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[/] [graphiti/] [trunk/] [xilinx/] [paltimer.vhd] - Rev 8
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------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- MiniGA -- Author: Thomas Pototschnig (thomas.pototschnig@gmx.de) -- -- License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 License -- http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.0/de/ -- -- If you want to use MiniGA for commercial purposes please contact the author ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.ALL; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL; entity paltimer is Port ( clk : in std_logic; clk15m : in std_logic; reset : in std_logic; en_sync : out std_logic; en_schwarz : out std_logic; en_bild : out std_logic; en_vertbr : out std_logic; en_verteq : out std_logic; en_burst : out std_logic; phase : out std_logic; sync : out std_logic; framereset : out std_logic; readmem : out std_logic; austastung : out std_logic); end paltimer; architecture Behavioral of paltimer is attribute clock_signal : string; begin process (clk15m, reset) variable pixctr : integer := 0; variable hlctr : integer :=0; variable i_en_sync : std_logic := '0'; variable i_en_sync_last : std_logic := '0'; variable i_en_schwarz : std_logic := '0'; variable i_en_bild : std_logic := '0'; variable i_en_burst : std_logic := '0'; variable i_en_vertbr : std_logic := '0'; variable i_en_vertbr_last : std_logic := '0'; variable i_en_verteq : std_logic := '0'; variable i_austastung : std_logic := '0'; variable i_framereset : std_logic := '0'; variable i_sync : std_logic := '0'; variable i_readmem : std_logic := '0'; variable i_phase : std_logic := '0'; variable i_sync_c : integer := 0; begin if reset='0' then pixctr := 0; hlctr :=0; i_en_sync := '0'; i_en_schwarz := '0'; i_en_bild := '0'; i_en_burst := '0'; i_en_vertbr := '0'; i_en_verteq := '0'; i_austastung := '0'; i_framereset := '0'; i_sync := '0'; i_readmem := '0'; i_phase := '0'; en_sync <= '0'; en_schwarz <= '0'; en_bild <= '0'; en_vertbr <= '0'; en_verteq <= '0'; en_burst <= '0'; phase <= '0'; sync <= '0'; framereset <= '1'; readmem <= '0'; austastung <= '0'; elsif clk15m'event and clk15m='1' then pixctr:=pixctr+1; if pixctr = 960 then pixctr:=0; end if; if pixctr >= 0 AND pixctr <= 70 then i_en_sync := '1'; else i_en_sync := '0'; end if; -- flanke nochmal checken ... if i_en_sync ='0' and i_en_sync_last='1' then i_phase := NOT i_phase; end if; i_en_sync_last := i_en_sync; if (pixctr >= 0 AND pixctr <= 157 ) then i_en_schwarz := '1'; elsif (pixctr >= 938 AND pixctr <= 959 ) then i_en_schwarz := '1'; else i_en_schwarz := '0'; end if; if pixctr >= 158 AND pixctr <= 937 then i_en_bild := '1'; else i_en_bild := '0'; end if; if pixctr >= 81 AND pixctr <= 118 then i_en_burst := '1'; else i_en_burst := '0'; end if; if pixctr >= 0 AND pixctr <= 408 then i_en_vertbr := '1'; elsif pixctr >= 480 AND pixctr <= 888 then i_en_vertbr := '1'; else i_en_vertbr := '0'; end if; if pixctr >= 0 AND pixctr <= 34 then i_en_verteq := '1'; elsif pixctr >= 480 AND pixctr <= 514 then i_en_verteq := '1'; else i_en_verteq := '0'; end if; if i_en_vertbr='1' and i_en_vertbr_last='0' then hlctr:=hlctr+1; if hlctr = 1250 then hlctr:=0; i_framereset := '1'; else i_framereset := '0'; end if; if hlctr >= 0 and hlctr <= 4 then i_sync_c := 1; elsif hlctr >= 5 and hlctr <= 9 then i_sync_c := 2; elsif hlctr >= 10 and hlctr <= 619 then i_sync_c := 3; elsif hlctr >= 620 and hlctr <= 624 then i_sync_c := 2; elsif hlctr >= 625 and hlctr <= 629 then i_sync_c := 1; elsif hlctr >= 630 and hlctr <= 634 then i_sync_c := 2; elsif hlctr >= 635 and hlctr <= 1244 then i_sync_c := 3; elsif hlctr >= 1245 and hlctr <= 1249 then i_sync_c := 2; else i_sync_c := 0; end if; if hlctr >= 1245 and hlctr <= 1249 then i_austastung := '1'; elsif hlctr >= 0 and hlctr <= 44 then i_austastung := '1'; elsif hlctr >= 620 and hlctr <= 668 then i_austastung := '1'; else i_austastung := '0'; end if; if hlctr >= 42 and hlctr <= 617 then i_readmem := '1'; elsif hlctr >= 668 and hlctr <= 1241 then i_readmem := '1'; else i_readmem := '0'; end if; end if; i_en_vertbr_last := i_en_vertbr; case i_sync_c is when 0 => i_sync := '0'; when 1 => i_sync := i_en_vertbr; when 2 => i_sync := i_en_verteq; when 3 => i_sync := i_en_sync; when others => i_sync := '0'; end case; phase <= i_phase; en_sync <= i_en_sync; en_schwarz <= i_en_schwarz; en_bild <= i_en_bild; en_vertbr <= i_en_vertbr; en_verteq <= i_en_verteq; en_burst <= i_en_burst; readmem <= i_readmem; sync <= NOT i_sync; austastung <= NOT i_austastung; framereset <= i_framereset; end if; end process; end Behavioral;