read the last data -- write and read the empty fifo at the same time, only write is succesful! -- 6 write to fifo, write and read at the same time, both should be succesful! -- 7 write until fifo is full -- 8 write and read full fifo, only reading succesful! -- read until fifo is empty -- 9 make sure fifo is empty -- Wait for reset Write_Enable <= '0'; Read_Enable <= '0'; Data_In <= (others => 'Z'); Test_Phase <= 0; wait for (6+2)*PERIOD_IN; wait for PERIOD_IN/2; wait for PERIOD_IN/3; -- 0) At the beginning -- One_Place_Left = 0 -- Empty = 1 -- Full = 0 -- One_Data_Left = 0 -- assert One_Data_Left = '0' report "0: One_Place_Left does not work" severity error; assert Empty = '1' report "0 : Empty does not work" severity error; assert Full = '0' report "0 : Full does not work" severity error; -- assert One_Data_Left = '0' report "0: One_Place_Left does not work" severity error; -- 1) Write one data to empty fifo -- Data_Out = 5 -- One_Data_Left = 1 -- Empty = 0 Test_Phase <= Test_Phase +1; WriteToFifo (5, 1); assert Data_Out = conv_std_logic_vector (5, width) report "1 : data not stored correctly" severity error; -- assert One_Data_Left = '1' report "1: One_Place_Left does not work" severity error; assert Empty = '0' report "1 : Empty does not work" severity error; ReadFifo (2); WriteToFifo (52, 1); ReadFifo (2); -- 2) Fill up the empty fifo until there is only one place left -- One_Place_Left = 1 -- Full = 0 Test_Phase <= Test_Phase +1; WriteToFifo (10, 1); --to empty fifo assert Data_Out = conv_std_logic_vector (10, width) report "2 : data not stored correctly" severity error; WriteToFifo (11, 0); WriteToFifo (12, 0); WriteToFifo (13, 0); -- assert One_Place_Left = '1' report "2: One_Place_Left does not work" severity error; assert Full = '0' report "2 : Full does not work" severity error; --3) One data more => fifo becomes full -- Try to write two data (15 & 16) to full fifo -- One_Place_Left = 0 -- Full = 1 Test_Phase <= Test_Phase +1; WriteToFifo (14, 0); -- assert One_Place_Left = '0' report "3: One_Place_Left does not work" severity error; assert Full = '1' report "3 : Full does not work" severity error; WriteToFifo (15, 0); WriteToFifo (16, 0); Write_Enable <= '0'; Data_In <= (others => 'Z'); -- 4) Read one data from full fifo Test_Phase <= Test_Phase +1; ReadFifo (1); -- fifo out: 10 => 11 -- assert One_Place_Left = '1' report "4: One_Place_Left does not work" severity error; assert Full = '0' report "4 : Full does not work" severity error; assert Data_Out = conv_std_logic_vector (11, width) report "4 : data not stored correctly" severity error; ReadFifo (1); -- fifo out: 11 => 12 ReadFifo (1); -- fifo out: 12 => 13 WriteToFifo (17, 1); ReadFifo (1); -- fifo out: 13 => 14 ReadFifo (1); -- fifo out: 14 => 17 -- 5) Read the last data -- write one to empty fifo and read empty fifo at the same time Test_Phase <= Test_Phase +1; assert Data_Out = conv_std_logic_vector (17, width) report "5 : data not stored correctly" severity error; ReadFifo (4); -- fifo out: 14 => empty (11) WriteAndReadFifo (67, 2); wait for 5*PERIOD_IN; ReadFifo (1); -- fifo out: 67 => empty -- 6) Fill up the fifo with two (1 & 2) data -- Start reading fifo at the same as the latter data (2) is written Test_Phase <= Test_Phase +1; WriteToFifo (1, 0); WriteAndReadFifo (2, 0); assert Data_Out = conv_std_logic_vector (2, width) report "6 : data not stored correctly" severity error; -- 7) Fill up the fifo Test_Phase <= Test_Phase +1; WriteToFifo (3, 0); WriteToFifo (4, 0); WriteToFifo (5, 0); WriteToFifo (6, 0); Write_Enable <= '0'; Data_In <= (others => 'Z'); -- Fifo now full assert Full = '1' report "8 : Full does not work" severity error; -- 8) Empty the fifo -- At first try to write one data (88) to full fifo and read fifo at the same -- time. Data 88 should not go to fifo Test_Phase <= Test_Phase +1; WriteAndReadFifo(88, 0); ReadFifo(0); ReadFifo(0); ReadFifo(0); ReadFifo(0); assert Data_Out /= conv_std_logic_vector (88, width) report "8 : data not stored correctly" severity error; -- 9) Fifo should be empty Test_Phase <= 9; assert Empty = '1' report "9 : Empty does not work" severity error; -- Test completed Test_Phase <= 0; wait; end process Generate_input; Read_Data_from_fifo : process (Clk_In, Rst_n) begin -- process Read_Data_from_fifo if Rst_n = '0' then -- asynchronous reset (active low) Read_Data <= (others => '0'); elsif Clk_In'event and Clk_In = '1' then -- rising clock edge if Read_Enable = '1' and Empty = '0'then Read_Data <= Data_Out; else Read_Data <= Read_Data; end if; end if; end process Read_Data_from_fifo; CLOCK_IN : process -- generate clock signal for design variable clktmp : std_logic := '0'; begin wait for PERIOD_IN/2; clktmp := not clktmp; Clk_In <= clktmp; end process CLOCK_IN; CLOCK_OUT : process -- generate clock signal for design variable clktmp : std_logic := '0'; begin wait for PERIOD_OUT/2; clktmp := not clktmp; Clk_Out <= clktmp; end process CLOCK_OUT; RESET : process begin Rst_n <= '0'; -- Reset the testsystem wait for 6*(PERIOD_IN); -- Wait Rst_n <= '1'; -- de-assert reset wait; end process RESET; end behavioral; configuration basic_cfg of tb_fifo_mixed_clocks2 is for behavioral for all : mixed_clocks_fifo --use entity work.fifo (inout_mux); --use entity work.fifo (in_mux); --use entity work.fifo (shift_reg); use entity work.mixed_clocks_fifo (mixed_clocks); end for; end for; end basic_cfg;