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------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Title : Adapter wrapper 16-bit sdram <-> 32-bit hibi -- Project : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- File : wra_16sdram_32hibi.vhd -- Author : <alhonena@AHVEN> -- Company : -- Created : 2012-01-26 -- Platform : -- Standard : VHDL'87 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Description: It was easier and more fail-safe to make an adapter block -- to connect sdram2hibi to a 16-bit sdram, than trying to modify the -- sdram2hibi to directly support 16-bit sdram. -- This is connected between sdram_controller and sdram2hibi. -- -- Converts the operations to two times longer/shorter operations, -- transparently like it would be just a slower 32-bit sdram. -- -- As of 2012-01-26, there still might be room for some optimization. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Copyright (c) 2012 Tampere University of Technology ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Revisions : -- Date Version Author Description -- 2012-01-26 1.0 alhonena Created -- 2012-04-10 1.1 alhonena PLEASE NOTE: The SDRAM controller block, -- for some mysterious reason, ABORTS the read/write operation if fifo gets -- full/empty. This weird behavior is a considered decision by the author, -- so I didn't go and break the compatibility. This fact makes this adapter -- block a way more complex than necessary. In fact it also makes the -- hibi2sdram more complex. In the future we might want to simplify the whole -- circus. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.numeric_std.all; entity wra_16sdram_32hibi is generic ( mem_addr_width_g : integer := 22 ); port ( clk : in std_logic; rst_n : in std_logic; -- FROM/TO SDRAM2HIBI: the 32-bit interface. sdram2hibi_write_on_out : out std_logic; sdram2hibi_comm_in : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); sdram2hibi_addr_in : in std_logic_vector(21 downto 0); sdram2hibi_data_amount_in : in std_logic_vector(mem_addr_width_g-1 downto 0); sdram2hibi_input_one_d_in : in std_logic; sdram2hibi_input_empty_in : in std_logic; sdram2hibi_output_full_in : in std_logic; sdram2hibi_busy_out : out std_logic; sdram2hibi_re_out : out std_logic; sdram2hibi_we_out : out std_logic; sdram2hibi_data_in : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); sdram2hibi_data_out : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); -- FROM/TO SDRAM_CONTROLLER: the 16-bit interface. ctrl_command_out : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); ctrl_address_out : out std_logic_vector(21 downto 0); ctrl_data_amount_out : out std_logic_vector(mem_addr_width_g-1 downto 0); ctrl_byte_select_out : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); ctrl_input_empty_out : out std_logic; ctrl_input_one_d_out : out std_logic; ctrl_output_full_out : out std_logic; ctrl_data_out : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); ctrl_write_on_in : in std_logic; ctrl_busy_in : in std_logic; ctrl_output_we_in : in std_logic; ctrl_input_re_in : in std_logic; ctrl_data_in : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) ); end wra_16sdram_32hibi; architecture rtl of wra_16sdram_32hibi is -- commands constant command_nop_c : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0) := "00"; constant command_read_c : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0) := "01"; constant command_write_c : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0) := "10"; type state_t is (idle, read_1, read_2, read_stall, write_1, write_2); signal state_r : state_t; signal read_temp_r : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); signal write_temp_r : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); signal data_cnt_r : unsigned(mem_addr_width_g-1 downto 0); signal cur_addr_r : unsigned(mem_addr_width_g-1 downto 0); signal sdram2hibi_re_out_r : std_logic; signal ctrl_input_empty_out_r : std_logic; begin -- rtl -- Full signal for read operations gets propagated through. ctrl_output_full_out <= sdram2hibi_output_full_in; busy_proc: process (state_r, ctrl_busy_in) begin -- process busy_proc if ctrl_busy_in = '1' or state_r /= idle then sdram2hibi_busy_out <= '1'; else sdram2hibi_busy_out <= '0'; end if; end process busy_proc; ctrl_byte_select_out <= "00"; -- not implemented in sdram2hibi. -- This dirty "write on" signal is used in sdram2hibi to count actual -- words written in sdram to know when the operation is finished. sdram2hibi_write_on_out <= sdram2hibi_re_out_r; sdram2hibi_re_out <= sdram2hibi_re_out_r; ctrl_input_empty_out <= ctrl_input_empty_out_r; -- Ask for double amount of words. -- Hence, amount is guaranteed to be even and is checked only at read_2 and write_2. ctrl_data_amount_out <= std_logic_vector(data_cnt_r(mem_addr_width_g-2 downto 0)) & '0'; ctrl_address_out <= std_logic_vector(cur_addr_r); fsm: process (clk, rst_n) begin -- process fsm if rst_n = '0' then -- asynchronous reset (active low) state_r <= idle; ctrl_command_out <= command_nop_c; ctrl_input_empty_out_r <= '1'; ctrl_input_one_d_out <= '0'; elsif clk'event and clk = '1' then -- rising clock edge sdram2hibi_we_out <= '0'; sdram2hibi_re_out_r <= '0'; case state_r is --------------------------------------------------------- when idle => --------------------------------------------------------- if ctrl_input_re_in = '1' then -- this happens when coming from write_2. ctrl_input_empty_out_r <= '1'; ctrl_input_one_d_out <= '0'; end if; ctrl_command_out <= command_nop_c; if sdram2hibi_comm_in = command_read_c then ctrl_command_out <= command_read_c; -- multiply the address by 2 because it's a word address. cur_addr_r <= unsigned(sdram2hibi_addr_in(20 downto 0) & '0'); data_cnt_r <= unsigned(sdram2hibi_data_amount_in); -- count 32-bit words, it's easier. state_r <= read_1; end if; if sdram2hibi_comm_in = command_write_c then ctrl_command_out <= command_write_c; -- multiply the address by 2 because it's a word address. cur_addr_r <= unsigned(sdram2hibi_addr_in(20 downto 0) & '0'); data_cnt_r <= unsigned(sdram2hibi_data_amount_in); -- count 32-bit words, it's easier. state_r <= write_1; end if; --------------------------------------------------------- when read_1 => --------------------------------------------------------- if ctrl_output_we_in = '1' then cur_addr_r <= cur_addr_r + to_unsigned(1, mem_addr_width_g); read_temp_r <= ctrl_data_in; state_r <= read_2; end if; --------------------------------------------------------- when read_2 => --------------------------------------------------------- if ctrl_output_we_in = '1' then cur_addr_r <= cur_addr_r + to_unsigned(1, mem_addr_width_g); sdram2hibi_data_out <= ctrl_data_in & read_temp_r; if sdram2hibi_output_full_in = '0' then sdram2hibi_we_out <= '1'; else state_r <= read_stall; end if; if data_cnt_r = 1 then state_r <= idle; ctrl_command_out <= command_nop_c; else state_r <= read_1; data_cnt_r <= data_cnt_r - to_unsigned(1, mem_addr_width_g); end if; end if; --------------------------------------------------------- when read_stall => --------------------------------------------------------- -- This should happen only in some very special occasions -- because full signal is propagated directly to the controller -- in advance, preventing the read operation. So, this happens -- when the full rises suddenly after the sdram read. -- Data is already written to sdram2hibi_data_out register, -- just assert we when possible. if sdram2hibi_output_full_in = '0' then sdram2hibi_we_out <= '1'; if data_cnt_r = 1 then state_r <= idle; ctrl_command_out <= command_nop_c; else state_r <= read_1; data_cnt_r <= data_cnt_r - to_unsigned(1, mem_addr_width_g); end if; end if; --------------------------------------------------------- when write_1 => --------------------------------------------------------- if ctrl_input_re_in = '1' then -- this happens when coming from write_2. This is -- overridden if there is something to write right -- away. cur_addr_r <= cur_addr_r + to_unsigned(1, mem_addr_width_g); ctrl_input_empty_out_r <= '1'; ctrl_input_one_d_out <= '0'; end if; if sdram2hibi_input_empty_in = '0' then -- Here, assert sdram2hibi side re for one cycle but -- use a temp register for the next data. This way, -- sdram2hibi_input_empty_in has time to get to the -- new value before we are again in this state. sdram2hibi_re_out_r <= '1'; write_temp_r <= sdram2hibi_data_in(31 downto 16); ctrl_data_out <= sdram2hibi_data_in(15 downto 0); ctrl_input_empty_out_r <= '0'; ctrl_input_one_d_out <= '0'; -- tell that there are more words! state_r <= write_2; end if; --------------------------------------------------------- when write_2 => --------------------------------------------------------- if ctrl_input_re_in = '1' then -- this re is from the write_1 state operation, for the first word. -- hence, it's possible to write the next 16 bits. ctrl_data_out <= write_temp_r; cur_addr_r <= cur_addr_r + to_unsigned(1, mem_addr_width_g); ctrl_input_empty_out_r <= '0'; if data_cnt_r = 1 then ctrl_input_one_d_out <= '1'; -- just one word left. state_r <= idle; ctrl_command_out <= command_nop_c; else state_r <= write_1; data_cnt_r <= data_cnt_r - to_unsigned(1, mem_addr_width_g); end if; end if; when others => null; end case; end if; end process fsm; end rtl;