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------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Title : Tools Package -- Project : Utility library ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- File : tools.vhd -- Author : Jamil Khatib (khatib@ieee.org) -- Organization: OpenIPCore Project -- Created : 2000/11/02 -- Last update : 2000/11/02 -- Platform : -- Simulators : Modelsim 5.3XE/Windows98 -- Synthesizers: -- Target : -- Dependency : ieee.std_logic_1164 -- ieee.std_logic_arith -- ieee.std_logic_unsigned -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Description: This package contains set of usefull functions and procedures ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Copyright (c) 2000 Jamil Khatib -- -- This VHDL design file is an open design; you can redistribute it and/or -- modify it and/or implement it after contacting the author -- You can check the draft license at -- http://www.opencores.org/OIPC/license.shtml ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Revisions : -- Revision Number : 1 -- Version : 0.1 -- Date : 2nd Nov 2000 -- Modifier : Jamil Khatib (khatib@ieee.org) -- Desccription : Created -- ---------- Revisions : -- Revision Number : 2 -- Version : 0.2 -- Date : 14 Nov 2000 -- Modifier : Jamil Khatib (khatib@ieee.org) -- Desccription : Shift functions and int_2_slv are added ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.std_logic_arith.all; use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; package tools_pkg is ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Types -- Memory arraye type of std_logic_vector -- type std_memory_array_typ is array (integer range <>) of std_logic_vector(5 downto 0); --integer range <>); -- Memory arraye type of std_ulogic_vector -- type stdu_memory_array_typ is array (integer range <>) of std_ulogic_vector(integer range <>); -- Sign magnitude numbers based on std_logic_vector (The msb represents the sign) type SIGN_MAG_typ is array (natural range <>) of std_logic; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Functions function Log2( input : integer ) return integer; -- log2 functions function slv_2_int ( SLV : std_logic_vector) return integer; -- --std_logic_vector --to integer function "+"(A, B : SIGN_MAG_typ) return SIGN_MAG_typ; -- sign_magnitude addition function "-"(A, B : SIGN_MAG_typ) return SIGN_MAG_typ; -- sign_magnitude -- subtraction ( -- based on -- complement operations) function LeftShift ( InReg : std_logic_vector; -- Input Register ShSize : std_logic_vector) -- Shift Size return std_logic_vector; function RightShift ( InReg : std_logic_vector; -- Input register ShSize : std_logic_vector) -- Shift Size return std_logic_vector; function int_2_slv (val, SIZE : integer) return std_logic_vector; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- end tools_pkg; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- package body tools_pkg is ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Log2( input : integer ) -- input number return integer is variable temp, log : integer; begin assert input /= 0 report "Error : function missuse : log2(zero)" severity failure; temp := input; log := 0; while (temp /= 0) loop temp := temp/2; log := log+1; end loop; return log; end log2; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- function LOG2(COUNT:INTEGER) return INTEGER is -- COUNT should be >0 variable TEMP:INTEGER; -- variable TEMP : integer; -- variable cnt : integer; -- begin -- cnt := COUNT; -- -- TEMP:=0; -- while COUNT>1 loop -- TEMP:=TEMP+1; -- cnt:=cnt/2; -- end loop; -- return TEMP; -- end log2; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function slv_2_int ( SLV : std_logic_vector) -- std_logic_vector to convert return integer is variable Result : integer := 0; -- conversion result begin for i in SLV'range loop Result := Result * 2; -- shift the variable to left case SLV(i) is when '1' | 'H' => Result := Result + 1; when '0' | 'L' => Result := Result + 0; when others => null; end case; end loop; return Result; end; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function "+"(A, B : SIGN_MAG_typ) return SIGN_MAG_typ is variable VA, VB, VR : unsigned(A'length - 1 downto 0); -- include the overflow bit variable SA, SB, SR : std_logic; variable TMP, RES : SIGN_MAG_typ(A'length - 1 downto 0); variable casevar : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); variable std_tmp : std_logic_vector(A'length - 1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); begin assert A'length = B'length report "Error : length mismatch" severity failure; TMP := A; SA := TMP(A'length - 1); VA := '0' & unsigned(TMP(A'length - 2 downto 0)); TMP := B; SB := TMP(B'length - 1); VB := '0' & unsigned(TMP(B'length - 2 downto 0)); casevar := SA & SB; case casevar is when "00" |"11" => VR := VA + VB; SR := SA; when "01" => VR := VA - VB; SR := VR(VR'length - 1); if SR = '1' then std_tmp(VR'length -2 downto 0) := std_logic_vector(VR(VR'length -2 downto 0)); std_tmp := not std_tmp; VR(VR'length -2 downto 0) := unsigned(std_tmp(VR'length -2 downto 0)); VR(VR'length -2 downto 0) := VR(VR'length -2 downto 0) +1; end if; when "10" => VR := VB - VA; SR := VR(VR'length - 1); if SR = '1' then std_tmp(VR'length -2 downto 0) := std_logic_vector(VR(VR'length -2 downto 0)); std_tmp := not std_tmp; VR(VR'length -2 downto 0) := unsigned(std_tmp(VR'length -2 downto 0)); VR(VR'length -2 downto 0) := VR(VR'length -2 downto 0) +1; end if; when others => null; end case; RES := SIGN_MAG_typ(SR & VR(VR'length -2 downto 0)); return RES; end "+"; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- function "+"(A, B: SIGN_MAG) return SIGN_MAG is -- variable VA, VB, VR: UNSIGNED(A'length - 2 downto 0); -- variable SA, SB, SR: STD_LOGIC; -- variable TMP, RES: SIGN_MAG(A'length - 1 downto 0); --begin -- assert A'length = B'length -- report "Error" -- severity FAILURE; -- TMP := A; -- SA := TMP(A'length - 1); -- VA := UNSIGNED(TMP(A'length - 2 downto 0)); -- TMP := B; -- SB := TMP(B'length - 1); -- VB := UNSIGNED(TMP(B'length - 2 downto 0)); -- if (SA = SB) then -- VR := VA + VB; -- SR := SA; -- elsif (VA >= VB) then -- VR := VA - VB; -- SR := SA; -- else -- VR := VB - VA; -- SR := SB; -- end if; -- RES := SIGN_MAG(SR & VR); -- return RES; --end "+"; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function "-"(A, B : SIGN_MAG_typ) return SIGN_MAG_typ is variable TMP : SIGN_MAG_typ(A'length - 1 downto 0); begin assert A'length = B'length report "Error : length mismach" severity failure; TMP := B; TMP(B'length - 1) := not TMP(B'length - 1); return A + TMP; end "-"; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- purpose: combinational left shift register function LeftShift ( InReg : std_logic_vector; -- Input Register ShSize : std_logic_vector) -- Shift Size return std_logic_vector is constant REGSIZE : integer := InReg'length; -- Register Size variable VarReg : std_logic_vector(InReg'length -1 downto 0); -- Local storage for shifter constant SHIFTSIZE : integer := log2(InReg'length); -- Shift size begin VarReg := inReg; for i in 0 to SHIFTSIZE -2 loop if ShSize(i) = '1' then VarReg(REGSIZE -1 downto 0) := VarReg( (REGSIZE-(2**i)-1) downto 0) & ((2**i)-1 downto 0 => '0'); end if; end loop; -- i if ShSize(SHIFTSIZE-1) = '1' then VarReg := (others => '0'); end if; return VarReg; end LeftShift; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- purpose: combinational Right shift register function RightShift ( InReg : std_logic_vector; -- Input register ShSize : std_logic_vector) -- Shift Size return std_logic_vector is constant REGSIZE : integer := InReg'length; -- Register Size variable VarReg : std_logic_vector(InReg'length -1 downto 0); -- Local storage for shifter constant SHIFTSIZE : integer := log2(InReg'length); -- Shift size begin -- RightShift VarReg := inReg; for i in 0 to SHIFTSIZE -2 loop if ShSize(i) = '1' then VarReg(REGSIZE -1 downto 0) := (REGSIZE-1 downto REGSIZE-(2**i) => '0') & VarReg(REGSIZE -1 downto (2**i)); end if; end loop; -- i if ShSize(SHIFTSIZE-1) = '1' then VarReg := (others => '0'); end if; return VarReg; end RightShift; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- purpose: Integer to Std_logic_vector conversion function int_2_slv (val, SIZE : integer) return std_logic_vector is variable result : std_logic_vector(SIZE-1 downto 0); variable l_val : integer := val; begin assert SIZE > 1 report "Error : function missuse : in_2_slv(val, negative size)" severity failure; for i in 0 to result'length-1 loop if (l_val mod 2) = 0 then result(i) := '0'; else result(i) := '1'; end if; l_val := l_val/2; end loop; return result; end int_2_slv; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end tools_pkg;