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------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Title : Top Rx test bench -- Project : HDLC controller ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- File : Rxtop_tb.vhd -- Author : Jamil Khatib (khatib@ieee.org) -- Organization: OpenIPCore Project -- Created :2001/04/10 -- Last update: 2001/04/12 -- Platform : -- Simulators : Modelsim 5.3XE/Windows98,NC-SIM/Linux -- Synthesizers: -- Target : -- Dependency : ieee.std_logic_1164, -- hdlc.hdlc_components_pkg ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Description: Top Rx test bench ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Copyright (c) 2000 Jamil Khatib -- -- This VHDL design file is an open design; you can redistribute it and/or -- modify it and/or implement it after contacting the author -- You can check the draft license at -- http://www.opencores.org/OIPC/license.shtml ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Revisions : -- Revision Number : 1 -- Version : 0.1 -- Date : 10 April 2001 -- Modifier : Jamil Khatib (khatib@ieee.org) -- Desccription : Created -- ToOptimize : -- Bugs : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; library hdlc; use hdlc.hdlc_components_pkg.all; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- entity RxTop_ent_tb is end RxTop_ent_tb; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- architecture Rxtop_beh_tb of RxTop_ent_tb is constant ADD_WIDTH : integer := 7; signal Clk : std_logic := '0'; signal rst_n : std_logic := '0'; signal DataBuff : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal EOF : std_logic; signal WrBuff : std_logic; signal FrameSize : std_logic_vector(ADD_WIDTH-1 downto 0); signal RxRdy : std_logic; signal RxDataBuffOut : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal Overflow : std_logic; signal Rd : std_logic; signal RxD : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal ValidFrame : std_logic := '0'; signal rdy : std_logic; signal Readbyte : std_logic; signal FCSen : std_logic := '1'; signal FCSerr : std_logic; begin -- Rxtop_beh_tb Clk <= not Clk after 50 ns; rst_n <= '1' after 120 ns; -- purpose: data generation -- type : sequential -- inputs : Clk, rst_n -- outputs: process (Clk, rst_n) begin -- PROCESS if rst_n = '0' then -- asynchronous reset (active low) RxD <= (others => '0'); elsif Clk'event and Clk = '1' then -- rising clock edge RxD <= RxD + 1; end if; end process; -- purpose: serial interface EBM -- type : combinational -- inputs : -- outputs: process variable counter : integer := 0; variable FrameCount : integer := 0; -- Frame Counter begin -- PROCESS rdy <= '0'; -- Wait three clocks wait until Clk = '0'; wait until Clk = '0'; wait until Clk = '0'; ValidFrame <= '1'; wait until Clk = '0'; wait until Clk = '0'; wait until Clk = '0'; while (true) loop wait until clk = '0'; counter := counter +1; if (counter = 8) then FrameCount := FrameCount +1; rdy <= '1'; wait until clk = '0'; end if; if (Readbyte = '1') then WAIT UNTIL clk = '1'; rdy <= '0'; counter := 0; end if; if (FrameCount = 15 ) then ValidFrame <= '0'; end if; end loop; end process; -- purpose: Backend EBM -- type : combinational -- inputs : -- outputs: Backend_EBM : process variable flag : std_logic := '0'; -- tatus flag variable counter : integer := 0; -- counter begin -- PROCESS Backend_EBM rd <= '0'; wait until RxRdy = '1'; while counter /= conv_integer(FrameSize) loop wait until clk = '0'; counter := counter +1; Rd <= '1'; end loop; counter := 0; Rd <= '0'; end process Backend_EBM; DUT1 : RxBuff_ent generic map ( FCS_TYPE => 2, ADD_WIDTH => ADD_WIDTH) port map ( Clk => Clk, rst_n => rst_n, DataBuff => DataBuff, EOF => EOF, WrBuff => WrBuff, FrameSize => FrameSize, RxRdy => RxRdy, RxDataBuffOut => RxDataBuffOut, Overflow => Overflow, Rd => Rd); DUT2 : RxFCS_ent GENERIC MAP ( FCS_TYPE => 2) port map ( clk => clk, rst_n => rst_n, RxD => RxD, ValidFrame => ValidFrame, rdy => rdy, Readbyte => Readbyte, DataBuff => DataBuff, WrBuff => WrBuff, EOF => EOF, FCSen => FCSen, FCSerr => FCSerr); end Rxtop_beh_tb;
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